mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
* Move EntityManager to Game namespace * move initialization to later Need to wait for dZoneManager to be initialized. * Fix bugs - Cannot delete from a RandomAccessIterator while in a range based for loop. Touchup zone manager initialize replace magic numbers with better named constants replace magic zonecontrol id with a more readable hex alternative condense stack variables move initializers closer to their use initialize entity manager with zone control change initialize timings If zone is not zero we expect to initialize the entity manager during zone manager initialization Add constexpr for zone control LOT * Add proper error handling * revert vanity changes * Update WorldServer.cpp * Update dZoneManager.cpp
544 lines
16 KiB
544 lines
16 KiB
#include "VanityUtilities.h"
#include "DestroyableComponent.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "InventoryComponent.h"
#include "PhantomPhysicsComponent.h"
#include "ProximityMonitorComponent.h"
#include "ScriptComponent.h"
#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "dConfig.h"
#include "dServer.h"
#include "tinyxml2.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "dLogger.h"
#include "BinaryPathFinder.h"
#include "EntityInfo.h"
#include <fstream>
std::vector<VanityNPC> VanityUtilities::m_NPCs = {};
std::vector<VanityParty> VanityUtilities::m_Parties = {};
std::vector<std::string> VanityUtilities::m_PartyPhrases = {};
void VanityUtilities::SpawnVanity() {
if (Game::config->GetValue("disable_vanity") == "1") {
const uint32_t zoneID = Game::server->GetZoneID();
ParseXML((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "vanity/NPC.xml").string());
// Loop through all parties
for (const auto& party : m_Parties) {
const auto chance = party.m_Chance;
const auto zone = party.m_Zone;
if (zone != Game::server->GetZoneID()) {
float rate = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0, 1);
if (chance < rate) {
// Copy m_NPCs into a new vector
std::vector<VanityNPC> npcList = m_NPCs;
std::vector<uint32_t> taken = {};
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Spawning party with %i locations", party.m_Locations.size());
// Loop through all locations
for (const auto& location : party.m_Locations) {
rate = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0, 1);
if (0.75f < rate) {
// Get a random NPC
auto npcIndex = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<uint32_t>(0, npcList.size() - 1);
while (std::find(taken.begin(), taken.end(), npcIndex) != taken.end()) {
npcIndex = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<uint32_t>(0, npcList.size() - 1);
auto& npc = npcList[npcIndex];
// Spawn the NPC
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "ldf size is %i", npc.ldf.size());
if (npc.ldf.empty()) {
npc.ldf = {
new LDFData<std::vector<std::u16string>>(u"syncLDF", { u"custom_script_client" }),
new LDFData<std::u16string>(u"custom_script_client", u"scripts\\ai\\SPEC\\MISSION_MINIGAME_CLIENT.lua")
// Spawn the NPC
auto* npcEntity = SpawnNPC(npc.m_LOT, npc.m_Name, location.m_Position, location.m_Rotation, npc.m_Equipment, npc.ldf);
npcEntity->SetVar<std::vector<std::string>>(u"chats", m_PartyPhrases);
// Loop through all NPCs
for (auto& npc : m_NPCs) {
if (npc.m_Locations.find(Game::server->GetZoneID()) == npc.m_Locations.end())
const std::vector<VanityNPCLocation>& locations = npc.m_Locations.at(Game::server->GetZoneID());
// Pick a random location
const auto& location = locations[GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(
static_cast<size_t>(0), static_cast<size_t>(locations.size() - 1))];
float rate = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(0, 1);
if (location.m_Chance < rate) {
if (npc.ldf.empty()) {
npc.ldf = {
new LDFData<std::vector<std::u16string>>(u"syncLDF", { u"custom_script_client" }),
new LDFData<std::u16string>(u"custom_script_client", u"scripts\\ai\\SPEC\\MISSION_MINIGAME_CLIENT.lua")
// Spawn the NPC
auto* npcEntity = SpawnNPC(npc.m_LOT, npc.m_Name, location.m_Position, location.m_Rotation, npc.m_Equipment, npc.ldf);
npcEntity->SetVar<std::vector<std::string>>(u"chats", npc.m_Phrases);
auto* scriptComponent = npcEntity->GetComponent<ScriptComponent>();
if (scriptComponent && !npc.m_Script.empty()) {
for (const auto& npc : npc.m_Flags) {
npcEntity->SetVar<bool>(GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(npc.first), npc.second);
if (zoneID == 1200) {
EntityInfo info;
info.lot = 8139;
info.pos = { 259.5f, 246.4f, -705.2f };
info.rot = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
info.spawnerID = Game::entityManager->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID();
info.settings = { new LDFData<bool>(u"hasCustomText", true),
new LDFData<std::string>(u"customText", ParseMarkdown((BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "vanity/TESTAMENT.md").string())) };
auto* entity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info);
Entity* VanityUtilities::SpawnNPC(LOT lot, const std::string& name, const NiPoint3& position,
const NiQuaternion& rotation, const std::vector<LOT>& inventory, const std::vector<LDFBaseData*>& ldf) {
EntityInfo info;
info.lot = lot;
info.pos = position;
info.rot = rotation;
info.spawnerID = Game::entityManager->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID();
info.settings = ldf;
auto* entity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info);
entity->SetVar(u"npcName", name);
auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent && !inventory.empty()) {
auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>();
if (destroyableComponent != nullptr) {
return entity;
void VanityUtilities::ParseXML(const std::string& file) {
// Read the entire file
std::ifstream xmlFile(file);
std::string xml((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(xmlFile)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
// Parse the XML
tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
doc.Parse(xml.c_str(), xml.size());
// Read the NPCs
auto* npcs = doc.FirstChildElement("npcs");
if (npcs == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPCs");
for (auto* party = npcs->FirstChildElement("party"); party != nullptr; party = party->NextSiblingElement("party")) {
// Get 'zone' as uint32_t and 'chance' as float
uint32_t zone = 0;
float chance = 0.0f;
if (party->Attribute("zone") != nullptr) {
zone = std::stoul(party->Attribute("zone"));
if (party->Attribute("chance") != nullptr) {
chance = std::stof(party->Attribute("chance"));
VanityParty partyInfo;
partyInfo.m_Zone = zone;
partyInfo.m_Chance = chance;
auto* locations = party->FirstChildElement("locations");
if (locations == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse party locations");
for (auto* location = locations->FirstChildElement("location"); location != nullptr;
location = location->NextSiblingElement("location")) {
// Get the location data
auto* x = location->Attribute("x");
auto* y = location->Attribute("y");
auto* z = location->Attribute("z");
auto* rw = location->Attribute("rw");
auto* rx = location->Attribute("rx");
auto* ry = location->Attribute("ry");
auto* rz = location->Attribute("rz");
if (x == nullptr || y == nullptr || z == nullptr || rw == nullptr || rx == nullptr || ry == nullptr
|| rz == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse party location data");
VanityNPCLocation locationData;
locationData.m_Position = { std::stof(x), std::stof(y), std::stof(z) };
locationData.m_Rotation = { std::stof(rw), std::stof(rx), std::stof(ry), std::stof(rz) };
locationData.m_Chance = 1.0f;
auto* partyPhrases = npcs->FirstChildElement("partyphrases");
if (partyPhrases == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse party phrases");
for (auto* phrase = partyPhrases->FirstChildElement("phrase"); phrase != nullptr;
phrase = phrase->NextSiblingElement("phrase")) {
// Get the phrase
auto* text = phrase->GetText();
if (text == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse party phrase");
for (auto* npc = npcs->FirstChildElement("npc"); npc != nullptr; npc = npc->NextSiblingElement("npc")) {
// Get the NPC name
auto* name = npc->Attribute("name");
if (!name) name = "";
// Get the NPC lot
auto* lot = npc->Attribute("lot");
if (lot == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPC lot");
// Get the equipment
auto* equipment = npc->FirstChildElement("equipment");
std::vector<LOT> inventory;
if (equipment) {
auto* text = equipment->GetText();
if (text != nullptr) {
std::string equipmentString(text);
std::vector<std::string> splitEquipment = GeneralUtils::SplitString(equipmentString, ',');
for (auto& item : splitEquipment) {
// Get the phrases
auto* phrases = npc->FirstChildElement("phrases");
std::vector<std::string> phraseList = {};
if (phrases) {
for (auto* phrase = phrases->FirstChildElement("phrase"); phrase != nullptr;
phrase = phrase->NextSiblingElement("phrase")) {
// Get the phrase
auto* text = phrase->GetText();
if (text == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPC phrase");
// Get the script
auto* scriptElement = npc->FirstChildElement("script");
std::string scriptName = "";
if (scriptElement != nullptr) {
auto* scriptNameAttribute = scriptElement->Attribute("name");
if (scriptNameAttribute) scriptName = scriptNameAttribute;
auto* ldfElement = npc->FirstChildElement("ldf");
std::vector<std::u16string> keys = {};
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> ldf = {};
if(ldfElement) {
for (auto* entry = ldfElement->FirstChildElement("entry"); entry != nullptr;
entry = entry->NextSiblingElement("entry")) {
// Get the ldf data
auto* data = entry->Attribute("data");
if (!data) continue;
LDFBaseData* ldfData = LDFBaseData::DataFromString(data);
if (!keys.empty()) ldf.push_back(new LDFData<std::vector<std::u16string>>(u"syncLDF", keys));
VanityNPC npcData;
npcData.m_Name = name;
npcData.m_LOT = std::stoi(lot);
npcData.m_Equipment = inventory;
npcData.m_Phrases = phraseList;
npcData.m_Script = scriptName;
npcData.ldf = ldf;
// Get flags
auto* flags = npc->FirstChildElement("flags");
if (flags != nullptr) {
for (auto* flag = flags->FirstChildElement("flag"); flag != nullptr;
flag = flag->NextSiblingElement("flag")) {
// Get the flag name
auto* name = flag->Attribute("name");
if (name == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPC flag name");
// Get the flag value
auto* value = flag->Attribute("value");
if (value == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPC flag value");
npcData.m_Flags[name] = std::stoi(value);
// Get the zones
for (auto* zone = npc->FirstChildElement("zone"); zone != nullptr; zone = zone->NextSiblingElement("zone")) {
// Get the zone ID
auto* zoneID = zone->Attribute("id");
if (zoneID == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPC zone ID");
// Get the locations
auto* locations = zone->FirstChildElement("locations");
if (locations == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPC locations");
for (auto* location = locations->FirstChildElement("location"); location != nullptr;
location = location->NextSiblingElement("location")) {
// Get the location data
auto* x = location->Attribute("x");
auto* y = location->Attribute("y");
auto* z = location->Attribute("z");
auto* rw = location->Attribute("rw");
auto* rx = location->Attribute("rx");
auto* ry = location->Attribute("ry");
auto* rz = location->Attribute("rz");
if (x == nullptr || y == nullptr || z == nullptr || rw == nullptr || rx == nullptr || ry == nullptr
|| rz == nullptr) {
Game::logger->Log("VanityUtilities", "Failed to parse NPC location data");
VanityNPCLocation locationData;
locationData.m_Position = { std::stof(x), std::stof(y), std::stof(z) };
locationData.m_Rotation = { std::stof(rw), std::stof(rx), std::stof(ry), std::stof(rz) };
locationData.m_Chance = 1.0f;
if (location->Attribute("chance") != nullptr) {
locationData.m_Chance = std::stof(location->Attribute("chance"));
const auto& it = npcData.m_Locations.find(std::stoi(zoneID));
if (it != npcData.m_Locations.end()) {
} else {
std::vector<VanityNPCLocation> locations;
npcData.m_Locations.insert(std::make_pair(std::stoi(zoneID), locations));
VanityNPC* VanityUtilities::GetNPC(const std::string& name) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_NPCs.size(); i++) {
if (m_NPCs[i].m_Name == name) {
return &m_NPCs[i];
return nullptr;
std::string VanityUtilities::ParseMarkdown(const std::string& file) {
// This function will read the file and return the content formatted as ASCII text.
// Read the file into a string
std::ifstream t(file);
// If the file does not exist, return an empty string.
if (!t.good()) {
return "";
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << t.rdbuf();
std::string fileContents = buffer.str();
// Loop through all lines in the file.
// Replace all instances of the markdown syntax with the corresponding HTML.
// Only care about headers
std::stringstream output;
std::string line;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << fileContents;
while (std::getline(ss, line)) {
#define TOSTRING(x) #x
// Replace "__TIMESTAMP__" with the __TIMESTAMP__
GeneralUtils::ReplaceInString(line, "__TIMESTAMP__", __TIMESTAMP__);
// Replace "__VERSION__" wit'h the PROJECT_VERSION
GeneralUtils::ReplaceInString(line, "__VERSION__", STRINGIFY(PROJECT_VERSION));
// Replace "__SOURCE__" with SOURCE
GeneralUtils::ReplaceInString(line, "__SOURCE__", Game::config->GetValue("source"));
// Replace "__LICENSE__" with LICENSE
GeneralUtils::ReplaceInString(line, "__LICENSE__", STRINGIFY(LICENSE));
if (line.find("##") != std::string::npos) {
// Add "<font size='18' color='#000000'>" before the header
output << "<font size=\"14\" color=\"#000000\">";
// Add the header without the markdown syntax
output << line.substr(3);
output << "</font>";
} else if (line.find("#") != std::string::npos) {
// Add "<font size='18' color='#000000'>" before the header
output << "<font size=\"18\" color=\"#000000\">";
// Add the header without the markdown syntax
output << line.substr(2);
output << "</font>";
} else {
output << line;
output << "\n";
return output.str();
void VanityUtilities::SetupNPCTalk(Entity* npc) {
npc->AddCallbackTimer(15.0f, [npc]() { NPCTalk(npc); });
npc->SetProximityRadius(20.0f, "talk");
void VanityUtilities::NPCTalk(Entity* npc) {
auto* proximityMonitorComponent = npc->GetComponent<ProximityMonitorComponent>();
if (!proximityMonitorComponent->GetProximityObjects("talk").empty()) {
const auto& chats = npc->GetVar<std::vector<std::string>>(u"chats");
if (chats.empty()) {
const auto& selected
= chats[GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int32_t>(0, static_cast<int32_t>(chats.size() - 1))];
npc->GetObjectID(), u"sendToclient_bubble", 0, 0, npc->GetObjectID(), selected, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
const float nextTime = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<float>(15, 60);
npc->AddCallbackTimer(nextTime, [npc]() { NPCTalk(npc); });