#pragma once #include <chrono> #include "Entity.h" #include "Component.h" #include "eReplicaComponentType.h" /** * Information regarding which players may visit this property */ enum class PropertyPrivacyOption { /** * Default, only you can visit your property */ Private = 0, /** * Your friends can visit your property */ Friends = 1, /** * Requires Mythran approval, everyone can visit your property */ Public = 2 }; /** * Main component that handles interactions with a property, generally the plaques you see on properties. */ class PropertyManagementComponent : public Component { public: static const eReplicaComponentType ComponentType = eReplicaComponentType::PROPERTY_MANAGEMENT; PropertyManagementComponent(Entity* parent); static PropertyManagementComponent* Instance(); /** * Event handler for when an entity requests information about this property, will send back whether it's owned, etc. * @param originator the entity that triggered the event * @param sysAddr the address to send game message responses to * @param author optional explicit ID for the property, if not set defaults to the originator */ void OnQueryPropertyData(Entity* originator, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, LWOOBJID author = LWOOBJID_EMPTY); /** * Handles an OnUse event, telling the client who owns this property, etc. * @param originator the entity that triggered the event */ void OnUse(Entity* originator) override; /** * Sets the owner of this property * @param value the owner to set */ void SetOwnerId(LWOOBJID value); /** * Returns the ID of the owner of this property * @return the ID of the owner of this property */ LWOOBJID GetOwnerId() const; /** * Returns the owner of this property * @return the owner of this property */ Entity* GetOwner() const; /** * sets the owner of this property * @param value the owner to set */ void SetOwner(Entity* value); /** * Returns the paths that this property has * @return the paths that this property has */ std::vector<NiPoint3> GetPaths() const; /** * Returns the privacy options for this property * @return the privacy options for this property */ PropertyPrivacyOption GetPrivacyOption() const; /** * Updates the privacy option for this property * @param value the privacy option to set */ void SetPrivacyOption(PropertyPrivacyOption value); /** * Updates information of this property, saving it to the database * @param name the name to set for the property * @param description the description to set for the property */ void UpdatePropertyDetails(std::string name, std::string description); /** * Makes this property owned by the passed player ID, storing it in the database * @param playerId the ID of the entity that claimed the property * * @return If the claim is successful return true. */ bool Claim(LWOOBJID playerId); /** * Event triggered when the owner of the property starts building, will kick other entities out */ void OnStartBuilding(); /** * Event triggered when the owner of the property finished building, will re-apply this property for moderation * request. */ void OnFinishBuilding(); /** * Updates the position of a model on the property * @param id the ID of the model to reposition * @param position the position to place the model on * @param rotation the rotation to place the model on */ void UpdateModelPosition(LWOOBJID id, NiPoint3 position, NiQuaternion rotation); /** * Deletes a model for a property * @param id the ID of the model to delete * @param deleteReason the reason of the deletion, e.g. picked up or destroyed (in case of UGC) */ void DeleteModel(LWOOBJID id, int deleteReason); /** * Updates whether or not this property is approved by a moderator * @param value true if the property should be approved, false otherwise */ void UpdateApprovedStatus(bool value); /** * Loads all the models on this property from the database */ void Load(); /** * Saves all the models from this property to the database */ void Save(); /** * Adds a model to the cache of models * @param modelId the ID of the model * @param spawnerId the ID of the object that spawned the model */ void AddModel(LWOOBJID modelId, LWOOBJID spawnerId); /** * Returns all the models on this property, indexed by property ID, containing their spawn objects * @return all the models on this proeprty */ const std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOOBJID>& GetModels() const; LWOCLONEID GetCloneId() { return clone_Id; }; private: /** * This */ static PropertyManagementComponent* instance; /** * The ID of the owner of this property */ LWOOBJID owner = LWOOBJID_EMPTY; /** * The LOT of this console */ uint32_t templateId = 0; /** * The unique ID for this property, if it's owned */ LWOOBJID propertyId = LWOOBJID_EMPTY; /** * The time since this property was claimed */ uint64_t claimedTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); /** * The models that are placed on this property */ std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOOBJID> models = {}; /** * The name of this property */ std::string propertyName = ""; /** * The clone ID of this property */ LWOCLONEID clone_Id = 0; /** * Whether a moderator was requested */ bool moderatorRequested = false; /** * The rejection reason for the property */ std::string rejectionReason = ""; /** * The description of this property */ std::string propertyDescription = ""; /** * The reputation of this property */ uint32_t reputation = 0; /** * The last time this property was updated */ uint32_t LastUpdatedTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); /** * Determines which players may visit this property */ PropertyPrivacyOption privacyOption = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private; /** * The privacy setting before it was changed, saved to set back after a player finishes building */ PropertyPrivacyOption originalPrivacyOption = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private; };