#ifndef DESTROYABLECOMPONENT_H #define DESTROYABLECOMPONENT_H #include "RakNetTypes.h" #include <vector> #include "tinyxml2.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Component.h" #include "eReplicaComponentType.h" namespace CppScripts { class Script; }; //! namespace CppScripts enum class eStateChangeType : uint32_t; /** * Represents the stats of an entity, for example its health, imagination and armor. Also handles factions, which * indicate which enemies this entity has. */ class DestroyableComponent final : public Component { public: static constexpr eReplicaComponentType ComponentType = eReplicaComponentType::DESTROYABLE; DestroyableComponent(Entity* parentEntity); ~DestroyableComponent() override; void Update(float deltaTime) override; void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream& outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate) override; void LoadFromXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc) override; void UpdateXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc) override; /** * Initializes the component using a different LOT * @param templateID the ID to use for initialization */ void Reinitialize(LOT templateID); /** * Sets the health of this entity. Makes sure this is serialized on the next tick and if this is a character its * stats will also update. * @param value the new health value */ void SetHealth(int32_t value); /** * Heals the entity by some delta amount * @param health the delta amount to heal */ void Heal(uint32_t health); /** * Returns the current health of this entity * @return the current health of this entity */ int32_t GetHealth() const { return m_iHealth; } /** * Updates the max health this entity has (e.g. what it can heal to), and optionally displays a UI animation indicating that * @param value the max health value to set * @param playAnim whether or not to play a UI animation indicating the change in max health */ void SetMaxHealth(float value, bool playAnim = false); /** * Returns the curent max health of this entity * @return the current max health of this entity */ float GetMaxHealth() const { return m_fMaxHealth; } /** * Sets the armor for this entity. This also makes sure this change is serialized and if this is a character it also * updates their stats. * @param value the armor value to set */ void SetArmor(int32_t value); /** * Repairs armor of this entity, updating it by a delta amount * @param armor the amount of armor to repair */ void Repair(uint32_t armor); /** * Returns the current armor value for the entity * @return the current armor value for the entity */ int32_t GetArmor() const { return m_iArmor; } /** * Updates the max armor this entity has (e.g. what it can heal to), and optionally displays a UI animation indicating that * @param value the max armor value to set * @param playAnim whether or not to play a UI animation indicating the change in max armor */ void SetMaxArmor(float value, bool playAnim = false); /** * Returns the current maximum armor this entity can have * @return the current maximum armor this entity can have */ float GetMaxArmor() const { return m_fMaxArmor; } /** * Sets the imagination value for this entity. Ensures that the change is serialized and if this is a character * their stats will be updated. Can also trigger the assembly passive ability to restore on 0 imag. * @param value */ void SetImagination(int32_t value); /** * Updates the imagination of this entity by a delta amount * @param deltaImagination the imagination to update */ void Imagine(int32_t deltaImagination); /** * Returns the current imagination value of this entity * @return the current imagination value of this entity */ int32_t GetImagination() const { return m_iImagination; } /** * Updates the max imagination this entity has (e.g. what it can heal to), and optionally displays a UI animation indicating that * @param value the max imagination value to set * @param playAnim whether or not to play a UI animation indicating the change in max imagination */ void SetMaxImagination(float value, bool playAnim = false); /** * Returns the current max imagination value * @return the current max imagination value */ float GetMaxImagination() const { return m_fMaxImagination; } /** * Sets the damage this entity can absorb before getting hurt, also serializes this change. * @param value the damage to absorb */ void SetDamageToAbsorb(int32_t value); /** * Returns the current damage to absorb * @return the current damage to absorb */ int32_t GetDamageToAbsorb() const { return m_DamageToAbsorb; } /** * Sets the reduced damage value for each attack for this entity, also serializes that change. * @param value the damage to reduce for each attack */ void SetDamageReduction(int32_t value); /** * Returns the current damage reduction value * @return the current damage reduction value */ int32_t GetDamageReduction() const { return m_DamageReduction; } /** * Sets whether or not this entity is immune to attacks * @param value whether or not this entity is immune to attacks */ void SetIsImmune(bool value); /** * Returns whether or not this entity is immune to attacks * @return whether or not this entity is immune to attacks */ bool IsImmune() const; /** * @return whether this entity is currently immune to attacks due to a damage cooldown period */ bool IsCooldownImmune() const; /** * Sets if this entity has GM immunity, making it not killable * @param value the GM immunity of this entity */ void SetIsGMImmune(bool value); /** * Returns whether or not this entity has GM immunity * @return whether or not this entity has GM immunity */ bool GetIsGMImmune() const { return m_IsGMImmune; } /** * Sets whether or not this entity is shielded for a certain amount of damage * @param value whether or not this entity is shielded for a certain amount of damage */ void SetIsShielded(bool value); /** * Returns if this entity is currently shielded from damage * @return if this entity is currently shielded from damage */ bool GetIsShielded() const { return m_IsShielded; } /** * Adds a faction to the faction list of this entity, potentially making more factions friendly. Fetches the info * from the CDClient. * @param factionID the faction ID to add * @param ignoreChecks whether or not to allow factionID -1 */ void AddFaction(int32_t factionID, bool ignoreChecks = false); /** * Adds a faction ID to the enemy list * @param factionID the faction ID to make an enemy */ void AddEnemyFaction(int32_t factionID); /** * Sets whether or not this entity can be smashed, does not indicate the smashable glow, which is indicated by * faction ids * @param value whether or not this entity is smashable */ void SetIsSmashable(bool value); /** * Returns whether or not this entity is smashable * @return whether or not this entity is smashable */ bool GetIsSmashable() const { return m_IsSmashable; } /** * Returns the current is-dead value, this is mostly unused * @return the current is-dead value, this is mostly unused */ bool GetIsDead() const { return m_IsDead; } /** * Returns the current is-smashed value, this is mostly unused * @return the current is-smashed value, this is mostly unused */ bool GetIsSmashed() const { return m_IsSmashed; } /** * Sets whether or not this entity has bricks flying out when smashed * @param value whether or not this entity has bricks flying out when smashed */ void SetHasBricks(bool value); /** * Returns whether or not this entity has bricks flying out when smashed * @return whether or not this entity has bricks flying out when smashed */ bool GetHasBricks() const { return m_IsModuleAssembly; } /** * Sets the multiplier for the explosion that's visible when the bricks fly out when this entity is smashed * @param value the multiplier for the explosion that's visible when the bricks fly out when this entity is smashed */ void SetExplodeFactor(float value) { m_ExplodeFactor = value; }; /** * Returns the current multiplier for explosions * @return the current multiplier for explosions */ float GetExplodeFactor() const { return m_ExplodeFactor; } /** * Sets the amount of attacks this entity can block before being able to be damaged again, useful for example for * shields. * @param value the amount of attacks this entity can block before being able to be damaged again */ void SetAttacksToBlock(uint32_t value); /** * Returns the current amount of attacks this entity can block * @return the current amount of attacks this entity can block */ uint32_t GetAttacksToBlock() const { return m_AttacksToBlock; } /** * Sets whether or not this enemy currently has threats, NOTE: only here for serialization, has no use internally * @param value whether or not this enemy currently has threats */ void SetHasThreats(bool value); /** * Returns whether or not this entity currently has threats, NOTE: unused internally * @return whether or not this entity currently has threats */ bool GetHasThreats() const { return m_HasThreats; } /** * Returns whether or not this entity is knockback immune, based on whether it's quickbuilding or has assembly gear * @return whether or not this entity is knockback immune */ bool IsKnockbackImmune() const; /** * Sets the faction ID of this entity, overriding all previously set entries * @param factionID the faction ID to set */ void SetFaction(int32_t factionID, bool ignoreChecks = false); /** * Returns whether or not the provided entity is an enemy of this entity * @param other the entity to check * @return whether the provided entity is an enemy of this entity or not */ bool IsEnemy(const Entity* other) const; /** * Returns whether or not the provided entity is a friend of this entity * @param other the entity to check * @return whether or not the provided entity is a friend of this entity */ bool IsFriend(const Entity* other) const; /** * Returns all the faction IDs that this entity considers a friend * @return all the faction IDs that this entity considers a friend */ const std::vector<int32_t>& GetFactionIDs() const { return m_FactionIDs; } /** * Returns all the faction IDs that this entity considers an enemy * @return all the faction IDs that this entity considers an enemy */ const std::vector<int32_t>& GetEnemyFactionsIDs() const { return m_EnemyFactionIDs; } /** * Returns whether the provided faction is a friendly faction * @param factionID the faction ID to check * @return whether the provided faction is a friendly faction */ bool HasFaction(int32_t factionID) const; /** * Sets the minimum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed * @param minCoins the minimum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed */ void SetMinCoins(uint32_t minCoins) { m_MinCoins = minCoins; } /** * Returns the minimum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed * @return the minimum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed */ uint32_t GetMinCoins() const { return m_MinCoins; } /** * Sets the maximum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed * @param maxCoins the maximum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed */ void SetMaxCoins(uint32_t maxCoins) { m_MaxCoins = maxCoins; } /** * Returns the maximum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed * @return the maximum amount of coins this entity drops when smashed */ uint32_t GetMaxCoins() const { return m_MaxCoins; } /** * Sets the loot matrix ID that will be used to determine what items to drop when this entity is smashed * @param lootMatrixID the loot matrix ID to set */ void SetLootMatrixID(uint32_t lootMatrixID) { m_LootMatrixID = lootMatrixID; } /** * Returns the current loot matrix ID that will be used to determine loot drops when this entity is smashed * @return the current loot matrix ID */ uint32_t GetLootMatrixID() const { return m_LootMatrixID; } /** * Returns the ID of the entity that killed this entity, if any * @return the ID of the entity that killed this entity, if any */ LWOOBJID GetKillerID() const; /** * Returns the entity that killed this entity, if any * @return the entity that killed this entity, if any */ Entity* GetKiller() const; /** * Attempt to damage this entity, handles everything from health and armor to absorption, immunity and callbacks. * @param damage the damage to attempt to apply * @param source the attacker that caused this damage * @param skillID the skill that damaged this entity * @param echo whether or not to serialize the damage */ void Damage(uint32_t damage, LWOOBJID source, uint32_t skillID = 0, bool echo = true); /** * Smashes this entity, notifying all clients * @param source the source that smashed this entity * @param skillID the skill that killed this entity * @param killType the way this entity was killed, determines if a client animation is played * @param deathType the animation to play when killed */ void Smash(LWOOBJID source, eKillType killType = eKillType::VIOLENT, const std::u16string& deathType = u"", uint32_t skillID = 0); /** * Push or Pop a layer of status immunity to this entity */ void SetStatusImmunity( const eStateChangeType state, const bool bImmuneToBasicAttack = false, const bool bImmuneToDamageOverTime = false, const bool bImmuneToKnockback = false, const bool bImmuneToInterrupt = false, const bool bImmuneToSpeed = false, const bool bImmuneToImaginationGain = false, const bool bImmuneToImaginationLoss = false, const bool bImmuneToQuickbuildInterrupt = false, const bool bImmuneToPullToPoint = false ); // Getters for status immunities const bool GetImmuneToBasicAttack() { return m_ImmuneToBasicAttackCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToDamageOverTime() { return m_ImmuneToDamageOverTimeCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToKnockback() { return m_ImmuneToKnockbackCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToInterrupt() { return m_ImmuneToInterruptCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToSpeed() { return m_ImmuneToSpeedCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToImaginationGain() { return m_ImmuneToImaginationGainCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToImaginationLoss() { return m_ImmuneToImaginationLossCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToQuickbuildInterrupt() { return m_ImmuneToQuickbuildInterruptCount > 0; }; const bool GetImmuneToPullToPoint() { return m_ImmuneToPullToPointCount > 0; }; // Damage cooldown setters/getters void SetDamageCooldownTimer(float value) { m_DamageCooldownTimer = value; } float GetDamageCooldownTimer() { return m_DamageCooldownTimer; } // Death behavior setters/getters void SetDeathBehavior(int32_t value) { m_DeathBehavior = value; } int32_t GetDeathBehavior() const { return m_DeathBehavior; } /** * Utility to reset all stats to the default stats based on items and completed missions */ void FixStats(); /** * Adds a callback that is called when this entity is hit by some other entity * @param callback the callback to add */ void AddOnHitCallback(const std::function<void(Entity*)>& callback); /** * Pushes a faction back to the list of factions. * @param value Faction to add to list. * * This method should only be used for testing. Use AddFaction(int32_t, bool) for adding a faction properly. */ void AddFactionNoLookup(int32_t faction) { m_FactionIDs.push_back(faction); }; /** * Notify subscribed scripts of Damage actions. * * @param attacker The attacking Entity * @param damage The amount of damage that was done */ void NotifySubscribers(Entity* attacker, uint32_t damage); void Subscribe(LWOOBJID scriptObjId, CppScripts::Script* scriptToAdd); void Unsubscribe(LWOOBJID scriptObjId); // handle hardcode mode drops void DoHardcoreModeDrops(const LWOOBJID source); private: /** * Whether or not the health should be serialized */ bool m_DirtyHealth; /** * The health of the entity */ int32_t m_iHealth; /** * The max health of the entity */ float m_fMaxHealth; /** * The armor of the entity */ int32_t m_iArmor; /** * The max armor of the entity */ float m_fMaxArmor; /** * The imagination of the entity */ int32_t m_iImagination; /** * The max imagination of the entity */ float m_fMaxImagination; /** * The damage this entity can absord before being able to be damaged again */ int32_t m_DamageToAbsorb; /** * Whether this entity currently has GM immunity, making it unsmashable */ bool m_IsGMImmune; /** * Whether this entity is currently shielded from other attacks */ bool m_IsShielded; /** * The number of attacks this entity can block before being able to be attacked again */ uint32_t m_AttacksToBlock; /** * The amount of damage that should be reduced from every attack */ int32_t m_DamageReduction; /** * The faction IDs this entity considers friendly */ std::vector<int32_t> m_FactionIDs; /** * The faction IDs this entity considers hostile */ std::vector<int32_t> m_EnemyFactionIDs; /** * Whether this entity is smasahble, mostly unused */ bool m_IsSmashable; /** * Whether this entity is dead. Unused, here for serialization */ bool m_IsDead; /** * Whether this entity is smashed. Unused, here for serialization */ bool m_IsSmashed; /** * Whether this entity has bricks flying out when smashed (causes the client to look up the files) */ bool m_IsModuleAssembly; /** * The rate at which bricks fly out when smashed */ float m_ExplodeFactor; /** * Whether the list of potential enemies has changed */ bool m_DirtyThreatList; /** * Whether the entity has threats. Unused: here for serialization */ bool m_HasThreats; /** * The loot matrix that will be used to drop items when the entity is smashed */ uint32_t m_LootMatrixID; /** * The min amount of coins that will drop when this entity is smashed */ uint32_t m_MinCoins; /** * The max amount of coins that will drop when this entity is smashed */ uint32_t m_MaxCoins; /** * The ID of the entity that smashed this entity, if any */ LWOOBJID m_KillerID; /** * The list of callbacks that will be called when this entity gets hit */ std::vector<std::function<void(Entity*)>> m_OnHitCallbacks; /** * The list of scripts subscribed to this components actions */ std::map<LWOOBJID, CppScripts::Script*> m_SubscribedScripts; /** * status immunity counters */ uint32_t m_ImmuneToBasicAttackCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToDamageOverTimeCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToKnockbackCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToInterruptCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToSpeedCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToImaginationGainCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToImaginationLossCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToQuickbuildInterruptCount; uint32_t m_ImmuneToPullToPointCount; /** * Death behavior type. If 0, the client plays a death animation as opposed to a smash animation. */ int32_t m_DeathBehavior; /** * Damage immunity cooldown timer. Set to a value that then counts down to create a damage cooldown for players */ float m_DamageCooldownTimer; }; #endif // DESTROYABLECOMPONENT_H