#include "dpEntity.h" #include "dpShapeSphere.h" #include "dpShapeBox.h" #include "dpGrid.h" #include <iostream> dpEntity::dpEntity(const LWOOBJID& objectID, dpShapeType shapeType, bool isStatic) { m_ObjectID = objectID; m_IsStatic = isStatic; m_CollisionShape = nullptr; m_Scale = 1.0f; m_CollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_ALL; switch (shapeType) { case dpShapeType::Sphere: m_CollisionShape = new dpShapeSphere(this, 1.0f); break; case dpShapeType::Box: m_CollisionShape = new dpShapeBox(this, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; default: std::cout << "No shape for shapeType: " << (int)shapeType << std::endl; } } dpEntity::dpEntity(const LWOOBJID& objectID, NiPoint3 boxDimensions, bool isStatic) { m_ObjectID = objectID; m_IsStatic = isStatic; m_CollisionShape = nullptr; m_Scale = 1.0f; m_CollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_ALL; m_CollisionShape = new dpShapeBox(this, boxDimensions.x, boxDimensions.y, boxDimensions.z); } dpEntity::dpEntity(const LWOOBJID& objectID, float width, float height, float depth, bool isStatic) { m_ObjectID = objectID; m_IsStatic = isStatic; m_CollisionShape = nullptr; m_Scale = 1.0f; m_CollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_ALL; m_CollisionShape = new dpShapeBox(this, width, height, depth); } dpEntity::dpEntity(const LWOOBJID& objectID, float radius, bool isStatic) { m_ObjectID = objectID; m_IsStatic = isStatic; m_CollisionShape = nullptr; m_Scale = 1.0f; m_CollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_ALL; m_CollisionShape = new dpShapeSphere(this, radius); } dpEntity::~dpEntity() { delete m_CollisionShape; m_CollisionShape = nullptr; } void dpEntity::Update(float deltaTime) { m_NewObjects.clear(); m_RemovedObjects.clear(); if (m_IsStatic) return; //m_Position = m_Position + (m_Velocity * deltaTime); } void dpEntity::CheckCollision(dpEntity* other) { if (!m_CollisionShape) return; if ((m_CollisionGroup & other->m_CollisionGroup) & (~COLLISION_GROUP_DYNAMIC)) { return; } bool wasFound = (m_CurrentlyCollidingObjects.find(other->GetObjectID()) != m_CurrentlyCollidingObjects.end()); bool isColliding = m_CollisionShape->IsColliding(other->GetShape()); if (isColliding && !wasFound) { m_CurrentlyCollidingObjects.emplace(other->GetObjectID(), other); m_NewObjects.push_back(other); //if (m_CollisionShape->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Sphere && other->GetShape()->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Sphere) //std::cout << "started sphere col at: " << other->GetPosition().x << ", " << other->GetPosition().y << ", " << other->GetPosition().z << std::endl; } else if (!isColliding && wasFound) { m_CurrentlyCollidingObjects.erase(other->GetObjectID()); m_RemovedObjects.push_back(other); //if (m_CollisionShape->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Sphere && other->GetShape()->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Sphere) // std::cout << "stopped sphere col at: " << other->GetPosition().x << ", " << other->GetPosition().y << ", " << other->GetPosition().z << std::endl; } } void dpEntity::SetPosition(const NiPoint3& newPos) { if (!m_CollisionShape) return; //Update the grid if needed: if (m_Grid) m_Grid->Move(this, newPos.x, newPos.z); //If we're a box, we need to first undo the previous position, otherwise things get screwy: if (m_CollisionShape->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Box) { auto box = static_cast<dpShapeBox*>(m_CollisionShape); if (m_Position != NiPoint3()) { box->SetPosition(NiPoint3(-m_Position.x, -m_Position.y, -m_Position.z)); } box->SetPosition(newPos); } m_Position = newPos; } void dpEntity::SetRotation(const NiQuaternion& newRot) { m_Rotation = newRot; if (m_CollisionShape->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Box) { auto box = static_cast<dpShapeBox*>(m_CollisionShape); box->SetRotation(newRot); } } void dpEntity::SetScale(float newScale) { m_Scale = newScale; if (m_CollisionShape->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Box) { auto box = static_cast<dpShapeBox*>(m_CollisionShape); box->SetScale(newScale); } } void dpEntity::SetVelocity(const NiPoint3& newVelocity) { m_Velocity = newVelocity; } void dpEntity::SetAngularVelocity(const NiPoint3& newAngularVelocity) { m_AngularVelocity = newAngularVelocity; } void dpEntity::SetGrid(dpGrid* grid) { m_Grid = grid; if (m_CollisionShape->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Sphere && static_cast<dpShapeSphere*>(m_CollisionShape)->GetRadius() * 2.0f > static_cast<float>(m_Grid->CELL_SIZE)) { m_IsGargantuan = true; } else if (m_CollisionShape->GetShapeType() == dpShapeType::Box && static_cast<dpShapeBox*>(m_CollisionShape)->GetWidth() > static_cast<float>(m_Grid->CELL_SIZE)) { m_IsGargantuan = true; } m_Grid->Add(this); }