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synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
Sanity checks on Prop and LUP launchpads to not open if no valid rocket Add serialization for sending item configs so that rockets show for other players
588 lines
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588 lines
15 KiB
#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "RakNetTypes.h"
#include "Character.h"
#include "Component.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include <string>
#include "CDMissionsTable.h"
#include "tinyxml2.h"
* The statistics that can be achieved per zone
struct ZoneStatistics {
uint64_t m_AchievementsCollected;
uint64_t m_BricksCollected;
uint64_t m_CoinsCollected;
uint64_t m_EnemiesSmashed;
uint64_t m_QuickBuildsCompleted;
* The IDs of each of the possible statistics
enum StatisticID {
CurrencyCollected = 1,
* Represents a character, including their rockets and stats
class CharacterComponent : public Component {
static const uint32_t ComponentType = COMPONENT_TYPE_CHARACTER;
CharacterComponent(Entity* parent, Character* character);
~CharacterComponent() override;
void LoadFromXML();
void UpdateXml(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc) override;
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate, unsigned int& flags);
* Updates the rocket configuration using a LOT string separated by commas
* @param config the rocket config to use
void SetLastRocketConfig(std::u16string config);
* Find a player's rocket
* @param player the entity that triggered the event
* @return rocket
Item* GetRocket(Entity* player);
* Equip a player's rocket
* @param player the entity that triggered the event
* @return rocket
Item* RocketEquip(Entity* player);
* Find a player's rocket and unequip it
* @param player the entity that triggered the event
void RocketUnEquip(Entity* player);
* Gets the current level of the entity
* @return the current level of the entity
const uint32_t GetLevel() const { return m_Level; }
* Sets the level of the entity
* @param level the level to set
void SetLevel(uint32_t level) { m_Level = level; }
* Gets the universe score of the entity
* @return the universe score of the entity
const int64_t GetUScore() const { return m_Uscore; }
* Sets the universe score for this entity
* @param uscore the universe score to set
void SetUScore(int64_t uscore) { m_Uscore = uscore; }
* Gets the current activity that the character is partaking in, see ScriptedActivityComponent for more details
* @return the current activity that the character is partaking in
const uint32_t GetCurrentActivity() const { return m_CurrentActivity; }
* Set the current activity of the character, see ScriptedActivityComponent for more details
* @param currentActivity the activity to set
void SetCurrentActivity(uint32_t currentActivity) { m_CurrentActivity = currentActivity; m_DirtyCurrentActivity = true; }
* Gets if the entity is currently racing
* @return whether the entity is currently racing
const bool GetIsRacing() const { return m_IsRacing; }
* Sets the state of whether the character is racing
* @param isRacing whether the character is racing
void SetIsRacing(bool isRacing) { m_IsRacing = isRacing; }
* Gets the (optional) object ID of the vehicle the character is currently in
* @return the object ID of the vehilce the character is in
const LWOOBJID GetVehicleObjectID() const { return m_VehicleObjectID; }
* Sets the (optional) object ID of the vehicle the character is currently in
* @param vehicleObjectID the ID of the vehicle the character is in
void SetVehicleObjectID(LWOOBJID vehicleObjectID) { m_VehicleObjectID = vehicleObjectID; }
* Sets the possesible type that's currently used, merely used by the shooting gallery if it's 0
* @param value the possesible type to set
void SetPossessableType(uint8_t value) { m_PossessableType = value; }
* Gets whether this character has PvP enabled, allowing combat between players
* @return
bool GetPvpEnabled() const;
* Returns the characters lifetime reputation
* @return The lifetime reputation of this character.
int64_t GetReputation() { return m_Reputation; };
* Sets the lifetime reputation of the character to newValue
* @param newValue the value to set reputation to
void SetReputation(int64_t newValue) { m_Reputation = newValue; };
* Sets the current value of PvP combat being enabled
* @param value whether to enable PvP combat
void SetPvpEnabled(bool value);
* Gets the object ID of the rocket that was last used, allowing it to be rendered on launch pads
* @return the object ID of the rocket that was last used, if available
LWOOBJID GetLastRocketItemID() const { return m_LastRocketItemID; }
* Sets the object ID of the last used rocket
* @param lastRocketItemID the object ID of the last used rocket
void SetLastRocketItemID(LWOOBJID lastRocketItemID) { m_LastRocketItemID = lastRocketItemID; }
* Gives the player rewards for the last level that they leveled up from
void HandleLevelUp();
* Gets the name of this character
* @return the name of this character
std::string GetName() const { return m_Character->GetName(); }
* Sets the GM level of the character, should be called in the entity. Here it's set for serialization
* @param gmlevel the gm level to set
void SetGMLevel(int gmlevel);
* Initializes the player statistics from the string stored in the XML
* @param statisticsString the string to parse
void InitializeStatisticsFromString(const std::string& statisticsString);
* Initializes all the statistics with empty stats when there's no stats available up until that point
void InitializeEmptyStatistics();
* Turns character statistics into a stats string
* @return the statistics of the character as a string, in order, split by semicolon (;)
std::string StatisticsToString() const;
* Updates the statistics for when a user completes a mission
* @param mission the mission info to track
void TrackMissionCompletion(bool isAchievement);
* Handles statistics related to collecting heart flags and imagination bricks
* @param lot the lot of the object that was collected
void TrackLOTCollection(LOT lot);
* Handles a change in health and updates the statistics
* @param health the health delta
void TrackHealthDelta(int32_t health);
* Handles a change in imagination and updates the statistics
* @param imagination the imagination delta
void TrackImaginationDelta(int32_t imagination);
* Handles a change in armor and updates the statistics
* @param armor the armor delta
void TrackArmorDelta(int32_t armor);
* Handles completing a rebuild by updating the statistics
void TrackRebuildComplete();
* Tracks a player completing the race, also updates stats
* @param won whether the player won the race
void TrackRaceCompleted(bool won);
* Tracks an updated position for a player
void TrackPositionUpdate(const NiPoint3& newPosition);
* Handles a zone statistic update
* @param zoneID the zone that the stat belongs to
* @param name the name of the stat
* @param value the delta update for the stat
void HandleZoneStatisticsUpdate(LWOMAPID zoneID, const std::u16string& name, int32_t value);
* Allows one to generically update a statistic
* @param updateID the 1-indexed ID of the statistic in the order of definition below
* @param updateValue the value to update the statistic with
void UpdatePlayerStatistic(StatisticID updateID, uint64_t updateValue = 1);
* Character info regarding this character, including clothing styles, etc.
Character* m_Character;
* Whether this character is racing
bool m_IsRacing;
* The object ID of the vehicle the character is currently in
LWOOBJID m_VehicleObjectID;
* Possessible type, used by the shooting gallery
uint8_t m_PossessableType = 1;
* Level of the entity
uint32_t m_Level;
* Universe score of the entity
int64_t m_Uscore;
* The lifetime reputation earned by the entity
int64_t m_Reputation;
* Whether the character is landing by rocket
bool m_IsLanding;
* The configuration of the last used rocket, essentially a string of LOTs separated by commas
std::u16string m_LastRocketConfig;
* Whether the GM info has been changed
bool m_DirtyGMInfo = false;
* Whether PvP is enabled for this entity
bool m_PvpEnabled;
* Whether this entity is a GM
bool m_IsGM;
* The current GM level of this character (anything > 0 counts as a GM)
unsigned char m_GMLevel;
* Whether the character has HF enabled
bool m_EditorEnabled;
* The level of the character in HF
unsigned char m_EditorLevel;
* Whether the currently active activity has been changed
bool m_DirtyCurrentActivity = false;
* The ID of the curently active activity
int m_CurrentActivity;
* Whether the social info has been changed
bool m_DirtySocialInfo = false;
* The guild this character is in
* The name of the guild this character is in
std::u16string m_GuildName;
* Whether this character is a lego club member
bool m_IsLEGOClubMember;
* The country code that the character is from
int m_CountryCode;
* Returns whether the landing animation is enabled for a certain zone
* @param zoneID the zone to check for
* @return whether the landing animation is enabled for that zone
bool LandingAnimDisabled(int zoneID);
* Returns the statistics for a certain statistics ID, from a statistics string
* @param split the statistics string to look in
* @param index the statistics ID in the string
* @return the integer value of this statistic, parsed from the string
static uint64_t GetStatisticFromSplit(std::vector<std::string> split, uint32_t index);
* Gets all the statistics for a certain map, if it doesn't exist, it creates empty stats
* @param mapID the ID of the zone to get statistics for
* @return the statistics for the zone
ZoneStatistics& GetZoneStatisticsForMap(const LWOMAPID mapID);
* The last time we saved this character, used to update the total time played
time_t m_LastUpdateTimestamp;
* The total time the character has played, in MS
uint64_t m_TotalTimePlayed;
* The total amount of currency collected by this character
uint64_t m_CurrencyCollected;
* The total amount of bricks collected by this character
uint64_t m_BricksCollected;
* The total amount of entities smashed by this character
uint64_t m_SmashablesSmashed;
* The total amount of quickbuilds completed by this character
uint64_t m_QuickBuildsCompleted;
* The total amount of enemies killd by this character
uint64_t m_EnemiesSmashed;
* The total amount of rockets used by this character
uint64_t m_RocketsUsed;
* The total amount of missions completed by this character
uint64_t m_MissionsCompleted;
* The total number of pets tamed by this character
uint64_t m_PetsTamed;
* The total amount of imagination powerups collected by this character, this includes the ones in racing
uint64_t m_ImaginationPowerUpsCollected;
* The total amount of life powerups collected (note: not the total amount of life gained)
uint64_t m_LifePowerUpsCollected;
* The total amount of armor powerups collected (note: not the total amount of armor gained)
uint64_t m_ArmorPowerUpsCollected;
* Total amount of meters traveled by this character
uint64_t m_MetersTraveled;
* Total amount of times this character was smashed, either by other entities or by going out of bounds
uint64_t m_TimesSmashed;
* The total amount of damage inflicted on this character
uint64_t m_TotalDamageTaken;
* The total amount of damage healed by this character (excludes armor polish, etc)
uint64_t m_TotalDamageHealed;
* Total amount of armor repaired by this character
uint64_t m_TotalArmorRepaired;
* Total amount of imagination resored by this character
uint64_t m_TotalImaginationRestored;
* Total amount of imagination used by this character
uint64_t m_TotalImaginationUsed;
* Amount of distance driven, mutually exclusively tracked to meters travelled based on whether the charcter
* is currently driving
uint64_t m_DistanceDriven;
* Time airborne in a car, currently untracked.
* Honestly, who even cares about this.
uint64_t m_TimeAirborneInCar;
* Amount of imagination powerups found on racing tracks being collected, generally triggered by scripts
uint64_t m_RacingImaginationPowerUpsCollected;
* Total amount of racing imagination crates smashed, generally tracked by scripts
uint64_t m_RacingImaginationCratesSmashed;
* The amount of times this character triggered a car boost
uint64_t m_RacingCarBoostsActivated;
* The amount of times a car of this character was wrecked
uint64_t m_RacingTimesWrecked;
* The amount of entities smashed by the character while driving
uint64_t m_RacingSmashablesSmashed;
* The total amount of races completed by this character
uint64_t m_RacesFinished;
* The total amount of races won by this character
uint64_t m_FirstPlaceRaceFinishes;
* Special stats which are tracked per zone
std::map<LWOMAPID, ZoneStatistics> m_ZoneStatistics {};
* ID of the last rocket used