#include "AuthPackets.h" #include "PacketUtils.h" #include "dMessageIdentifiers.h" #include "dNetCommon.h" #include "dServer.h" #include "dLogger.h" #include "Database.h" #include "ZoneInstanceManager.h" #include "MD5.h" #include "SHA512.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include <bcrypt/BCrypt.hpp> #else #include <bcrypt.h> #endif #include <BitStream.h> #include <future> #include "Game.h" #include "dConfig.h" void AuthPackets::HandleHandshake(dServer* server, Packet* packet) { RakNet::BitStream inStream(packet->data, packet->length, false); uint64_t header = inStream.Read(header); uint32_t clientVersion = 0; inStream.Read(clientVersion); server->GetLogger()->Log("AuthPackets", "Received client version: %i\n", clientVersion); SendHandshake(server, packet->systemAddress, server->GetIP(), server->GetPort()); } void AuthPackets::SendHandshake(dServer* server, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string& nextServerIP, uint16_t nextServerPort) { RakNet::BitStream bitStream; PacketUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, SERVER, MSG_SERVER_VERSION_CONFIRM); bitStream.Write<unsigned int>(NET_VERSION); bitStream.Write(uint32_t(0x93)); if (nextServerPort == 1001) bitStream.Write(uint32_t(1)); //Conn: auth else bitStream.Write(uint32_t(4)); //Conn: world bitStream.Write(uint32_t(0)); //Server process ID bitStream.Write(nextServerPort); server->Send(&bitStream, sysAddr, false); } void AuthPackets::HandleLoginRequest(dServer* server, Packet* packet) { std::string username = PacketUtils::ReadString(8, packet, true); std::string password = PacketUtils::ReadString(0x4A, packet, true); const char* szUsername = username.c_str(); // Fetch account details sql::PreparedStatement* stmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT password, banned, locked, play_key_id, gm_level FROM accounts WHERE name=? LIMIT 1;"); stmt->setString(1, szUsername); sql::ResultSet* res = stmt->executeQuery(); if (res->rowsCount() == 0) { server->GetLogger()->Log("AuthPackets", "No user found!\n"); AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, LOGIN_RESPONSE_WRONG_PASS_OR_USER, "", "", 2001, username); return; } std::string sqlPass = ""; bool sqlBanned = false; bool sqlLocked = false; uint32_t sqlPlayKey = 0; uint32_t sqlGmLevel = 0; while (res->next()) { sqlPass = res->getString(1).c_str(); sqlBanned = res->getBoolean(2); sqlLocked = res->getBoolean(3); sqlPlayKey = res->getInt(4); sqlGmLevel = res->getInt(5); } delete stmt; delete res; //If we aren't running in live mode, then only GMs are allowed to enter: const auto& closedToNonDevs = Game::config->GetValue("closed_to_non_devs"); if (closedToNonDevs.size() > 0 && bool(std::stoi(closedToNonDevs)) && sqlGmLevel == 0) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, eLoginResponse::LOGIN_RESPONSE_PERMISSIONS_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH, "The server is currently only open to developers.", "", 2001, username); return; } if (Game::config->GetValue("dont_use_keys") != "1") { //Check to see if we have a play key: if (sqlPlayKey == 0 && sqlGmLevel == 0) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, LOGIN_RESPONSE_PERMISSIONS_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH, "Your account doesn't have a play key associated with it!", "", 2001, username); server->GetLogger()->Log("AuthPackets", "User %s tried to log in, but they don't have a play key.\n", username.c_str()); return; } //Check if the play key is _valid_: auto keyCheckStmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT active FROM `play_keys` WHERE id=?"); keyCheckStmt->setInt(1, sqlPlayKey); auto keyRes = keyCheckStmt->executeQuery(); bool isKeyActive = false; if (keyRes->rowsCount() == 0 && sqlGmLevel == 0) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, LOGIN_RESPONSE_PERMISSIONS_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH, "Your account doesn't have a play key associated with it!", "", 2001, username); return; } while (keyRes->next()) { isKeyActive = (bool)keyRes->getInt(1); } if (!isKeyActive && sqlGmLevel == 0) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, LOGIN_RESPONSE_PERMISSIONS_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH, "Your play key has been disabled.", "", 2001, username); server->GetLogger()->Log("AuthPackets", "User %s tried to log in, but their play key was disabled\n", username.c_str()); return; } } if (sqlBanned) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, LOGIN_RESPONSE_BANNED, "", "", 2001, username); return; } if (sqlLocked) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, LOGIN_RESPONSE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED, "", "", 2001, username); return; } /* * Updated hashing method: * First attempt bcrypt. * If that fails, fallback to old method and setup bcrypt for new login. */ bool loginSuccess = true; int32_t bcryptState = ::bcrypt_checkpw(password.c_str(), sqlPass.c_str()); if (bcryptState != 0) { // Fallback on old method std::string oldPassword = sha512(password + username); if (sqlPass != oldPassword) { loginSuccess = false; } else { // Generate new hash for bcrypt char salt[BCRYPT_HASHSIZE]; char hash[BCRYPT_HASHSIZE]; bcryptState = ::bcrypt_gensalt(12, salt); assert(bcryptState == 0); bcryptState = ::bcrypt_hashpw(password.c_str(), salt, hash); assert(bcryptState == 0); sql::PreparedStatement* accountUpdate = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("UPDATE accounts SET password = ? WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1;"); accountUpdate->setString(1, std::string(hash, BCRYPT_HASHSIZE).c_str()); accountUpdate->setString(2, szUsername); accountUpdate->executeUpdate(); } } else { // Login success with bcrypt } if (!loginSuccess) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, packet->systemAddress, LOGIN_RESPONSE_WRONG_PASS_OR_USER, "", "", 2001, username); server->GetLogger()->Log("AuthPackets", "Wrong password used\n"); } else { SystemAddress system = packet->systemAddress; //Copy the sysAddr before the Packet gets destroyed from main if (!server->GetIsConnectedToMaster()) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, system, LOGIN_RESPONSE_GENERAL_FAILED, "", "", 0, username); return; } ZoneInstanceManager::Instance()->RequestZoneTransfer(server, 0, 0, false, [system, server, username](bool mythranShift, uint32_t zoneID, uint32_t zoneInstance, uint32_t zoneClone, std::string zoneIP, uint16_t zonePort) { AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(server, system, LOGIN_RESPONSE_SUCCESS, "", zoneIP, zonePort, username); }); } } void AuthPackets::SendLoginResponse(dServer* server, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, eLoginResponse responseCode, const std::string& errorMsg, const std::string& wServerIP, uint16_t wServerPort, std::string username) { RakNet::BitStream packet; PacketUtils::WriteHeader(packet, CLIENT, MSG_CLIENT_LOGIN_RESPONSE); packet.Write(static_cast<uint8_t>(responseCode)); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("Talk_Like_A_Pirate", 33, &packet); // 7 unknown strings - perhaps other IP addresses? PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); packet.Write(static_cast<uint16_t>(1)); // Version Major packet.Write(static_cast<uint16_t>(10)); // Version Current packet.Write(static_cast<uint16_t>(64)); // Version Minor // Writes the user key uint32_t sessionKey = rand(); // not mt but whatever std::string userHash = std::to_string(sessionKey); userHash = md5(userHash); PacketUtils::WritePacketWString(userHash, 33, &packet); // Write the Character and Chat IPs PacketUtils::WritePacketString(wServerIP, 33, &packet); PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); // Write the Character and Chat Ports packet.Write(static_cast<uint16_t>(wServerPort)); packet.Write(static_cast<uint16_t>(0)); // Write another IP PacketUtils::WritePacketString("", 33, &packet); // Write a GUID or something... PacketUtils::WritePacketString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 37, &packet); packet.Write(static_cast<uint32_t>(0)); // ??? // Write the localization PacketUtils::WritePacketString("US", 3, &packet); packet.Write(static_cast<uint8_t>(false)); // User first logged in? packet.Write(static_cast<uint8_t>(false)); // User is F2P? packet.Write(static_cast<uint64_t>(0)); // ??? // Write custom error message packet.Write(static_cast<uint16_t>(errorMsg.length())); PacketUtils::WritePacketWString(errorMsg, static_cast<uint32_t>(errorMsg.length()), &packet); // Here write auth logs packet.Write(static_cast<uint32_t>(20)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { packet.Write(static_cast<uint32_t>(8)); packet.Write(static_cast<uint32_t>(44)); packet.Write(static_cast<uint32_t>(14000)); packet.Write(static_cast<uint32_t>(0)); } server->Send(&packet, sysAddr, false); //Inform the master server that we've created a session for this user: { CBITSTREAM; PacketUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, MASTER, MSG_MASTER_SET_SESSION_KEY); bitStream.Write(sessionKey); PacketUtils::WriteString(bitStream, username, 66); server->SendToMaster(&bitStream); server->GetLogger()->Log("AuthPackets", "Set sessionKey: %i for user %s\n", sessionKey, username.c_str()); } }