/// \file /// \brief Connection graph plugin. This maintains a graph of connections for the entire network, so every peer knows about every other peer. /// /// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins. /// /// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement. /// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the /// license found at /// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/ /// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at /// http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/SingleApplicationLicense.html /// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein. /// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public /// License as published by the Free /// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your /// option) any later version. #ifndef __CONNECTION_GRAPH_H #define __CONNECTION_GRAPH_H class RakPeerInterface; #include "RakMemoryOverride.h" #include "RakNetTypes.h" #include "PluginInterface.h" #include "DS_List.h" #include "DS_WeightedGraph.h" #include "GetTime.h" #include "Export.h" // If you need more than 255 groups just change this typedef typedef unsigned char ConnectionGraphGroupID; /// \defgroup CONNECTION_GRAPH_GROUP ConnectionGraph /// \ingroup PLUGINS_GROUP /// \ingroup CONNECTION_GRAPH_GROUP /// \brief A connection graph. Each peer will know about all other peers. class RAK_DLL_EXPORT ConnectionGraph : public PluginInterface { public: ConnectionGraph(); virtual ~ConnectionGraph(); /// A node in the connection graph struct RAK_DLL_EXPORT SystemAddressAndGroupId { SystemAddressAndGroupId(); ~SystemAddressAndGroupId(); SystemAddressAndGroupId(SystemAddress _systemAddress, ConnectionGraphGroupID _groupID); SystemAddress systemAddress; ConnectionGraphGroupID groupId; bool operator==( const SystemAddressAndGroupId& right ) const; bool operator!=( const SystemAddressAndGroupId& right ) const; bool operator > ( const SystemAddressAndGroupId& right ) const; bool operator < ( const SystemAddressAndGroupId& right ) const; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // User functions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Plaintext encoding of the password, or 0 for none. If you use a password, use secure connections void SetPassword(const char *password); /// Returns the connection graph /// \return The connection graph, stored as map of adjacency lists DataStructures::WeightedGraph<ConnectionGraph::SystemAddressAndGroupId, unsigned short, false> *GetGraph(void); /// Automatically add new connections to the connection graph /// Defaults to true /// If true, then the system will automatically add all new connections for you, assigning groupId 0 to these systems. /// If you want more control, you should call SetAutoAddNewConnections(false); /// When false, it is up to you to call RequestConnectionGraph and AddNewConnection to complete the graph /// However, this way you can choose which nodes are on the graph for this system and can assign groupIds to those nodes /// \param[in] autoAdd true to automatically add new connections to the connection graph. False to not do so. void SetAutoAddNewConnections(bool autoAdd); /// Requests the connection graph from another system /// Only necessary to call if SetAutoAddNewConnections(false) is called. /// You should call this sometime after getting ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED and \a systemAddress is or should be a node on the connection graph /// \param[in] peer The instance of RakPeer to send through /// \param[in] systemAddress The system to send to void RequestConnectionGraph(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress); /// Adds a new connection to the connection graph from this system to the specified system. Also assigns a group identifier for that system /// Only used and valid when SetAutoAddNewConnections(false) is called. /// Call this for this system sometime after getting ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION or ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED for systems that contain a connection graph /// Groups are sets of one or more nodes in the total graph /// We only add to the graph groups which we subscribe to /// \param[in] peer The instance of RakPeer to send through /// \param[in] systemAddress The system that is connected to us. /// \param[in] groupId Just a number representing a group. Important: 0 is reserved to mean unassigned group ID and is assigned to all systems added with SetAutoAddNewConnections(true) void AddNewConnection(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress, ConnectionGraphGroupID groupId); /// Sets our own group ID /// Only used and valid when SetAutoAddNewConnections(false) is called. /// Defaults to 0 /// \param[in] groupId Our group ID void SetGroupId(ConnectionGraphGroupID groupId); /// Allows adding to the connection graph nodes with this groupId. /// By default, you subscribe to group 0, which are all systems automatically added with SetAutoAddNewConnections(true) /// Calling this does not add nodes which were previously rejected due to an unsubscribed group - it only allows addition of nodes after the fact /// \param[in] groupId Just a number representing a group. 0 is reserved to mean unassigned group ID, automatically added with SetAutoAddNewConnections(true) void SubscribeToGroup(ConnectionGraphGroupID groupId); /// Disables addition of graph nodes with this groupId /// Calling this does not add remove nodes with this groupId which are already present in the graph. It only disables addition of nodes after the fact /// \param[in] groupId Just a number representing a group. 0 is reserved to mean unassigned group ID, automatically added with SetAutoAddNewConnections(true) void UnsubscribeFromGroup(ConnectionGraphGroupID groupId); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Packet handling functions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \internal virtual void OnShutdown(RakPeerInterface *peer); /// \internal virtual void Update(RakPeerInterface *peer); /// \internal virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); /// \internal virtual void OnCloseConnection(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress); protected: void HandleDroppedConnection(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress, unsigned char packetId); void DeleteFromPeerList(SystemAddress systemAddress); void OnNewIncomingConnection(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); void OnConnectionRequestAccepted(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); void OnConnectionGraphRequest(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); void OnConnectionGraphReply(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); void OnConnectionGraphUpdate(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); void OnNewConnection(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); bool OnConnectionLost(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet, unsigned char packetId); void OnConnectionAddition(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); void OnConnectionRemoval(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet); void SendConnectionGraph(SystemAddress target, unsigned char packetId, RakPeerInterface *peer); void SerializeWeightedGraph(RakNet::BitStream *out, const DataStructures::WeightedGraph<ConnectionGraph::SystemAddressAndGroupId, unsigned short, false> &g) const; bool DeserializeWeightedGraph(RakNet::BitStream *inBitstream, RakPeerInterface *peer); void AddAndRelayConnection(DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress,SystemAddress> &ignoreList, const SystemAddressAndGroupId &conn1, const SystemAddressAndGroupId &conn2, unsigned short ping, RakPeerInterface *peer); bool RemoveAndRelayConnection(DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress,SystemAddress> &ignoreList, unsigned char packetId, const SystemAddress node1, const SystemAddress node2, RakPeerInterface *peer); void RemoveParticipant(SystemAddress systemAddress); void AddParticipant(SystemAddress systemAddress); void BroadcastGraphUpdate(DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress,SystemAddress> &ignoreList, RakPeerInterface *peer); void NotifyUserOfRemoteConnection(const SystemAddressAndGroupId &conn1, const SystemAddressAndGroupId &conn2,unsigned short ping, RakPeerInterface *peer); bool IsNewRemoteConnection(const SystemAddressAndGroupId &conn1, const SystemAddressAndGroupId &conn2,RakPeerInterface *peer); bool DeserializeIgnoreList(DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress,SystemAddress> &ignoreList, RakNet::BitStream *inBitstream ); void SerializeIgnoreListAndBroadcast(RakNet::BitStream *outBitstream, DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress,SystemAddress> &ignoreList, RakPeerInterface *peer); RakNetTime nextWeightUpdate; char *pw; DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress, SystemAddress> participantList; DataStructures::WeightedGraph<ConnectionGraph::SystemAddressAndGroupId, unsigned short, false> graph; bool autoAddNewConnections; ConnectionGraphGroupID myGroupId; DataStructures::OrderedList<ConnectionGraphGroupID, ConnectionGraphGroupID> subscribedGroups; // Used to broadcast new connections after some time so the pings are correct //RakNetTime forceBroadcastTime; }; #endif