mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
* First iteration of pack reader and interface * Fix memory leak and remove logs * Complete packed asset interface and begin on file loading replacement * Implement proper BinaryIO error * Improve AssetMemoryBuffer for reading and implement more reading * Repair more file loading code and improve how navmeshes are loaded * Missing checks implementation * Revert addition of Manifest class and migration changes * Resolved all feedback.
571 lines
19 KiB
571 lines
19 KiB
#include "Zone.h"
#include "Level.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "Game.h"
#include "dLogger.h"
#include "GeneralUtils.h"
#include "BinaryIO.h"
#include "AssetManager.h"
#include "CDClientManager.h"
#include "CDZoneTableTable.h"
#include "Spawner.h"
#include "dZoneManager.h"
Zone::Zone(const LWOMAPID& mapID, const LWOINSTANCEID& instanceID, const LWOCLONEID& cloneID) :
m_ZoneID(mapID, instanceID, cloneID) {
m_NumberOfScenesLoaded = 0;
m_NumberOfObjectsLoaded = 0;
m_NumberOfSceneTransitionsLoaded = 0;
m_CheckSum = 0;
m_WorldID = 0;
m_SceneCount = 0;
Zone::~Zone() {
Game::logger->Log("Zone", "Destroying zone %i", m_ZoneID.GetMapID());
for (std::map<LWOSCENEID, SceneRef>::iterator it = m_Scenes.begin(); it != m_Scenes.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.level != nullptr) delete it->second.level;
void Zone::Initalize() {
m_CheckSum = CalculateChecksum();
void Zone::LoadZoneIntoMemory() {
m_ZoneFilePath = GetFilePathForZoneID();
m_ZonePath = m_ZoneFilePath.substr(0, m_ZoneFilePath.rfind('/') + 1);
if (m_ZoneFilePath == "ERR") return;
AssetMemoryBuffer buffer = Game::assetManager->GetFileAsBuffer(m_ZoneFilePath.c_str());
std::istream file(&buffer);
if (file) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, m_ZoneFileFormatVersion);
uint32_t mapRevision = 0;
if (m_ZoneFileFormatVersion >= Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::Alpha) BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, mapRevision);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, m_WorldID);
if ((uint16_t)m_WorldID != m_ZoneID.GetMapID()) Game::logger->Log("Zone", "WorldID: %i doesn't match MapID %i! Is this intended?", m_WorldID, m_ZoneID.GetMapID());
AddRevision(LWOSCENEID_INVALID, mapRevision);
if (m_ZoneFileFormatVersion >= Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::Beta) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, m_Spawnpoint);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, m_SpawnpointRotation);
if (m_ZoneFileFormatVersion <= Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::LateAlpha) {
uint8_t sceneCount;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, sceneCount);
m_SceneCount = sceneCount;
} else BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, m_SceneCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_SceneCount; ++i) {
//Read generic zone info:
uint8_t stringLength;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, stringLength);
m_ZonePath = BinaryIO::ReadString(file, stringLength);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, stringLength);
m_ZoneRawPath = BinaryIO::ReadString(file, stringLength);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, stringLength);
m_ZoneName = BinaryIO::ReadString(file, stringLength);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, stringLength);
m_ZoneDesc = BinaryIO::ReadString(file, stringLength);
if (m_ZoneFileFormatVersion >= Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::PreAlpha) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, m_NumberOfSceneTransitionsLoaded);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_NumberOfSceneTransitionsLoaded; ++i) {
if (m_ZoneFileFormatVersion >= Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::EarlyAlpha) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, m_PathDataLength);
uint32_t unknown;
uint32_t pathCount;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, pathCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pathCount; ++i) {
for (Path path : m_Paths) {
if (path.pathType == PathType::Spawner) {
SpawnerInfo info = SpawnerInfo();
for (PathWaypoint waypoint : path.pathWaypoints) {
SpawnerNode* node = new SpawnerNode();
node->position = waypoint.position;
node->rotation = waypoint.rotation;
node->nodeID = 0;
node->config = waypoint.config;
for (LDFBaseData* data : waypoint.config) {
if (data) {
if (data->GetKey() == u"spawner_node_id") {
node->nodeID = std::stoi(data->GetValueAsString());
} else if (data->GetKey() == u"spawner_max_per_node") {
node->nodeMax = std::stoi(data->GetValueAsString());
} else if (data->GetKey() == u"groupID") { // Load object group
std::string groupStr = data->GetValueAsString();
info.groups = GeneralUtils::SplitString(groupStr, ';');
info.groups.erase(info.groups.end() - 1);
} else if (data->GetKey() == u"grpNameQBShowBricks") {
if (data->GetValueAsString() == "") continue;
/*std::string groupStr = data->GetValueAsString();
info.grpNameQBShowBricks = data->GetValueAsString();
} else if (data->GetKey() == u"spawner_name") {
info.name = data->GetValueAsString();
info.templateID = path.spawner.spawnedLOT;
info.spawnerID = path.spawner.spawnerObjID;
info.respawnTime = path.spawner.respawnTime;
info.amountMaintained = path.spawner.amountMaintained;
info.maxToSpawn = path.spawner.maxToSpawn;
info.activeOnLoad = path.spawner.spawnerNetActive;
info.isNetwork = true;
Spawner* spawner = new Spawner(info);
dZoneManager::Instance()->AddSpawner(info.spawnerID, spawner);
} else {
Game::logger->Log("Zone", "Failed to open: %s", m_ZoneFilePath.c_str());
m_ZonePath = m_ZoneFilePath.substr(0, m_ZoneFilePath.rfind('/') + 1);
std::string Zone::GetFilePathForZoneID() {
//We're gonna go ahead and presume we've got the db loaded already:
CDZoneTableTable* zoneTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDZoneTableTable>("ZoneTable");
const CDZoneTable* zone = zoneTable->Query(this->GetZoneID().GetMapID());
if (zone != nullptr) {
std::string toReturn = "maps/" + zone->zoneName;
std::transform(toReturn.begin(), toReturn.end(), toReturn.begin(), ::tolower);
return toReturn;
return std::string("ERR");
//Based off code from: https://www.liquisearch.com/fletchers_checksum/implementation/optimizations
uint32_t Zone::CalculateChecksum() {
uint32_t sum1 = 0xffff, sum2 = 0xffff;
for (std::map<LWOSCENEID, uint32_t>::const_iterator it = m_MapRevisions.cbegin(); it != m_MapRevisions.cend(); ++it) {
uint32_t sceneID = it->first.GetSceneID();
sum2 += sum1 += (sceneID >> 16);
sum2 += sum1 += (sceneID & 0xffff);
uint32_t layerID = it->first.GetLayerID();
sum2 += sum1 += (layerID >> 16);
sum2 += sum1 += (layerID & 0xffff);
uint32_t revision = it->second;
sum2 += sum1 += (revision >> 16);
sum2 += sum1 += (revision & 0xffff);
sum1 = (sum1 & 0xffff) + (sum1 >> 16);
sum2 = (sum2 & 0xffff) + (sum2 >> 16);
return sum2 << 16 | sum1;
void Zone::LoadLevelsIntoMemory() {
for (std::map<LWOSCENEID, SceneRef>::iterator it = m_Scenes.begin(); it != m_Scenes.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.level == nullptr) {
it->second.level = new Level(this, m_ZonePath + it->second.filename);
if (it->second.level->m_ChunkHeaders.size() > 0) {
it->second.level->m_ChunkHeaders.begin()->second.lwoSceneID = it->first;
AddRevision(it->second.level->m_ChunkHeaders.begin()->second.lwoSceneID, it->second.level->m_ChunkHeaders.begin()->second.fileInfo->revision);
void Zone::AddRevision(LWOSCENEID sceneID, uint32_t revision) {
for (std::pair<LWOSCENEID, uint32_t> item : m_MapRevisions) {
if (item.first == sceneID) return;
m_MapRevisions[LWOSCENEID(sceneID)] = revision;
const void Zone::PrintAllGameObjects() {
for (std::pair<LWOSCENEID, SceneRef> scene : m_Scenes) {
Game::logger->Log("Zone", "In sceneID: %i", scene.first.GetSceneID());
void Zone::LoadScene(std::istream& file) {
SceneRef scene;
scene.level = nullptr;
uint8_t sceneFilenameLength;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, sceneFilenameLength);
scene.filename = BinaryIO::ReadString(file, sceneFilenameLength);
std::string luTriggersPath = scene.filename.substr(0, scene.filename.size() - 4) + ".lutriggers";
std::vector<LUTriggers::Trigger*> triggers = LoadLUTriggers(luTriggersPath, scene.id);
for (LUTriggers::Trigger* trigger : triggers) {
scene.triggers.insert({ trigger->id, trigger });
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, scene.id);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, scene.sceneType);
uint8_t sceneNameLength;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, sceneNameLength);
scene.name = BinaryIO::ReadString(file, sceneNameLength);
if (m_Scenes.find(scene.id) != m_Scenes.end()) {
//Extract the layer id from the filename (bad I know, but it's reliable at least):
std::string layer = scene.filename.substr(scene.filename.rfind('x') + 1);
layer = layer.substr(0, layer.find('_'));
m_Scenes.insert(std::make_pair(lwoSceneID, scene));
std::vector<LUTriggers::Trigger*> Zone::LoadLUTriggers(std::string triggerFile, LWOSCENEID sceneID) {
std::vector<LUTriggers::Trigger*> lvlTriggers;
auto buffer = Game::assetManager->GetFileAsBuffer((m_ZonePath + triggerFile).c_str());
if (!buffer.m_Success) return lvlTriggers;
std::istream file(&buffer);
std::stringstream data;
data << file.rdbuf();
if (data.str().size() == 0) return lvlTriggers;
tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = new tinyxml2::XMLDocument();
if (!doc) return lvlTriggers;
if (doc->Parse(data.str().c_str(), data.str().size()) == 0) {
//Game::logger->Log("Zone", "Loaded LUTriggers from file %s!", triggerFile.c_str());
} else {
Game::logger->Log("Zone", "Failed to load LUTriggers from file %s", triggerFile.c_str());
return lvlTriggers;
tinyxml2::XMLElement* triggers = doc->FirstChildElement("triggers");
if (!triggers) return lvlTriggers;
auto currentTrigger = triggers->FirstChildElement("trigger");
while (currentTrigger) {
LUTriggers::Trigger* newTrigger = new LUTriggers::Trigger();
currentTrigger->QueryAttribute("enabled", &newTrigger->enabled);
currentTrigger->QueryAttribute("id", &newTrigger->id);
auto currentEvent = currentTrigger->FirstChildElement("event");
while (currentEvent) {
LUTriggers::Event* newEvent = new LUTriggers::Event();
newEvent->eventID = currentEvent->Attribute("id");
auto currentCommand = currentEvent->FirstChildElement("command");
while (currentCommand) {
LUTriggers::Command* newCommand = new LUTriggers::Command();
newCommand->id = currentCommand->Attribute("id");
newCommand->target = currentCommand->Attribute("target");
if (currentCommand->Attribute("targetName") != NULL) {
newCommand->targetName = currentCommand->Attribute("targetName");
if (currentCommand->Attribute("args") != NULL) {
newCommand->args = currentCommand->Attribute("args");
currentCommand = currentCommand->NextSiblingElement("command");
currentEvent = currentEvent->NextSiblingElement("event");
currentTrigger = currentTrigger->NextSiblingElement("trigger");
delete doc;
return lvlTriggers;
LUTriggers::Trigger* Zone::GetTrigger(uint32_t sceneID, uint32_t triggerID) {
if (m_Scenes.find(sceneID) == m_Scenes.end()) return nullptr;
if (m_Scenes[sceneID].triggers.find(triggerID) == m_Scenes[sceneID].triggers.end()) return nullptr;
return m_Scenes[sceneID].triggers[triggerID];
const Path* Zone::GetPath(std::string name) const {
for (const auto& path : m_Paths) {
if (name == path.pathName) {
return &path;
return nullptr;
void Zone::LoadSceneTransition(std::istream& file) {
SceneTransition sceneTrans;
if (m_ZoneFileFormatVersion < Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::Auramar) {
uint8_t length;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, length);
sceneTrans.name = BinaryIO::ReadString(file, length);
uint8_t loops = (m_ZoneFileFormatVersion < Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::EarlyAlpha || m_ZoneFileFormatVersion >= Zone::ZoneFileFormatVersion::Launch) ? 2 : 5;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < loops; ++i) {
SceneTransitionInfo Zone::LoadSceneTransitionInfo(std::istream& file) {
SceneTransitionInfo info;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, info.sceneID);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, info.position);
return info;
void Zone::LoadPath(std::istream& file) {
// Currently only spawner (type 4) paths are supported
Path path = Path();
uint32_t unknown1;
uint32_t pathType;
uint32_t pathBehavior;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.pathVersion);
uint8_t stringLength;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, stringLength);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < stringLength; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, pathType);
path.pathType = PathType(pathType);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown1);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, pathBehavior);
path.pathType = PathType(pathType);
if (path.pathType == PathType::MovingPlatform) {
if (path.pathVersion >= 18) {
uint8_t unknown;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
} else if (path.pathVersion >= 13) {
uint8_t count;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
} else if (path.pathType == PathType::Property) {
int32_t unknown;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.price);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.rentalTime);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.associatedZone);
if (path.pathVersion >= 5) {
uint8_t count1;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count1);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count1; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
uint32_t count2;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count2);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count2; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
if (path.pathVersion >= 6) {
int32_t unknown1;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown1);
if (path.pathVersion >= 7) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.cloneLimit);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.repMultiplier);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.rentalTimeUnit);
if (path.pathVersion >= 8) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.achievementRequired);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.playerZoneCoords.x);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.playerZoneCoords.y);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.playerZoneCoords.z);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.property.maxBuildHeight);
} else if (path.pathType == PathType::Camera) {
uint8_t count;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
if (path.pathVersion >= 14) {
uint8_t unknown;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
} else if (path.pathType == PathType::Spawner) {
//SpawnerPath* path = static_cast<SpawnerPath*>(path); // Convert to a spawner path
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.spawner.spawnedLOT);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.spawner.respawnTime);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.spawner.maxToSpawn);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.spawner.amountMaintained);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.spawner.spawnerObjID);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.spawner.spawnerNetActive);
// Read waypoints
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, path.waypointCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < path.waypointCount; ++i) {
PathWaypoint waypoint = PathWaypoint();
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.position.x);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.position.y);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.position.z);
if (path.pathType == PathType::Spawner || path.pathType == PathType::MovingPlatform || path.pathType == PathType::Race) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.rotation.w);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.rotation.x);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.rotation.y);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.rotation.z);
if (path.pathType == PathType::MovingPlatform) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.movingPlatform.lockPlayer);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.movingPlatform.speed);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.movingPlatform.wait);
if (path.pathVersion >= 13) {
uint8_t count1;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count1);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count1; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
uint8_t count2;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count2);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count2; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
} else if (path.pathType == PathType::Camera) {
float unknown;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.camera.time);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.camera.tension);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.camera.continuity);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, waypoint.camera.bias);
} else if (path.pathType == PathType::Race) {
uint8_t unknown;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
float unknown1;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown1);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown1);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown1);
} else if (path.pathType == PathType::Rail) {
float unknown;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
if (path.pathVersion >= 17) {
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, unknown);
// object LDF configs
if (path.pathType == PathType::Movement || path.pathType == PathType::Spawner || path.pathType == PathType::Rail) {
uint32_t count;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
uint8_t count1;
std::string parameter;
std::string value;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count1);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count1; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
uint8_t count2;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, count2);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count2; ++i) {
uint16_t character;
BinaryIO::BinaryRead(file, character);
LDFBaseData* ldfConfig = LDFBaseData::DataFromString(parameter + "=" + value);