#include "NiPoint3.h" // C++ #include <cmath> // MARK: Member Functions //! Gets the length of the vector float NiPoint3::Length() const { return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } //! Unitize the vector NiPoint3 NiPoint3::Unitize() const { float length = this->Length(); return length != 0 ? *this / length : NiPoint3Constant::ZERO; } // MARK: Helper Functions float NiPoint3::Angle(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) { const auto dot = a.DotProduct(b); const auto lenA = a.SquaredLength(); const auto lenB = a.SquaredLength(); return acos(dot / sqrt(lenA * lenB)); } float NiPoint3::Distance(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) { const auto dx = a.x - b.x; const auto dy = a.y - b.y; const auto dz = a.z - b.z; return std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); } NiPoint3 NiPoint3::MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target, const float maxDistanceDelta) { float dx = target.x - current.x; float dy = target.y - current.y; float dz = target.z - current.z; float lengthSquared = static_cast<float>( static_cast<double>(dx) * static_cast<double>(dx) + static_cast<double>(dy) * static_cast<double>(dy) + static_cast<double>(dz) * static_cast<double>(dz) ); if (static_cast<double>(lengthSquared) == 0.0 || static_cast<double>(maxDistanceDelta) >= 0.0 && static_cast<double>(lengthSquared) <= static_cast<double>(maxDistanceDelta) * static_cast<double>(maxDistanceDelta)) { return target; } float length = std::sqrt(lengthSquared); return NiPoint3(current.x + dx / length * maxDistanceDelta, current.y + dy / length * maxDistanceDelta, current.z + dz / length * maxDistanceDelta); }