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synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
* greatly simplify docker * back to gcc since I can't the libs to load properly * fix typo add set -e to entrypoint better copy of entrypoint.sh and use proper entrypoint * use debian instead of gcc for runtime comment and organize it a bit drop gcc to 12 since we are using debian 12 as well * explicitly include mariadb libs * Make the server not crash in the case we are using only env-vars make the dockerfile have configs in the expected location incase of bypassing entrypoint.sh * remove unneede var from example, since it's in the container now * coments to dockerfile * Revert master server changes * Resolve conflicting port options between chat, master, and world move chat_server_port to shared since it's used by world and chat * Don't error if file does not exists when updating a config option move update before and use bin dir var
189 lines
5.8 KiB
189 lines
5.8 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <csignal>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
//DLU Includes:
#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "dServer.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "Database.h"
#include "dConfig.h"
#include "Diagnostics.h"
#include "BinaryPathFinder.h"
//RakNet includes:
#include "RakNetDefines.h"
#include <MessageIdentifiers.h>
//Auth includes:
#include "AuthPackets.h"
#include "eConnectionType.h"
#include "eServerMessageType.h"
#include "eAuthMessageType.h"
#include "Game.h"
namespace Game {
Logger* logger = nullptr;
dServer* server = nullptr;
dConfig* config = nullptr;
Game::signal_t lastSignal = 0;
std::mt19937 randomEngine;
Logger* SetupLogger();
void HandlePacket(Packet* packet);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
constexpr uint32_t authFramerate = mediumFramerate;
constexpr uint32_t authFrameDelta = mediumFrameDelta;
std::signal(SIGINT, Game::OnSignal);
std::signal(SIGTERM, Game::OnSignal);
//Create all the objects we need to run our service:
Game::logger = SetupLogger();
if (!Game::logger) return EXIT_FAILURE;
//Read our config:
Game::config = new dConfig("authconfig.ini");
Game::logger->SetLogToConsole(Game::config->GetValue("log_to_console") != "0");
Game::logger->SetLogDebugStatements(Game::config->GetValue("log_debug_statements") == "1");
LOG("Starting Auth server...");
LOG("Version: %s", PROJECT_VERSION);
LOG("Compiled on: %s", __TIMESTAMP__);
try {
} catch (sql::SQLException& ex) {
LOG("Got an error while connecting to the database: %s", ex.what());
delete Game::server;
delete Game::logger;
//Find out the master's IP:
std::string masterIP;
uint32_t masterPort = 1500;
auto masterInfo = Database::Get()->GetMasterInfo();
if (masterInfo) {
masterIP = masterInfo->ip;
masterPort = masterInfo->port;
LOG("Master is at %s:%d", masterIP.c_str(), masterPort);
Game::randomEngine = std::mt19937(time(0));
//It's safe to pass 'localhost' here, as the IP is only used as the external IP.
uint32_t maxClients = 50;
uint32_t ourPort = 1001; //LU client is hardcoded to use this for auth port, so I'm making it the default.
if (Game::config->GetValue("max_clients") != "") maxClients = std::stoi(Game::config->GetValue("max_clients"));
if (Game::config->GetValue("auth_server_port") != "") ourPort = std::atoi(Game::config->GetValue("auth_server_port").c_str());
Game::server = new dServer(Game::config->GetValue("external_ip"), ourPort, 0, maxClients, false, true, Game::logger, masterIP, masterPort, ServerType::Auth, Game::config, &Game::lastSignal);
//Run it until server gets a kill message from Master:
auto t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
Packet* packet = nullptr;
constexpr uint32_t logFlushTime = 30 * authFramerate; // 30 seconds in frames
constexpr uint32_t sqlPingTime = 10 * 60 * authFramerate; // 10 minutes in frames
uint32_t framesSinceLastFlush = 0;
uint32_t framesSinceMasterDisconnect = 0;
uint32_t framesSinceLastSQLPing = 0;
Game::logger->Flush(); // once immediately before main loop
while (!Game::ShouldShutdown()) {
//Check if we're still connected to master:
if (!Game::server->GetIsConnectedToMaster()) {
if (framesSinceMasterDisconnect >= authFramerate) {
LOG("No connection to master!");
break; //Exit our loop, shut down.
} else framesSinceMasterDisconnect = 0;
//In world we'd update our other systems here.
//Check for packets here:
Game::server->ReceiveFromMaster(); //ReceiveFromMaster also handles the master packets if needed.
packet = Game::server->Receive();
if (packet) {
packet = nullptr;
//Push our log every 30s:
if (framesSinceLastFlush >= logFlushTime) {
framesSinceLastFlush = 0;
} else framesSinceLastFlush++;
//Every 10 min we ping our sql server to keep it alive hopefully:
if (framesSinceLastSQLPing >= sqlPingTime) {
//Find out the master's IP for absolutely no reason:
std::string masterIP;
uint32_t masterPort;
auto masterInfo = Database::Get()->GetMasterInfo();
if (masterInfo) {
masterIP = masterInfo->ip;
masterPort = masterInfo->port;
framesSinceLastSQLPing = 0;
} else framesSinceLastSQLPing++;
//Sleep our thread since auth can afford to.
t += std::chrono::milliseconds(authFrameDelta); //Auth can run at a lower "fps"
LOG("Exited Main Loop! (signal %d)", Game::lastSignal);
//Delete our objects here:
delete Game::server;
delete Game::logger;
delete Game::config;
Logger* SetupLogger() {
std::string logPath = (BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / ("logs/AuthServer_" + std::to_string(time(nullptr)) + ".log")).string();
bool logToConsole = false;
bool logDebugStatements = false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
logToConsole = true;
logDebugStatements = true;
return new Logger(logPath, logToConsole, logDebugStatements);
void HandlePacket(Packet* packet) {
if (packet->length < 4) return;
if (packet->data[0] == ID_USER_PACKET_ENUM) {
if (static_cast<eConnectionType>(packet->data[1]) == eConnectionType::SERVER) {
if (static_cast<eServerMessageType>(packet->data[3]) == eServerMessageType::VERSION_CONFIRM) {
AuthPackets::HandleHandshake(Game::server, packet);
} else if (static_cast<eConnectionType>(packet->data[1]) == eConnectionType::AUTH) {
if (static_cast<eAuthMessageType>(packet->data[3]) == eAuthMessageType::LOGIN_REQUEST) {
AuthPackets::HandleLoginRequest(Game::server, packet);