mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
Brick building as of right now does not implement the undo action properly. This commit addresses the issue with undoing button being non-functional server side and implements the GM needed for addressing further issues. Implement GameMessage UnUseModel which is called when a model in BrickBuilding is UnUsed. Important for UGC content down the line. Final code has been tested as follows: 1. Placed a model in brick build 2. saved placed a brick 3. repeat 2 and 3 twice more for 6 total models 4. Place a new model in brick mode and then edit all 7 models into one brick model instance 5. Pressing undo returns the converted model to the inventory and properly discards the other 6 without crashing. Intended live behavior is to store this in the inventory instead however behind the scenes work is needed to implement UGC models properly. Implement enum Implement the BlueprintSaveResponseType enum so there are less magic numbers sent via packets. Correct int sizes from unsigned int to uint32_t Add deserialize test Add a test for de-serializing a GM that is sent to the client. Assertions verify the data is in the correct order and has no extra information.
872 lines
26 KiB
872 lines
26 KiB
#include "PropertyManagementComponent.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "MissionComponent.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "PropertyDataMessage.h"
#include "UserManager.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "Character.h"
#include "CDClientDatabase.h"
#include "dZoneManager.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "Database.h"
#include "../dWorldServer/ObjectIDManager.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "RocketLaunchpadControlComponent.h"
#include "PropertyEntranceComponent.h"
#include <vector>
#include "CppScripts.h"
PropertyManagementComponent* PropertyManagementComponent::instance = nullptr;
PropertyManagementComponent::PropertyManagementComponent(Entity* parent) : Component(parent) {
this->owner = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
this->templateId = 0;
this->propertyId = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
this->models = {};
this->propertyName = "";
this->propertyDescription = "";
this->privacyOption = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private;
this->originalPrivacyOption = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private;
instance = this;
const auto& worldId = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZone()->GetZoneID();
const auto zoneId = worldId.GetMapID();
const auto cloneId = worldId.GetCloneID();
auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT id FROM PropertyTemplate WHERE mapID = ?;");
query.bind(1, (int)zoneId);
auto result = query.execQuery();
if (result.eof() || result.fieldIsNull(0)) {
templateId = result.getIntField(0);
auto* propertyLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM properties WHERE template_id = ? AND clone_id = ?;");
propertyLookup->setInt(1, templateId);
propertyLookup->setInt64(2, cloneId);
auto* propertyEntry = propertyLookup->executeQuery();
if (propertyEntry->next()) {
this->propertyId = propertyEntry->getUInt64(1);
this->owner = propertyEntry->getUInt64(2);
this->owner = GeneralUtils::SetBit(this->owner, OBJECT_BIT_CHARACTER);
this->owner = GeneralUtils::SetBit(this->owner, OBJECT_BIT_PERSISTENT);
this->clone_Id = propertyEntry->getInt(2);
this->propertyName = propertyEntry->getString(5).c_str();
this->propertyDescription = propertyEntry->getString(6).c_str();
this->privacyOption = static_cast<PropertyPrivacyOption>(propertyEntry->getUInt(9));
this->moderatorRequested = propertyEntry->getInt(10) == 0 && rejectionReason == "" && privacyOption == PropertyPrivacyOption::Public;
this->LastUpdatedTime = propertyEntry->getUInt64(11);
this->claimedTime = propertyEntry->getUInt64(12);
this->rejectionReason = std::string(propertyEntry->getString(13).c_str());
this->reputation = propertyEntry->getUInt(14);
delete propertyLookup;
LWOOBJID PropertyManagementComponent::GetOwnerId() const {
return owner;
Entity* PropertyManagementComponent::GetOwner() const {
return EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(owner);
void PropertyManagementComponent::SetOwner(Entity* value) {
owner = value->GetObjectID();
std::vector<NiPoint3> PropertyManagementComponent::GetPaths() const {
const auto zoneId = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZone()->GetWorldID();
auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT path FROM PropertyTemplate WHERE mapID = ?;");
query.bind(1, (int)zoneId);
auto result = query.execQuery();
std::vector<NiPoint3> paths{};
if (result.eof()) {
return paths;
std::vector<float> points;
std::istringstream stream(result.getStringField(0));
std::string token;
while (std::getline(stream, token, ' ')) {
try {
auto value = std::stof(token);
} catch (std::invalid_argument& exception) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Failed to parse value (%s): (%s)!", token.c_str(), exception.what());
for (auto i = 0u; i < points.size(); i += 3) {
paths.emplace_back(points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2]);
return paths;
PropertyPrivacyOption PropertyManagementComponent::GetPrivacyOption() const {
return privacyOption;
void PropertyManagementComponent::SetPrivacyOption(PropertyPrivacyOption value) {
if (owner == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) return;
if (value == static_cast<PropertyPrivacyOption>(3)) // Client sends 3 for private for some reason, but expects 0 in return?
value = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private;
if (value == PropertyPrivacyOption::Public && privacyOption != PropertyPrivacyOption::Public) {
rejectionReason = "";
moderatorRequested = true;
privacyOption = value;
auto* propertyUpdate = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("UPDATE properties SET privacy_option = ?, rejection_reason = ?, mod_approved = ? WHERE id = ?;");
propertyUpdate->setInt(1, static_cast<int32_t>(value));
propertyUpdate->setString(2, "");
propertyUpdate->setInt(3, 0);
propertyUpdate->setInt64(4, propertyId);
void PropertyManagementComponent::UpdatePropertyDetails(std::string name, std::string description) {
if (owner == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) return;
propertyName = name;
propertyDescription = description;
auto* propertyUpdate = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("UPDATE properties SET name = ?, description = ? WHERE id = ?;");
propertyUpdate->setString(1, name.c_str());
propertyUpdate->setString(2, description.c_str());
propertyUpdate->setInt64(3, propertyId);
OnQueryPropertyData(GetOwner(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
bool PropertyManagementComponent::Claim(const LWOOBJID playerId) {
if (owner != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
return false;
auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(playerId);
auto* user = entity->GetParentUser();
auto character = entity->GetCharacter();
if (!character) return false;
auto* zone = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZone();
const auto& worldId = zone->GetZoneID();
const auto propertyZoneId = worldId.GetMapID();
const auto propertyCloneId = worldId.GetCloneID();
const auto playerCloneId = character->GetPropertyCloneID();
// If we are not on our clone do not allow us to claim the property
if (propertyCloneId != playerCloneId) return false;
std::string name = zone->GetZoneName();
std::string description = "";
auto prop_path = zone->GetPath(m_Parent->GetVarAsString(u"propertyName"));
if (prop_path){
if (!prop_path->property.displayName.empty()) name = prop_path->property.displayName;
description = prop_path->property.displayDesc;
propertyId = ObjectIDManager::GenerateRandomObjectID();
auto* insertion = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(
"INSERT INTO properties"
"(id, owner_id, template_id, clone_id, name, description, rent_amount, rent_due, privacy_option, last_updated, time_claimed, rejection_reason, reputation, zone_id, performance_cost)"
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '', 0, ?, 0.0)"
insertion->setUInt64(1, propertyId);
insertion->setUInt64(2, (uint32_t)playerId);
insertion->setUInt(3, templateId);
insertion->setUInt64(4, playerCloneId);
insertion->setString(5, name.c_str());
insertion->setString(6, description.c_str());
insertion->setInt(7, propertyZoneId);
// Try and execute the query, print an error if it fails.
try {
} catch (sql::SQLException& exception) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Failed to execute query: (%s)!", exception.what());
throw exception;
return false;
auto* zoneControlObject = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZoneControlObject();
for (CppScripts::Script* script : CppScripts::GetEntityScripts(zoneControlObject)) {
script->OnZonePropertyRented(zoneControlObject, entity);
return true;
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnStartBuilding() {
auto* ownerEntity = GetOwner();
if (ownerEntity == nullptr) return;
const auto players = Player::GetAllPlayers();
LWOMAPID zoneId = 1100;
const auto entrance = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesByComponent(COMPONENT_TYPE_PROPERTY_ENTRANCE);
originalPrivacyOption = privacyOption;
SetPrivacyOption(PropertyPrivacyOption::Private); // Cant visit player which is building
if (!entrance.empty()) {
auto* rocketPad = entrance[0]->GetComponent<RocketLaunchpadControlComponent>();
if (rocketPad != nullptr) {
zoneId = rocketPad->GetDefaultZone();
for (auto* player : players) {
if (player == ownerEntity) continue;
auto inventoryComponent = ownerEntity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
// Push equipped items
if (inventoryComponent) inventoryComponent->PushEquippedItems();
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnFinishBuilding() {
auto* ownerEntity = GetOwner();
if (ownerEntity == nullptr) return;
void PropertyManagementComponent::UpdateModelPosition(const LWOOBJID id, const NiPoint3 position, NiQuaternion rotation) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Placing model <%f, %f, %f>", position.x, position.y, position.z);
auto* entity = GetOwner();
if (entity == nullptr) {
auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
auto* item = inventoryComponent->FindItemById(id);
if (item == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Failed to find item with id %d", id);
NiQuaternion originalRotation = rotation;
const auto modelLOT = item->GetLot();
if (rotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) {
rotation = { rotation.w, rotation.z, rotation.y, rotation.x };
if (item->GetLot() == 6662) {
LWOOBJID spawnerID = item->GetSubKey();
EntityInfo info;
info.lot = 14;
info.pos = {};
info.rot = {};
info.spawner = nullptr;
info.spawnerID = spawnerID;
info.spawnerNodeID = 0;
for (auto* setting : item->GetConfig()) {
Entity* newEntity = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(info);
if (newEntity != nullptr) {
// Make sure the propMgmt doesn't delete our model after the server dies
// Trying to do this after the entity is constructed. Shouldn't really change anything but
// There was an issue with builds not appearing since it was placed above ConstructEntity.
PropertyManagementComponent::Instance()->AddModel(newEntity->GetObjectID(), spawnerID);
item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);
item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);
auto* node = new SpawnerNode();
node->position = position;
node->rotation = rotation;
ObjectIDManager::Instance()->RequestPersistentID([this, node, modelLOT, entity, position, rotation, originalRotation](uint32_t persistentId) {
SpawnerInfo info{};
info.templateID = modelLOT;
info.nodes = { node };
info.templateScale = 1.0f;
info.activeOnLoad = true;
info.amountMaintained = 1;
info.respawnTime = 10;
info.emulated = true;
info.emulator = EntityManager::Instance()->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID();
LWOOBJID id = static_cast<LWOOBJID>(persistentId) | 1ull << OBJECT_BIT_CLIENT;
info.spawnerID = id;
const auto spawnerId = dZoneManager::Instance()->MakeSpawner(info);
auto* spawner = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetSpawner(spawnerId);
auto ldfModelBehavior = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"modelBehaviors", 0);
auto userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", id);
auto modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"modelType", 2);
auto propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"propertyObjectID", true);
auto componentWhitelist = new LDFData<int>(u"componentWhitelist", 1);
auto* model = spawner->Spawn();
models.insert_or_assign(model->GetObjectID(), spawnerId);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), position, m_Parent->GetObjectID(), 14, originalRotation);
GameMessages::SendUGCEquipPreCreateBasedOnEditMode(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), 0, spawnerId);
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
// Progress place model missions
auto missionComponent = entity->GetComponent<MissionComponent>();
if (missionComponent != nullptr) missionComponent->Progress(MissionTaskType::MISSION_TASK_TYPE_PLACE_MODEL, 0);
void PropertyManagementComponent::DeleteModel(const LWOOBJID id, const int deleteReason) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Delete model: (%llu) (%i)", id, deleteReason);
auto* entity = GetOwner();
if (entity == nullptr) {
auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
const auto index = models.find(id);
if (index == models.end()) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Failed to find model");
const auto spawnerId = index->second;
auto* spawner = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetSpawner(spawnerId);
if (spawner == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Failed to find spawner");
auto* model = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(id);
if (model == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Failed to find model entity");
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Deleting model LOT %i", model->GetLOT());
if (model->GetLOT() == 14) {
//add it to the inv
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> settings;
//fill our settings with BBB gurbage
LDFBaseData* ldfBlueprintID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"blueprintid", model->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"blueprintid"));
LDFBaseData* userModelDesc = new LDFData<std::u16string>(u"userModelDesc", u"A cool model you made!");
LDFBaseData* userModelHasBhvr = new LDFData<bool>(u"userModelHasBhvr", false);
LDFBaseData* userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", model->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID"));
LDFBaseData* userModelMod = new LDFData<bool>(u"userModelMod", false);
LDFBaseData* userModelName = new LDFData<std::u16string>(u"userModelName", u"My Cool Model");
LDFBaseData* propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"userModelOpt", true);
LDFBaseData* modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"userModelPhysicsType", 2);
inventoryComponent->AddItem(6662, 1, eLootSourceType::LOOT_SOURCE_DELETION, eInventoryType::MODELS_IN_BBB, settings, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, false, false, spawnerId);
auto* item = inventoryComponent->FindItemBySubKey(spawnerId);
if (item == nullptr) {
if (deleteReason == 0) {
if (deleteReason == 0 || deleteReason == 2) {
GameMessages::SendUGCEquipPostDeleteBasedOnEditMode(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), item->GetId(), item->GetCount());
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (spawner != nullptr) {
} else {
item->SetCount(0, true, false, false);
inventoryComponent->AddItem(model->GetLOT(), 1, eLootSourceType::LOOT_SOURCE_DELETION, INVALID, {}, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, false);
auto* item = inventoryComponent->FindItemByLot(model->GetLOT());
if (item == nullptr) {
switch (deleteReason) {
case 0: // Pickup
GameMessages::SendUGCEquipPostDeleteBasedOnEditMode(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), item->GetId(), item->GetCount());
case 1: // Return to inv
case 2: // Break apart
item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);
Game::logger->Log("BODGE TIME", "YES IT GOES HERE");
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Invalid delete reason");
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (spawner != nullptr) {
} else {
void PropertyManagementComponent::UpdateApprovedStatus(const bool value) {
if (owner == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) return;
auto* update = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("UPDATE properties SET mod_approved = ? WHERE id = ?;");
update->setBoolean(1, value);
update->setInt64(2, propertyId);
delete update;
void PropertyManagementComponent::Load() {
if (propertyId == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
auto* lookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT id, lot, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, rw, ugc_id FROM properties_contents WHERE property_id = ?;");
lookup->setUInt64(1, propertyId);
auto* lookupResult = lookup->executeQuery();
while (lookupResult->next()) {
const LWOOBJID id = lookupResult->getUInt64(1);
const LOT lot = lookupResult->getInt(2);
const NiPoint3 position =
const NiQuaternion rotation =
auto* node = new SpawnerNode();
node->position = position;
node->rotation = rotation;
SpawnerInfo info{};
info.templateID = lot;
info.nodes = { node };
info.templateScale = 1.0f;
info.activeOnLoad = true;
info.amountMaintained = 1;
info.respawnTime = 10;
//info.emulated = true;
//info.emulator = EntityManager::Instance()->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID();
info.spawnerID = id;
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> settings;
//BBB property models need to have extra stuff set for them:
if (lot == 14) {
LWOOBJID blueprintID = lookupResult->getUInt(10);
blueprintID = GeneralUtils::SetBit(blueprintID, OBJECT_BIT_CHARACTER);
blueprintID = GeneralUtils::SetBit(blueprintID, OBJECT_BIT_PERSISTENT);
LDFBaseData* ldfBlueprintID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"blueprintid", blueprintID);
LDFBaseData* componentWhitelist = new LDFData<int>(u"componentWhitelist", 1);
LDFBaseData* modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"modelType", 2);
LDFBaseData* propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"propertyObjectID", true);
LDFBaseData* userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", id);
} else {
auto modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"modelType", 2);
auto userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", id);
auto ldfModelBehavior = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"modelBehaviors", 0);
auto propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"propertyObjectID", true);
auto componentWhitelist = new LDFData<int>(u"componentWhitelist", 1);
node->config = settings;
const auto spawnerId = dZoneManager::Instance()->MakeSpawner(info);
auto* spawner = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetSpawner(spawnerId);
auto* model = spawner->Spawn();
models.insert_or_assign(model->GetObjectID(), spawnerId);
delete lookup;
void PropertyManagementComponent::Save() {
if (propertyId == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
auto* insertion = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("INSERT INTO properties_contents VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
auto* update = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("UPDATE properties_contents SET x = ?, y = ?, z = ?, rx = ?, ry = ?, rz = ?, rw = ? WHERE id = ?;");
auto* lookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT id FROM properties_contents WHERE property_id = ?;");
auto* remove = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("DELETE FROM properties_contents WHERE id = ?;");
lookup->setUInt64(1, propertyId);
sql::ResultSet* lookupResult = nullptr;
try {
lookupResult = lookup->executeQuery();
} catch (sql::SQLException& ex) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "lookup error %s", ex.what());
std::vector<LWOOBJID> present;
while (lookupResult->next()) {
const auto dbId = lookupResult->getUInt64(1);
delete lookupResult;
std::vector<LWOOBJID> modelIds;
for (const auto& pair : models) {
const auto id = pair.second;
auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(pair.first);
if (entity == nullptr) {
const auto position = entity->GetPosition();
const auto rotation = entity->GetRotation();
if (std::find(present.begin(), present.end(), id) == present.end()) {
insertion->setInt64(1, id);
insertion->setUInt64(2, propertyId);
insertion->setNull(3, 0);
insertion->setInt(4, entity->GetLOT());
insertion->setDouble(5, position.x);
insertion->setDouble(6, position.y);
insertion->setDouble(7, position.z);
insertion->setDouble(8, rotation.x);
insertion->setDouble(9, rotation.y);
insertion->setDouble(10, rotation.z);
insertion->setDouble(11, rotation.w);
insertion->setString(12, "Objects_" + std::to_string(entity->GetLOT()) + "_name"); // Model name. TODO make this customizable
insertion->setString(13, ""); // Model description. TODO implement this.
insertion->setDouble(14, 0); // behavior 1. TODO implement this.
insertion->setDouble(15, 0); // behavior 2. TODO implement this.
insertion->setDouble(16, 0); // behavior 3. TODO implement this.
insertion->setDouble(17, 0); // behavior 4. TODO implement this.
insertion->setDouble(18, 0); // behavior 5. TODO implement this.
try {
} catch (sql::SQLException& ex) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Error inserting into properties_contents. Error %s", ex.what());
} else {
update->setDouble(1, position.x);
update->setDouble(2, position.y);
update->setDouble(3, position.z);
update->setDouble(4, rotation.x);
update->setDouble(5, rotation.y);
update->setDouble(6, rotation.z);
update->setDouble(7, rotation.w);
update->setInt64(8, id);
try {
} catch (sql::SQLException& ex) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Error updating properties_contents. Error: %s", ex.what());
for (auto id : present) {
if (std::find(modelIds.begin(), modelIds.end(), id) != modelIds.end()) {
remove->setInt64(1, id);
try {
} catch (sql::SQLException& ex) {
Game::logger->Log("PropertyManagementComponent", "Error removing from properties_contents. Error %s", ex.what());
auto* removeUGC = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("DELETE FROM ugc WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT ugc_id FROM properties_contents);");
delete removeUGC;
delete insertion;
delete update;
delete lookup;
delete remove;
void PropertyManagementComponent::AddModel(LWOOBJID modelId, LWOOBJID spawnerId) {
models[modelId] = spawnerId;
PropertyManagementComponent* PropertyManagementComponent::Instance() {
return instance;
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnQueryPropertyData(Entity* originator, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, LWOOBJID author) {
if (author == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
author = m_Parent->GetObjectID();
const auto& worldId = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZone()->GetZoneID();
const auto zoneId = worldId.GetMapID();
Game::logger->Log("Properties", "Getting property info for %d", zoneId);
GameMessages::PropertyDataMessage message = GameMessages::PropertyDataMessage(zoneId);
const auto isClaimed = GetOwnerId() != LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
LWOOBJID ownerId = GetOwnerId();
std::string ownerName = "";
std::string name = "";
std::string description = "";
uint64_t claimed = 0;
char privacy = 0;
if (isClaimed) {
const auto cloneId = worldId.GetCloneID();
auto* nameLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT name FROM charinfo WHERE prop_clone_id = ?;");
nameLookup->setUInt64(1, cloneId);
auto* nameResult = nameLookup->executeQuery();
if (nameResult->next()) {
ownerName = nameResult->getString(1).c_str();
delete nameResult;
delete nameLookup;
name = propertyName;
description = propertyDescription;
claimed = claimedTime;
privacy = static_cast<char>(this->privacyOption);
if (moderatorRequested) {
auto checkStatus = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT rejection_reason, mod_approved FROM properties WHERE id = ?;");
checkStatus->setInt64(1, propertyId);
auto result = checkStatus->executeQuery();
const auto reason = std::string(result->getString(1).c_str());
const auto modApproved = result->getInt(2);
if (reason != "") {
moderatorRequested = false;
rejectionReason = reason;
} else if (reason == "" && modApproved == 1) {
moderatorRequested = false;
rejectionReason = "";
} else {
moderatorRequested = true;
rejectionReason = "";
message.moderatorRequested = moderatorRequested;
message.reputation = reputation;
message.LastUpdatedTime = LastUpdatedTime;
message.OwnerId = ownerId;
message.OwnerName = ownerName;
message.Name = name;
message.Description = description;
message.ClaimedTime = claimed;
message.PrivacyOption = privacy;
message.cloneId = clone_Id;
message.rejectionReason = rejectionReason;
message.Paths = GetPaths();
SendDownloadPropertyData(author, message, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
// send rejection here?
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnUse(Entity* originator) {
OnQueryPropertyData(originator, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendOpenPropertyManagment(m_Parent->GetObjectID(), originator->GetSystemAddress());
void PropertyManagementComponent::SetOwnerId(const LWOOBJID value) {
owner = value;
const std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOOBJID>& PropertyManagementComponent::GetModels() const {
return models;