 * Darkflame Universe
 * Copyright 2018


#include "BitStream.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Component.h"

class PreconditionExpression;

 * Component that handles rocket launchpads that can be interacted with to travel to other worlds.
class RocketLaunchpadControlComponent : public Component {
	static const uint32_t ComponentType = COMPONENT_TYPE_ROCKET_LAUNCH;
	RocketLaunchpadControlComponent(Entity* parent, int rocketId);
	~RocketLaunchpadControlComponent() override;

     * Launches the passed entity using the passed rocket and saves their data
     * @param entity the entity to launch
     * @param rocketID the ID of the rocket to use
	void RocketEquip(Entity* entity, LWOOBJID rocketID);

     * Launches some entity to another world
     * @param originator the entity to launch
     * @param optionalRocketID the ID of the rocket to launch
     * @param mapId the world to go to
     * @param cloneId the clone ID (for properties)

     * Handles an OnUse event from some entity, preparing it for launch to some other world
     * @param originator the entity that triggered the event
	void OnUse(Entity* originator) override;

     * Currently unused
	void OnProximityUpdate(Entity* entering, std::string name, std::string status);

     * Sets the map ID that a player will go to
     * @param player the entity to set the map ID for
     * @param cloneId the map ID of the property to set
	void SetSelectedMapId(LWOOBJID player, LWOMAPID cloneId);

     * Returns the map ID that a player will go to
     * @param player the player to find the map ID for
     * @return the map ID that a player will go to
	LWOMAPID GetSelectedMapId(LWOOBJID player) const;

     * Sets the clone ID that a player will go to (for properties)
     * @param player the entity to set the clone ID for
     * @param cloneId the clone ID of the property to set
	void SetSelectedCloneId(LWOOBJID player, LWOCLONEID cloneId);

     * Returns the clone ID that a player will go to (for properties)
     * @param player the player to find the clone ID for
     * @return the clone ID that a player will go to
	LWOCLONEID GetSelectedCloneId(LWOOBJID player) const;

     * Returns the zone that this rocket launchpad points to by default
     * @return the zone that this rocket launchpad points to by default
	LWOMAPID GetTargetZone() const;

     * Currently unused
	LWOMAPID GetDefaultZone() const;


     * All the players that are in the proximity of the rocket launchpad
	std::map<LWOOBJID, Entity*> m_PlayersInRadius = {};

     * The map that the launchpad goes to
	LWOMAPID m_TargetZone;

     * Currently unused
	LWOMAPID m_DefaultZone;

     * The clone IDs selected for each player to go to (for properies)
	std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOCLONEID> m_SelectedCloneIds = {};

     * The map IDs selected for each player to go to
	std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOMAPID> m_SelectedMapIds = {};

     * The scene that plays when the player lands
	std::string m_TargetScene;

     * Alternative landing scene that plays if the alternative precondition is met
	std::string m_AltLandingScene;

     * Some precondition that needs to be met to trigger the alternative landing scene
	PreconditionExpression* m_AltPrecondition;

     * Notifies the master server to prepare some world for a player to be able to travel to it
     * @param zoneID the ID of the zone to prepare
	void TellMasterToPrepZone(int zoneID);