 * Darkflame Universe
 * Copyright 2019


#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "Component.h"
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "eReplicaComponentType.h"

class Entity;

 * Light wrapper around missions that may be offered by an entity
struct OfferedMission {
	OfferedMission(uint32_t missionId, bool offersMission, bool acceptsMission);

	 * Returns the ID of the mission
	 * @return the ID of the mission
	uint32_t GetMissionId() const;

	 * Returns if this mission is offered by the entity
	 * @return true if this mission is offered by the entity, false otherwise
	bool GetOfferMission() const;

	 * Returns if this mission may be accepted by the entity (currently unused)
	 * @return true if this mission may be accepted by the entity, false otherwise
	bool GetAcceptMission() const;


	 * The ID of the mission
	uint32_t missionId;

	 * Determines if the mission is offered by the entity
	bool offersMission;

	 * Determines if the mission can be accepted by the entity
	bool acceptsMission;

 * Allows entities to offer missions to other entities, depending on their mission inventory progression.
class MissionOfferComponent : public Component {
	static const eReplicaComponentType ComponentType = eReplicaComponentType::MISSION_OFFER;

	MissionOfferComponent(Entity* parent, LOT parentLot);
	~MissionOfferComponent() override;

	 * Handles the OnUse event triggered by some entity, determines which missions to show based on what they may
	 * hand in now and what they may start based on their mission history.
	 * @param originator the entity that triggered the event
	void OnUse(Entity* originator) override;

	 * Offers all the missions an entity can accept to said entity
	 * @param entity the entity to offer missions to
	 * @param specifiedMissionId optional mission ID if you wish to offer a specific mission
	void OfferMissions(Entity* entity, uint32_t specifiedMissionId = 0);


	 * The missions this entity has to offer
	std::vector<OfferedMission*> offeredMissions;