#include #include #include #include //DLU Includes: #include "dCommonVars.h" #include "dServer.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "Database.h" #include "dConfig.h" #include "dChatFilter.h" #include "Diagnostics.h" #include "AssetManager.h" #include "BinaryPathFinder.h" #include "eConnectionType.h" #include "PlayerContainer.h" #include "ChatPacketHandler.h" #include "eChatMessageType.h" #include "eChatInternalMessageType.h" #include "eWorldMessageType.h" #include "ChatIgnoreList.h" #include "Game.h" //RakNet includes: #include "RakNetDefines.h" #include namespace Game { Logger* logger = nullptr; dServer* server = nullptr; dConfig* config = nullptr; dChatFilter* chatFilter = nullptr; AssetManager* assetManager = nullptr; bool shouldShutdown = false; std::mt19937 randomEngine; } Logger* SetupLogger(); void HandlePacket(Packet* packet); PlayerContainer playerContainer; int main(int argc, char** argv) { constexpr uint32_t chatFramerate = mediumFramerate; constexpr uint32_t chatFrameDelta = mediumFrameDelta; Diagnostics::SetProcessName("Chat"); Diagnostics::SetProcessFileName(argv[0]); Diagnostics::Initialize(); //Create all the objects we need to run our service: Game::logger = SetupLogger(); if (!Game::logger) return EXIT_FAILURE; //Read our config: Game::config = new dConfig((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "chatconfig.ini").string()); Game::logger->SetLogToConsole(Game::config->GetValue("log_to_console") != "0"); Game::logger->SetLogDebugStatements(Game::config->GetValue("log_debug_statements") == "1"); LOG("Starting Chat server..."); LOG("Version: %i.%i", PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR, PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR); LOG("Compiled on: %s", __TIMESTAMP__); try { std::string clientPathStr = Game::config->GetValue("client_location"); if (clientPathStr.empty()) clientPathStr = "./res"; std::filesystem::path clientPath = std::filesystem::path(clientPathStr); if (clientPath.is_relative()) { clientPath = BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / clientPath; } Game::assetManager = new AssetManager(clientPath); } catch (std::runtime_error& ex) { LOG("Got an error while setting up assets: %s", ex.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //Connect to the MySQL Database try { Database::Connect(); } catch (sql::SQLException& ex) { LOG("Got an error while connecting to the database: %s", ex.what()); Database::Destroy("ChatServer"); delete Game::server; delete Game::logger; return EXIT_FAILURE; } //Find out the master's IP: std::string masterIP; uint32_t masterPort = 1000; auto masterInfo = Database::Get()->GetMasterInfo(); if (masterInfo) { masterIP = masterInfo->ip; masterPort = masterInfo->port; } //It's safe to pass 'localhost' here, as the IP is only used as the external IP. uint32_t maxClients = 50; uint32_t ourPort = 1501; if (Game::config->GetValue("max_clients") != "") maxClients = std::stoi(Game::config->GetValue("max_clients")); if (Game::config->GetValue("port") != "") ourPort = std::atoi(Game::config->GetValue("port").c_str()); Game::server = new dServer(Game::config->GetValue("external_ip"), ourPort, 0, maxClients, false, true, Game::logger, masterIP, masterPort, ServerType::Chat, Game::config, &Game::shouldShutdown); Game::chatFilter = new dChatFilter(Game::assetManager->GetResPath().string() + "/chatplus_en_us", bool(std::stoi(Game::config->GetValue("dont_generate_dcf")))); Game::randomEngine = std::mt19937(time(0)); playerContainer.Initialize(); //Run it until server gets a kill message from Master: auto t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); Packet* packet = nullptr; constexpr uint32_t logFlushTime = 30 * chatFramerate; // 30 seconds in frames constexpr uint32_t sqlPingTime = 10 * 60 * chatFramerate; // 10 minutes in frames uint32_t framesSinceLastFlush = 0; uint32_t framesSinceMasterDisconnect = 0; uint32_t framesSinceLastSQLPing = 0; while (!Game::shouldShutdown) { //Check if we're still connected to master: if (!Game::server->GetIsConnectedToMaster()) { framesSinceMasterDisconnect++; if (framesSinceMasterDisconnect >= chatFramerate) break; //Exit our loop, shut down. } else framesSinceMasterDisconnect = 0; //In world we'd update our other systems here. //Check for packets here: Game::server->ReceiveFromMaster(); //ReceiveFromMaster also handles the master packets if needed. packet = Game::server->Receive(); if (packet) { HandlePacket(packet); Game::server->DeallocatePacket(packet); packet = nullptr; } //Push our log every 30s: if (framesSinceLastFlush >= logFlushTime) { Game::logger->Flush(); framesSinceLastFlush = 0; } else framesSinceLastFlush++; //Every 10 min we ping our sql server to keep it alive hopefully: if (framesSinceLastSQLPing >= sqlPingTime) { //Find out the master's IP for absolutely no reason: std::string masterIP; uint32_t masterPort; auto masterInfo = Database::Get()->GetMasterInfo(); if (masterInfo) { masterIP = masterInfo->ip; masterPort = masterInfo->port; } framesSinceLastSQLPing = 0; } else framesSinceLastSQLPing++; //Sleep our thread since auth can afford to. t += std::chrono::milliseconds(chatFrameDelta); //Chat can run at a lower "fps" std::this_thread::sleep_until(t); } //Delete our objects here: Database::Destroy("ChatServer"); delete Game::server; delete Game::logger; delete Game::config; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } Logger* SetupLogger() { std::string logPath = (BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / ("logs/ChatServer_" + std::to_string(time(nullptr)) + ".log")).string(); bool logToConsole = false; bool logDebugStatements = false; #ifdef _DEBUG logToConsole = true; logDebugStatements = true; #endif return new Logger(logPath, logToConsole, logDebugStatements); } void HandlePacket(Packet* packet) { if (packet->data[0] == ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION || packet->data[0] == ID_CONNECTION_LOST) { LOG("A server has disconnected, erasing their connected players from the list."); } if (packet->data[0] == ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION) { LOG("A server is connecting, awaiting user list."); } if (packet->length < 4) return; // Nothing left to process. Need 4 bytes to continue. if (static_cast(packet->data[1]) == eConnectionType::CHAT_INTERNAL) { switch (static_cast(packet->data[3])) { case eChatInternalMessageType::PLAYER_ADDED_NOTIFICATION: playerContainer.InsertPlayer(packet); break; case eChatInternalMessageType::PLAYER_REMOVED_NOTIFICATION: playerContainer.RemovePlayer(packet); break; case eChatInternalMessageType::MUTE_UPDATE: playerContainer.MuteUpdate(packet); break; case eChatInternalMessageType::CREATE_TEAM: playerContainer.CreateTeamServer(packet); break; case eChatInternalMessageType::ANNOUNCEMENT: { //we just forward this packet to every connected server CINSTREAM; Game::server->Send(&inStream, packet->systemAddress, true); //send to everyone except origin break; } default: LOG("Unknown CHAT_INTERNAL id: %i", int(packet->data[3])); } } if (static_cast(packet->data[1]) == eConnectionType::CHAT) { switch (static_cast(packet->data[3])) { case eChatMessageType::GET_FRIENDS_LIST: ChatPacketHandler::HandleFriendlistRequest(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::GET_IGNORE_LIST: ChatIgnoreList::GetIgnoreList(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::ADD_IGNORE: ChatIgnoreList::AddIgnore(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::TEAM_GET_STATUS: ChatPacketHandler::HandleTeamStatusRequest(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::ADD_FRIEND_REQUEST: //this involves someone sending the initial request, the response is below, response as in from the other player. //We basically just check to see if this player is online or not and route the packet. ChatPacketHandler::HandleFriendRequest(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::ADD_FRIEND_RESPONSE: //This isn't the response a server sent, rather it is a player's response to a received request. //Here, we'll actually have to add them to eachother's friend lists depending on the response code. ChatPacketHandler::HandleFriendResponse(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::REMOVE_FRIEND: ChatPacketHandler::HandleRemoveFriend(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::GENERAL_CHAT_MESSAGE: ChatPacketHandler::HandleChatMessage(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::PRIVATE_CHAT_MESSAGE: //This message is supposed to be echo'd to both the sender and the receiver //BUT: they have to have different responseCodes, so we'll do some of the ol hacky wacky to fix that right up. ChatPacketHandler::HandlePrivateChatMessage(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::TEAM_INVITE: ChatPacketHandler::HandleTeamInvite(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::TEAM_INVITE_RESPONSE: ChatPacketHandler::HandleTeamInviteResponse(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::TEAM_LEAVE: ChatPacketHandler::HandleTeamLeave(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::TEAM_SET_LEADER: ChatPacketHandler::HandleTeamPromote(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::TEAM_KICK: ChatPacketHandler::HandleTeamKick(packet); break; case eChatMessageType::TEAM_SET_LOOT: ChatPacketHandler::HandleTeamLootOption(packet); break; default: LOG("Unknown CHAT id: %i", int(packet->data[3])); } } if (static_cast(packet->data[1]) == eConnectionType::WORLD) { switch (static_cast(packet->data[3])) { case eWorldMessageType::ROUTE_PACKET: { LOG("Routing packet from world"); break; } default: LOG("Unknown World id: %i", int(packet->data[3])); } } }