mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
* load values once so that it doesn't check every time don't return, just skip don't realod char * address feedback * don't drop the only item you can't get again * address most feedback * move settings for HC mode * fix comment * claenup whitespace
119 lines
3.6 KiB
119 lines
3.6 KiB
#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include <map>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
class Entity;
class EntityInfo;
class Player;
class User;
struct SystemAddress;
class EntityManager {
static EntityManager* Instance() {
if (!m_Address) {
m_Address = new EntityManager();
return m_Address;
void Initialize();
void UpdateEntities(float deltaTime);
Entity* CreateEntity(EntityInfo info, User* user = nullptr, Entity* parentEntity = nullptr, bool controller = false, LWOOBJID explicitId = LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
void DestroyEntity(const LWOOBJID& objectID);
void DestroyEntity(Entity* entity);
Entity* GetEntity(const LWOOBJID& objectId) const;
std::vector<Entity*> GetEntitiesInGroup(const std::string& group);
std::vector<Entity*> GetEntitiesByComponent(int componentType) const;
std::vector<Entity*> GetEntitiesByLOT(const LOT& lot) const;
Entity* GetZoneControlEntity() const;
// Get spawn point entity by spawn name
Entity* GetSpawnPointEntity(const std::string& spawnName) const;
// Get spawn points
const std::unordered_map<std::string, LWOOBJID>& GetSpawnPointEntities() const;
//To make it obvious this SHOULD NOT be used outside of debug:
#ifdef _DEBUG
const std::unordered_map<LWOOBJID, Entity*> GetAllEntities() const { return m_Entities; }
void ConstructEntity(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, bool skipChecks = false);
void DestructEntity(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void SerializeEntity(Entity* entity);
void ConstructAllEntities(const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void DestructAllEntities(const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SetGhostDistanceMax(float value);
float GetGhostDistanceMax() const;
void SetGhostDistanceMin(float value);
float GetGhostDistanceMin() const;
void QueueGhostUpdate(LWOOBJID playerID);
void UpdateGhosting();
void UpdateGhosting(Player* player);
void CheckGhosting(Entity* entity);
Entity* GetGhostCandidate(int32_t id);
bool GetGhostingEnabled() const;
void ResetFlags();
void ScheduleForKill(Entity* entity);
void ScheduleForDeletion(LWOOBJID entity);
void FireEventServerSide(Entity* origin, std::string args);
static bool IsExcludedFromGhosting(LOT lot);
const bool GetHardcoreMode() { return m_HardcoreMode; };
const uint32_t GetHardcoreLoseUscoreOnDeathPercent() { return m_HardcoreLoseUscoreOnDeathPercent; };
const bool GetHardcoreDropinventoryOnDeath() { return m_HardcoreDropinventoryOnDeath; };
const uint32_t GetHardcoreUscoreEnemiesMultiplier() { return m_HardcoreUscoreEnemiesMultiplier; };
static EntityManager* m_Address; //For singleton method
static std::vector<LWOMAPID> m_GhostingExcludedZones;
static std::vector<LOT> m_GhostingExcludedLOTs;
std::unordered_map<LWOOBJID, Entity*> m_Entities;
std::vector<LWOOBJID> m_EntitiesToKill;
std::vector<LWOOBJID> m_EntitiesToDelete;
std::vector<LWOOBJID> m_EntitiesToSerialize;
std::vector<Entity*> m_EntitiesToGhost;
std::vector<LWOOBJID> m_PlayersToUpdateGhosting;
Entity* m_ZoneControlEntity;
uint16_t m_NetworkIdCounter;
uint64_t m_SerializationCounter = 0;
float m_GhostDistanceMinSqaured = 100 * 100;
float m_GhostDistanceMaxSquared = 150 * 150;
bool m_GhostingEnabled = true;
std::stack<uint16_t> m_LostNetworkIds;
// Map of spawnname to entity object ID
std::unordered_map<std::string, LWOOBJID> m_SpawnPoints;
// hardcore mode vars
bool m_HardcoreMode;
uint32_t m_HardcoreLoseUscoreOnDeathPercent;
bool m_HardcoreDropinventoryOnDeath;
uint32_t m_HardcoreUscoreEnemiesMultiplier;