#include "SGCannon.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "dZoneManager.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Character.h" #include "ShootingGalleryComponent.h" #include "PossessorComponent.h" #include "CharacterComponent.h" #include "SimplePhysicsComponent.h" #include "MovementAIComponent.h" #include "../dWorldServer/ObjectIDManager.h" #include "MissionComponent.h" #include "Loot.h" #include "InventoryComponent.h" #include "eMissionTaskType.h" #include "eReplicaComponentType.h" #include "RenderComponent.h" #include "eGameActivity.h" void SGCannon::OnStartup(Entity* self) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "OnStartup"); m_Waves = GetWaves(); constants = GetConstants(); ResetVars(self); self->SetVar(GameStartedVariable, false); self->SetVar(InitialVelocityVariable, {}); self->SetVar(ImpactSkillVariale, constants.impactSkillID); auto* shootingGalleryComponent = self->GetComponent(); if (shootingGalleryComponent != nullptr) { shootingGalleryComponent->SetStaticParams({ Vector3 { -327.8609924316406, 256.8999938964844, 1.6482199430465698 }, Vector3 { -181.4320068359375, 212.39999389648438, 2.5182199478149414 } }); shootingGalleryComponent->SetDynamicParams({ Vector3 { 0.0, 4.3, 9.0 }, Vector3 { }, 129.0, 800.0, 30.0, 0.0, -1.0, 58.6 }); } self->SetVar(TimeLimitVariable, 30); self->SetVar>(ValidActorsVariable, { 3109, 3110, 3111, 3112, 3125, 3126 }); self->SetVar>(ValidEffectsVariable, { 3122 }); self->SetVar>(StreakBonusVariable, { 1, 2, 5, 10 }); self->SetVar(SuperChargeActiveVariable, false); self->SetVar(MatrixVariable, 1); self->SetVar(InitVariable, true); auto* simplePhysicsComponent = self->GetComponent(); if (simplePhysicsComponent != nullptr) { simplePhysicsComponent->SetPhysicsMotionState(5); } } void SGCannon::OnPlayerLoaded(Entity* self, Entity* player) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Player loaded"); self->SetVar(PlayerIDVariable, player->GetObjectID()); } void SGCannon::OnFireEventServerSide(Entity* self, Entity* sender, std::string args, int32_t param1, int32_t param2, int32_t param3) { Script::OnFireEventServerSide(self, sender, args, param1, param2, param3); } void SGCannon::OnActivityStateChangeRequest(Entity* self, LWOOBJID senderID, int32_t value1, int32_t value2, const std::u16string& stringValue) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Got activity state change request: %s", GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(stringValue).c_str()); if (stringValue == u"clientready") { auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player != nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Player is ready"); /*GameMessages::SendSetStunned(player->GetObjectID(), eStateChangeType::PUSH, player->GetSystemAddress(), LWOOBJID_EMPTY, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);*/ Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Sending ActivityEnter"); GameMessages::SendActivityEnter(self->GetObjectID(), player->GetSystemAddress()); auto* shootingGalleryComponent = self->GetComponent(); if (shootingGalleryComponent != nullptr) { shootingGalleryComponent->SetCurrentPlayerID(player->GetObjectID()); Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Setting player ID"); Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(self); } else { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Shooting gallery component is null"); } auto* characterComponent = player->GetComponent(); if (characterComponent != nullptr) { characterComponent->SetIsRacing(true); characterComponent->SetCurrentActivity(eGameActivity::SHOOTING_GALLERY); auto possessor = player->GetComponent(); if (possessor) { possessor->SetPossessable(self->GetObjectID()); possessor->SetPossessableType(ePossessionType::NO_POSSESSION); } Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(player); } self->SetNetworkVar(HideScoreBoardVariable, true); self->SetNetworkVar(ReSetSuperChargeVariable, true); self->SetNetworkVar(ShowLoadingUI, true); /* GameMessages::SendTeleport( player->GetObjectID(), {-292.6415710449219, 230.20237731933594, -3.9090466499328613}, {0.7067984342575073, -6.527870573336259e-05, 0.707414984703064, 0.00021762956748716533}, player->GetSystemAddress(), true ); */ //GameMessages::SendRequestActivityEnter(self->GetObjectID(), player->GetSystemAddress(), false, player->GetObjectID()); } else { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Player not found"); } } else if (value1 == 1200) { StartGame(self); } } void SGCannon::OnMessageBoxResponse(Entity* self, Entity* sender, int32_t button, const std::u16string& identifier, const std::u16string& userData) { auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (!player) return; if (identifier == u"Scoreboardinfo") { GameMessages::SendDisplayMessageBox(player->GetObjectID(), true, Game::zoneManager->GetZoneControlObject()->GetObjectID(), u"Shooting_Gallery_Retry", 2, u"Retry?", u"", player->GetSystemAddress()); } else { if ((button == 1 && (identifier == u"Shooting_Gallery_Retry" || identifier == u"RePlay")) || identifier == u"SG1" || button == 0) { if (IsPlayerInActivity(self, player->GetObjectID())) return; self->SetNetworkVar(ClearVariable, true); StartGame(self); } else if (button == 0 && ((identifier == u"Shooting_Gallery_Retry" || identifier == u"RePlay"))) { RemovePlayer(player->GetObjectID()); UpdatePlayer(self, player->GetObjectID(), true); } else if (button == 1 && identifier == u"Shooting_Gallery_Exit") { UpdatePlayer(self, player->GetObjectID(), true); RemovePlayer(player->GetObjectID()); } } } void SGCannon::OnActivityTimerDone(Entity* self, const std::string& name) { if (name == SuperChargeTimer && !self->GetVar(SuperChargePausedVariable)) { if (self->GetVar(WaveStatusVariable) || self->GetVar(CurrentSuperChargedTimeVariable) < 1) { self->SetNetworkVar(ChargeCountingVariable, 99); self->SetNetworkVar(SuperChargeBarVariable, 0); ToggleSuperCharge(self, false); } } else if (name == SpawnWaveTimer) { if (self->GetVar(GameStartedVariable)) { self->SetVar(WaveStatusVariable, true); const auto wave = (int32_t)self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable); if (wave != 0 && self->GetVar(SuperChargePausedVariable)) { StartChargedCannon(self, self->GetVar(CurrentSuperChargedTimeVariable)); self->SetVar(CurrentSuperChargedTimeVariable, 0); } TimerToggle(self, true); for (const auto& enemyToSpawn : m_Waves.at(self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable))) { SpawnObject(self, enemyToSpawn, true); } Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Current wave spawn: %i/%i", wave, m_Waves.size()); // All waves completed const auto timeLimit = (float_t)self->GetVar(TimeLimitVariable); if (wave >= m_Waves.size()) { ActivityTimerStart(self, GameOverTimer, timeLimit, timeLimit); } else { ActivityTimerStart(self, EndWaveTimer, timeLimit, timeLimit); } const auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player != nullptr) { GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(player->GetObjectID(), -1, u"SG-start", ""); GameMessages::SendStartActivityTime(self->GetObjectID(), timeLimit, player->GetSystemAddress()); Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Sending ActivityPause false"); GameMessages::SendActivityPause(self->GetObjectID(), false, player->GetSystemAddress()); } } } else if (name == EndWaveTimer) { self->SetVar(WaveStatusVariable, false); TimerToggle(self); RecordPlayerScore(self); if (self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable) >= 2) { GameMessages::SendActivityPause(self->GetObjectID(), true); ActivityTimerStart(self, GameOverTimer, 0.1, 0.1); return; } self->SetVar(ThisWaveVariable, self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable) + 1); PlaySceneAnimation(self, u"wave" + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable)), true, true, 1.7f); self->SetNetworkVar(WaveNumVariable, self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable) + 1); self->SetNetworkVar(WaveStrVariable, self->GetVar(TimeLimitVariable)); Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Current wave: %i/%i", self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable), m_Waves.size()); if (self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable) >= m_Waves.size()) { ActivityTimerStart(self, GameOverTimer, 0.1, 0.1); } else { ActivityTimerStart(self, SpawnWaveTimer, constants.inBetweenWavePause, constants.inBetweenWavePause); } Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Sending ActivityPause true"); GameMessages::SendActivityPause(self->GetObjectID(), true); if (self->GetVar(SuperChargeActiveVariable) && !self->GetVar(SuperChargePausedVariable)) { PauseChargeCannon(self); } } else if (name == GameOverTimer) { auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player != nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Sending ActivityPause true"); GameMessages::SendActivityPause(self->GetObjectID(), true, player->GetSystemAddress()); /*const auto leftoverCannonballs = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesInGroup("cannonball"); if (leftoverCannonballs.empty()) { RecordPlayerScore(self); } else { ActivityTimerStart(self, EndGameBufferTimer, 1, leftoverCannonballs.size()); }*/ ActivityTimerStart(self, EndGameBufferTimer, 1, 1); TimerToggle(self); } } else if (name.rfind(DoSpawnTimer, 0) == 0) { if (self->GetVar(GameStartedVariable)) { const auto spawnNumber = (uint32_t)std::stoi(name.substr(7)); const auto& activeSpawns = self->GetVar>(ActiveSpawnsVariable); if (activeSpawns.size() < spawnNumber) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Trying to spawn %i when spawns size is only %i", spawnNumber, activeSpawns.size()); return; } const auto& toSpawn = activeSpawns.at(spawnNumber); const auto pathIndex = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, toSpawn.spawnPaths.size() - 1); const auto* path = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetPath(toSpawn.spawnPaths.at(pathIndex)); if (!path) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Path %s at index %i is null", toSpawn.spawnPaths.at(pathIndex).c_str(), pathIndex); return; } auto info = EntityInfo{}; info.lot = toSpawn.lot; info.spawnerID = self->GetObjectID(); info.pos = path->pathWaypoints.at(0).position; info.settings = { new LDFData(u"SpawnData", toSpawn), new LDFData(u"custom_script_server", "scripts/ai/ACT/SG_TARGET.lua"), new LDFData(u"custom_script_client", "scripts/client/ai/SG_TARGET_CLIENT.lua"), new LDFData(u"attached_path", path->pathName), new LDFData(u"attached_path_start", 0), new LDFData(u"groupID", u"SGEnemy") }; Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Spawning enemy %i on path %s", toSpawn.lot, path->pathName.c_str()); auto* enemy = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info, nullptr, self); Game::entityManager->ConstructEntity(enemy); auto* movementAI = new MovementAIComponent(enemy, {}); enemy->AddComponent(eReplicaComponentType::MOVEMENT_AI, movementAI); movementAI->SetSpeed(toSpawn.initialSpeed); movementAI->SetCurrentSpeed(toSpawn.initialSpeed); movementAI->SetHaltDistance(0.0f); std::vector pathWaypoints; for (const auto& waypoint : path->pathWaypoints) { pathWaypoints.push_back(waypoint.position); } if (GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(0, 1) < 0.5f) { std::reverse(pathWaypoints.begin(), pathWaypoints.end()); } movementAI->SetPath(pathWaypoints); enemy->AddDieCallback([this, self, enemy, name]() { RegisterHit(self, enemy, name); }); // Save the enemy and tell it to start pathing if (enemy != nullptr) { const_cast&>(self->GetVar>(SpawnedObjects)).push_back(enemy->GetObjectID()); GameMessages::SendPlatformResync(enemy, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); } } } else if (name == EndGameBufferTimer) { RecordPlayerScore(self); StopGame(self, false); } } void SGCannon::OnActivityTimerUpdate(Entity* self, const std::string& name, float_t timeRemaining, float_t elapsedTime) { ActivityManager::OnActivityTimerUpdate(self, name, timeRemaining, elapsedTime); } void SGCannon::StartGame(Entity* self) { if (self->GetVar(GameStartedVariable)) return; self->SetNetworkVar(TimeLimitVariable, self->GetVar(TimeLimitVariable)); self->SetNetworkVar(AudioStartIntroVariable, true); self->SetVar(CurrentRewardVariable, LOT_NULL); auto rewardObjects = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesInGroup(constants.rewardModelGroup); for (auto* reward : rewardObjects) { reward->OnFireEventServerSide(self, ModelToBuildEvent); } auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player != nullptr) { GetLeaderboardData(self, player->GetObjectID(), GetActivityID(self), 1); Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Sending ActivityStart"); GameMessages::SendActivityStart(self->GetObjectID(), player->GetSystemAddress()); GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(self->GetObjectID(), -1, u"start", ""); self->SetNetworkVar(ClearVariable, true); DoGameStartup(self); if (!self->GetVar(FirstTimeDoneVariable)) { TakeActivityCost(self, player->GetObjectID()); } self->SetVar(FirstTimeDoneVariable, true); } SpawnNewModel(self); } void SGCannon::DoGameStartup(Entity* self) { ResetVars(self); self->SetVar(GameStartedVariable, true); self->SetNetworkVar(ClearVariable, true); self->SetVar(ThisWaveVariable, 0); if (constants.firstWaveStartTime < 1) { constants.firstWaveStartTime = 1; } ActivityTimerStart(self, SpawnWaveTimer, constants.firstWaveStartTime, constants.firstWaveStartTime); } void SGCannon::SpawnNewModel(Entity* self) { // Add a new reward to the existing rewards const auto currentReward = self->GetVar(CurrentRewardVariable); if (currentReward != -1) { auto rewards = self->GetVar>(RewardsVariable); rewards.push_back(currentReward); self->SetNetworkVar(RewardAddedVariable, currentReward); } auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player != nullptr) { for (auto* rewardModel : Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesInGroup(constants.rewardModelGroup)) { uint32_t lootMatrix; switch (self->GetVar(MatrixVariable)) { case 1: lootMatrix = constants.scoreLootMatrix1; break; case 2: lootMatrix = constants.scoreLootMatrix2; break; case 3: lootMatrix = constants.scoreLootMatrix3; break; case 4: lootMatrix = constants.scoreLootMatrix4; break; case 5: lootMatrix = constants.scoreLootMatrix5; break; default: lootMatrix = 0; } if (lootMatrix != 0) { std::unordered_map toDrop = {}; toDrop = LootGenerator::Instance().RollLootMatrix(player, lootMatrix); for (auto drop : toDrop) { rewardModel->OnFireEventServerSide(self, ModelToBuildEvent, drop.first); self->SetVar(CurrentRewardVariable, drop.first); } } } } } void SGCannon::RemovePlayer(LWOOBJID playerID) { auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(playerID); if (player == nullptr) return; auto* playerObject = dynamic_cast(player); if (playerObject == nullptr) return; auto* character = playerObject->GetCharacter(); if (character != nullptr) { playerObject->SendToZone(character->GetLastNonInstanceZoneID()); } } void SGCannon::OnRequestActivityExit(Entity* self, LWOOBJID player, bool canceled) { if (canceled) { StopGame(self, canceled); RemovePlayer(player); } } void SGCannon::StartChargedCannon(Entity* self, uint32_t optionalTime) { optionalTime = optionalTime == 0 ? constants.chargedTime : optionalTime; self->SetVar(SuperChargePausedVariable, false); ToggleSuperCharge(self, true); ActivityTimerStart(self, SuperChargeTimer, 1, optionalTime); if (!self->GetVar(WaveStatusVariable)) { PauseChargeCannon(self); } } void SGCannon::TimerToggle(Entity* self, bool start) { if (start) { self->SetNetworkVar(CountVariable, self->GetVar(TimeLimitVariable)); self->SetVar(GameStartedVariable, true); } else { self->SetNetworkVar(StopVariable, true); } } void SGCannon::SpawnObject(Entity* self, const SGEnemy& toSpawn, bool spawnNow) { auto activeSpawns = self->GetVar>(ActiveSpawnsVariable); activeSpawns.push_back(toSpawn); self->SetVar>(ActiveSpawnsVariable, activeSpawns); self->SetVar(SpawnNumberVariable, activeSpawns.size() - 1); const auto timerName = DoSpawnTimer + std::to_string(activeSpawns.size() - 1); if (spawnNow) { if (toSpawn.minSpawnTime > 0 && toSpawn.maxSpawnTime > 0) { const auto spawnTime = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(toSpawn.minSpawnTime, toSpawn.maxSpawnTime); ActivityTimerStart(self, timerName, spawnTime, spawnTime); } else { ActivityTimerStart(self, timerName, 1, 1); } } else if (toSpawn.respawns) { const auto spawnTime = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(toSpawn.minRespawnTime, toSpawn.maxRespawnTime); ActivityTimerStart(self, timerName, spawnTime, spawnTime); } } void SGCannon::RecordPlayerScore(Entity* self) { const auto totalScore = self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable); const auto currentWave = self->GetVar(ThisWaveVariable); if (currentWave > 0) { auto totalWaveScore = 0; auto playerScores = self->GetVar>(PlayerScoresVariable); for (const auto& waveScore : playerScores) { totalWaveScore += waveScore; } if (currentWave >= playerScores.size()) { playerScores.push_back(totalWaveScore); } else { playerScores[currentWave] = totalWaveScore; } } } void SGCannon::PlaySceneAnimation(Entity* self, const std::u16string& animationName, bool onCannon, bool onPlayer, float_t priority) { for (auto* cannon : Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesInGroup("cannongroup")) { RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(cannon, animationName, priority); } if (onCannon) { RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, animationName, priority); } if (onPlayer) { auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player != nullptr) { RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(player, animationName, priority); } } } void SGCannon::PauseChargeCannon(Entity* self) { const auto time = std::max((uint32_t)std::ceil(ActivityTimerGetCurrentTime(self, SuperChargeTimer)), (uint32_t)1); self->SetVar(SuperChargePausedVariable, true); self->SetVar(CurrentSuperChargedTimeVariable, time); self->SetNetworkVar(ChargeCountingVariable, time); ActivityTimerStop(self, SuperChargeTimer); } void SGCannon::StopGame(Entity* self, bool cancel) { self->SetNetworkVar(ReSetSuperChargeVariable, true); self->SetNetworkVar(HideSuperChargeVariable, true); auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player == nullptr) return; ToggleSuperCharge(self, false); // The player won, store all the score and send rewards if (!cancel) { int32_t percentage = 0.0f; auto misses = self->GetVar(MissesVariable); auto fired = self->GetVar(ShotsFiredVariable); if (fired > 0) { percentage = misses / fired; } auto* missionComponent = player->GetComponent(); if (missionComponent != nullptr) { missionComponent->Progress(eMissionTaskType::PERFORM_ACTIVITY, self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable), self->GetObjectID(), "performact_score"); missionComponent->Progress(eMissionTaskType::PERFORM_ACTIVITY, self->GetVar(MaxStreakVariable), self->GetObjectID(), "performact_streak"); missionComponent->Progress(eMissionTaskType::ACTIVITY, m_CannonLot, 0, "", self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable)); } LootGenerator::Instance().GiveActivityLoot(player, self, GetGameID(self), self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable)); StopActivity(self, player->GetObjectID(), self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable), self->GetVar(MaxStreakVariable), percentage); SaveScore(self, player->GetObjectID(), static_cast(self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable)), static_cast(self->GetVar(MaxStreakVariable)), percentage); self->SetNetworkVar(AudioFinalWaveDoneVariable, true); // Give the player the model rewards they earned auto* inventory = player->GetComponent(); if (inventory != nullptr) { for (const auto rewardLot : self->GetVar>(RewardsVariable)) { inventory->AddItem(rewardLot, 1, eLootSourceType::ACTIVITY, eInventoryType::MODELS); } } self->SetNetworkVar(u"UI_Rewards", GeneralUtils::to_u16string(self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable)) + u"_0_0_0_0_0_0" ); } GameMessages::SendActivityStop(self->GetObjectID(), false, cancel, player->GetSystemAddress()); self->SetVar(GameStartedVariable, false); ActivityTimerStopAllTimers(self); // Destroy all spawners for (auto* entity : Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesInGroup("SGEnemy")) { entity->Kill(); } ResetVars(self); } void SGCannon::RegisterHit(Entity* self, Entity* target, const std::string& timerName) { const auto& spawnInfo = target->GetVar(u"SpawnData"); if (spawnInfo.respawns) { const auto respawnTime = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(spawnInfo.minRespawnTime, spawnInfo.maxRespawnTime); ActivityTimerStart(self, timerName, respawnTime, respawnTime); } int score = spawnInfo.score; if (score > 0) { score += score * GetCurrentBonus(self); if (!self->GetVar(SuperChargeActiveVariable)) { self->SetVar(u"m_curStreak", self->GetVar(u"m_curStreak") + 1); } } else { if (!self->GetVar(SuperChargeActiveVariable)) { self->SetVar(u"m_curStreak", 0); } self->SetNetworkVar(u"hitFriend", true); } auto lastSuperTotal = self->GetVar(u"LastSuperTotal"); auto scScore = self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable) - lastSuperTotal; Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "LastSuperTotal: %i, scScore: %i, constants.chargedPoints: %i", lastSuperTotal, scScore, constants.chargedPoints ); if (!self->GetVar(SuperChargeActiveVariable) && scScore >= constants.chargedPoints && score >= 0) { StartChargedCannon(self); self->SetNetworkVar(u"SuperChargeBar", 100.0f); self->SetVar(u"LastSuperTotal", self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable)); } UpdateStreak(self); GameMessages::SendNotifyClientShootingGalleryScore(self->GetObjectID(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, 0.0f, score, target->GetObjectID(), target->GetPosition() ); auto newScore = (int)self->GetVar(TotalScoreVariable) + score; if (newScore < 0) { newScore = 0; } self->SetVar(TotalScoreVariable, newScore); self->SetNetworkVar(u"updateScore", newScore); self->SetNetworkVar(u"beatHighScore", GeneralUtils::to_u16string(newScore)); auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player == nullptr) return; auto missionComponent = player->GetComponent(); if (missionComponent == nullptr) return; missionComponent->Progress(eMissionTaskType::SMASH, spawnInfo.lot, self->GetObjectID()); } void SGCannon::UpdateStreak(Entity* self) { const auto streakBonus = GetCurrentBonus(self); const auto curStreak = self->GetVar(u"m_curStreak"); const auto marks = curStreak % 3; self->SetNetworkVar(u"cStreak", curStreak); if (curStreak >= 0 && curStreak < 13) { if (marks == 1) { self->SetNetworkVar(u"Mark1", true); } else if (marks == 2) { self->SetNetworkVar(u"Mark2", true); } else if (marks == 0 && curStreak > 0) { self->SetVar(u"StreakBonus", streakBonus); self->SetNetworkVar(u"ShowStreak", streakBonus + 1); self->SetNetworkVar(u"Mark3", true); } else { self->SetVar(u"StreakBonus", streakBonus); self->SetNetworkVar(u"UnMarkAll", true); } } auto maxStreak = self->GetVar(MaxStreakVariable); if (maxStreak < curStreak) self->SetVar(MaxStreakVariable, curStreak); } float_t SGCannon::GetCurrentBonus(Entity* self) { auto streak = self->GetVar(u"m_curStreak"); if (streak > 12) { streak = 12; } return streak / 3; } void SGCannon::ToggleSuperCharge(Entity* self, bool enable) { if (enable && self->GetVar(SuperChargeActiveVariable)) return; auto* player = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(self->GetVar(PlayerIDVariable)); if (player == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Player not found in toggle super charge"); return; } auto* inventoryComponent = player->GetComponent(); auto equippedItems = inventoryComponent->GetEquippedItems(); Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Player has %d equipped items", equippedItems.size()); auto skillID = constants.cannonSkill; auto cooldown = constants.cannonRefireRate; auto* selfInventoryComponent = self->GetComponent(); if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Inventory component not found"); return; } if (enable) { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Player is activating super charge"); selfInventoryComponent->UpdateSlot("greeble_r", { ObjectIDManager::GenerateRandomObjectID(), 6505, 1, 0 }); selfInventoryComponent->UpdateSlot("greeble_l", { ObjectIDManager::GenerateRandomObjectID(), 6506, 1, 0 }); // TODO: Equip items skillID = constants.cannonSuperChargeSkill; cooldown = 400; } else { selfInventoryComponent->UpdateSlot("greeble_r", { ObjectIDManager::GenerateRandomObjectID(), 0, 0, 0 }); selfInventoryComponent->UpdateSlot("greeble_l", { ObjectIDManager::GenerateRandomObjectID(), 0, 0, 0 }); self->SetNetworkVar(u"SuperChargeBar", 0); Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Player disables super charge"); // TODO: Unequip items for (const auto& equipped : equippedItems) { if (equipped.first == "special_r" || equipped.first == "special_l") { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Trying to unequip a weapon, %i", equipped.second.lot); auto* item = inventoryComponent->FindItemById(equipped.second.id); if (item != nullptr) { inventoryComponent->UnEquipItem(item); } else { Game::logger->Log("SGCannon", "Item not found, %i", equipped.second.lot); } } } cooldown = 800; self->SetVar(NumberOfChargesVariable, 0); } const auto& constants = GetConstants(); auto* shootingGalleryComponent = self->GetComponent(); if (shootingGalleryComponent == nullptr) { return; } DynamicShootingGalleryParams properties = shootingGalleryComponent->GetDynamicParams(); properties.cannonFOV = 58.6f; properties.cannonVelocity = 129.0; properties.cannonRefireRate = cooldown; properties.cannonMinDistance = 30; properties.cannonTimeout = -1; shootingGalleryComponent->SetDynamicParams(properties); Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(self); Game::entityManager->SerializeEntity(player); self->SetNetworkVar(CannonBallSkillIDVariable, skillID); self->SetVar(SuperChargeActiveVariable, enable); } std::vector> SGCannon::GetWaves() { return { // Wave 1 { // Ship 1 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Ship_1", "Wave_1_Ship_3" }, 6015, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ship 2 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Ship_2", "Wave_1_Ship_4" }, 6300, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Sub 1 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Sub_1", "Wave_1_Sub_2" }, 6016, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 10.0, 1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Sub 2 { std::vector { "Wave_2_Sub_1", "Wave_2_Sub_2" }, 6016, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Friendly { std::vector { "Wave_3_FShip_1", "Wave_3_FShip_2" }, 2168,0.0,5.0,true, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0, -1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false,true } }, // Wave 2 { // Ship 1 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Ship_1", "Wave_1_Ship_3" }, 6015, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ship 2 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Ship_2", "Wave_1_Ship_4" }, 6300, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ship 3 { std::vector { "Wave_2_Ship_1" }, 6300, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ship 4 { std::vector { "Wave_2_Ship_2" }, 6015, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Sub 1 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Sub_1", "Wave_1_Sub_2" }, 6016, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Sub 2 { std::vector { "Wave_2_Sub_1", "Wave_2_Sub_2" }, 6016, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Duck { std::vector { "Wave_1_Duck_1", "Wave_1_Duck_2" }, 5946, 5.0, 10.0, true, 5.0, 10.0, 4.0, 5000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Friendly { std::vector { "Wave_3_FShip_1", "Wave_3_FShip_2" }, 2168,0.0,5.0,true, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0, -1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false,true } }, // Wave 3 { // Ship 1 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Ship_1", "Wave_1_Ship_3" }, 6015, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ship 2 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Ship_2", "Wave_1_Ship_4" }, 6300, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ship 3 { std::vector { "Wave_2_Ship_1", "Wave_2_Ship_2" }, 6015, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ship 4 { std::vector { "Wave_3_Ship_1", "Wave_3_Ship_2" }, 6300, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1500, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Sub 1 { std::vector { "Wave_1_Sub_1", "Wave_1_Sub_2" }, 6016, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Sub 2 { std::vector { "Wave_2_Sub_1", "Wave_2_Sub_2" }, 6016, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Sub 3 { std::vector { "Wave_3_Sub_1", "Wave_3_Sub_2" }, 6016, 0.0, 2.0, true, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Duck { std::vector { "Wave_1_Duck_1", "Wave_1_Duck_2" }, 5946, 5.0, 10.0, true, 5.0, 10.0, 4.0, 5000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, true }, // Ness { std::vector { "Wave_1_Ness_1", "Wave_1_Ness_2", "Wave_2_Ness_1" }, 2565, 10.0, 15.0, true, 10.0, 15.0, 2.0, 10000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true, true }, // Friendly 1 { std::vector { "Wave_3_FShip_1", "Wave_3_FShip_2" }, 2168,0.0,5.0,true, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0, -1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false,true }, // Friendly 2 { std::vector { "Wave_3_FShip_1", "Wave_3_FShip_2" }, 2168,0.0,5.0,true, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0, -1000, false, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, false,true } } }; } void SGCannon::ResetVars(Entity* self) { self->SetVar(SpawnNumberVariable, 0); self->SetVar(CurrentSpawnNumberVariable, 0); self->SetVar(ThisWaveVariable, 0); self->SetVar(GameScoreVariable, 0); self->SetVar(GameTimeVariable, 0); self->SetVar(GameStartedVariable, false); self->SetVar(ShotsFiredVariable, 0); self->SetVar(MaxStreakVariable, 0); self->SetVar(MissesVariable, 0); self->SetVar(CurrentStreakVariable, 0); self->SetVar(CurrentSuperChargedTimeVariable, 0); self->SetVar>(StreakBonusVariable, {}); self->SetVar(LastSuperTotalVariable, 0); self->SetVar(CurrentRewardVariable, LOT_NULL); self->SetVar>(RewardsVariable, {}); self->SetVar(TotalScoreVariable, 0); const_cast&>(self->GetVar>(ActiveSpawnsVariable)).clear(); self->SetVar>(ActiveSpawnsVariable, {}); const_cast&>(self->GetVar>(SpawnedObjects)).clear(); self->SetVar>(SpawnedObjects, {}); if (self->GetVar(InitVariable)) { ToggleSuperCharge(self, false); } self->SetVar(ImpactSkillVariale, constants.impactSkillID); self->SetVar>(PlayerScoresVariable, {}); ActivityTimerStopAllTimers(self); } SGConstants SGCannon::GetConstants() { return { Vector3 { -908.542480, 229.773178, -908.542480 }, Quaternion { 0.91913521289825, 0, 0.39394217729568, 0 }, 1864, 34, 1822, Vector3 { 6.652, -2, 1.5 }, 157, 129.0, 30.0, 800.0, Vector3 { 0, 4.3, 9 }, 6297, 1822, 249, 228, -1, 58.6, true, 2, 10, 25000, "QBRewardGroup", 1864, 50000, 157, 100000, 187, 200000, 188, 400000, 189, 800000, 190, 4.0, 7.0 }; }