#include "Game.h" #include "dCommonVars.h" #include "dZoneManager.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "dLogger.h" #include "dConfig.h" #include "InventoryComponent.h" #include "DestroyableComponent.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "VanityUtilities.h" #include <chrono> #include "../dWorldServer/ObjectIDManager.h" dZoneManager* dZoneManager::m_Address = nullptr; void dZoneManager::Initialize(const LWOZONEID& zoneID) { Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Preparing zone: %i/%i/%i", zoneID.GetMapID(), zoneID.GetInstanceID(), zoneID.GetCloneID()); int64_t startTime = 0; int64_t endTime = 0; startTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); LoadZone(zoneID); LOT zoneControlTemplate = 2365; CDZoneTableTable* zoneTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDZoneTableTable>("ZoneTable"); if (zoneTable != nullptr) { const CDZoneTable* zone = zoneTable->Query(zoneID.GetMapID()); if (zone != nullptr) { zoneControlTemplate = zone->zoneControlTemplate != -1 ? zone->zoneControlTemplate : 2365; const auto min = zone->ghostdistance_min != -1.0f ? zone->ghostdistance_min : 100; const auto max = zone->ghostdistance != -1.0f ? zone->ghostdistance : 100; EntityManager::Instance()->SetGhostDistanceMax(max + min); EntityManager::Instance()->SetGhostDistanceMin(max); m_PlayerLoseCoinsOnDeath = zone->PlayerLoseCoinsOnDeath; } } Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Creating zone control object %i", zoneControlTemplate); // Create ZoneControl object EntityInfo info; info.lot = zoneControlTemplate; info.id = 70368744177662; Entity* zoneControl = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(info, nullptr, nullptr, true); m_ZoneControlObject = zoneControl; m_pZone->Initalize(); endTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Zone prepared in: %llu ms", (endTime - startTime)); VanityUtilities::SpawnVanity(); } dZoneManager::~dZoneManager() { if (m_pZone) delete m_pZone; for (std::pair<LWOOBJID, Spawner*> p : m_Spawners) { if (p.second) { delete p.second; p.second = nullptr; } m_Spawners.erase(p.first); } } Zone* dZoneManager::GetZone() { return m_pZone; } void dZoneManager::LoadZone(const LWOZONEID& zoneID) { if (m_pZone) delete m_pZone; m_ZoneID = zoneID; m_pZone = new Zone(zoneID.GetMapID(), zoneID.GetInstanceID(), zoneID.GetCloneID()); } void dZoneManager::NotifyZone(const dZoneNotifier& notifier, const LWOOBJID& objectID) { switch (notifier) { case dZoneNotifier::SpawnedObjectDestroyed: break; case dZoneNotifier::SpawnedChildObjectDestroyed: break; case dZoneNotifier::ReloadZone: Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Forcing reload of zone %i", m_ZoneID.GetMapID()); LoadZone(m_ZoneID); m_pZone->Initalize(); break; case dZoneNotifier::UserJoined: break; case dZoneNotifier::UserMoved: break; case dZoneNotifier::PrintAllGameObjects: m_pZone->PrintAllGameObjects(); break; case dZoneNotifier::InvalidNotifier: Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Got an invalid zone notifier."); break; default: Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Unknown zone notifier: %i", int(notifier)); } } void dZoneManager::AddSpawner(LWOOBJID id, Spawner* spawner) { m_Spawners.insert_or_assign(id, spawner); } LWOZONEID dZoneManager::GetZoneID() const { return m_ZoneID; } uint32_t dZoneManager::GetMaxLevel() { if (m_MaxLevel == 0) { auto tableData = CDClientDatabase::ExecuteQuery("SELECT LevelCap FROM WorldConfig WHERE WorldConfigID = 1 LIMIT 1;"); m_MaxLevel = tableData.getIntField(0, -1); tableData.finalize(); } return m_MaxLevel; } int32_t dZoneManager::GetLevelCapCurrencyConversion() { if (m_CurrencyConversionRate == 0) { auto tableData = CDClientDatabase::ExecuteQuery("SELECT LevelCapCurrencyConversion FROM WorldConfig WHERE WorldConfigID = 1 LIMIT 1;"); m_CurrencyConversionRate = tableData.getIntField(0, -1); tableData.finalize(); } return m_CurrencyConversionRate; } void dZoneManager::Update(float deltaTime) { for (auto spawner : m_Spawners) { spawner.second->Update(deltaTime); } } LWOOBJID dZoneManager::MakeSpawner(SpawnerInfo info) { auto objectId = info.spawnerID; if (objectId == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) { objectId = ObjectIDManager::Instance()->GenerateObjectID(); objectId = GeneralUtils::SetBit(objectId, OBJECT_BIT_CLIENT); info.spawnerID = objectId; } auto* spawner = new Spawner(info); EntityInfo entityInfo{}; entityInfo.id = objectId; entityInfo.lot = 176; auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(entityInfo, nullptr, nullptr, false, objectId); EntityManager::Instance()->ConstructEntity(entity); AddSpawner(objectId, spawner); return objectId; } Spawner* dZoneManager::GetSpawner(const LWOOBJID id) { const auto& index = m_Spawners.find(id); if (index == m_Spawners.end()) { return nullptr; } return index->second; } void dZoneManager::RemoveSpawner(const LWOOBJID id) { auto* spawner = GetSpawner(id); if (spawner == nullptr) { Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Failed to find spawner (%llu)", id); return; } auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(id); if (entity != nullptr) { entity->Kill(); } else { Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Failed to find spawner entity (%llu)", id); } for (auto* node : spawner->m_Info.nodes) { for (const auto& element : node->entities) { auto* nodeEntity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(element); if (nodeEntity == nullptr) continue; nodeEntity->Kill(); } node->entities.clear(); } spawner->Deactivate(); Game::logger->Log("dZoneManager", "Destroying spawner (%llu)", id); m_Spawners.erase(id); delete spawner; } std::vector<Spawner*> dZoneManager::GetSpawnersByName(std::string spawnerName) { std::vector<Spawner*> spawners; for (const auto& spawner : m_Spawners) { if (spawner.second->GetName() == spawnerName) { spawners.push_back(spawner.second); } } return spawners; } std::vector<Spawner*> dZoneManager::GetSpawnersInGroup(std::string group) { std::vector<Spawner*> spawnersInGroup; for (auto spawner : m_Spawners) { for (std::string entityGroup : spawner.second->m_Info.groups) { if (entityGroup == group) { spawnersInGroup.push_back(spawner.second); } } } return spawnersInGroup; } uint32_t dZoneManager::GetUniqueMissionIdStartingValue() { if (m_UniqueMissionIdStart == 0) { auto tableData = CDClientDatabase::ExecuteQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Missions WHERE isMission = 0 GROUP BY isMission;"); m_UniqueMissionIdStart = tableData.getIntField(0, -1); tableData.finalize(); } return m_UniqueMissionIdStart; }