#pragma once
#include "CppScripts.h"

struct DigInfo {
    LOT digLot; // The lot of the chest
    LOT spawnLot; // Option lot of pet to spawn
    int32_t requiredMission; // Optional mission required before pet can be spawned, if < 0 == don't use
    bool specificPet; // This treasure requires a specific pet to be dug up
    bool xBuild; // This treasure is retrieved from a buildable cross
    bool bouncer; // This treasure spawns a bouncer
    bool builderOnly; // Only the builder of this diggable may access the rewards, for example with crosses

class PetDigServer : public CppScripts::Script
    void OnStartup(Entity* self) override;
    void OnDie(Entity* self, Entity* killer) override;

	static Entity* GetClosestTresure(NiPoint3 position);

    static void ProgressPetDigMissions(const Entity* owner, const Entity* chest);
    static void SpawnPet(Entity* self, const Entity* owner, DigInfo digInfo);
    static void HandleXBuildDig(const Entity* self, Entity* owner, Entity* pet);
    static void HandleBouncerDig(const Entity* self, const Entity* owner);
    static std::vector<LWOOBJID> treasures;
    static const DigInfo defaultDigInfo;
    static const std::map<LOT, DigInfo> digInfoMap;