#include "MigrationRunner.h" #include "BrickByBrickFix.h" #include "CDClientDatabase.h" #include "Database.h" #include "Game.h" #include "GeneralUtils.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "BinaryPathFinder.h" #include <fstream> Migration LoadMigration(std::string path) { Migration migration{}; std::ifstream file(BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "migrations/" / path); if (file.is_open()) { std::string line; std::string total = ""; while (std::getline(file, line)) { total += line; } file.close(); migration.name = path; migration.data = total; } return migration; } void MigrationRunner::RunMigrations() { Database::Get()->CreateMigrationHistoryTable(); sql::SQLString finalSQL = ""; bool runSd0Migrations = false; for (const auto& entry : GeneralUtils::GetSqlFileNamesFromFolder((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "./migrations/dlu/").string())) { auto migration = LoadMigration("dlu/" + entry); if (migration.data.empty()) { continue; } if (Database::Get()->IsMigrationRun(migration.name)) continue; LOG("Running migration: %s", migration.name.c_str()); if (migration.name == "dlu/5_brick_model_sd0.sql") { runSd0Migrations = true; } else { finalSQL.append(migration.data.c_str()); } Database::Get()->InsertMigration(migration.name); } if (finalSQL.empty() && !runSd0Migrations) { LOG("Server database is up to date."); return; } if (!finalSQL.empty()) { auto migration = GeneralUtils::SplitString(static_cast<std::string>(finalSQL), ';'); for (auto& query : migration) { try { if (query.empty()) continue; Database::Get()->ExecuteCustomQuery(query.c_str()); } catch (sql::SQLException& e) { LOG("Encountered error running migration: %s", e.what()); } } } // Do this last on the off chance none of the other migrations have been run yet. if (runSd0Migrations) { uint32_t numberOfUpdatedModels = BrickByBrickFix::UpdateBrickByBrickModelsToSd0(); LOG("%i models were updated from zlib to sd0.", numberOfUpdatedModels); uint32_t numberOfTruncatedModels = BrickByBrickFix::TruncateBrokenBrickByBrickXml(); LOG("%i models were truncated from the database.", numberOfTruncatedModels); } } void MigrationRunner::RunSQLiteMigrations() { auto cdstmt = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migration_history (name TEXT NOT NULL, date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);"); cdstmt.execQuery().finalize(); cdstmt.finalize(); Database::Get()->CreateMigrationHistoryTable(); for (const auto& entry : GeneralUtils::GetSqlFileNamesFromFolder((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "migrations/cdserver/").string())) { auto migration = LoadMigration("cdserver/" + entry); if (migration.data.empty()) continue; // Check if there is an entry in the migration history table on the cdclient database. cdstmt = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT name FROM migration_history WHERE name = ?;"); cdstmt.bind(static_cast<int32_t>(1), migration.name.c_str()); auto cdres = cdstmt.execQuery(); if (!cdres.eof()) continue; // Check first if there is entry in the migration history table on the main database. if (Database::Get()->IsMigrationRun(migration.name)) { // Insert into cdclient database if there is an entry in the main database but not the cdclient database. cdstmt = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("INSERT INTO migration_history (name) VALUES (?);"); cdstmt.bind(static_cast<int32_t>(1), migration.name.c_str()); cdstmt.execQuery(); continue; } // Doing these 1 migration at a time since one takes a long time and some may think it is crashing. // This will at the least guarentee that the full migration needs to be run in order to be counted as "migrated". LOG("Executing migration: %s. This may take a while. Do not shut down server.", migration.name.c_str()); CDClientDatabase::ExecuteQuery("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); for (const auto& dml : GeneralUtils::SplitString(migration.data, ';')) { if (dml.empty()) continue; try { CDClientDatabase::ExecuteDML(dml.c_str()); } catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e) { LOG("Encountered error running DML command: (%i) : %s", e.errorCode(), e.errorMessage()); } } // Insert into cdclient database. cdstmt = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("INSERT INTO migration_history (name) VALUES (?);"); cdstmt.bind(static_cast<int32_t>(1), migration.name.c_str()); cdstmt.execQuery(); CDClientDatabase::ExecuteQuery("COMMIT;"); } LOG("CDServer database is up to date."); }