 * Darkflame Universe
 * Copyright 2019


#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "RakNetTypes.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Mission.h"
#include "tinyxml2.h"
#include "CDClientManager.h"
#include "CDMissionsTable.h"
#include "Component.h"

 * The mission inventory of an entity. Tracks mission state for each mission that can be accepted and allows for
 * progression of each of the mission task types (see MissionTaskType).
class MissionComponent : public Component
    static const uint32_t ComponentType = COMPONENT_TYPE_MISSION;

	explicit MissionComponent(Entity* parent);
    ~MissionComponent() override;
    void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate, unsigned int& flags);
    void LoadFromXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc);
    void UpdateXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc);

     * Returns all the missions for this entity, mapped by mission ID
     * @return the missions for this entity, mapped by mission ID
    const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Mission*>& GetMissions() const;

     * Returns the mission for the given mission ID, if it exists
     * @param missionId the id of the mission to get
     * @return the mission for the given mission ID
    Mission* GetMission(uint32_t missionId) const;

     * Returns the current state of the entities progression for the mission of the specified ID
     * @param missionId the ID of the mission to get the mission state for
     * @return the mission state of the mission specified by the ID
    MissionState GetMissionState(uint32_t missionId) const;

     * Checks if the entity has all the requirements for accepting the mission specified by the ID.
     * @param missionId the mission ID to check for if the character may accept it
     * @return whether this entity can accept the mission represented by the given mission ID
    bool CanAccept(uint32_t missionId) const;

     * Accepts the mission specified by the ID, if the entity may accept it. Also stores it in the mission inventory.
     * @param missionId the ID of the mission to accept
     * @param skipChecks skips the checks for the mission prerequisites
    void AcceptMission(uint32_t missionId, bool skipChecks = false);

     * Completes the mission specified by the given ID, if the entity has fulfilled all progress requirements.
     * @param missionId the ID of the mission to complete
     * @param skipChecks skips the checks for having completed all of the mission tasks
     * @param yieldRewards whether to yield mission rewards, currently unused
    void CompleteMission(uint32_t missionId, bool skipChecks = false, bool yieldRewards = true);

     * Removes the mission from the entities' mission chain. Not used for normal gameplay but useful for debugging.
     * @param missionId the ID of the mission to remove
    void RemoveMission(uint32_t missionId);

     * Attempts to progress mission tasks for a given type using parameters to progress. Note that this function is
     * very abstract and different mission tasks require different combinations of parameters. This also progresses
     * achievements, which are basically just missions with the isMission flag set to false.
     * @param type the type of the mission task to try and progress with
     * @param value the value to progress with, could be a LOT for item collection for example
     * @param associate an associated entity for the progression, might be an activity host for example
     * @param targets optionally multiple target values that could exist for the mission that we wish to progress
     * @param count the number to progress by, for example the number of items
     * @param ignoreAchievements do not progress achievements
    void Progress(MissionTaskType type, int32_t value, LWOOBJID associate = 0, const std::string& targets = "", int32_t count = 1, bool ignoreAchievements = false);

     * Forces progression for a mission and task, ignoring checks
     * @param missionId the mission ID to try and progress
     * @param taskId the task ID of the task belonging to the mission trying to progress
     * @param value the value to progress with
     * @param acceptMission accept the mission if it was not already accepted
    void ForceProgress(uint32_t missionId, uint32_t taskId, int32_t value, bool acceptMission = true);

     * Forces progress for all tasks of a certain type that belong to the same mission
     * @param missionId the mission to progress
     * @param taskType the task tyoe to progress
     * @param value the value to progress with
     * @param acceptMission accept the mission if it wasn't already
    void ForceProgressTaskType(uint32_t missionId, uint32_t taskType, int32_t value, bool acceptMission = true);

     * Force progresses by checking the value and progressing by 1
     * @param missionId the mission to progress
     * @param taskType the task to progress for
     * @param value the value to check the mission values before progressing
     * @param acceptMission accept the mission if it wasn't already
    void ForceProgressValue(uint32_t missionId, uint32_t taskType, int32_t value, bool acceptMission = true);

     * Returns client database mission information for a mission
     * @param missionId the ID of the mission to get the info for
     * @param result the result to store the information in
     * @return true if the information was succesfully retrieved, false otherwise
    bool GetMissionInfo(uint32_t missionId, CDMissions& result);

     * Checks if there's any achievements we might be able to accept for the given parameters
     * @param type the task type for tasks in the achievement that we wish to progress
     * @param value the value to progress by
     * @param progress if we can accept the mission, this will apply the progression
     * @param associate optional associate related to mission progression
     * @param targets optional multiple targets related to mission progression
     * @param count the number of values to progress by (differs by task type)
     * @return true if a achievement was accepted, false otherwise
	bool LookForAchievements(MissionTaskType type, int32_t value, bool progress = true, LWOOBJID associate = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, const std::string& targets = "", int32_t count = 1);

     * Checks if there's a mission active that requires the collection of the specified LOT
     * @param lot the LOT to check for
     * @return if there's a mission active that requires the collection of the specified LOT
    bool RequiresItem(LOT lot);

     * Collects a collectable for the entity, unrendering it for the entity
     * @param collectibleID the ID of the collectable to add
    void AddCollectible(int32_t collectibleID);

     * Checks if the entity already has a collectible of the specified ID
     * @param collectibleID the ID of the collectible to check
     * @return if the entity already has a collectible of the specified ID
    bool HasCollectible(int32_t collectibleID);

     * Checks if the entity has a certain mission in its inventory
     * @param missionId the ID of the mission to check
     * @return if the entity has a certain mission in its inventory
    bool HasMission(uint32_t missionId);
     * All the missions owned by this entity, mapped by mission ID
    std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Mission*> m_Missions;

     * All the collectibles currently collected by the entity
    std::vector<int32_t> m_Collectibles;

     * For the given parameters, finds the mission IDs of the achievements that may be unlcoked
     * @param type the mission task type to try and progress
     * @param value the value to try and progress with
     * @param targets optional targets to progress with
     * @return list of mission IDs (achievements) that can be progressed for the given parameters
    static const std::vector<uint32_t>& QueryAchievements(MissionTaskType type, int32_t value, const std::string targets);

     * As achievements can be hard to query, we here store a list of all the mission IDs that can be unlocked for a
     * combination of tasks and values, so that they can be easily re-queried later
    static std::unordered_map<size_t, std::vector<uint32_t>> m_AchievementCache;