#include #include #include #include "AMFDeserialize.h" #include "Amf3.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Logger.h" /** * Helper method that all tests use to get their respective AMF. */ AMFBaseValue* ReadFromBitStream(RakNet::BitStream& bitStream) { AMFDeserialize deserializer; AMFBaseValue* returnValue(deserializer.Read(bitStream)); return returnValue; } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFUndefined value from a BitStream. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFUndefinedTest) { CBITSTREAM; bitStream.Write(0x00); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Undefined); } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFNull value from a BitStream. * */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFNullTest) { CBITSTREAM; bitStream.Write(0x01); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Null); } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFFalse value from a BitStream. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFFalseTest) { CBITSTREAM; bitStream.Write(0x02); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::False); } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFTrue value from a BitStream. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFTrueTest) { CBITSTREAM; bitStream.Write(0x03); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::True); } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFInteger value from a BitStream. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFIntegerTest) { CBITSTREAM; { bitStream.Write(0x04); // 127 == 01111111 bitStream.Write(127); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Integer); // Check that the max value of a byte can be read correctly ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetValue(), 127); } bitStream.Reset(); { bitStream.Write(0x04); bitStream.Write(UINT32_MAX); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Integer); // Check that we can read the maximum value correctly ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetValue(), 536870911); } bitStream.Reset(); { bitStream.Write(0x04); // 131 == 10000011 bitStream.Write(131); // 255 == 11111111 bitStream.Write(255); // 127 == 01111111 bitStream.Write(127); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Integer); // Check that short max can be read correctly ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetValue(), UINT16_MAX); } bitStream.Reset(); { bitStream.Write(0x04); // 255 == 11111111 bitStream.Write(255); // 127 == 01111111 bitStream.Write(127); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Integer); // Check that 2 byte max can be read correctly ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetValue(), 16383); } } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFDouble value from a BitStream. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFDoubleTest) { CBITSTREAM; bitStream.Write(0x05); bitStream.Write(25346.4f); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Double); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetValue(), 25346.4f); } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFString value from a BitStream. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFStringTest) { CBITSTREAM; bitStream.Write(0x06); bitStream.Write(0x0F); std::string toWrite = "stateID"; for (auto e : toWrite) bitStream.Write(e); std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::String); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetValue(), "stateID"); } /** * @brief Test reading an AMFArray value from a BitStream. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeAMFArrayTest) { CBITSTREAM; // Test empty AMFArray bitStream.Write(0x09); bitStream.Write(0x01); bitStream.Write(0x01); { std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Array); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetAssociative().size(), 0); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetDense().size(), 0); } bitStream.Reset(); // Test a key'd value and dense value bitStream.Write(0x09); bitStream.Write(0x03); bitStream.Write(0x15); for (auto e : "BehaviorID") if (e != '\0') bitStream.Write(e); bitStream.Write(0x06); bitStream.Write(0x0B); for (auto e : "10447") if (e != '\0') bitStream.Write(e); bitStream.Write(0x01); bitStream.Write(0x06); bitStream.Write(0x0B); for (auto e : "10447") if (e != '\0') bitStream.Write(e); { std::unique_ptr res(ReadFromBitStream(bitStream)); ASSERT_EQ(res->GetValueType(), eAmf::Array); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetAssociative().size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->GetDense().size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->Get("BehaviorID")->GetValue(), "10447"); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(res.get())->Get(0)->GetValue(), "10447"); } } /** * @brief This test checks that if we recieve an unimplemented eAmf * we correctly throw an error and can actch it. * Yes this leaks memory. */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeUnimplementedValuesTest) { std::vector unimplementedValues = { eAmf::XMLDoc, eAmf::Date, eAmf::Object, eAmf::XML, eAmf::ByteArray, eAmf::VectorInt, eAmf::VectorUInt, eAmf::VectorDouble, eAmf::VectorObject, eAmf::Dictionary }; // Run unimplemented tests to check that errors are thrown if // unimplemented AMF values are attempted to be parsed. std::ifstream fileStream; fileStream.open("AMFBitStreamUnimplementedTest.bin", std::ios::binary); // Read a test BitStream from a file std::vector baseBitStream; char byte = 0; while (fileStream.get(byte)) { baseBitStream.push_back(byte); } fileStream.close(); for (auto value : unimplementedValues) { RakNet::BitStream testBitStream; for (auto element : baseBitStream) { testBitStream.Write(element); } testBitStream.Write(value); bool caughtException = false; try { ReadFromBitStream(testBitStream); } catch (eAmf unimplementedValueType) { caughtException = true; } ASSERT_EQ(caughtException, true); } } /** * @brief Test reading a packet capture from live from a BitStream */ TEST(dCommonTests, AMFDeserializeLivePacketTest) { std::ifstream testFileStream; testFileStream.open("AMFBitStreamTest.bin", std::ios::binary); // Read a test BitStream from a file RakNet::BitStream testBitStream; char byte = 0; while (testFileStream.get(byte)) { testBitStream.Write(byte); } testFileStream.close(); std::unique_ptr resultFromFn(ReadFromBitStream(testBitStream)); auto result = static_cast(resultFromFn.get()); // Test the outermost array ASSERT_EQ(result->Get("BehaviorID")->GetValue(), "10447"); ASSERT_EQ(result->Get("objectID")->GetValue(), "288300744895913279"); // Test the execution state array auto executionState = result->GetArray("executionState"); ASSERT_NE(executionState, nullptr); auto strips = executionState->GetArray("strips")->GetDense(); ASSERT_EQ(strips.size(), 1); auto stripsPosition0 = dynamic_cast(strips[0]); auto actionIndex = stripsPosition0->Get("actionIndex"); ASSERT_EQ(actionIndex->GetValue(), 0.0f); auto stripIdExecution = stripsPosition0->Get("id"); ASSERT_EQ(stripIdExecution->GetValue(), 0.0f); auto stateIdExecution = executionState->Get("stateID"); ASSERT_EQ(stateIdExecution->GetValue(), 0.0f); auto states = result->GetArray("states")->GetDense(); ASSERT_EQ(states.size(), 1); auto firstState = dynamic_cast(states[0]); auto stateID = firstState->Get("id"); ASSERT_EQ(stateID->GetValue(), 0.0f); auto stripsInState = firstState->GetArray("strips")->GetDense(); ASSERT_EQ(stripsInState.size(), 1); auto firstStrip = dynamic_cast(stripsInState[0]); auto actionsInFirstStrip = firstStrip->GetArray("actions")->GetDense(); ASSERT_EQ(actionsInFirstStrip.size(), 3); auto actionID = firstStrip->Get("id"); ASSERT_EQ(actionID->GetValue(), 0.0f); auto uiArray = firstStrip->GetArray("ui"); auto xPos = uiArray->Get("x"); auto yPos = uiArray->Get("y"); ASSERT_EQ(xPos->GetValue(), 103.0f); ASSERT_EQ(yPos->GetValue(), 82.0f); auto stripId = firstStrip->Get("id"); ASSERT_EQ(stripId->GetValue(), 0.0f); auto firstAction = dynamic_cast(actionsInFirstStrip[0]); auto firstType = firstAction->Get("Type"); ASSERT_EQ(firstType->GetValue(), "OnInteract"); auto firstCallback = firstAction->Get("__callbackID__"); ASSERT_EQ(firstCallback->GetValue(), ""); auto secondAction = dynamic_cast(actionsInFirstStrip[1]); auto secondType = secondAction->Get("Type"); ASSERT_EQ(secondType->GetValue(), "FlyUp"); auto secondCallback = secondAction->Get("__callbackID__"); ASSERT_EQ(secondCallback->GetValue(), ""); auto secondDistance = secondAction->Get("Distance"); ASSERT_EQ(secondDistance->GetValue(), 25.0f); auto thirdAction = dynamic_cast(actionsInFirstStrip[2]); auto thirdType = thirdAction->Get("Type"); ASSERT_EQ(thirdType->GetValue(), "FlyDown"); auto thirdCallback = thirdAction->Get("__callbackID__"); ASSERT_EQ(thirdCallback->GetValue(), ""); auto thirdDistance = thirdAction->Get("Distance"); ASSERT_EQ(thirdDistance->GetValue(), 25.0f); } TEST(dCommonTests, AMFBadConversionTest) { std::ifstream testFileStream; testFileStream.open("AMFBitStreamTest.bin", std::ios::binary); // Read a test BitStream from a file RakNet::BitStream testBitStream; char byte = 0; while (testFileStream.get(byte)) { testBitStream.Write(byte); } testFileStream.close(); std::unique_ptr resultFromFn(ReadFromBitStream(testBitStream)); auto result = static_cast(resultFromFn.get()); // Actually a string value. ASSERT_EQ(result->Get("BehaviorID"), nullptr); // Does not exist in the associative portion ASSERT_EQ(result->Get("DOES_NOT_EXIST"), nullptr); result->Push(true); // Exists and is correct type ASSERT_NE(result->Get(0), nullptr); // Value exists but is wrong typing ASSERT_EQ(result->Get(0), nullptr); // Value is out of bounds ASSERT_EQ(result->Get(1), nullptr); } /** * Below is the AMF that is in the AMFBitStreamTest.bin file that we are reading in * from a bitstream to test. args: amf3! { "objectID": "288300744895913279", "BehaviorID": "10447", "executionState": amf3! { "strips": amf3! [ amf3! { "actionIndex": 0.0, "id": 0.0, }, ], "stateID": 0.0, }, "states": amf3! [ amf3! { "id": 0.0, "strips": amf3! [ amf3! { "actions": amf3! [ amf3! { "Type": "OnInteract", "__callbackID__": "", }, amf3! { "Distance": 25.0, "Type": "FlyUp", "__callbackID__": "", }, amf3! { "Distance": 25.0, "Type": "FlyDown", "__callbackID__": "", }, ], "id": 0.0, "ui": amf3! { "x": 103.0, "y": 82.0, }, }, ], }, ], } */