/* * Darkflame Universe * Copyright 2018 */ #include "SlashCommandHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include "dZoneManager.h" #include /* defines FILENAME_MAX */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include #define GetCurrentDir _getcwd #else #include #define GetCurrentDir getcwd #endif #include "Metrics.hpp" #include "User.h" #include "UserManager.h" #include "BitStream.h" #include "dCommonVars.h" #include "GeneralUtils.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "WorldPackets.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "CDClientDatabase.h" #include "ZoneInstanceManager.h" #include "ControllablePhysicsComponent.h" #include "NiPoint3.h" #include "NiQuaternion.h" #include "ChatPackets.h" #include "InventoryComponent.h" #include "Game.h" #include "CharacterComponent.h" #include "Database.h" #include "DestroyableComponent.h" #include "dServer.h" #include "MissionComponent.h" #include "Mail.h" #include "dpWorld.h" #include "Item.h" #include "PropertyManagementComponent.h" #include "BitStreamUtils.h" #include "Loot.h" #include "EntityInfo.h" #include "LUTriggers.h" #include "PhantomPhysicsComponent.h" #include "ProximityMonitorComponent.h" #include "dpShapeSphere.h" #include "PossessableComponent.h" #include "PossessorComponent.h" #include "HavokVehiclePhysicsComponent.h" #include "BuffComponent.h" #include "SkillComponent.h" #include "VanityUtilities.h" #include "ScriptedActivityComponent.h" #include "LevelProgressionComponent.h" #include "AssetManager.h" #include "BinaryPathFinder.h" #include "dConfig.h" #include "eBubbleType.h" #include "Amf3.h" #include "MovingPlatformComponent.h" #include "eMissionState.h" #include "TriggerComponent.h" #include "eServerDisconnectIdentifiers.h" #include "eObjectBits.h" #include "eGameMasterLevel.h" #include "eReplicaComponentType.h" #include "RenderComponent.h" #include "eControlScheme.h" #include "eConnectionType.h" #include "eChatInternalMessageType.h" #include "eMasterMessageType.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "CDRewardCodesTable.h" #include "CDObjectsTable.h" #include "CDZoneTableTable.h" #include "ePlayerFlag.h" #include "dNavMesh.h" namespace { std::map RegisteredCommands; } void SlashCommandHandler::RegisterCommand(Command info, std::string command) { LOG_DEBUG("Registering SlashCommand: %s", command.c_str()); RegisteredCommands.emplace(std::make_pair(command, info)); }; // DEV Commands void DEVGMCommands::SetGMLevel(Entity* entity, const std::string args) { User* user = UserManager::Instance()->GetUser(entity->GetSystemAddress()); const auto level_intermed = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args); if (!level_intermed) { GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, u"Invalid GM level."); return; } eGameMasterLevel level = static_cast(level_intermed.value()); #ifndef DEVELOPER_SERVER if (user->GetMaxGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_DEVELOPER) { level = eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN; } #endif if (level > user->GetMaxGMLevel()) level = user->GetMaxGMLevel(); if (level == entity->GetGMLevel()) return; bool success = user->GetMaxGMLevel() >= level; if (success) { WorldPackets::SendGMLevelChange(entity->GetSystemAddress(), success, user->GetMaxGMLevel(), entity->GetGMLevel(), level); GameMessages::SendChatModeUpdate(entity->GetObjectID(), level); entity->SetGMLevel(level); LOG("User %s (%i) has changed their GM level to %i for charID %llu", user->GetUsername().c_str(), user->GetAccountID(), level, entity->GetObjectID()); } #ifndef DEVELOPER_SERVER if ((entity->GetGMLevel() > user->GetMaxGMLevel()) || (entity->GetGMLevel() > eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN && user->GetMaxGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_DEVELOPER)) { WorldPackets::SendGMLevelChange(entity->GetSystemAddress(), true, user->GetMaxGMLevel(), entity->GetGMLevel(), eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN); GameMessages::SendChatModeUpdate(entity->GetObjectID(), eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN); entity->SetGMLevel(eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN); GameMessages::SendToggleGMInvis(entity->GetObjectID(), false, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, u"Your game master level has been changed, you may not be able to use all commands."); } #endif } void DEVGMCommands::ToggleNameplate(Entity* entity, const std::string args) { if ((Game::config->GetValue("allow_nameplate_off") != "1" && entity->GetGMLevel() < eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER)) return; auto* character = entity->GetCharacter(); if (character && character->GetBillboardVisible()) { character->SetBillboardVisible(false); GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, u"Your nameplate has been turned off and is not visible to players currently in this zone."); } else { character->SetBillboardVisible(true); GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, u"Your nameplate is now on and visible to all players."); } } void DEVGMCommands::ToggleSkipCinematics(Entity* entity, const std::string args) { if (Game::config->GetValue("allow_players_to_skip_cinematics") != "1" && entity->GetGMLevel() < eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) return; auto* character = entity->GetCharacter(); if (!character) return; bool current = character->GetPlayerFlag(ePlayerFlag::DLU_SKIP_CINEMATICS); character->SetPlayerFlag(ePlayerFlag::DLU_SKIP_CINEMATICS, !current); if (!current) { GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, u"You have elected to skip cinematics. Note that not all cinematics can be skipped, but most will be skipped now."); } else { GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, u"Cinematics will no longer be skipped."); } } // Greater Than Zero Commands // GM Zero Commands void GMZeroCommands::Help(Entity* entity, const std::string args) { if (args.empty()) { std::ostringstream helpMessage; helpMessage << "Commands:\n*"; for (auto& [commandCall, command] : RegisteredCommands) { // TODO: Limit dispplaying commands based on GM level they require // if (RegisteredCommands[args].requiredLevel > entity->GetGMLevel()) continue; helpMessage << "\t" << commandCall << ": " << command.description << "\n*"; } GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(helpMessage.str().substr(0, helpMessage.str().size() - 3))); } else { if (RegisteredCommands.contains(args)) { if (entity->GetGMLevel() >= RegisteredCommands[args].requiredLevel) { RegisteredCommands[args].help; GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(RegisteredCommands[args].help)); } } else { // We don't need to tell normies commands don't exist if (entity->GetGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN) return; std::ostringstream feedback; feedback << "Command " << std::quoted(args) << " does not exist!"; GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(feedback.str())); } } } void SlashCommandHandler::Startup() { // Register Dev Commands Command SetGMLevelCommand; SetGMLevelCommand.description = "Set the players GM Level"; SetGMLevelCommand.help = "Within the authorized range of levels for the current account, changes the character's game master level to the specified value. This is required to use certain commands."; SetGMLevelCommand.requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN; SetGMLevelCommand.handle = DEVGMCommands::SetGMLevel; RegisterCommand(SetGMLevelCommand, "setgmlevel"); RegisterCommand(SetGMLevelCommand, "makegm"); RegisterCommand(SetGMLevelCommand, "gmlevel"); Command ToggleNameplateCommand; ToggleNameplateCommand.description = "Toggles the visibility of a players nameplate"; ToggleNameplateCommand.help = "Turns the nameplate above your head that is visible to other players off and on."; ToggleNameplateCommand.requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN; ToggleNameplateCommand.handle = DEVGMCommands::ToggleNameplate; RegisterCommand(ToggleNameplateCommand, "togglenameplate"); RegisterCommand(ToggleNameplateCommand, "tnp"); Command ToggleSkipCinematicsCommand; ToggleSkipCinematicsCommand.description = "Toggles skipping cinematics"; ToggleSkipCinematicsCommand.help = "Skips mission and world load related cinematics."; ToggleSkipCinematicsCommand.requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN; ToggleSkipCinematicsCommand.handle = DEVGMCommands::ToggleSkipCinematics; RegisterCommand(ToggleSkipCinematicsCommand, "toggleskipcinematics"); RegisterCommand(ToggleSkipCinematicsCommand, "tsc"); // Register Greater Than Zero Commands // Register GM Zero Commands Command HelpCommand; HelpCommand.description = "Display command help"; HelpCommand.help = "Displays a list of commands and their descriptions if no command are given. If an command is given, displays detailed info about that command."; HelpCommand.requiredLevel = eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN; HelpCommand.handle = GMZeroCommands::Help; RegisterCommand(HelpCommand, "help"); RegisterCommand(HelpCommand, "h"); } void SlashCommandHandler::HandleChatCommand(const std::u16string& chat, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) { auto input = GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(chat); if (input.empty() || input.front() != u'/') return; std::string command = input.substr(1, input.find(' ') - 1); std::string args = input.substr(input.find(' ') + 1, std::string::npos); if (args.front() == '/') args.clear(); LOG("Handling command \"%s\" with args \"%s\"", command.c_str(), args.c_str()); if (RegisteredCommands.contains(command)) { if (entity->GetGMLevel() >= RegisteredCommands[command].requiredLevel) { RegisteredCommands[command].handle(entity, args); } else { // We don't need to tell normies they aren't high enough level if (entity->GetGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN) return; std::ostringstream feedback; feedback << "You are not high enough GM level to use " << std::quoted(command) << ""; GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(feedback.str())); } } else { // We don't need to tell normies commands don't exist if (entity->GetGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN) return; std::ostringstream feedback; feedback << "Command " << std::quoted(command) << " does not exist!"; GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(feedback.str())); } return; // //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // //HANDLE ALL NON GM SLASH COMMANDS RIGHT HERE! // //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // if (chatCommand == "pvp") { // auto* character = entity->GetComponent(); // if (character == nullptr) { // LOG("Failed to find character component!"); // return; // } // character->SetPvpEnabled(!character->GetPvpEnabled()); // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(entity); // std::stringstream message; // message << character->GetName() << " changed their PVP flag to " << std::to_string(character->GetPvpEnabled()) << "!"; // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(message.str()), true); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "who") { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, // u"Players in this instance: (" + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(PlayerManager::GetAllPlayers().size()) + u")" // ); // for (auto* player : PlayerManager::GetAllPlayers()) { // const auto& name = player->GetCharacter()->GetName(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, // GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(player == entity ? name + " (you)" : name) // ); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "ping") { // if (!args.empty() && args[0] == "-l") { // std::stringstream message; // message << "Your latest ping: " << std::to_string(Game::server->GetLatestPing(sysAddr)) << "ms"; // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(message.str())); // } else { // std::stringstream message; // message << "Your average ping: " << std::to_string(Game::server->GetPing(sysAddr)) << "ms"; // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(message.str())); // } // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "fix-stats") { // // Reset skill component and buff component // auto* skillComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // auto* buffComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // // If any of the components are nullptr, return // if (skillComponent == nullptr || buffComponent == nullptr || destroyableComponent == nullptr) { // return; // } // // Reset skill component // skillComponent->Reset(); // // Reset buff component // buffComponent->Reset(); // // Fix the destroyable component // destroyableComponent->FixStats(); // } // if (chatCommand == "credits" || chatCommand == "info") { // const auto& customText = chatCommand == "credits" ? VanityUtilities::ParseMarkdown((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "vanity/CREDITS.md").string()) : VanityUtilities::ParseMarkdown((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "vanity/INFO.md").string()); // { // AMFArrayValue args; // args.Insert("state", "Story"); // GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), "pushGameState", args); // } // entity->AddCallbackTimer(0.5f, [customText, entity]() { // AMFArrayValue args; // args.Insert("visible", true); // args.Insert("text", customText); // LOG("Sending %s", customText.c_str()); // GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), "ToggleStoryBox", args); // }); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "leave-zone" || chatCommand == "leavezone") { // const auto currentZone = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetZoneID().GetMapID(); // LWOMAPID newZone = 0; // if (currentZone == 1001 || currentZone % 100 == 0) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"You are not in an instanced zone."); // return; // } else { // newZone = (currentZone / 100) * 100; // } // // If new zone would be inaccessible, then default to Avant Gardens. // if (!Game::zoneManager->CheckIfAccessibleZone(newZone)) newZone = 1100; // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Leaving zone..."); // const auto objid = entity->GetObjectID(); // ZoneInstanceManager::Instance()->RequestZoneTransfer(Game::server, newZone, 0, false, [objid](bool mythranShift, uint32_t zoneID, uint32_t zoneInstance, uint32_t zoneClone, std::string serverIP, uint16_t serverPort) { // auto* entity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(objid); // if (entity == nullptr) { // return; // } // const auto sysAddr = entity->GetSystemAddress(); // LOG("Transferring %s to Zone %i (Instance %i | Clone %i | Mythran Shift: %s) with IP %s and Port %i", entity->GetCharacter()->GetName().c_str(), zoneID, zoneInstance, zoneClone, mythranShift == true ? "true" : "false", serverIP.c_str(), serverPort); // if (entity->GetCharacter()) { // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneID(zoneID); // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneInstance(zoneInstance); // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneClone(zoneClone); // } // entity->GetCharacter()->SaveXMLToDatabase(); // WorldPackets::SendTransferToWorld(sysAddr, serverIP, serverPort, mythranShift); // }); // } // if (chatCommand == "join" && !args.empty()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Requesting private map..."); // const auto& password = args[0]; // ZoneInstanceManager::Instance()->RequestPrivateZone(Game::server, false, password, [=](bool mythranShift, uint32_t zoneID, uint32_t zoneInstance, uint32_t zoneClone, std::string serverIP, uint16_t serverPort) { // LOG("Transferring %s to Zone %i (Instance %i | Clone %i | Mythran Shift: %s) with IP %s and Port %i", sysAddr.ToString(), zoneID, zoneInstance, zoneClone, mythranShift == true ? "true" : "false", serverIP.c_str(), serverPort); // if (entity->GetCharacter()) { // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneID(zoneID); // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneInstance(zoneInstance); // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneClone(zoneClone); // } // entity->GetCharacter()->SaveXMLToDatabase(); // WorldPackets::SendTransferToWorld(sysAddr, serverIP, serverPort, mythranShift); // }); // } // if (user->GetMaxGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN || entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN) { // if (chatCommand == "die") { // entity->Smash(entity->GetObjectID()); // } // if (chatCommand == "resurrect") { // ScriptedActivityComponent* scriptedActivityComponent = Game::zoneManager->GetZoneControlObject()->GetComponent(); // if (scriptedActivityComponent) { // check if user is in activity world and if so, they can't resurrect // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"You cannot resurrect in an activity world."); // return; // } // GameMessages::SendResurrect(entity); // } // if (chatCommand == "requestmailcount") { // Mail::HandleNotificationRequest(entity->GetSystemAddress(), entity->GetObjectID()); // } // if (chatCommand == "instanceinfo") { // const auto zoneId = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetZoneID(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Map: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(zoneId.GetMapID())) + u"\nClone: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(zoneId.GetCloneID())) + u"\nInstance: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(zoneId.GetInstanceID()))); // } // if (entity->GetGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::CIVILIAN) return; // } // if (chatCommand == "resetmission" && args.size() >= 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto missionId = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args[0]); // if (!missionId) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid mission ID."); // return; // } // auto* missionComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // if (!missionComponent) return; // missionComponent->ResetMission(missionId.value()); // } // // Log command to database // Database::Get()->InsertSlashCommandUsage(entity->GetObjectID(), chatCommand); // if (chatCommand == "setminifig" && args.size() == 2 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::FORUM_MODERATOR) { // could break characters so only allow if GM > 0 // const auto minifigItemIdExists = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args[1]); // if (!minifigItemIdExists) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid Minifig Item Id ID."); // return; // } // const int32_t minifigItemId = minifigItemIdExists.value(); // Game::entityManager->DestructEntity(entity, sysAddr); // auto* charComp = entity->GetComponent(); // std::string lowerName = args[0]; // if (lowerName.empty()) return; // std::transform(lowerName.begin(), lowerName.end(), lowerName.begin(), ::tolower); // if (lowerName == "eyebrows") { // charComp->m_Character->SetEyebrows(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "eyes") { // charComp->m_Character->SetEyes(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "haircolor") { // charComp->m_Character->SetHairColor(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "hairstyle") { // charComp->m_Character->SetHairStyle(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "pants") { // charComp->m_Character->SetPantsColor(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "lefthand") { // charComp->m_Character->SetLeftHand(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "mouth") { // charComp->m_Character->SetMouth(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "righthand") { // charComp->m_Character->SetRightHand(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "shirtcolor") { // charComp->m_Character->SetShirtColor(minifigItemId); // } else if (lowerName == "hands") { // charComp->m_Character->SetLeftHand(minifigItemId); // charComp->m_Character->SetRightHand(minifigItemId); // } else { // Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(entity); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid Minifig item to change, try one of the following: Eyebrows, Eyes, HairColor, HairStyle, Pants, LeftHand, Mouth, RightHand, Shirt, Hands"); // return; // } // Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(entity); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(lowerName) + u" set to " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(minifigItemId))); // GameMessages::SendToggleGMInvis(entity->GetObjectID(), false, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // need to retoggle because it gets reenabled on creation of new character // } // if ((chatCommand == "playanimation" || chatCommand == "playanim") && args.size() == 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // std::u16string anim = GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(args[0], args[0].size()); // RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(entity, anim); // auto* possessorComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // if (possessorComponent) { // auto* possessedComponent = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(possessorComponent->GetPossessable()); // if (possessedComponent) RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(possessedComponent, anim); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "list-spawns" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // for (const auto& pair : Game::entityManager->GetSpawnPointEntities()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(pair.first)); // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Current: " + GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(entity->GetCharacter()->GetTargetScene())); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "unlock-emote" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto emoteID = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(0)); // if (!emoteID) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid emote ID."); // return; // } // entity->GetCharacter()->UnlockEmote(emoteID.value()); // } // if (chatCommand == "force-save" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // entity->GetCharacter()->SaveXMLToDatabase(); // } // if (chatCommand == "kill" && args.size() == 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Brutally murdering that player, if online on this server."); // auto* player = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(args[0]); // if (player) { // player->Smash(entity->GetObjectID()); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"It has been done, do you feel good about yourself now?"); // return; // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"They were saved from your carnage."); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "speedboost" && args.size() == 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto boostOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args[0]); // if (!boostOptional) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid boost."); // return; // } // const float boost = boostOptional.value(); // auto* controllablePhysicsComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // if (!controllablePhysicsComponent) return; // controllablePhysicsComponent->SetSpeedMultiplier(boost); // // speedboost possessables // auto possessor = entity->GetComponent(); // if (possessor) { // auto possessedID = possessor->GetPossessable(); // if (possessedID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) { // auto possessable = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(possessedID); // if (possessable) { // auto* possessControllablePhysicsComponent = possessable->GetComponent(); // if (possessControllablePhysicsComponent) { // possessControllablePhysicsComponent->SetSpeedMultiplier(boost); // } // } // } // } // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(entity); // } // if (chatCommand == "freecam" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto state = !entity->GetVar(u"freecam"); // entity->SetVar(u"freecam", state); // GameMessages::SendSetPlayerControlScheme(entity, static_cast(state ? 9 : 1)); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Toggled freecam."); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "setcontrolscheme" && args.size() == 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto scheme = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args[0]); // if (!scheme) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid control scheme."); // return; // } // GameMessages::SendSetPlayerControlScheme(entity, static_cast(scheme.value())); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Switched control scheme."); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "approveproperty" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR) { // if (PropertyManagementComponent::Instance() != nullptr) { // PropertyManagementComponent::Instance()->UpdateApprovedStatus(true); // } // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "setuistate" && args.size() == 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // AMFArrayValue uiState; // uiState.Insert("state", args.at(0)); // GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, sysAddr, "pushGameState", uiState); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Switched UI state."); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "toggle" && args.size() == 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // AMFArrayValue amfArgs; // amfArgs.Insert("visible", true); // GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, sysAddr, args[0], amfArgs); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Toggled UI state."); // return; // } // if ((chatCommand == "setinventorysize" || chatCommand == "setinvsize") && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // const auto sizeOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args[0]); // if (!sizeOptional) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid size."); // return; // } // const uint32_t size = sizeOptional.value(); // eInventoryType selectedInventory = eInventoryType::ITEMS; // // a possible inventory was provided if we got more than 1 argument // if (args.size() >= 2) { // selectedInventory = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(1)).value_or(eInventoryType::INVALID); // if (selectedInventory == eInventoryType::INVALID) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid inventory."); // return; // } else { // // In this case, we treat the input as a string and try to find it in the reflection list // std::transform(args.at(1).begin(), args.at(1).end(), args.at(1).begin(), ::toupper); // for (uint32_t index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_INVENTORIES; index++) { // if (std::string_view(args.at(1)) == std::string_view(InventoryType::InventoryTypeToString(static_cast(index)))) selectedInventory = static_cast(index); // } // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Setting inventory " + // GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(args.at(1)) + // u" to size " + // GeneralUtils::to_u16string(size)); // } else ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Setting inventory ITEMS to size " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(size)); // auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent(); // if (inventoryComponent) { // auto* inventory = inventoryComponent->GetInventory(selectedInventory); // inventory->SetSize(size); // } // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "runmacro" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // if (args.size() != 1) return; // // Only process if input does not contain separator charaters // if (args[0].find("/") != std::string::npos) return; // if (args[0].find("\\") != std::string::npos) return; // auto infile = Game::assetManager->GetFile(("macros/" + args[0] + ".scm").c_str()); // if (!infile) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Unknown macro! Is the filename right?"); // return; // } // if (infile.good()) { // std::string line; // while (std::getline(infile, line)) { // // Do this in two separate calls to catch both \n and \r\n // line.erase(std::remove(line.begin(), line.end(), '\n'), line.end()); // line.erase(std::remove(line.begin(), line.end(), '\r'), line.end()); // SlashCommandHandler::HandleChatCommand(GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(line), entity, sysAddr); // } // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Unknown macro! Is the filename right?"); // } // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "addmission" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // if (args.size() == 0) return; // const auto missionID = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(0)); // if (!missionID) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid mission id."); // return; // } // auto comp = static_cast(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::MISSION)); // if (comp) comp->AcceptMission(missionID.value(), true); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "completemission" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // if (args.size() == 0) return; // const auto missionID = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(0)); // if (!missionID) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid mission id."); // return; // } // auto comp = static_cast(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::MISSION)); // if (comp) comp->CompleteMission(missionID.value(), true); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "setflag" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() == 1) { // const auto flagId = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(0)); // if (!flagId) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid flag id."); // return; // } // entity->GetCharacter()->SetPlayerFlag(flagId.value(), true); // } // if (chatCommand == "setflag" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() == 2) { // const auto flagId = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(1)); // std::string onOffFlag = args.at(0); // if (!flagId) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid flag id."); // return; // } // if (onOffFlag != "off" && onOffFlag != "on") { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid flag type."); // return; // } // entity->GetCharacter()->SetPlayerFlag(flagId.value(), onOffFlag == "on"); // } // if (chatCommand == "clearflag" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() == 1) { // const auto flagId = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(0)); // if (!flagId) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid flag id."); // return; // } // entity->GetCharacter()->SetPlayerFlag(flagId.value(), false); // } // if (chatCommand == "playeffect" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 3) { // const auto effectID = GeneralUtils::TryParse(args.at(0)); // if (!effectID) return; // // FIXME: use fallible ASCIIToUTF16 conversion, because non-ascii isn't valid anyway // GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(entity->GetObjectID(), effectID.value(), GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(args.at(1)), args.at(2)); // } // if (chatCommand == "stopeffect" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // GameMessages::SendStopFXEffect(entity, true, args[0]); // } // if (chatCommand == "setanntitle" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // if (args.size() < 0) return; // std::stringstream ss; // for (auto string : args) // ss << string << " "; // entity->GetCharacter()->SetAnnouncementTitle(ss.str()); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "setannmsg" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // if (args.size() < 0) return; // std::stringstream ss; // for (auto string : args) // ss << string << " "; // entity->GetCharacter()->SetAnnouncementMessage(ss.str()); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "announce" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // if (entity->GetCharacter()->GetAnnouncementTitle().size() == 0 || entity->GetCharacter()->GetAnnouncementMessage().size() == 0) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Use /setanntitle & /setannmsg <msg> first!"); // return; // } // SendAnnouncement(entity->GetCharacter()->GetAnnouncementTitle(), entity->GetCharacter()->GetAnnouncementMessage()); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "shutdownuniverse" && entity->GetGMLevel() == eGameMasterLevel::OPERATOR) { // //Tell the master server that we're going to be shutting down whole "universe": // CBITSTREAM; // BitStreamUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, eConnectionType::MASTER, eMasterMessageType::SHUTDOWN_UNIVERSE); // Game::server->SendToMaster(bitStream); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Sent universe shutdown notification to master."); // //Tell chat to send an announcement to all servers // SendAnnouncement("Servers Closing Soon!", "DLU servers will close for maintenance in 10 minutes from now."); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "getnavmeshheight" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto control = static_cast<ControllablePhysicsComponent*>(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::CONTROLLABLE_PHYSICS)); // if (!control) return; // float y = dpWorld::GetNavMesh()->GetHeightAtPoint(control->GetPosition()); // std::u16string msg = u"Navmesh height: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(y)); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, msg); // } // if (chatCommand == "gmadditem" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // if (args.size() == 1) { // const auto itemLOT = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args.at(0)); // if (!itemLOT) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid item LOT."); // return; // } // InventoryComponent* inventory = static_cast<InventoryComponent*>(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::INVENTORY)); // inventory->AddItem(itemLOT.value(), 1, eLootSourceType::MODERATION); // } else if (args.size() == 2) { // const auto itemLOT = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args.at(0)); // if (!itemLOT) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid item LOT."); // return; // } // const auto count = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args.at(1)); // if (!count) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid item count."); // return; // } // InventoryComponent* inventory = static_cast<InventoryComponent*>(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::INVENTORY)); // inventory->AddItem(itemLOT.value(), count.value(), eLootSourceType::MODERATION); // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /gmadditem <lot>"); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "mailitem" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::MODERATOR && args.size() >= 2) { // const auto& playerName = args[0]; // auto playerInfo = Database::Get()->GetCharacterInfo(playerName); // uint32_t receiverID = 0; // if (!playerInfo) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Failed to find that player"); // return; // } // receiverID = playerInfo->id; // const auto lot = GeneralUtils::TryParse<LOT>(args.at(1)); // if (!lot) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid item lot."); // return; // } // IMail::MailInfo mailInsert; // mailInsert.senderId = entity->GetObjectID(); // mailInsert.senderUsername = "Darkflame Universe"; // mailInsert.receiverId = receiverID; // mailInsert.recipient = playerName; // mailInsert.subject = "Lost item"; // mailInsert.body = "This is a replacement item for one you lost."; // mailInsert.itemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY; // mailInsert.itemLOT = lot.value(); // mailInsert.itemSubkey = LWOOBJID_EMPTY; // mailInsert.itemCount = 1; // Database::Get()->InsertNewMail(mailInsert); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Mail sent"); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "setname" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // std::string name = ""; // for (const auto& arg : args) { // name += arg + " "; // } // GameMessages::SendSetName(entity->GetObjectID(), GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(name), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // } // if (chatCommand == "title" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // std::string name = entity->GetCharacter()->GetName() + " - "; // for (const auto& arg : args) { // name += arg + " "; // } // GameMessages::SendSetName(entity->GetObjectID(), GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(name), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // } // if ((chatCommand == "teleport" || chatCommand == "tele") && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_MODERATOR) { // NiPoint3 pos{}; // if (args.size() == 3) { // const auto x = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args.at(0)); // if (!x) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid x."); // return; // } // const auto y = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args.at(1)); // if (!y) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid y."); // return; // } // const auto z = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args.at(2)); // if (!z) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid z."); // return; // } // pos.SetX(x.value()); // pos.SetY(y.value()); // pos.SetZ(z.value()); // LOG("Teleporting objectID: %llu to %f, %f, %f", entity->GetObjectID(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); // GameMessages::SendTeleport(entity->GetObjectID(), pos, NiQuaternion(), sysAddr); // } else if (args.size() == 2) { // const auto x = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args.at(0)); // if (!x) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid x."); // return; // } // const auto z = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args.at(1)); // if (!z) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid z."); // return; // } // pos.SetX(x.value()); // pos.SetY(0.0f); // pos.SetZ(z.value()); // LOG("Teleporting objectID: %llu to X: %f, Z: %f", entity->GetObjectID(), pos.x, pos.z); // GameMessages::SendTeleport(entity->GetObjectID(), pos, NiQuaternion(), sysAddr); // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /teleport <x> (<y>) <z> - if no Y given, will teleport to the height of the terrain (or any physics object)."); // } // auto* possessorComponent = entity->GetComponent<PossessorComponent>(); // if (possessorComponent) { // auto* possassableEntity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(possessorComponent->GetPossessable()); // if (possassableEntity != nullptr) { // auto* havokVehiclePhysicsComponent = possassableEntity->GetComponent<HavokVehiclePhysicsComponent>(); // if (havokVehiclePhysicsComponent) { // havokVehiclePhysicsComponent->SetPosition(pos); // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(possassableEntity); // } else GameMessages::SendTeleport(possassableEntity->GetObjectID(), pos, NiQuaternion(), sysAddr); // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "tpall" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto pos = entity->GetPosition(); // const auto characters = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesByComponent(eReplicaComponentType::CHARACTER); // for (auto* character : characters) { // GameMessages::SendTeleport(character->GetObjectID(), pos, NiQuaternion(), character->GetSystemAddress()); // } // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "dismount" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto* possessorComponent = entity->GetComponent<PossessorComponent>(); // if (possessorComponent) { // auto possessableId = possessorComponent->GetPossessable(); // if (possessableId != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) { // auto* possessableEntity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(possessableId); // if (possessableEntity) possessorComponent->Dismount(possessableEntity, true); // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "fly" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_DEVELOPER) { // auto* character = entity->GetCharacter(); // if (character) { // bool isFlying = character->GetIsFlying(); // if (isFlying) { // GameMessages::SendSetJetPackMode(entity, false); // character->SetIsFlying(false); // } else { // float speedScale = 1.0f; // if (args.size() >= 1) { // const auto tempScaleStore = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args.at(0)); // if (tempScaleStore) { // speedScale = tempScaleStore.value(); // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Failed to parse speed scale argument."); // } // } // float airSpeed = 20 * speedScale; // float maxAirSpeed = 30 * speedScale; // float verticalVelocity = 1.5 * speedScale; // GameMessages::SendSetJetPackMode(entity, true, true, false, 167, airSpeed, maxAirSpeed, verticalVelocity); // character->SetIsFlying(true); // } // } // } // //------- GM COMMANDS TO ACTUALLY MODERATE -------- // if (chatCommand == "mute" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_DEVELOPER) { // if (args.size() >= 1) { // auto* player = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(args[0]); // uint32_t accountId = 0; // LWOOBJID characterId = 0; // if (player == nullptr) { // auto characterInfo = Database::Get()->GetCharacterInfo(args[0]); // if (characterInfo) { // accountId = characterInfo->accountId; // characterId = characterInfo->id; // GeneralUtils::SetBit(characterId, eObjectBits::CHARACTER); // GeneralUtils::SetBit(characterId, eObjectBits::PERSISTENT); // } // if (accountId == 0) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Count not find player of name: " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(args[0])); // return; // } // } else { // auto* character = player->GetCharacter(); // auto* user = character != nullptr ? character->GetParentUser() : nullptr; // if (user) accountId = user->GetAccountID(); // characterId = player->GetObjectID(); // } // time_t expire = 1; // Default to indefinate mute // if (args.size() >= 2) { // const auto days = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[1]); // if (!days) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid days."); // return; // } // std::optional<uint32_t> hours; // if (args.size() >= 3) { // hours = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[2]); // if (!hours) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid hours."); // return; // } // } // expire = time(NULL); // expire += 24 * 60 * 60 * days.value(); // expire += 60 * 60 * hours.value_or(0); // } // if (accountId != 0) Database::Get()->UpdateAccountUnmuteTime(accountId, expire); // char buffer[32] = "brought up for review.\0"; // if (expire != 1) { // std::tm* ptm = std::localtime(&expire); // // Format: Mo, 15.06.2009 20:20:00 // std::strftime(buffer, 32, "%a, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", ptm); // } // const auto timeStr = GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(std::string(buffer)); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Muted: " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(args[0]) + u" until " + timeStr); // //Notify chat about it // CBITSTREAM; // BitStreamUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, eConnectionType::CHAT_INTERNAL, eChatInternalMessageType::MUTE_UPDATE); // bitStream.Write(characterId); // bitStream.Write(expire); // Game::chatServer->Send(&bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, Game::chatSysAddr, false); // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /mute <username> <days (optional)> <hours (optional)>"); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "kick" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_MODERATOR) { // if (args.size() == 1) { // auto* player = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(args[0]); // std::u16string username = GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(args[0]); // if (player == nullptr) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Count not find player of name: " + username); // return; // } // Game::server->Disconnect(player->GetSystemAddress(), eServerDisconnectIdentifiers::KICK); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Kicked: " + username); // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /kick <username>"); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "ban" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::SENIOR_MODERATOR) { // if (args.size() == 1) { // auto* player = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(args[0]); // uint32_t accountId = 0; // if (player == nullptr) { // auto characterInfo = Database::Get()->GetCharacterInfo(args[0]); // if (characterInfo) { // accountId = characterInfo->accountId; // } // if (accountId == 0) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Count not find player of name: " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(args[0])); // return; // } // } else { // auto* character = player->GetCharacter(); // auto* user = character != nullptr ? character->GetParentUser() : nullptr; // if (user) accountId = user->GetAccountID(); // } // if (accountId != 0) Database::Get()->UpdateAccountBan(accountId, true); // if (player != nullptr) { // Game::server->Disconnect(player->GetSystemAddress(), eServerDisconnectIdentifiers::FREE_TRIAL_EXPIRED); // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Banned: " + GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(args[0])); // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /ban <username>"); // } // } // //------------------------------------------------- // if (chatCommand == "buffme" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto dest = static_cast<DestroyableComponent*>(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::DESTROYABLE)); // if (dest) { // dest->SetHealth(999); // dest->SetMaxHealth(999.0f); // dest->SetArmor(999); // dest->SetMaxArmor(999.0f); // dest->SetImagination(999); // dest->SetMaxImagination(999.0f); // } // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(entity); // } // if (chatCommand == "startcelebration" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() == 1) { // const auto celebration = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args.at(0)); // if (!celebration) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid celebration."); // return; // } // GameMessages::SendStartCelebrationEffect(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), celebration.value()); // } // if (chatCommand == "buffmed" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto dest = static_cast<DestroyableComponent*>(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::DESTROYABLE)); // if (dest) { // dest->SetHealth(9); // dest->SetMaxHealth(9.0f); // dest->SetArmor(9); // dest->SetMaxArmor(9.0f); // dest->SetImagination(9); // dest->SetMaxImagination(9.0f); // } // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(entity); // } // if (chatCommand == "refillstats" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto dest = static_cast<DestroyableComponent*>(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::DESTROYABLE)); // if (dest) { // dest->SetHealth(static_cast<int32_t>(dest->GetMaxHealth())); // dest->SetArmor(static_cast<int32_t>(dest->GetMaxArmor())); // dest->SetImagination(static_cast<int32_t>(dest->GetMaxImagination())); // } // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(entity); // } // if (chatCommand == "lookup" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt( // "SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `Objects` WHERE `displayName` LIKE ?1 OR `name` LIKE ?1 OR `description` LIKE ?1 LIMIT 50"); // // Concatenate all of the arguments into a single query so a multi word query can be used properly. // std::string conditional = args[0]; // args.erase(args.begin()); // for (auto& argument : args) { // conditional += ' ' + argument; // } // const std::string query_text = "%" + conditional + "%"; // query.bind(1, query_text.c_str()); // auto tables = query.execQuery(); // while (!tables.eof()) { // std::string message = std::to_string(tables.getIntField(0)) + " - " + tables.getStringField(1); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(message, message.size())); // tables.nextRow(); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "spawn" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // ControllablePhysicsComponent* comp = static_cast<ControllablePhysicsComponent*>(entity->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::CONTROLLABLE_PHYSICS)); // if (!comp) return; // const auto lot = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[0]); // if (!lot) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid lot."); // return; // } // EntityInfo info; // info.lot = lot.value(); // info.pos = comp->GetPosition(); // info.rot = comp->GetRotation(); // info.spawner = nullptr; // info.spawnerID = entity->GetObjectID(); // info.spawnerNodeID = 0; // Entity* newEntity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info, nullptr); // if (newEntity == nullptr) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Failed to spawn entity."); // return; // } // Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(newEntity); // } // if (chatCommand == "spawngroup" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 3) { // auto controllablePhysicsComponent = entity->GetComponent<ControllablePhysicsComponent>(); // if (!controllablePhysicsComponent) return; // const auto lot = GeneralUtils::TryParse<LOT>(args[0]); // if (!lot) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid lot."); // return; // } // const auto numberToSpawnOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[1]); // if (!numberToSpawnOptional && numberToSpawnOptional.value() > 0) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid number of enemies to spawn."); // return; // } // uint32_t numberToSpawn = numberToSpawnOptional.value(); // // Must spawn within a radius of at least 0.0f // const auto radiusToSpawnWithinOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args[2]); // if (!radiusToSpawnWithinOptional && radiusToSpawnWithinOptional.value() < 0.0f) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid radius to spawn within."); // return; // } // const float radiusToSpawnWithin = radiusToSpawnWithinOptional.value(); // EntityInfo info; // info.lot = lot.value(); // info.spawner = nullptr; // info.spawnerID = entity->GetObjectID(); // info.spawnerNodeID = 0; // auto playerPosition = controllablePhysicsComponent->GetPosition(); // while (numberToSpawn > 0) { // auto randomAngle = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0.0f, 2 * PI); // auto randomRadius = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0.0f, radiusToSpawnWithin); // // Set the position to the generated random position plus the player position. This will // // spawn the entity in a circle around the player. As you get further from the player, the angle chosen will get less accurate. // info.pos = playerPosition + NiPoint3(cos(randomAngle) * randomRadius, 0.0f, sin(randomAngle) * randomRadius); // info.rot = NiQuaternion(); // auto newEntity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info); // if (newEntity == nullptr) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Failed to spawn entity."); // return; // } // Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(newEntity); // numberToSpawn--; // } // } // if ((chatCommand == "giveuscore") && args.size() >= 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto uscoreOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[0]); // if (!uscoreOptional) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid uscore."); // return; // } // const int32_t uscore = uscoreOptional.value(); // CharacterComponent* character = entity->GetComponent<CharacterComponent>(); // if (character) character->SetUScore(character->GetUScore() + uscore); // // MODERATION should work but it doesn't. Relog to see uscore changes // eLootSourceType lootType = eLootSourceType::MODERATION; // if (args.size() >= 2) { // const auto type = GeneralUtils::TryParse<eLootSourceType>(args[1]); // lootType = type.value_or(lootType); // } // GameMessages::SendModifyLEGOScore(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), uscore, lootType); // } // if ((chatCommand == "setlevel") && args.size() >= 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // // We may be trying to set a specific players level to a level. If so override the entity with the requested players. // std::string requestedPlayerToSetLevelOf = ""; // if (args.size() > 1) { // requestedPlayerToSetLevelOf = args[1]; // auto requestedPlayer = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(requestedPlayerToSetLevelOf); // if (!requestedPlayer) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"No player found with username: (" + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(requestedPlayerToSetLevelOf) + u")."); // return; // } // if (!requestedPlayer->GetOwner()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"No entity found with username: (" + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(requestedPlayerToSetLevelOf) + u")."); // return; // } // entity = requestedPlayer->GetOwner(); // } // const auto requestedLevelOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[0]); // uint32_t oldLevel; // // first check the level is valid // if (!requestedLevelOptional) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid level."); // return; // } // uint32_t requestedLevel = requestedLevelOptional.value(); // // query to set our uscore to the correct value for this level // auto characterComponent = entity->GetComponent<CharacterComponent>(); // if (!characterComponent) return; // auto levelComponent = entity->GetComponent<LevelProgressionComponent>(); // auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT requiredUScore from LevelProgressionLookup WHERE id = ?;"); // query.bind(1, static_cast<int>(requestedLevel)); // auto result = query.execQuery(); // if (result.eof()) return; // // Set the UScore first // oldLevel = levelComponent->GetLevel(); // characterComponent->SetUScore(result.getIntField(0, characterComponent->GetUScore())); // // handle level up for each level we have passed if we set our level to be higher than the current one. // if (oldLevel < requestedLevel) { // while (oldLevel < requestedLevel) { // oldLevel += 1; // levelComponent->SetLevel(oldLevel); // levelComponent->HandleLevelUp(); // } // } else { // levelComponent->SetLevel(requestedLevel); // } // if (requestedPlayerToSetLevelOf != "") { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, u"Set " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(requestedPlayerToSetLevelOf) + u"'s level to " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(requestedLevel) + // u" and UScore to " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(characterComponent->GetUScore()) + // u". Relog to see changes."); // } else { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, u"Set your level to " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(requestedLevel) + // u" and UScore to " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(characterComponent->GetUScore()) + // u". Relog to see changes."); // } // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "pos" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto position = entity->GetPosition(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"<" + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(position.x)) + u", " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(position.y)) + u", " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(position.z)) + u">"); // LOG("Position: %f, %f, %f", position.x, position.y, position.z); // } // if (chatCommand == "rot" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto rotation = entity->GetRotation(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"<" + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(rotation.w)) + u", " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(rotation.x)) + u", " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(rotation.y)) + u", " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(rotation.z)) + u">"); // LOG("Rotation: %f, %f, %f, %f", rotation.w, rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z); // } // if (chatCommand == "locrow" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto position = entity->GetPosition(); // const auto rotation = entity->GetRotation(); // LOG("<location x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" rw=\"%f\" rx=\"%f\" ry=\"%f\" rz=\"%f\" />", position.x, position.y, position.z, rotation.w, rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z); // } // if (chatCommand == "playlvlfx" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(entity, 7074, u"create", "7074", LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1.0f, 1.0f, true); // } // if (chatCommand == "playrebuildfx" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(entity, 230, u"rebuild", "230", LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1.0f, 1.0f, true); // } // if ((chatCommand == "freemoney" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) && args.size() == 1) { // const auto money = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int64_t>(args[0]); // if (!money) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid money."); // return; // } // auto* ch = entity->GetCharacter(); // ch->SetCoins(ch->GetCoins() + money.value(), eLootSourceType::MODERATION); // } // if ((chatCommand == "setcurrency") && args.size() == 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // const auto money = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int64_t>(args[0]); // if (!money) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid money."); // return; // } // auto* ch = entity->GetCharacter(); // ch->SetCoins(money.value(), eLootSourceType::MODERATION); // } // // Allow for this on even while not a GM, as it sometimes toggles incorrrectly. // if (chatCommand == "gminvis" && entity->GetCharacter()->GetParentUser()->GetMaxGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // GameMessages::SendToggleGMInvis(entity->GetObjectID(), true, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "gmimmune" && args.size() >= 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); // const auto state = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[0]); // if (!state) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid state."); // return; // } // if (destroyableComponent) destroyableComponent->SetIsGMImmune(state.value()); // return; // } // //Testing basic attack immunity // if (chatCommand == "attackimmune" && args.size() >= 1 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); // const auto state = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[0]); // if (!state) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid state."); // return; // } // if (destroyableComponent) destroyableComponent->SetIsImmune(state.value()); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "buff" && args.size() >= 2 && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto* buffComponent = entity->GetComponent<BuffComponent>(); // const auto id = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[0]); // if (!id) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid buff id."); // return; // } // const auto duration = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[1]); // if (!duration) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid buff duration."); // return; // } // if (buffComponent) buffComponent->ApplyBuff(id.value(), duration.value(), entity->GetObjectID()); // return; // } // if ((chatCommand == "testmap" && args.size() >= 1) && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::FORUM_MODERATOR) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Requesting map change..."); // LWOCLONEID cloneId = 0; // bool force = false; // const auto reqZoneOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse<LWOMAPID>(args[0]); // if (!reqZoneOptional) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid zone."); // return; // } // const LWOMAPID reqZone = reqZoneOptional.value(); // if (args.size() > 1) { // auto index = 1; // if (args[index] == "force") { // index++; // force = true; // } // if (args.size() > index) { // const auto cloneIdOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse<LWOCLONEID>(args[index]); // if (!cloneIdOptional) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid clone id."); // return; // } // cloneId = cloneIdOptional.value(); // } // } // const auto objid = entity->GetObjectID(); // if (force || Game::zoneManager->CheckIfAccessibleZone(reqZone)) { // to prevent tomfoolery // ZoneInstanceManager::Instance()->RequestZoneTransfer(Game::server, reqZone, cloneId, false, [objid](bool mythranShift, uint32_t zoneID, uint32_t zoneInstance, uint32_t zoneClone, std::string serverIP, uint16_t serverPort) { // auto* entity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(objid); // if (!entity) return; // const auto sysAddr = entity->GetSystemAddress(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Transfering map..."); // LOG("Transferring %s to Zone %i (Instance %i | Clone %i | Mythran Shift: %s) with IP %s and Port %i", sysAddr.ToString(), zoneID, zoneInstance, zoneClone, mythranShift == true ? "true" : "false", serverIP.c_str(), serverPort); // if (entity->GetCharacter()) { // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneID(zoneID); // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneInstance(zoneInstance); // entity->GetCharacter()->SetZoneClone(zoneClone); // entity->GetComponent<CharacterComponent>()->SetLastRocketConfig(u""); // } // entity->GetCharacter()->SaveXMLToDatabase(); // WorldPackets::SendTransferToWorld(sysAddr, serverIP, serverPort, mythranShift); // return; // }); // } else { // std::string msg = "ZoneID not found or allowed: "; // msg.append(args[0]); // FIXME: unnecessary utf16 re-encoding just for error // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(msg, msg.size())); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "createprivate" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 3) { // const auto zone = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[0]); // if (!zone) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid zone."); // return; // } // const auto clone = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[1]); // if (!clone) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid clone."); // return; // } // const auto& password = args[2]; // ZoneInstanceManager::Instance()->CreatePrivateZone(Game::server, zone.value(), clone.value(), password); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16("Sent request for private zone with password: " + password)); // return; // } // if ((chatCommand == "debugui") && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Opening UIDebugger..."); // AMFArrayValue args; // GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, sysAddr, "ToggleUIDebugger;", args); // } // if ((chatCommand == "boost") && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto* possessorComponent = entity->GetComponent<PossessorComponent>(); // if (possessorComponent == nullptr) { // return; // } // auto* vehicle = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(possessorComponent->GetPossessable()); // if (vehicle == nullptr) { // return; // } // if (args.size() >= 1) { // const auto time = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(args[0]); // if (!time) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid boost time."); // return; // } else { // GameMessages::SendVehicleAddPassiveBoostAction(vehicle->GetObjectID(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // entity->AddCallbackTimer(time.value(), [vehicle]() { // if (!vehicle) return; // GameMessages::SendVehicleRemovePassiveBoostAction(vehicle->GetObjectID(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // }); // } // } else { // GameMessages::SendVehicleAddPassiveBoostAction(vehicle->GetObjectID(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // } // } // if ((chatCommand == "unboost") && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto* possessorComponent = entity->GetComponent<PossessorComponent>(); // if (possessorComponent == nullptr) return; // auto* vehicle = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(possessorComponent->GetPossessable()); // if (vehicle == nullptr) return; // GameMessages::SendVehicleRemovePassiveBoostAction(vehicle->GetObjectID(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // } // if (chatCommand == "activatespawner" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // auto spawners = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawnersByName(args[0]); // for (auto* spawner : spawners) { // spawner->Activate(); // } // spawners = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawnersInGroup(args[0]); // for (auto* spawner : spawners) { // spawner->Activate(); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "spawnphysicsverts" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_DEVELOPER) { // //Go tell physics to spawn all the vertices: // auto entities = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesByComponent(eReplicaComponentType::PHANTOM_PHYSICS); // for (auto en : entities) { // auto phys = static_cast<PhantomPhysicsComponent*>(en->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::PHANTOM_PHYSICS)); // if (phys) // phys->SpawnVertices(); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "reportproxphys" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::JUNIOR_DEVELOPER) { // auto entities = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesByComponent(eReplicaComponentType::PROXIMITY_MONITOR); // for (auto en : entities) { // auto phys = static_cast<ProximityMonitorComponent*>(en->GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType::PROXIMITY_MONITOR)); // if (phys) { // for (auto prox : phys->GetProximitiesData()) { // if (!prox.second) continue; // auto sphere = static_cast<dpShapeSphere*>(prox.second->GetShape()); // auto pos = prox.second->GetPosition(); // LOG("Proximity: %s, r: %f, pos: %f, %f, %f", prox.first.c_str(), sphere->GetRadius(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); // } // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "triggerspawner" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // auto spawners = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawnersByName(args[0]); // for (auto* spawner : spawners) { // spawner->Spawn(); // } // spawners = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawnersInGroup(args[0]); // for (auto* spawner : spawners) { // spawner->Spawn(); // } // } // if (chatCommand == "reforge" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 2) { // const auto baseItem = GeneralUtils::TryParse<LOT>(args[0]); // if (!baseItem) return; // const auto reforgedItem = GeneralUtils::TryParse<LOT>(args[1]); // if (!reforgedItem) return; // auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>(); // if (!inventoryComponent) return; // std::vector<LDFBaseData*> data{}; // data.push_back(new LDFData<int32_t>(u"reforgedLOT", reforgedItem.value())); // inventoryComponent->AddItem(baseItem.value(), 1, eLootSourceType::MODERATION, eInventoryType::INVALID, data); // } // if (chatCommand == "crash" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::OPERATOR) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Crashing..."); // int* badPtr = nullptr; // *badPtr = 0; // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "metrics" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // for (const auto variable : Metrics::GetAllMetrics()) { // auto* metric = Metrics::GetMetric(variable); // if (metric == nullptr) { // continue; // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, // GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(Metrics::MetricVariableToString(variable)) + // u": " + // GeneralUtils::to_u16string(Metrics::ToMiliseconds(metric->average)) + // u"ms" // ); // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, // u"Peak RSS: " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(Metrics::GetPeakRSS()) / 1.024e6)) + // u"MB" // ); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, // u"Current RSS: " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(Metrics::GetCurrentRSS()) / 1.024e6)) + // u"MB" // ); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, // u"Process ID: " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(Metrics::GetProcessID()) // ); // return; // } // if (chatCommand == "reloadconfig" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // Game::config->ReloadConfig(); // VanityUtilities::SpawnVanity(); // dpWorld::Reload(); // auto entities = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesByComponent(eReplicaComponentType::SCRIPTED_ACTIVITY); // for (const auto* const entity : entities) { // auto* const scriptedActivityComponent = entity->GetComponent<ScriptedActivityComponent>(); // if (!scriptedActivityComponent) continue; // scriptedActivityComponent->ReloadConfig(); // } // Game::server->UpdateMaximumMtuSize(); // Game::server->UpdateBandwidthLimit(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Successfully reloaded config for world!"); // } // if (chatCommand == "rollloot" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::OPERATOR && args.size() >= 3) { // const auto lootMatrixIndex = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[0]); // if (!lootMatrixIndex) return; // const auto targetLot = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[1]); // if (!targetLot) return; // const auto loops = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[2]); // if (!loops) return; // uint64_t totalRuns = 0; // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < loops; i++) { // while (true) { // auto lootRoll = Loot::RollLootMatrix(lootMatrixIndex.value()); // totalRuns += 1; // bool doBreak = false; // for (const auto& kv : lootRoll) { // if (static_cast<uint32_t>(kv.first) == targetLot) { // doBreak = true; // } // } // if (doBreak) break; // } // } // std::u16string message = u"Ran loot drops looking for " // + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(targetLot.value()) // + u", " // + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(loops.value()) // + u" times. It ran " // + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(totalRuns) // + u" times. Averaging out at " // + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(static_cast<float>(totalRuns) / loops.value()); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, message); // } // if (chatCommand == "deleteinven" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // eInventoryType inventoryType = eInventoryType::INVALID; // const auto inventoryTypeOptional = GeneralUtils::TryParse<eInventoryType>(args[0]); // if (!inventoryTypeOptional) { // // In this case, we treat the input as a string and try to find it in the reflection list // std::transform(args[0].begin(), args[0].end(), args[0].begin(), ::toupper); // LOG("looking for inventory %s", args[0].c_str()); // for (uint32_t index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_INVENTORIES; index++) { // if (std::string_view(args[0]) == std::string_view(InventoryType::InventoryTypeToString(static_cast<eInventoryType>(index)))) inventoryType = static_cast<eInventoryType>(index); // } // } else { // inventoryType = inventoryTypeOptional.value(); // } // if (inventoryType == eInventoryType::INVALID || inventoryType >= NUMBER_OF_INVENTORIES) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid inventory provided."); // return; // } // auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>(); // if (!inventoryComponent) return; // auto* inventoryToDelete = inventoryComponent->GetInventory(inventoryType); // if (!inventoryToDelete) return; // inventoryToDelete->DeleteAllItems(); // LOG("Deleted inventory %s for user %llu", args[0].c_str(), entity->GetObjectID()); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Deleted inventory " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(args[0])); // } // if (chatCommand == "castskill" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // auto* skillComponent = entity->GetComponent<SkillComponent>(); // if (skillComponent) { // const auto skillId = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[0]); // if (!skillId) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Error getting skill ID."); // return; // } else { // skillComponent->CastSkill(skillId.value(), entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetObjectID()); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Cast skill"); // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "setskillslot" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 2) { // auto* const inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>(); // if (inventoryComponent) { // const auto slot = GeneralUtils::TryParse<BehaviorSlot>(args[0]); // if (!slot) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Error getting slot."); // return; // } else { // const auto skillId = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(args[1]); // if (!skillId) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Error getting skill."); // return; // } else { // if (inventoryComponent->SetSkill(slot.value(), skillId.value())) ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Set skill to slot successfully"); // else ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Set skill to slot failed"); // } // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "setfaction" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); // if (destroyableComponent) { // const auto faction = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[0]); // if (!faction) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Error getting faction."); // return; // } else { // destroyableComponent->SetFaction(faction.value()); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Set faction and updated enemies list"); // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "addfaction" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); // if (destroyableComponent) { // const auto faction = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[0]); // if (!faction) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Error getting faction."); // return; // } else { // destroyableComponent->AddFaction(faction.value()); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Added faction and updated enemies list"); // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "getfactions" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER) { // auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); // if (destroyableComponent) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Friendly factions:"); // for (const auto entry : destroyableComponent->GetFactionIDs()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(entry))); // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Enemy factions:"); // for (const auto entry : destroyableComponent->GetEnemyFactionsIDs()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(entry))); // } // } // } // if (chatCommand == "setrewardcode" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() == 1) { // auto* cdrewardCodes = CDClientManager::GetTable<CDRewardCodesTable>(); // auto id = cdrewardCodes->GetCodeID(args[0]); // if (id != -1) Database::Get()->InsertRewardCode(user->GetAccountID(), id); // } // if (chatCommand == "inspect" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::DEVELOPER && args.size() >= 1) { // Entity* closest = nullptr; // std::u16string ldf; // bool isLDF = false; // auto component = GeneralUtils::TryParse<eReplicaComponentType>(args[0]); // if (!component) { // component = eReplicaComponentType::INVALID; // ldf = GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(args[0]); // isLDF = true; // } // auto reference = entity->GetPosition(); // auto closestDistance = 0.0f; // const auto candidates = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesByComponent(component.value()); // for (auto* candidate : candidates) { // if (candidate->GetLOT() == 1 || candidate->GetLOT() == 8092) { // continue; // } // if (isLDF && !candidate->HasVar(ldf)) { // continue; // } // if (!closest) { // closest = candidate; // closestDistance = NiPoint3::Distance(candidate->GetPosition(), reference); // continue; // } // const auto distance = NiPoint3::Distance(candidate->GetPosition(), reference); // if (distance < closestDistance) { // closest = candidate; // closestDistance = distance; // } // } // if (!closest) return; // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(closest); // auto* table = CDClientManager::GetTable<CDObjectsTable>(); // const auto& info = table->GetByID(closest->GetLOT()); // std::stringstream header; // header << info.name << " [" << std::to_string(info.id) << "]" << " " << std::to_string(closestDistance) << " " << std::to_string(closest->IsSleeping()); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(header.str())); // for (const auto& pair : closest->GetComponents()) { // auto id = pair.first; // std::stringstream stream; // stream << "Component [" << std::to_string(static_cast<uint32_t>(id)) << "]"; // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(stream.str())); // } // if (args.size() >= 2) { // if (args[1] == "-m" && args.size() >= 3) { // auto* const movingPlatformComponent = closest->GetComponent<MovingPlatformComponent>(); // const auto mValue = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[2]); // if (!movingPlatformComponent || !mValue) return; // movingPlatformComponent->SetSerialized(true); // if (mValue == -1) { // movingPlatformComponent->StopPathing(); // } else { // movingPlatformComponent->GotoWaypoint(mValue.value()); // } // Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(closest); // } else if (args[1] == "-a" && args.size() >= 3) { // RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(closest, args.at(2)); // } else if (args[1] == "-s") { // for (auto* entry : closest->GetSettings()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(entry->GetString())); // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"------"); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Spawner ID: " + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(closest->GetSpawnerID())); // } else if (args[1] == "-p") { // const auto postion = closest->GetPosition(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage( // sysAddr, // GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16("< " + std::to_string(postion.x) + ", " + std::to_string(postion.y) + ", " + std::to_string(postion.z) + " >") // ); // } else if (args[1] == "-f") { // auto* destuctable = closest->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); // if (destuctable == nullptr) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"No destroyable component on this entity!"); // return; // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Smashable: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(destuctable->GetIsSmashable()))); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Friendly factions:"); // for (const auto entry : destuctable->GetFactionIDs()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(entry))); // } // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Enemy factions:"); // for (const auto entry : destuctable->GetEnemyFactionsIDs()) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(entry))); // } // if (args.size() >= 3) { // const auto faction = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(args[2]); // if (!faction) return; // destuctable->SetFaction(-1); // destuctable->AddFaction(faction.value(), true); // } // } else if (args[1] == "-cf") { // auto* destuctable = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>(); // if (!destuctable) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"No destroyable component on this entity!"); // return; // } // if (destuctable->IsEnemy(closest)) ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"They are our enemy"); // else ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"They are NOT our enemy"); // } else if (args[1] == "-t") { // auto* phantomPhysicsComponent = closest->GetComponent<PhantomPhysicsComponent>(); // if (phantomPhysicsComponent != nullptr) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Type: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(static_cast<uint32_t>(phantomPhysicsComponent->GetEffectType())))); // const auto dir = phantomPhysicsComponent->GetDirection(); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Direction: <" + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(dir.x)) + u", " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(dir.y)) + u", " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(dir.z)) + u">"); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Multiplier: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(phantomPhysicsComponent->GetDirectionalMultiplier()))); // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Active: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(phantomPhysicsComponent->GetPhysicsEffectActive()))); // } // auto* triggerComponent = closest->GetComponent<TriggerComponent>(); // if (triggerComponent) { // auto trigger = triggerComponent->GetTrigger(); // if (trigger) { // ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Trigger: " + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(trigger->id))); // } // } // } // } // } } void SlashCommandHandler::SendAnnouncement(const std::string& title, const std::string& message) { AMFArrayValue args; args.Insert("title", title); args.Insert("message", message); GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToAllClients("ToggleAnnounce", args); //Notify chat about it CBITSTREAM; BitStreamUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, eConnectionType::CHAT_INTERNAL, eChatInternalMessageType::ANNOUNCEMENT); bitStream.Write<uint32_t>(title.size()); for (auto character : title) { bitStream.Write<char>(character); } bitStream.Write<uint32_t>(message.size()); for (auto character : message) { bitStream.Write<char>(character); } Game::chatServer->Send(&bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, Game::chatSysAddr, false); }