#pragma once

  \file NiPoint3.hpp
  \brief Defines a point in space in XYZ coordinates

class NiPoint3;
class NiQuaternion;
typedef NiPoint3 Vector3;       //!< The Vector3 class is technically the NiPoint3 class, but typedef'd for clarity in some cases

//! A custom class the defines a point in space
class NiPoint3 {
	float x;            //!< The x position
	float y;            //!< The y position
	float z;            //!< The z position

	//! Initializer

	//! Initializer
	  \param x The x coordinate
	  \param y The y coordinate
	  \param z The z coordinate
	NiPoint3(float x, float y, float z);

	//! Copy Constructor
	  \param point The point to copy
	NiPoint3(const NiPoint3& point);

	//! Destructor

	// MARK: Constants
	static const NiPoint3 ZERO;         //!< Point(0, 0, 0)
	static const NiPoint3 UNIT_X;       //!< Point(1, 0, 0)
	static const NiPoint3 UNIT_Y;       //!< Point(0, 1, 0)
	static const NiPoint3 UNIT_Z;       //!< Point(0, 0, 1)
	static const NiPoint3 UNIT_ALL;     //!< Point(1, 1, 1)

	// MARK: Getters / Setters

	//! Gets the X coordinate
	  \return The x coordinate
	float GetX(void) const;

	//! Sets the X coordinate
	  \param x The x coordinate
	void SetX(float x);

	//! Gets the Y coordinate
	  \return The y coordinate
	float GetY(void) const;

	//! Sets the Y coordinate
	  \param y The y coordinate
	void SetY(float y);

	//! Gets the Z coordinate
	  \return The z coordinate
	float GetZ(void) const;

	//! Sets the Z coordinate
	  \param z The z coordinate
	void SetZ(float z);

	// MARK: Member Functions

	//! Gets the length of the vector
	  \return The scalar length of the vector
	float Length(void) const;

	//! Gets the squared length of a vector
	  \return The squared length of a vector
	float SquaredLength(void) const;

	//! Returns the dot product of the vector dotted with another vector
	  \param vec The second vector
	  \return The dot product of the two vectors
	float DotProduct(const Vector3& vec) const;

	//! Returns the cross product of the vector crossed with another vector
	  \param vec The second vector
	  \return The cross product of the two vectors
	Vector3 CrossProduct(const Vector3& vec) const;

	//! Unitize the vector
	  \returns The current vector
	NiPoint3 Unitize(void) const;

	// MARK: Operators

	//! Operator to check for equality
	bool operator==(const NiPoint3& point) const;

	//! Operator to check for inequality
	bool operator!=(const NiPoint3& point) const;

	//! Operator for subscripting
	float& operator[](int i);

	//! Operator for subscripting
	const float& operator[](int i) const;

	//! Operator for addition of vectors
	NiPoint3 operator+(const NiPoint3& point) const;

	//! Operator for addition of vectors
	NiPoint3 operator+=(const NiPoint3& point) const;

	//! Operator for subtraction of vectors
	NiPoint3 operator-(const NiPoint3& point) const;

	//! Operator for addition of a scalar on all vector components
	NiPoint3 operator+(float fScalar) const;

	//! Operator for subtraction of a scalar on all vector components
	NiPoint3 operator-(float fScalar) const;

	//! Operator for scalar multiplication of a vector
	NiPoint3 operator*(float fScalar) const;

	//! Operator for scalar division of a vector
	NiPoint3 operator/(float fScalar) const;

	// MARK: Helper Functions

	//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is with an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
	  \param minPoint The minimum point of the bounding box
	  \param maxPoint The maximum point of the bounding box
	  \return Whether or not this point lies within the box
	bool IsWithinAxisAlignedBox(const NiPoint3& minPoint, const NiPoint3& maxPoint);

	//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is within a sphere
	  \param sphereCenter The sphere center
	  \param radius The radius
	bool IsWithinSpehere(const NiPoint3& sphereCenter, float radius);

	  \param a Start of line
	  \param b End of line
	  \param p Refrence point
	  \return The point of line AB which is closest to P
	static NiPoint3 ClosestPointOnLine(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b, const NiPoint3& p);

	static float Angle(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);

	static float Distance(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);

	static float DistanceSquared(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b);

	static NiPoint3 MoveTowards(const NiPoint3& current, const NiPoint3& target, float maxDistanceDelta);

	NiPoint3 RotateByQuaternion(const NiQuaternion& rotation);