#include "InstanceManager.h" #include <string> #include "Game.h" #include "dServer.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "dConfig.h" #include "CDClientDatabase.h" #include "CDClientManager.h" #include "CDZoneTableTable.h" #include "MasterPackets.h" #include "BitStreamUtils.h" #include "eConnectionType.h" #include "eMasterMessageType.h" #include "Start.h" InstanceManager::InstanceManager(Logger* logger, const std::string& externalIP) { mLogger = logger; mExternalIP = externalIP; m_LastPort = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint16_t>(Game::config->GetValue("world_port_start")).value_or(m_LastPort); m_LastInstanceID = LWOINSTANCEID_INVALID; } InstanceManager::~InstanceManager() { for (Instance* i : m_Instances) { delete i; i = nullptr; } } Instance* InstanceManager::GetInstance(LWOMAPID mapID, bool isFriendTransfer, LWOCLONEID cloneID) { LOG("Searching for an instance for mapID %i/%i", mapID, cloneID); Instance* instance = FindInstance(mapID, isFriendTransfer, cloneID); if (instance) return instance; // If we are shutting down, return a nullptr so a new instance is not created. if (m_IsShuttingDown) { LOG("Tried to create a new instance map/instance/clone %i/%i/%i, but Master is shutting down.", mapID, m_LastInstanceID + 1, cloneID); return nullptr; } //TODO: Update this so that the IP is read from a configuration file instead int softCap = 8; int maxPlayers = 12; if (mapID == 0) { softCap = 999; maxPlayers = softCap; } else { softCap = GetSoftCap(mapID); maxPlayers = GetHardCap(mapID); } uint32_t port = GetFreePort(); instance = new Instance(mExternalIP, port, mapID, ++m_LastInstanceID, cloneID, softCap, maxPlayers); //Start the actual process: StartWorldServer(mapID, port, m_LastInstanceID, maxPlayers, cloneID); m_Instances.push_back(instance); if (instance) { LOG("Created new instance: %i/%i/%i with min/max %i/%i", mapID, m_LastInstanceID, cloneID, softCap, maxPlayers); return instance; } else LOG("Failed to create a new instance!"); return nullptr; } bool InstanceManager::IsPortInUse(uint32_t port) { for (Instance* i : m_Instances) { if (i && i->GetPort() == port) { return true; } } return false; } uint32_t InstanceManager::GetFreePort() { uint32_t port = m_LastPort; std::vector<uint32_t> usedPorts; for (Instance* i : m_Instances) { usedPorts.push_back(i->GetPort()); } std::sort(usedPorts.begin(), usedPorts.end()); int portIdx = 0; while (portIdx < usedPorts.size() && port == usedPorts[portIdx]) { //increment by 3 since each instance uses 3 ports (instance, world-server, world-chat) port += 3; portIdx++; } return port; } void InstanceManager::AddPlayer(SystemAddress systemAddr, LWOMAPID mapID, LWOINSTANCEID instanceID) { Instance* inst = FindInstance(mapID, instanceID); if (inst) { Player player; player.addr = systemAddr; player.id = 0; //TODO: Update this to include the LWOOBJID of the player's character. inst->AddPlayer(player); } } void InstanceManager::RemovePlayer(SystemAddress systemAddr, LWOMAPID mapID, LWOINSTANCEID instanceID) { Instance* inst = FindInstance(mapID, instanceID); if (inst) { Player player; player.addr = systemAddr; player.id = 0; //TODO: Update this to include the LWOOBJID of the player's character. inst->RemovePlayer(player); } } std::vector<Instance*> InstanceManager::GetInstances() const { return m_Instances; } void InstanceManager::AddInstance(Instance* instance) { if (instance == nullptr) return; m_Instances.push_back(instance); } void InstanceManager::RemoveInstance(Instance* instance) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_Instances.size(); ++i) { if (m_Instances[i] == instance) { instance->SetShutdownComplete(true); if (!Game::ShouldShutdown()) RedirectPendingRequests(instance); delete m_Instances[i]; m_Instances.erase(m_Instances.begin() + i); break; } } } void InstanceManager::ReadyInstance(Instance* instance) { instance->SetIsReady(true); auto& pending = instance->GetPendingRequests(); for (const auto& request : pending) { const auto& zoneId = instance->GetZoneID(); LOG("Responding to pending request %llu -> %i (%i)", request, zoneId.GetMapID(), zoneId.GetCloneID()); MasterPackets::SendZoneTransferResponse( Game::server, request.sysAddr, request.id, request.mythranShift, zoneId.GetMapID(), zoneId.GetInstanceID(), zoneId.GetCloneID(), instance->GetIP(), instance->GetPort() ); } pending.clear(); } void InstanceManager::RequestAffirmation(Instance* instance, const PendingInstanceRequest& request) { instance->GetPendingAffirmations().push_back(request); CBITSTREAM; BitStreamUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, eConnectionType::MASTER, eMasterMessageType::AFFIRM_TRANSFER_REQUEST); bitStream.Write(request.id); Game::server->Send(bitStream, instance->GetSysAddr(), false); LOG("Sent affirmation request %llu to %i/%i", request.id, static_cast<int>(instance->GetZoneID().GetMapID()), static_cast<int>(instance->GetZoneID().GetCloneID()) ); } void InstanceManager::AffirmTransfer(Instance* instance, const uint64_t transferID) { auto& pending = instance->GetPendingAffirmations(); for (auto i = 0u; i < pending.size(); ++i) { const auto& request = pending[i]; if (request.id != transferID) continue; const auto& zoneId = instance->GetZoneID(); MasterPackets::SendZoneTransferResponse( Game::server, request.sysAddr, request.id, request.mythranShift, zoneId.GetMapID(), zoneId.GetInstanceID(), zoneId.GetCloneID(), instance->GetIP(), instance->GetPort() ); pending.erase(pending.begin() + i); break; } } void InstanceManager::RedirectPendingRequests(Instance* instance) { const auto& zoneId = instance->GetZoneID(); for (const auto& request : instance->GetPendingAffirmations()) { auto* in = Game::im->GetInstance(zoneId.GetMapID(), false, zoneId.GetCloneID()); if (in && !in->GetIsReady()) // Instance not ready, make a pending request { in->GetPendingRequests().push_back(request); continue; } Game::im->RequestAffirmation(in, request); } } Instance* InstanceManager::GetInstanceBySysAddr(SystemAddress& sysAddr) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_Instances.size(); ++i) { if (m_Instances[i] && m_Instances[i]->GetSysAddr() == sysAddr) { return m_Instances[i]; } } return nullptr; } bool InstanceManager::IsInstanceFull(Instance* instance, bool isFriendTransfer) { if (!isFriendTransfer && instance->GetSoftCap() > instance->GetCurrentClientCount()) return false; else if (isFriendTransfer && instance->GetHardCap() > instance->GetCurrentClientCount()) return false; return true; } Instance* InstanceManager::FindInstance(LWOMAPID mapID, bool isFriendTransfer, LWOCLONEID cloneId) { for (Instance* i : m_Instances) { if (i && i->GetMapID() == mapID && i->GetCloneID() == cloneId && !IsInstanceFull(i, isFriendTransfer) && !i->GetIsPrivate() && !i->GetShutdownComplete() && !i->GetIsShuttingDown()) { return i; } } return nullptr; } Instance* InstanceManager::FindInstance(LWOMAPID mapID, LWOINSTANCEID instanceID) { for (Instance* i : m_Instances) { if (i && i->GetMapID() == mapID && i->GetInstanceID() == instanceID && !i->GetIsPrivate() && !i->GetShutdownComplete() && !i->GetIsShuttingDown()) { return i; } } return nullptr; } Instance* InstanceManager::CreatePrivateInstance(LWOMAPID mapID, LWOCLONEID cloneID, const std::string& password) { auto* instance = FindPrivateInstance(password); if (instance != nullptr) { return instance; } if (m_IsShuttingDown) { LOG("Tried to create a new private instance map/instance/clone %i/%i/%i, but Master is shutting down.", mapID, m_LastInstanceID + 1, cloneID); return nullptr; } int maxPlayers = 999; uint32_t port = GetFreePort(); instance = new Instance(mExternalIP, port, mapID, ++m_LastInstanceID, cloneID, maxPlayers, maxPlayers, true, password); //Start the actual process: StartWorldServer(mapID, port, m_LastInstanceID, maxPlayers, cloneID); m_Instances.push_back(instance); if (instance) return instance; else LOG("Failed to create a new instance!"); return instance; } Instance* InstanceManager::FindPrivateInstance(const std::string& password) { for (auto* instance : m_Instances) { if (!instance) continue; if (!instance->GetIsPrivate()) { continue; } LOG("Password: %s == %s => %d", password.c_str(), instance->GetPassword().c_str(), password == instance->GetPassword()); if (instance->GetPassword() == password) { return instance; } } return nullptr; } int InstanceManager::GetSoftCap(LWOMAPID mapID) { CDZoneTableTable* zoneTable = CDClientManager::GetTable<CDZoneTableTable>(); if (zoneTable) { const CDZoneTable* zone = zoneTable->Query(mapID); if (zone != nullptr) { return zone->population_soft_cap; } } return 8; } int InstanceManager::GetHardCap(LWOMAPID mapID) { CDZoneTableTable* zoneTable = CDClientManager::GetTable<CDZoneTableTable>(); if (zoneTable) { const CDZoneTable* zone = zoneTable->Query(mapID); if (zone != nullptr) { return zone->population_hard_cap; } } return 12; } void Instance::SetShutdownComplete(const bool value) { m_Shutdown = value; } bool Instance::GetShutdownComplete() const { return m_Shutdown; } void Instance::Shutdown() { CBITSTREAM; BitStreamUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, eConnectionType::MASTER, eMasterMessageType::SHUTDOWN); Game::server->Send(bitStream, this->m_SysAddr, false); LOG("Triggered world shutdown for zone/clone/instance %i/%i/%i", GetMapID(), GetCloneID(), GetInstanceID()); }