David Markowitz c9a8be4fb9
Remove extra speed class ()
Speed is used in more waypoints than not so we may as well reduce repeated references.

tested that the data is still loaded as normal in avant gardens

Update Zone.cpp
2024-02-27 08:40:49 -06:00

254 lines
5.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include "dZMCommon.h"
#include "LDFFormat.h"
#include "tinyxml2.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
namespace LUTriggers {
struct Trigger;
class Level;
struct SceneRef {
std::string filename;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t sceneType; //0 = general, 1 = audio?
std::string name;
NiPoint3 unknown1;
float unknown2;
uint8_t color_r;
uint8_t color_g;
uint8_t color_b;
Level* level;
std::map<uint32_t, LUTriggers::Trigger*> triggers;
struct SceneTransitionInfo {
uint64_t sceneID; //id of the scene being transitioned to.
NiPoint3 position;
struct SceneTransition {
std::string name;
std::vector<SceneTransitionInfo> points;
float width;
struct MovingPlatformPathWaypoint {
uint8_t lockPlayer;
float wait;
std::string departSound;
std::string arriveSound;
struct CameraPathWaypoint {
float time;
float fov;
float tension;
float continuity;
float bias;
struct RacingPathWaypoint {
uint8_t isResetNode;
uint8_t isNonHorizontalCamera;
float planeWidth;
float planeHeight;
float shortestDistanceToEnd;
struct PathWaypoint {
NiPoint3 position;
NiQuaternion rotation; // not included in all, but it's more convenient here
MovingPlatformPathWaypoint movingPlatform;
CameraPathWaypoint camera;
RacingPathWaypoint racing;
float speed;
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> config;
enum class PathType : uint32_t {
Movement = 0,
MovingPlatform = 1,
Property = 2,
Camera = 3,
Spawner = 4,
Showcase = 5,
Race = 6,
Rail = 7
enum class PathBehavior : uint32_t {
Loop = 0,
Bounce = 1,
Once = 2
enum class PropertyPathType : int32_t {
Path = 0,
EntireZone = 1,
GenetatedRectangle = 2
enum class PropertyType : int32_t {
Premiere = 0,
Prize = 1,
LUP = 2,
Headspace = 3
enum class PropertyRentalPeriod : uint32_t {
Forever = 0,
Seconds = 1,
Minutes = 2,
Hours = 3,
Days = 4,
Weeks = 5,
Months = 6,
Years = 7
enum class PropertyAchievmentRequired : uint32_t {
None = 0,
Builder = 1,
Craftsman = 2,
SeniorBuilder = 3,
JourneyMan = 4,
MasterBuilder = 5,
Architect = 6,
SeniorArchitect = 7,
MasterArchitect = 8,
Visionary = 9,
Exemplar = 10
struct MovingPlatformPath {
std::string platformTravelSound;
uint8_t timeBasedMovement;
struct PropertyPath {
PropertyPathType pathType;
int32_t price;
uint32_t rentalTime;
uint64_t associatedZone;
std::string displayName;
std::string displayDesc;
PropertyType type;
uint32_t cloneLimit;
float repMultiplier;
PropertyRentalPeriod rentalPeriod;
PropertyAchievmentRequired achievementRequired;
// Player respawn coordinates in the main zone (not the property zone)
NiPoint3 playerZoneCoords;
float maxBuildHeight;
struct CameraPath {
std::string nextPath;
uint8_t rotatePlayer;
struct SpawnerPath {
LOT spawnedLOT;
uint32_t respawnTime;
int32_t maxToSpawn;
uint32_t amountMaintained;
LWOOBJID spawnerObjID;
uint8_t spawnerNetActive;
struct Path {
uint32_t pathVersion;
PathType pathType;
std::string pathName;
uint32_t flags;
PathBehavior pathBehavior;
uint32_t waypointCount;
std::vector<PathWaypoint> pathWaypoints;
SpawnerPath spawner;
MovingPlatformPath movingPlatform;
PropertyPath property;
CameraPath camera;
class Zone {
enum class FileFormatVersion : uint32_t { //Times are guessed.
PrePreAlpha = 30,
PreAlpha = 32,
LatePreAlpha = 33,
EarlyAlpha = 35,
Alpha = 36,
LateAlpha = 37,
Beta = 38,
Launch = 39,
Auramar = 40,
Latest = 41
Zone(const LWOMAPID& mapID, const LWOINSTANCEID& instanceID, const LWOCLONEID& cloneID);
void Initalize();
void LoadZoneIntoMemory();
std::string GetFilePathForZoneID();
uint32_t CalculateChecksum();
void LoadLevelsIntoMemory();
void AddRevision(LWOSCENEID sceneID, uint32_t revision);
const LWOZONEID& GetZoneID() const { return m_ZoneID; }
const uint32_t GetChecksum() const { return m_CheckSum; }
LUTriggers::Trigger* GetTrigger(uint32_t sceneID, uint32_t triggerID);
const Path* GetPath(std::string name) const;
uint32_t GetWorldID() const { return m_WorldID; }
[[nodiscard]] std::string GetZoneName() const { return m_ZoneName; }
std::string GetZoneRawPath() const { return m_ZoneRawPath; }
std::string GetZonePath() const { return m_ZonePath; }
const NiPoint3& GetSpawnPos() const { return m_Spawnpoint; }
const NiQuaternion& GetSpawnRot() const { return m_SpawnpointRotation; }
void SetSpawnPos(const NiPoint3& pos) { m_Spawnpoint = pos; }
void SetSpawnRot(const NiQuaternion& rot) { m_SpawnpointRotation = rot; }
std::string m_ZoneFilePath;
uint32_t m_NumberOfObjectsLoaded;
uint32_t m_NumberOfSceneTransitionsLoaded;
FileFormatVersion m_FileFormatVersion;
uint32_t m_CheckSum;
uint32_t m_WorldID; //should be equal to the MapID
NiPoint3 m_Spawnpoint;
NiQuaternion m_SpawnpointRotation;
uint32_t m_SceneCount;
std::string m_ZonePath; //Path to the .luz's folder
std::string m_ZoneName; //Name given to the zone by a level designer
std::string m_ZoneDesc; //Description of the zone by a level designer
std::string m_ZoneRawPath; //Path to the .raw file of this zone.
std::map<LWOSCENEID, SceneRef> m_Scenes;
std::vector<SceneTransition> m_SceneTransitions;
uint32_t m_PathDataLength;
uint32_t m_PathChunkVersion;
std::vector<Path> m_Paths;
std::map<LWOSCENEID, uint32_t> m_MapRevisions; //rhs is the revision!
//private ("helper") functions:
void LoadScene(std::istream& file);
void LoadLUTriggers(std::string triggerFile, SceneRef& scene);
void LoadSceneTransition(std::istream& file);
SceneTransitionInfo LoadSceneTransitionInfo(std::istream& file);
void LoadPath(std::istream& file);