mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
* Move EntityManager to Game namespace * move initialization to later Need to wait for dZoneManager to be initialized. * Fix bugs - Cannot delete from a RandomAccessIterator while in a range based for loop. Touchup zone manager initialize replace magic numbers with better named constants replace magic zonecontrol id with a more readable hex alternative condense stack variables move initializers closer to their use initialize entity manager with zone control change initialize timings If zone is not zero we expect to initialize the entity manager during zone manager initialization Add constexpr for zone control LOT * Add proper error handling * revert vanity changes * Update WorldServer.cpp * Update dZoneManager.cpp
499 lines
13 KiB
499 lines
13 KiB
* Darkflame Universe
* Copyright 2018
#include "SkillComponent.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "BehaviorContext.h"
#include "BehaviorBranchContext.h"
#include "Behavior.h"
#include "CDClientDatabase.h"
#include "dServer.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "PacketUtils.h"
#include "BaseCombatAIComponent.h"
#include "ScriptComponent.h"
#include "BuffComponent.h"
#include "EchoStartSkill.h"
#include "DoClientProjectileImpact.h"
#include "CDClientManager.h"
#include "CDSkillBehaviorTable.h"
#include "eConnectionType.h"
#include "eClientMessageType.h"
ProjectileSyncEntry::ProjectileSyncEntry() {
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> SkillComponent::m_skillBehaviorCache = {};
bool SkillComponent::CastPlayerSkill(const uint32_t behaviorId, const uint32_t skillUid, RakNet::BitStream* bitStream, const LWOOBJID target, uint32_t skillID) {
auto* context = new BehaviorContext(this->m_Parent->GetObjectID());
context->caster = m_Parent->GetObjectID();
context->skillID = skillID;
this->m_managedBehaviors.insert_or_assign(skillUid, context);
auto* behavior = Behavior::CreateBehavior(behaviorId);
const auto branch = BehaviorBranchContext(target, 0);
behavior->Handle(context, bitStream, branch);
return !context->failed;
void SkillComponent::SyncPlayerSkill(const uint32_t skillUid, const uint32_t syncId, RakNet::BitStream* bitStream) {
const auto index = this->m_managedBehaviors.find(skillUid);
if (index == this->m_managedBehaviors.end()) {
Game::logger->Log("SkillComponent", "Failed to find skill with uid (%i)!", skillUid, syncId);
auto* context = index->second;
context->SyncBehavior(syncId, bitStream);
void SkillComponent::SyncPlayerProjectile(const LWOOBJID projectileId, RakNet::BitStream* bitStream, const LWOOBJID target) {
auto index = -1;
for (auto i = 0u; i < this->m_managedProjectiles.size(); ++i) {
const auto& projectile = this->m_managedProjectiles.at(i);
if (projectile.id == projectileId) {
index = i;
if (index == -1) {
Game::logger->Log("SkillComponent", "Failed to find projectile id (%llu)!", projectileId);
const auto sync_entry = this->m_managedProjectiles.at(index);
auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT behaviorID FROM SkillBehavior WHERE skillID = (SELECT skillID FROM ObjectSkills WHERE objectTemplate = ?);");
query.bind(1, (int)sync_entry.lot);
auto result = query.execQuery();
if (result.eof()) {
Game::logger->Log("SkillComponent", "Failed to find skill id for (%i)!", sync_entry.lot);
const auto behavior_id = static_cast<uint32_t>(result.getIntField(0));
auto* behavior = Behavior::CreateBehavior(behavior_id);
auto branch = sync_entry.branchContext;
branch.isProjectile = true;
if (target != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
branch.target = target;
behavior->Handle(sync_entry.context, bitStream, branch);
this->m_managedProjectiles.erase(this->m_managedProjectiles.begin() + index);
void SkillComponent::RegisterPlayerProjectile(const LWOOBJID projectileId, BehaviorContext* context, const BehaviorBranchContext& branch, const LOT lot) {
ProjectileSyncEntry entry;
entry.context = context;
entry.branchContext = branch;
entry.lot = lot;
entry.id = projectileId;
void SkillComponent::Update(const float deltaTime) {
if (!m_Parent->HasComponent(eReplicaComponentType::BASE_COMBAT_AI) && m_Parent->GetLOT() != 1) {
if (m_Parent->IsPlayer()) {
for (const auto& pair : this->m_managedBehaviors) pair.second->UpdatePlayerSyncs(deltaTime);
std::map<uint32_t, BehaviorContext*> keep{};
for (const auto& pair : this->m_managedBehaviors) {
auto* context = pair.second;
if (context == nullptr) {
if (context->clientInitalized) {
} else {
// Cleanup old behaviors
if (context->syncEntries.empty() && context->timerEntries.empty()) {
auto any = false;
for (const auto& projectile : this->m_managedProjectiles) {
if (projectile.context == context) {
any = true;
if (!any) {
delete context;
context = nullptr;
keep.insert_or_assign(pair.first, context);
this->m_managedBehaviors = keep;
void SkillComponent::Reset() {
for (const auto& behavior : this->m_managedBehaviors) {
delete behavior.second;
void SkillComponent::Interrupt() {
// TODO: need to check immunities on the destroyable component, but they aren't implemented
auto* combat = m_Parent->GetComponent<BaseCombatAIComponent>();
if (combat != nullptr && combat->GetStunImmune()) return;
for (const auto& behavior : this->m_managedBehaviors) {
for (const auto& behaviorEndEntry : behavior.second->endEntries) {
behaviorEndEntry.behavior->End(behavior.second, behaviorEndEntry.branchContext, behaviorEndEntry.second);
if (m_Parent->IsPlayer()) continue;
void SkillComponent::RegisterCalculatedProjectile(const LWOOBJID projectileId, BehaviorContext* context, const BehaviorBranchContext& branch, const LOT lot, const float maxTime,
const NiPoint3& startPosition, const NiPoint3& velocity, const bool trackTarget, const float trackRadius) {
ProjectileSyncEntry entry;
entry.context = context;
entry.branchContext = branch;
entry.lot = lot;
entry.calculation = true;
entry.time = 0;
entry.maxTime = maxTime;
entry.id = projectileId;
entry.startPosition = startPosition;
entry.lastPosition = startPosition;
entry.velocity = velocity;
entry.trackTarget = trackTarget;
entry.trackRadius = trackRadius;
bool SkillComponent::CastSkill(const uint32_t skillId, LWOOBJID target, const LWOOBJID optionalOriginatorID) {
uint32_t behaviorId = -1;
// try to find it via the cache
const auto& pair = m_skillBehaviorCache.find(skillId);
// if it's not in the cache look it up and cache it
if (pair == m_skillBehaviorCache.end()) {
auto skillTable = CDClientManager::Instance().GetTable<CDSkillBehaviorTable>();
behaviorId = skillTable->GetSkillByID(skillId).behaviorID;
m_skillBehaviorCache.insert_or_assign(skillId, behaviorId);
} else {
behaviorId = pair->second;
// check to see if we got back a valid behavior
if (behaviorId == -1) {
Game::logger->LogDebug("SkillComponent", "Tried to cast skill %i but found no behavior", skillId);
return false;
return CalculateBehavior(skillId, behaviorId, target, false, false, optionalOriginatorID).success;
SkillExecutionResult SkillComponent::CalculateBehavior(const uint32_t skillId, const uint32_t behaviorId, const LWOOBJID target, const bool ignoreTarget, const bool clientInitalized, const LWOOBJID originatorOverride) {
auto* bitStream = new RakNet::BitStream();
auto* behavior = Behavior::CreateBehavior(behaviorId);
auto* context = new BehaviorContext(originatorOverride != LWOOBJID_EMPTY ? originatorOverride : this->m_Parent->GetObjectID(), true);
context->caster = m_Parent->GetObjectID();
context->skillID = skillId;
context->clientInitalized = clientInitalized;
context->foundTarget = target != LWOOBJID_EMPTY || ignoreTarget || clientInitalized;
behavior->Calculate(context, bitStream, { target, 0 });
for (auto* script : CppScripts::GetEntityScripts(m_Parent)) {
script->OnSkillCast(m_Parent, skillId);
if (!context->foundTarget) {
delete bitStream;
delete context;
// Invalid attack
return { false, 0 };
this->m_managedBehaviors.insert_or_assign(context->skillUId, context);
if (!clientInitalized) {
// Echo start skill
EchoStartSkill start;
start.iCastType = 0;
start.skillID = skillId;
start.uiSkillHandle = context->skillUId;
start.optionalOriginatorID = context->originator;
start.optionalTargetID = target;
auto* originator = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(context->originator);
if (originator != nullptr) {
start.originatorRot = originator->GetRotation();
//start.optionalTargetID = target;
start.sBitStream.assign((char*)bitStream->GetData(), bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed());
// Write message
RakNet::BitStream message;
PacketUtils::WriteHeader(message, eConnectionType::CLIENT, eClientMessageType::GAME_MSG);
Game::server->Send(&message, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true);
delete bitStream;
// Valid attack
return { true, context->skillTime };
void SkillComponent::CalculateUpdate(const float deltaTime) {
if (this->m_managedBehaviors.empty())
for (const auto& managedBehavior : this->m_managedBehaviors) {
if (managedBehavior.second == nullptr) {
for (auto& managedProjectile : this->m_managedProjectiles) {
auto entry = managedProjectile;
if (!entry.calculation) continue;
entry.time += deltaTime;
auto* origin = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(entry.context->originator);
if (origin == nullptr) {
const auto targets = origin->GetTargetsInPhantom();
const auto position = entry.startPosition + (entry.velocity * entry.time);
for (const auto& targetId : targets) {
auto* target = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(targetId);
const auto targetPosition = target->GetPosition();
const auto closestPoint = Vector3::ClosestPointOnLine(entry.lastPosition, position, targetPosition);
const auto distance = Vector3::DistanceSquared(targetPosition, closestPoint);
if (distance > 3 * 3) {
// TODO There is supposed to be an implementation for homing projectiles here
entry.branchContext.target = targetId;
entry.time = entry.maxTime;
entry.lastPosition = position;
managedProjectile = entry;
std::vector<ProjectileSyncEntry> valid;
for (auto& entry : this->m_managedProjectiles) {
if (entry.calculation) {
if (entry.time >= entry.maxTime) {
entry.branchContext.target = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
this->m_managedProjectiles = valid;
void SkillComponent::SyncProjectileCalculation(const ProjectileSyncEntry& entry) const {
auto* other = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(entry.branchContext.target);
if (other == nullptr) {
if (entry.branchContext.target != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
Game::logger->Log("SkillComponent", "Invalid projectile target (%llu)!", entry.branchContext.target);
auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT behaviorID FROM SkillBehavior WHERE skillID = (SELECT skillID FROM ObjectSkills WHERE objectTemplate = ?);");
query.bind(1, (int)entry.lot);
auto result = query.execQuery();
if (result.eof()) {
Game::logger->Log("SkillComponent", "Failed to find skill id for (%i)!", entry.lot);
const auto behaviorId = static_cast<uint32_t>(result.getIntField(0));
auto* behavior = Behavior::CreateBehavior(behaviorId);
auto* bitStream = new RakNet::BitStream();
behavior->Calculate(entry.context, bitStream, entry.branchContext);
DoClientProjectileImpact projectileImpact;
projectileImpact.sBitStream.assign((char*)bitStream->GetData(), bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed());
projectileImpact.i64OwnerID = this->m_Parent->GetObjectID();
projectileImpact.i64OrgID = entry.id;
projectileImpact.i64TargetID = entry.branchContext.target;
RakNet::BitStream message;
PacketUtils::WriteHeader(message, eConnectionType::CLIENT, eClientMessageType::GAME_MSG);
Game::server->Send(&message, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true);
delete bitStream;
void SkillComponent::HandleUnmanaged(const uint32_t behaviorId, const LWOOBJID target, LWOOBJID source) {
auto* context = new BehaviorContext(source);
context->unmanaged = true;
context->caster = target;
auto* behavior = Behavior::CreateBehavior(behaviorId);
auto* bitStream = new RakNet::BitStream();
behavior->Handle(context, bitStream, { target });
delete bitStream;
delete context;
void SkillComponent::HandleUnCast(const uint32_t behaviorId, const LWOOBJID target) {
auto* context = new BehaviorContext(target);
context->caster = target;
auto* behavior = Behavior::CreateBehavior(behaviorId);
behavior->UnCast(context, { target });
delete context;
SkillComponent::SkillComponent(Entity* parent): Component(parent) {
this->m_skillUid = 0;
SkillComponent::~SkillComponent() {
void SkillComponent::Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate, unsigned int& flags) {
if (bIsInitialUpdate) outBitStream->Write0();
/// <summary>
/// Get a unique skill ID for syncing behaviors to the client
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Unique skill ID</returns>
uint32_t SkillComponent::GetUniqueSkillId() {
return ++this->m_skillUid;