#include "DS_Table.h" #include "DS_OrderedList.h" #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "RakAssert.h" #include "Itoa.h" using namespace DataStructures; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( push ) #endif void ExtendRows(Table::Row* input, int index) { (void) index; input->cells.Insert(new Table::Cell ); } void FreeRow(Table::Row* input, int index) { (void) index; unsigned i; for (i=0; i < input->cells.Size(); i++) { delete input->cells[i]; } delete input; } Table::Cell::Cell() { isEmpty=true; c=0; ptr=0; } Table::Cell::~Cell() { Clear(); } Table::Cell& Table::Cell::operator = ( const Table::Cell& input ) { isEmpty=input.isEmpty; i=input.i; ptr=input.ptr; if (c) delete [] c; if (input.c) { c = (char*) rakMalloc( i ); memcpy(c, input.c, i); } else c=0; return *this; } Table::Cell::Cell( const Table::Cell & input) { isEmpty=input.isEmpty; i=input.i; ptr=input.ptr; if (input.c) { if (c) delete [] c; c = (char*) rakMalloc( i ); memcpy(c, input.c, i); } } void Table::Cell::Set(int input) { Clear(); i=input; c=0; ptr=0; isEmpty=false; } void Table::Cell::Set(const char *input) { Clear(); if (input && input[0]) { i=(int)strlen(input)+1; c = (char*) rakMalloc( i ); strcpy(c, input); } else { c=0; i=0; } ptr=0; isEmpty=false; } void Table::Cell::Set(const char *input, int inputLength) { Clear(); if (input) { c = (char*) rakMalloc( inputLength ); i=inputLength; memcpy(c, input, inputLength); } else { c=0; i=0; } ptr=0; isEmpty=false; } void Table::Cell::SetPtr(void* p) { Clear(); c=0; ptr=p; isEmpty=false; } void Table::Cell::Get(int *output) { assert(isEmpty==false); *output=i; } void Table::Cell::Get(char *output) { assert(isEmpty==false); strcpy(output, c); } void Table::Cell::Get(char *output, int *outputLength) { assert(isEmpty==false); memcpy(output, c, i); if (outputLength) *outputLength=i; } RakNet::RakString Table::Cell::ToString(ColumnType columnType) { if (isEmpty) return RakNet::RakString(); if (columnType==NUMERIC) { char buff[1024]; return RakNet::RakString(Itoa(i,buff,10)); } else if (columnType==STRING) { return RakNet::RakString(c); } else if (columnType==BINARY) { return RakNet::RakString("<Binary>"); } else if (columnType==POINTER) { return RakNet::RakString("%p", ptr); } return RakNet::RakString(); } Table::Cell::Cell(int intValue, char *charValue, void *ptr, ColumnType type) { isEmpty=true; if (type==NUMERIC) { Set(intValue); } else if (type==STRING) { Set(charValue); } else if (type==BINARY) { Set(charValue, intValue); } else if (type==POINTER) { SetPtr(ptr); } else { ptr=(void*) charValue; } } void Table::Cell::Clear(void) { if (isEmpty==false) { rakFree (c); c=0; } isEmpty=true; } Table::ColumnDescriptor::ColumnDescriptor() { } Table::ColumnDescriptor::~ColumnDescriptor() { } Table::ColumnDescriptor::ColumnDescriptor(const char cn[_TABLE_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH], ColumnType ct) { columnType=ct; strcpy(columnName, cn); } void Table::Row::UpdateCell(unsigned columnIndex, int value) { cells[columnIndex]->Clear(); cells[columnIndex]->Set(value); // cells[columnIndex]->i=value; // cells[columnIndex]->c=0; // cells[columnIndex]->isEmpty=false; } void Table::Row::UpdateCell(unsigned columnIndex, const char *str) { cells[columnIndex]->Clear(); cells[columnIndex]->Set(str); } void Table::Row::UpdateCell(unsigned columnIndex, int byteLength, const char *data) { cells[columnIndex]->Clear(); cells[columnIndex]->Set(data,byteLength); } Table::Table() { } Table::~Table() { Clear(); } unsigned Table::AddColumn(const char columnName[_TABLE_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH], ColumnType columnType) { if (columnName[0]==0) return (unsigned) -1; // Add this column. columns.Insert(Table::ColumnDescriptor(columnName, columnType)); // Extend the rows by one rows.ForEachData(ExtendRows); return columns.Size()-1; } void Table::RemoveColumn(unsigned columnIndex) { if (columnIndex >= columns.Size()) return; columns.RemoveAtIndex(columnIndex); // Remove this index from each row. int i; DataStructures::Page<unsigned, Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER> *cur = rows.GetListHead(); while (cur) { for (i=0; i < cur->size; i++) { delete cur->data[i]->cells[columnIndex]; cur->data[i]->cells.RemoveAtIndex(columnIndex); } cur=cur->next; } } unsigned Table::ColumnIndex(const char *columnName) { unsigned columnIndex; for (columnIndex=0; columnIndex<columns.Size(); columnIndex++) if (strcmp(columnName, columns[columnIndex].columnName)==0) return columnIndex; return (unsigned)-1; } unsigned Table::ColumnIndex(char columnName[_TABLE_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH]) { return ColumnIndex((const char *) columnName); } char* Table::ColumnName(unsigned index) { if (index >= columns.Size()) return 0; else return (char*)columns[index].columnName; } Table::ColumnType Table::GetColumnType(unsigned index) { if (index >= columns.Size()) return (Table::ColumnType) 0; else return columns[index].columnType; } unsigned Table::GetColumnCount(void) const { return columns.Size(); } unsigned Table::GetRowCount(void) const { return rows.Size(); } Table::Row* Table::AddRow(unsigned rowId) { Row *newRow; newRow = new Row; if (rows.Insert(rowId, newRow)==false) { delete newRow; return 0; // Already exists } unsigned rowIndex; for (rowIndex=0; rowIndex < columns.Size(); rowIndex++) newRow->cells.Insert( new Table::Cell() ); return newRow; } Table::Row* Table::AddRow(unsigned rowId, DataStructures::List<Cell> &initialCellValues) { Row *newRow = new Row; unsigned rowIndex; for (rowIndex=0; rowIndex < columns.Size(); rowIndex++) { if (rowIndex < initialCellValues.Size() && initialCellValues[rowIndex].isEmpty==false) newRow->cells.Insert(new Table::Cell(initialCellValues[rowIndex].i, initialCellValues[rowIndex].c, initialCellValues[rowIndex].ptr, columns[rowIndex].columnType)); else newRow->cells.Insert(new Table::Cell()); } rows.Insert(rowId, newRow); return newRow; } Table::Row* Table::AddRowColumns(unsigned rowId, Row *row, DataStructures::List<unsigned> columnIndices) { Row *newRow = new Row; unsigned columnIndex; for (columnIndex=0; columnIndex < columnIndices.Size(); columnIndex++) { if (row->cells[columnIndices[columnIndex]]->isEmpty==false) { newRow->cells.Insert(new Table::Cell( row->cells[columnIndices[columnIndex]]->i, row->cells[columnIndices[columnIndex]]->c, row->cells[columnIndices[columnIndex]]->ptr, columns[columnIndex].columnType )); } else { newRow->cells.Insert(new Cell()); } } rows.Insert(rowId, newRow); return newRow; } void Table::RemoveRow(unsigned rowId) { Row *out; if (rows.Delete(rowId, out)) DeleteRow(out); } void Table::RemoveRows(Table *tableContainingRowIDs) { unsigned i; DataStructures::Page<unsigned, Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER> *cur = tableContainingRowIDs->GetRows().GetListHead(); while (cur) { for (i=0; i < (unsigned)cur->size; i++) { rows.Delete(cur->keys[i]); } cur=cur->next; } return; } bool Table::UpdateCell(unsigned rowId, unsigned columnIndex, int value) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==NUMERIC); Row *row = GetRowByID(rowId); if (row) { row->UpdateCell(columnIndex, value); return true; } return false; } bool Table::UpdateCell(unsigned rowId, unsigned columnIndex, char *str) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==STRING); Row *row = GetRowByID(rowId); if (row) { row->UpdateCell(columnIndex, str); return true; } return false; } bool Table::UpdateCell(unsigned rowId, unsigned columnIndex, int byteLength, char *data) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==BINARY); Row *row = GetRowByID(rowId); if (row) { row->UpdateCell(columnIndex, byteLength, data); return true; } return false; } bool Table::UpdateCellByIndex(unsigned rowIndex, unsigned columnIndex, int value) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==NUMERIC); Row *row = GetRowByIndex(rowIndex,0); if (row) { row->UpdateCell(columnIndex, value); return true; } return false; } bool Table::UpdateCellByIndex(unsigned rowIndex, unsigned columnIndex, char *str) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==STRING); Row *row = GetRowByIndex(rowIndex,0); if (row) { row->UpdateCell(columnIndex, str); return true; } return false; } bool Table::UpdateCellByIndex(unsigned rowIndex, unsigned columnIndex, int byteLength, char *data) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==BINARY); Row *row = GetRowByIndex(rowIndex,0); if (row) { row->UpdateCell(columnIndex, byteLength, data); return true; } return false; } void Table::GetCellValueByIndex(unsigned rowIndex, unsigned columnIndex, int *output) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==NUMERIC); Row *row = GetRowByIndex(rowIndex,0); if (row) { row->cells[columnIndex]->Get(output); } } void Table::GetCellValueByIndex(unsigned rowIndex, unsigned columnIndex, char *output) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==STRING); Row *row = GetRowByIndex(rowIndex,0); if (row) { row->cells[columnIndex]->Get(output); } } void Table::GetCellValueByIndex(unsigned rowIndex, unsigned columnIndex, char *output, int *outputLength) { assert(columns[columnIndex].columnType==BINARY); Row *row = GetRowByIndex(rowIndex,0); if (row) { row->cells[columnIndex]->Get(output, outputLength); } } Table::FilterQuery::FilterQuery() { columnName[0]=0; } Table::FilterQuery::~FilterQuery() { } Table::FilterQuery::FilterQuery(unsigned column, Cell *cell, FilterQueryType op) { columnIndex=column; cellValue=cell; operation=op; } Table::Row* Table::GetRowByID(unsigned rowId) const { Row *row; if (rows.Get(rowId, row)) return row; return 0; } Table::Row* Table::GetRowByIndex(unsigned rowIndex, unsigned *key) const { DataStructures::Page<unsigned, Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER> *cur = rows.GetListHead(); while (cur) { if (rowIndex < (unsigned)cur->size) { if (key) *key=cur->keys[rowIndex]; return cur->data[rowIndex]; } if (rowIndex <= (unsigned)cur->size) rowIndex-=cur->size; else return 0; cur=cur->next; } return 0; } void Table::QueryTable(unsigned *columnIndicesSubset, unsigned numColumnSubset, FilterQuery *inclusionFilters, unsigned numInclusionFilters, unsigned *rowIds, unsigned numRowIDs, Table *result) { unsigned i; DataStructures::List<unsigned> columnIndicesToReturn; // Clear the result table. result->Clear(); if (columnIndicesSubset && numColumnSubset>0) { for (i=0; i < numColumnSubset; i++) { if (columnIndicesSubset[i]>=0 && columnIndicesSubset[i]<columns.Size()) columnIndicesToReturn.Insert(columnIndicesSubset[i]); } } else { for (i=0; i < columns.Size(); i++) columnIndicesToReturn.Insert(i); } if (columnIndicesToReturn.Size()==0) return; // No valid columns specified for (i=0; i < columnIndicesToReturn.Size(); i++) { result->AddColumn(columns[columnIndicesToReturn[i]].columnName,columns[columnIndicesToReturn[i]].columnType); } // Get the column indices of the filter queries. DataStructures::List<unsigned> inclusionFilterColumnIndices; if (inclusionFilters && numInclusionFilters>0) { for (i=0; i < numInclusionFilters; i++) { if (inclusionFilters[i].columnName[0]) inclusionFilters[i].columnIndex=ColumnIndex(inclusionFilters[i].columnName); if (inclusionFilters[i].columnIndex>=0 && inclusionFilters[i].columnIndex<columns.Size()) inclusionFilterColumnIndices.Insert(inclusionFilters[i].columnIndex); else inclusionFilterColumnIndices.Insert((unsigned)-1); } } if (rowIds==0 || numRowIDs==0) { // All rows DataStructures::Page<unsigned, Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER> *cur = rows.GetListHead(); while (cur) { for (i=0; i < (unsigned)cur->size; i++) { QueryRow(inclusionFilterColumnIndices, columnIndicesToReturn, cur->keys[i], cur->data[i], inclusionFilters, result); } cur=cur->next; } } else { // Specific rows Row *row; for (i=0; i < numRowIDs; i++) { if (rows.Get(rowIds[i], row)) { QueryRow(inclusionFilterColumnIndices, columnIndicesToReturn, rowIds[i], row, inclusionFilters, result); } } } } void Table::QueryRow(DataStructures::List<unsigned> &inclusionFilterColumnIndices, DataStructures::List<unsigned> &columnIndicesToReturn, unsigned key, Table::Row* row, FilterQuery *inclusionFilters, Table *result) { bool pass=false; unsigned columnIndex; unsigned j; // If no inclusion filters, just add the row if (inclusionFilterColumnIndices.Size()==0) { result->AddRowColumns(key, row, columnIndicesToReturn); } else { // Go through all inclusion filters. Only add this row if all filters pass. for (j=0; j<inclusionFilterColumnIndices.Size(); j++) { columnIndex=inclusionFilterColumnIndices[j]; if (row->cells[columnIndex]->isEmpty==false && columnIndex!=(unsigned)-1) { switch (inclusionFilters[j].operation) { case QF_EQUAL: switch(columns[inclusionFilterColumnIndices[j]].columnType) { case NUMERIC: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i==inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i; break; case STRING: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->c && inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c && strcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c)==0; break; case BINARY: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i==inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i && memcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c, row->cells[columnIndex]->i)==0; break; case POINTER: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->ptr==inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->ptr; break; } break; case QF_NOT_EQUAL: switch(columns[inclusionFilterColumnIndices[j]].columnType) { case NUMERIC: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i!=inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i; break; case STRING: pass=strcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c)!=0; break; case BINARY: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i==inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i && memcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c, row->cells[columnIndex]->i)==0; break; case POINTER: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->ptr!=inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->ptr; break; } break; case QF_GREATER_THAN: switch(columns[inclusionFilterColumnIndices[j]].columnType) { case NUMERIC: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i>inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i; break; case STRING: pass=strcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c)>0; break; case BINARY: break; case POINTER: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->ptr>inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->ptr; break; } break; case QF_GREATER_THAN_EQ: switch(columns[inclusionFilterColumnIndices[j]].columnType) { case NUMERIC: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i>=inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i; break; case STRING: pass=strcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c)>=0; break; case BINARY: break; case POINTER: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->ptr>=inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->ptr; break; } break; case QF_LESS_THAN: switch(columns[inclusionFilterColumnIndices[j]].columnType) { case NUMERIC: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i<inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i; break; case STRING: pass=strcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c)<0; break; case BINARY: break; case POINTER: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->ptr<inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->ptr; break; } break; case QF_LESS_THAN_EQ: switch(columns[inclusionFilterColumnIndices[j]].columnType) { case NUMERIC: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->i<=inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->i; break; case STRING: pass=strcmp(row->cells[columnIndex]->c,inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->c)<=0; break; case BINARY: break; case POINTER: pass=row->cells[columnIndex]->ptr<=inclusionFilters[j].cellValue->ptr; break; } break; case QF_IS_EMPTY: pass=false; break; case QF_NOT_EMPTY: pass=true; break; default: pass=false; RakAssert(0); break; } } else { if (inclusionFilters[j].operation==QF_IS_EMPTY) pass=true; else pass=false; // No value for this cell } if (pass==false) break; } if (pass) { result->AddRowColumns(key, row, columnIndicesToReturn); } } } static Table::SortQuery *_sortQueries; static unsigned _numSortQueries; static DataStructures::List<unsigned> *_columnIndices; static DataStructures::List<Table::ColumnDescriptor> *_columns; int RowSort(Table::Row* const &first, Table::Row* const &second) // first is the one inserting, second is the one already there. { unsigned i, columnIndex; for (i=0; i<_numSortQueries; i++) { columnIndex=(*_columnIndices)[i]; if (columnIndex==(unsigned)-1) continue; if (first->cells[columnIndex]->isEmpty==true && second->cells[columnIndex]->isEmpty==false) return 1; // Empty cells always go at the end if (first->cells[columnIndex]->isEmpty==false && second->cells[columnIndex]->isEmpty==true) return -1; // Empty cells always go at the end if (_sortQueries[i].operation==Table::QS_INCREASING_ORDER) { if ((*_columns)[columnIndex].columnType==Table::NUMERIC) { if (first->cells[columnIndex]->i>second->cells[columnIndex]->i) return 1; if (first->cells[columnIndex]->i<second->cells[columnIndex]->i) return -1; } else { // String if (strcmp(first->cells[columnIndex]->c,second->cells[columnIndex]->c)>0) return 1; if (strcmp(first->cells[columnIndex]->c,second->cells[columnIndex]->c)<0) return -1; } } else { if ((*_columns)[columnIndex].columnType==Table::NUMERIC) { if (first->cells[columnIndex]->i<second->cells[columnIndex]->i) return 1; if (first->cells[columnIndex]->i>second->cells[columnIndex]->i) return -1; } else { // String if (strcmp(first->cells[columnIndex]->c,second->cells[columnIndex]->c)<0) return 1; if (strcmp(first->cells[columnIndex]->c,second->cells[columnIndex]->c)>0) return -1; } } } return 0; } void Table::SortTable(Table::SortQuery *sortQueries, unsigned numSortQueries, Table::Row** out) { unsigned i; unsigned outLength; DataStructures::List<unsigned> columnIndices; _sortQueries=sortQueries; _numSortQueries=numSortQueries; _columnIndices=&columnIndices; _columns=&columns; bool anyValid=false; for (i=0; i < numSortQueries; i++) { if (sortQueries[i].columnIndex>=0 && sortQueries[i].columnIndex<columns.Size() && columns[sortQueries[i].columnIndex].columnType!=BINARY) { columnIndices.Insert(sortQueries[i].columnIndex); anyValid=true; } else columnIndices.Insert((unsigned)-1); // Means don't check this column } DataStructures::Page<unsigned, Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER> *cur; cur = rows.GetListHead(); if (anyValid==false) { outLength=0; while (cur) { for (i=0; i < (unsigned)cur->size; i++) { out[(outLength)++]=cur->data[i]; } cur=cur->next; } return; } // Start adding to ordered list. DataStructures::OrderedList<Row*, Row*, RowSort> orderedList; while (cur) { for (i=0; i < (unsigned)cur->size; i++) { orderedList.Insert(cur->data[i],cur->data[i], true); } cur=cur->next; } outLength=0; for (i=0; i < orderedList.Size(); i++) out[(outLength)++]=orderedList[i]; } void Table::PrintColumnHeaders(char *out, int outLength, char columnDelineator) const { if (outLength<=0) return; if (outLength==1) { *out=0; return; } unsigned i; out[0]=0; int len; for (i=0; i < columns.Size(); i++) { if (i!=0) { len = (int) strlen(out); if (len < outLength-1) sprintf(out+len, "%c", columnDelineator); else return; } len = (int) strlen(out); if (len < outLength-(int) strlen(columns[i].columnName)) sprintf(out+len, "%s", columns[i].columnName); else return; } } void Table::PrintRow(char *out, int outLength, char columnDelineator, bool printDelineatorForBinary, Table::Row* inputRow) const { if (outLength<=0) return; if (outLength==1) { *out=0; return; } if (inputRow->cells.Size()!=columns.Size()) { strncpy(out, "Cell width does not match column width.\n", outLength); out[outLength-1]=0; return; } char buff[512]; unsigned i; int len; out[0]=0; for (i=0; i < columns.Size(); i++) { if (columns[i].columnType==NUMERIC) { if (inputRow->cells[i]->isEmpty==false) { sprintf(buff, "%i", inputRow->cells[i]->i); len=(int)strlen(buff); } else len=0; if (i+1!=columns.Size()) buff[len++]=columnDelineator; buff[len]=0; } else if (columns[i].columnType==STRING) { if (inputRow->cells[i]->isEmpty==false && inputRow->cells[i]->c) { strncpy(buff, inputRow->cells[i]->c, 512-2); buff[512-2]=0; len=(int)strlen(buff); } else len=0; if (i+1!=columns.Size()) buff[len++]=columnDelineator; buff[len]=0; } else if (columns[i].columnType==POINTER) { if (inputRow->cells[i]->isEmpty==false && inputRow->cells[i]->ptr) { sprintf(buff, "%p", inputRow->cells[i]->ptr); len=(int)strlen(buff); } else len=0; if (i+1!=columns.Size()) buff[len++]=columnDelineator; buff[len]=0; } else { if (printDelineatorForBinary) { if (i+1!=columns.Size()) buff[0]=columnDelineator; buff[1]=0; } else buff[0]=0; } len=(int)strlen(out); if (outLength==len+1) break; strncpy(out+len, buff, outLength-len); out[outLength-1]=0; } } void Table::Clear(void) { rows.ForEachData(FreeRow); rows.Clear(); columns.Clear(true); } List<Table::ColumnDescriptor>& Table::GetColumns(void) { return columns; } DataStructures::BPlusTree<unsigned, Table::Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER>& Table::GetRows(void) { return rows; } DataStructures::Page<unsigned, DataStructures::Table::Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER> * Table::GetListHead(void) { return rows.GetListHead(); } unsigned Table::GetAvailableRowId(void) const { bool setKey=false; unsigned key=0; int i; DataStructures::Page<unsigned, Row*, _TABLE_BPLUS_TREE_ORDER> *cur = rows.GetListHead(); while (cur) { for (i=0; i < cur->size; i++) { if (setKey==false) { key=cur->keys[i]+1; setKey=true; } else { if (key!=cur->keys[i]) return key; key++; } } cur=cur->next; } return key; } void Table::DeleteRow(Table::Row *row) { unsigned rowIndex; for (rowIndex=0; rowIndex < row->cells.Size(); rowIndex++) { delete row->cells[rowIndex]; } delete row; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( pop ) #endif