#pragma once


#include <map>
#include <stack>

#include "BehaviorSlot.h"
#include "tinyxml2.h"

#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "EquippedItem.h"
#include "Inventory.h"
#include "LDFFormat.h"
#include "DatabasePet.h"
#include "Component.h"
#include "ItemSetPassiveAbility.h"
#include "eItemSetPassiveAbilityID.h"
#include "PossessorComponent.h"
#include "eInventoryType.h"
#include "eReplicaComponentType.h"

class Entity;
class ItemSet;

typedef std::map<std::string, EquippedItem> EquipmentMap;

enum class eItemType : int32_t;

 * Handles the inventory of entity, including the items they possess and have equipped. An entity can have inventories
 * of different types, each type representing a different group of items, see `eInventoryType` for a list of
 * inventories.
class InventoryComponent : public Component
	static const eReplicaComponentType ComponentType = eReplicaComponentType::INVENTORY;
	explicit InventoryComponent(Entity* parent, tinyxml2::XMLDocument* document = nullptr);

	void Update(float deltaTime) override;
	void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate, unsigned int& flags);
	void LoadXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* document);
	void UpdateXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* document) override;
	void ResetFlags();

	 * Returns an inventory of the specified type, if it exists
	 * @param type the inventory type to find an inventory for
	 * @return the inventory of the specified type
	Inventory* GetInventory(eInventoryType type);

	 * Returns all the inventories this entity has, indexed by type
	 * @return all the inventories this entity has, indexed by type
	const std::map<eInventoryType, Inventory*>& GetInventories() const;

	 * Returns the amount of items this entity possesses of a certain LOT
	 * @param lot the lot to search for
	 * @return the amount of items this entity possesses the specified LOT
	uint32_t GetLotCount(LOT lot) const;

	 * Returns the amount of items this entity possesses of a LOT, given that they're not in a temporary inventory
	 * (vendor buyback, vault, etc).
	 * @param lot the lot to search for
	 * @return the amount of items this entity possesses of the specified lot
	uint32_t GetLotCountNonTransfer(LOT lot) const;

	 * Returns the items that are currently equipped by this entity
	 * @return the items that are currently equipped by this entity
	const EquipmentMap& GetEquippedItems() const;

	 * Adds an item to the inventory of the entity
	 * @param lot the lot to add
	 * @param count the amount of items to add
	 * @param inventoryType the inventory to add the item to
	 * @param config optional config for this item, used for example for rockets
	 * @param parent optional parent of this item, used for proxy items
	 * @param showFlyingLoot show a client animation if the item is added
	 * @param isModMoveAndEquip equips the item
	 * @param subKey optional sub ID of a related object, used by pets
	 * @param inventorySourceType if the inventory was moved, the source inventory
	 * @param sourceType the source of the item, used to determine if the item is dropped or mailed if the inventory is full
	 * @param bound whether this item is bound
	 * @param preferredSlot the preferred slot to store this item
	 * @param lootSourceType The source of the loot.  Defaults to none.
	void AddItem(
		LOT lot,
		uint32_t count,
		eLootSourceType lootSourceType = eLootSourceType::LOOT_SOURCE_NONE,
		eInventoryType inventoryType = INVALID,
		const std::vector<LDFBaseData*>& config = {},
		bool showFlyingLoot = true,
		bool isModMoveAndEquip = false,
		eInventoryType inventorySourceType = INVALID,
		int32_t sourceType = 0,
		bool bound = false,
		int32_t preferredSlot = -1

	 * Removes a LOT from the inventory
	 * @param lot the lot to remove
	 * @param count the number of items to remove
	 * @param inventoryType optional inventory type to remove the item from
	 * @param ignoreBound ignores bound items
	void RemoveItem(LOT lot, uint32_t count, eInventoryType inventoryType = INVALID, bool ignoreBound = false);

	 * Moves an existing item to an inventory of the entity
	 * @param item the item to add
	 * @param inventory the inventory to add the item to
	 * @param count the number of items to add
	 * @param showFlyingLot displays UI animation to the user
	 * @param isModMoveAndEquip equips the item
	 * @param ignoreEquipped does not stack on equipped items
	 * @param preferredSlot the preferred slot to store the item in
	void MoveItemToInventory(Item* item, eInventoryType inventory, uint32_t count, bool showFlyingLot = true, bool isModMoveAndEquip = false, bool ignoreEquipped = false, int32_t preferredSlot = -1);

	 * Moves a stack of items to an inventory
	 * @param item the item to move
	 * @param inventory the inventory to move the item to
	 * @param slot the slot in the inventory to move the item to
	void MoveStack(Item* item, eInventoryType inventory, uint32_t slot = 0);

	 * Returns an item in the inventory by object ID
	 * @param id the id of the item to find
	 * @return item in the inventory by object ID
	Item* FindItemById(LWOOBJID id) const;

	 * Returns an item in the inventory that matches the specified LOT
	 * @param lot the lot of the item to find
	 * @param inventoryType optional inventory to search in
	 * @param ignoreEquipped ignores items that are equipped
	 * @param ignoreBound ignores items that are bound
	 * @return item in the inventory that matches the specified LOT
	Item* FindItemByLot(LOT lot, eInventoryType inventoryType = INVALID, bool ignoreEquipped = false, bool ignoreBound = false);

	 * Finds an item in the inventory that has the specified subkey, useful for pets
	 * @param id the subkey to look for
	 * @param inventoryType optional inventory type to search in
	 * @return item in the inventory that has the specified subkey
	Item* FindItemBySubKey(LWOOBJID id, eInventoryType inventoryType = INVALID);

	 * Checks if the entity has enough space for a batch of loot
	 * @param loot a map of items to add and how many to add
	 * @return whether the entity has enough space for all the items
	bool HasSpaceForLoot(const std::unordered_map<LOT, int32_t>& loot);

	 * Equips an item in the specified slot
	 * @param location the location to store the item (e.g. chest, left hand, etc.)
	 * @param item the item to place
	 * @param keepCurrent stores the item in an additional temp slot if there's already an item equipped
	void UpdateSlot(const std::string& location, EquippedItem item, bool keepCurrent = false);

	 * Removes a slot from the inventory
	 * @param location the slot to remove
	void RemoveSlot(const std::string& location);

	 * Equips the given item, guesses the slot to equip it in
	 * @param item the item to equip
	 * @param skipChecks skips checks for equipping cars and rockets (e.g. no special behavior follows)
	void EquipItem(Item* item, bool skipChecks = false);

	 * Unequips an item from the inventory
	 * @param item the item to unequip
	void UnEquipItem(Item* item);

	 * Unequips an Item from the inventory
	 * @param item the Item to unequip
	 * @return if we were successful
	void HandlePossession(Item* item);

	 * Adds a buff related to equipping a lot to the entity
	 * @param item the item to find buffs for
	void ApplyBuff(Item* item) const;

	 * Removes buffs related to equipping a lot from the entity
	 * @param item the item to find buffs for
	void RemoveBuff(Item* item) const;

	 * Saves the equipped items into a temp state
	void PushEquippedItems();

	 * Unequips all the temporary items and equips the previous item state
	void PopEquippedItems();

	 * Returns if the entity has an item equipped of the given lot
	 * @param lot to lot to search for
	 * @return if the entity has an item equipped of the given lot
	bool IsEquipped(LOT lot) const;

	 * Checks and ensures that we have loaded the item set that might be related to this item
	 * @param lot the lot to check the item set for
	void CheckItemSet(LOT lot);

	 * Sets the current consumable lot
	 * @param lot the lot to set as consumable
	void SetConsumable(LOT lot);

	 * Returns the current consumable lot
	 * @return the current consumable lot
	LOT GetConsumable() const;

	 * Finds all the buffs related to a lot
	 * @param item the item to get the buffs for
	 * @param castOnEquip if true, the skill missions for these buffs will be progressed
	 * @return the buffs related to the specified lot
	std::vector<uint32_t> FindBuffs(Item* item, bool castOnEquip) const;

	 * Initializes the equipped items with a list of items
	 * @param items the items to equip
	void SetNPCItems(const std::vector<LOT>& items);

	 * Adds a skill related to a passed item to the currently equipped skills
	 * @param lot the lot to add a skill for
	void AddItemSkills(LOT lot);

	 * Removes the skills related to the passed LOT from the currently equipped skills
	 * @param lot the lot to remove
	void RemoveItemSkills(LOT lot);

	 * Triggers one of the passive abilities from the equipped item set
	 * @param trigger the trigger to fire
	void TriggerPassiveAbility(PassiveAbilityTrigger trigger, Entity* target = nullptr);

	 * Returns if the entity has any of the passed passive abilities equipped
	 * @param passiveIDs the IDs to check for
	 * @param equipmentRequirement the number of equipment required to be allowed to have the ability
	 * @return if the entity has any of the passed passive abilities equipped
	bool HasAnyPassive(const std::vector<eItemSetPassiveAbilityID>& passiveIDs, int32_t equipmentRequirement) const;

	 * Despawns the currently active pet, if any
	void DespawnPet();

	 * Spawns the item as a pet (if it is one)
	 * @param item the pet to spawn
	void SpawnPet(Item* item);

	 * Updates the database pet data for an item (e.g. moderation status)
	 * @param id the id of the pet to find
	 * @param data the data to store on the pet
	void SetDatabasePet(LWOOBJID id, const DatabasePet& data);

	 * Returns the database pet information for an object
	 * @param id the object ID to search for
	 * @return the database pet information for the object that belongs to the passed id
	const DatabasePet& GetDatabasePet(LWOOBJID id) const;

	 * Checks if the provided object ID is in this inventory and is a pet
	 * @param id the id of the object to check for
	 * @return if the provided object ID is in this inventory and is a pet
	bool IsPet(LWOOBJID id) const;

	 * Removes pet database information from the item with the specified object id
	 * @param id the object id to remove pet info for
	void RemoveDatabasePet(LWOOBJID id);

	 * Returns the current behavior slot active for the passed item type
	 * @param type the item type to find the behavior slot for
	 * @return the current behavior slot active for the passed item type
	static BehaviorSlot FindBehaviorSlot(eItemType type);

	 * Checks if the inventory type is a temp inventory
	 * @param type the inventory type to check
	 * @return if the inventory type is a temp inventory
	static bool IsTransferInventory(eInventoryType type);

	 * Finds the skill related to the passed LOT from the ObjectSkills table
	 * @param lot the lot to find
	 * @return the skill related to the passed LOT
	static uint32_t FindSkill(LOT lot);

	 * Call this when you equip an item.  This calls OnFactionTriggerItemEquipped for any scripts found on the items.
	 * @param equippedItem The item script to lookup and call equip on
	void EquipScripts(Item* equippedItem);

	 * Call this when you unequip an item.  This calls OnFactionTriggerItemUnequipped for any scripts found on the items.
	 * @param unequippedItem The item script to lookup and call unequip on
	void UnequipScripts(Item* unequippedItem);

	~InventoryComponent() override;

	 * All the inventory this entity possesses
	std::map<eInventoryType, Inventory*> m_Inventories;

	 * The skills that this entity currently has active
	std::map<BehaviorSlot, uint32_t> m_Skills;

	 * The pets this entity has, mapped by object ID and pet info
	std::unordered_map<LWOOBJID, DatabasePet> m_Pets;

	 * Cache of item sets this entity has encountered
	std::vector<ItemSet*> m_Itemsets;

	 * The LOTs we've checked all the item sets for (for cache reasons)
	std::vector<LOT> m_ItemSetsChecked;

	 * all the equipped items
	EquipmentMap m_Equipped;

	 * Clone of the equipped items before unequipping all of them
	EquipmentMap m_Pushed;

	 * If the inventory has changed
	bool m_Dirty;

	 * The currently active consumable
	LOT m_Consumable;

	 * Currently has a car equipped
	bool hasCarEquipped = false;
	Entity* equippedCarEntity = nullptr;
	LWOOBJID previousPossessableID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
	 * Creates all the proxy items (subitems) for a parent item
	 * @param parent the parent item to generate all the subitems for
	 * @return the proxy items (subitems) for a parent item
	std::vector<Item*> GenerateProxies(Item* parent);

	 * Finds all the proxy items in this inventory for a given parent item
	 * @param parent the parent to find proxy items for
	 * @return the proxy items for the parent
	std::vector<Item*> FindProxies(LWOOBJID parent);

	 * Returns true if the provided LWOOBJID is the parent of this Item.
	 * @param parent the parent item to check for proxies
	 * @return if the provided ID is a valid proxy item
	bool IsValidProxy(LWOOBJID parent);

	 * Returns if the provided ID is a valid proxy item (e.g. we have children for it)
	 * @param parent the parent item to check for
	 * @return if the provided ID is a valid proxy item
	bool IsParentValid(Item* root);

	 * Removes all the proxy items that have a dangling parent
	void CheckProxyIntegrity();

	 * Removes all the proxy items for a given parent from the inventory
	 * @param item the item to remove proxy items for
	void PurgeProxies(Item* item);

	 * Saves all the pet information stored in inventory items to the database
	 * @param document the xml doc to save to
	void LoadPetXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* document);

	 * Loads all the pet information from an xml doc into items
	 * @param document the xml doc to load from
	void UpdatePetXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* document);
