#include "StringTable.h" #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "BitStream.h" #include "StringCompressor.h" using namespace RakNet; StringTable* StringTable::instance=0; int StringTable::referenceCount=0; int StrAndBoolComp( char *const &key, const StrAndBool &data ) { return strcmp(key,(const char*)data.str); } StringTable::StringTable() { } StringTable::~StringTable() { unsigned i; for (i=0; i < orderedStringList.Size(); i++) { if (orderedStringList[i].b) rakFree(orderedStringList[i].str); } } void StringTable::AddReference(void) { if (++referenceCount==1) { instance = new StringTable; } } void StringTable::RemoveReference(void) { assert(referenceCount > 0); if (referenceCount > 0) { if (--referenceCount==0) { delete instance; instance=0; } } } StringTable* StringTable::Instance(void) { return instance; } void StringTable::AddString(const char *str, bool copyString) { StrAndBool sab; sab.b=copyString; if (copyString) { sab.str = (char*) rakMalloc( strlen(str)+1 ); strcpy(sab.str, str); } else { sab.str=(char*)str; } // If it asserts inside here you are adding duplicate strings. if (orderedStringList.Insert(sab.str,sab, true)!=(unsigned)-1) { if (copyString) delete sab.str; } // If this assert hits you need to increase the range of StringTableType assert(orderedStringList.Size() < (StringTableType)-1); } void StringTable::EncodeString( const char *input, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *output ) { unsigned index; bool objectExists; // This is fast because the list is kept ordered. index=orderedStringList.GetIndexFromKey((char*)input, &objectExists); if (objectExists) { output->Write(true); output->Write((StringTableType)index); } else { LogStringNotFound(input); output->Write(false); stringCompressor->EncodeString(input, maxCharsToWrite, output); } } bool StringTable::DecodeString( char *output, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *input ) { bool hasIndex; assert(maxCharsToWrite>0); if (maxCharsToWrite==0) return false; if (!input->Read(hasIndex)) return false; if (hasIndex==false) { stringCompressor->DecodeString(output, maxCharsToWrite, input); } else { StringTableType index; if (!input->Read(index)) return false; if (index >= orderedStringList.Size()) { #ifdef _DEBUG // Critical error - got a string index out of range, which means AddString was called more times on the remote system than on this system. // All systems must call AddString the same number of types, with the same strings in the same order. assert(0); #endif return false; } strncpy(output, orderedStringList[index].str, maxCharsToWrite); output[maxCharsToWrite-1]=0; } return true; } void StringTable::LogStringNotFound(const char *strName) { (void) strName; #ifdef _DEBUG printf("Efficiency Warning! Unregistered String %s sent to StringTable.\n", strName); #endif }