mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
* Moving and organizing Player code - Move code to CharacterComponent - Remove extraneous interfaces - Simplify some code greatly - Change some types to return and take in const ref (only structs larger than 8 bytes benefit from this change.) - Update code to use CharacterComponent for sending to zone instead of Player*. * Moving and organizing Player code - Move code to CharacterComponent - Remove extraneous interfaces - Simplify some code greatly - Change some types to return and take in const ref (only structs larger than 8 bytes benefit from this change.) - Update code to use CharacterComponent for sending to zone instead of Player*. - Remove static storage container (static containers can be destroyed before exit/terminate handler executes) * remove player cast * Remove extra includes
755 lines
22 KiB
755 lines
22 KiB
#include "PropertyManagementComponent.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "MissionComponent.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "PropertyDataMessage.h"
#include "UserManager.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "Character.h"
#include "CDClientDatabase.h"
#include "dZoneManager.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "Database.h"
#include "ObjectIDManager.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "RocketLaunchpadControlComponent.h"
#include "PropertyEntranceComponent.h"
#include "InventoryComponent.h"
#include "eMissionTaskType.h"
#include "eObjectBits.h"
#include "CharacterComponent.h"
#include "PlayerManager.h"
#include <vector>
#include "CppScripts.h"
PropertyManagementComponent* PropertyManagementComponent::instance = nullptr;
PropertyManagementComponent::PropertyManagementComponent(Entity* parent) : Component(parent) {
this->owner = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
this->templateId = 0;
this->propertyId = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
this->models = {};
this->propertyName = "";
this->propertyDescription = "";
this->privacyOption = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private;
this->originalPrivacyOption = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private;
instance = this;
const auto& worldId = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetZoneID();
const auto zoneId = worldId.GetMapID();
const auto cloneId = worldId.GetCloneID();
auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT id FROM PropertyTemplate WHERE mapID = ?;");
query.bind(1, static_cast<int32_t>(zoneId));
auto result = query.execQuery();
if (result.eof() || result.fieldIsNull(0)) {
templateId = result.getIntField(0);
auto propertyInfo = Database::Get()->GetPropertyInfo(zoneId, cloneId);
if (propertyInfo) {
this->propertyId = propertyInfo->id;
this->owner = propertyInfo->ownerId;
GeneralUtils::SetBit(this->owner, eObjectBits::CHARACTER);
GeneralUtils::SetBit(this->owner, eObjectBits::PERSISTENT);
this->clone_Id = propertyInfo->cloneId;
this->propertyName = propertyInfo->name;
this->propertyDescription = propertyInfo->description;
this->privacyOption = static_cast<PropertyPrivacyOption>(propertyInfo->privacyOption);
this->rejectionReason = propertyInfo->rejectionReason;
this->moderatorRequested = propertyInfo->modApproved == 0 && rejectionReason == "" && privacyOption == PropertyPrivacyOption::Public;
this->LastUpdatedTime = propertyInfo->lastUpdatedTime;
this->claimedTime = propertyInfo->claimedTime;
this->reputation = propertyInfo->reputation;
LWOOBJID PropertyManagementComponent::GetOwnerId() const {
return owner;
Entity* PropertyManagementComponent::GetOwner() const {
return Game::entityManager->GetEntity(owner);
void PropertyManagementComponent::SetOwner(Entity* value) {
owner = value->GetObjectID();
std::vector<NiPoint3> PropertyManagementComponent::GetPaths() const {
const auto zoneId = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetWorldID();
auto query = CDClientDatabase::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT path FROM PropertyTemplate WHERE mapID = ?;");
query.bind(1, static_cast<int>(zoneId));
auto result = query.execQuery();
std::vector<NiPoint3> paths{};
if (result.eof()) {
return paths;
std::vector<float> points;
std::istringstream stream(result.getStringField(0));
std::string token;
while (std::getline(stream, token, ' ')) {
try {
auto value = std::stof(token);
} catch (std::invalid_argument& exception) {
LOG("Failed to parse value (%s): (%s)!", token.c_str(), exception.what());
for (auto i = 0u; i < points.size(); i += 3) {
paths.emplace_back(points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2]);
return paths;
PropertyPrivacyOption PropertyManagementComponent::GetPrivacyOption() const {
return privacyOption;
void PropertyManagementComponent::SetPrivacyOption(PropertyPrivacyOption value) {
if (owner == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) return;
if (value == static_cast<PropertyPrivacyOption>(3)) // Client sends 3 for private for some reason, but expects 0 in return?
value = PropertyPrivacyOption::Private;
if (value == PropertyPrivacyOption::Public && privacyOption != PropertyPrivacyOption::Public) {
rejectionReason = "";
moderatorRequested = true;
privacyOption = value;
IProperty::Info info;
info.id = propertyId;
info.privacyOption = static_cast<uint32_t>(privacyOption);
info.rejectionReason = rejectionReason;
info.modApproved = 0;
void PropertyManagementComponent::UpdatePropertyDetails(std::string name, std::string description) {
if (owner == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) return;
propertyName = name;
propertyDescription = description;
IProperty::Info info;
info.id = propertyId;
info.name = propertyName;
info.description = propertyDescription;
OnQueryPropertyData(GetOwner(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
bool PropertyManagementComponent::Claim(const LWOOBJID playerId) {
if (owner != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
return false;
auto* entity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(playerId);
auto* user = entity->GetParentUser();
auto character = entity->GetCharacter();
if (!character) return false;
auto* zone = Game::zoneManager->GetZone();
const auto& worldId = zone->GetZoneID();
const auto propertyZoneId = worldId.GetMapID();
const auto propertyCloneId = worldId.GetCloneID();
const auto playerCloneId = character->GetPropertyCloneID();
// If we are not on our clone do not allow us to claim the property
if (propertyCloneId != playerCloneId) return false;
std::string name = zone->GetZoneName();
std::string description = "";
auto prop_path = zone->GetPath(m_Parent->GetVarAsString(u"propertyName"));
if (prop_path){
if (!prop_path->property.displayName.empty()) name = prop_path->property.displayName;
description = prop_path->property.displayDesc;
propertyId = ObjectIDManager::GenerateRandomObjectID();
IProperty::Info info;
info.id = propertyId;
info.ownerId = character->GetID();
info.cloneId = playerCloneId;
info.name = name;
info.description = description;
Database::Get()->InsertNewProperty(info, templateId, worldId);
auto* zoneControlObject = Game::zoneManager->GetZoneControlObject();
for (CppScripts::Script* script : CppScripts::GetEntityScripts(zoneControlObject)) {
script->OnZonePropertyRented(zoneControlObject, entity);
return true;
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnStartBuilding() {
auto* ownerEntity = GetOwner();
if (ownerEntity == nullptr) return;
const auto players = PlayerManager::GetAllPlayers();
LWOMAPID zoneId = 1100;
const auto entrance = Game::entityManager->GetEntitiesByComponent(eReplicaComponentType::PROPERTY_ENTRANCE);
originalPrivacyOption = privacyOption;
SetPrivacyOption(PropertyPrivacyOption::Private); // Cant visit player which is building
if (!entrance.empty()) {
auto* rocketPad = entrance[0]->GetComponent<RocketLaunchpadControlComponent>();
if (rocketPad != nullptr) {
zoneId = rocketPad->GetDefaultZone();
for (auto* player : players) {
if (player == ownerEntity) continue;
auto* characterComponent = player->GetComponent<CharacterComponent>();
if (characterComponent) characterComponent->SendToZone(zoneId);
auto inventoryComponent = ownerEntity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
// Push equipped items
if (inventoryComponent) inventoryComponent->PushEquippedItems();
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnFinishBuilding() {
auto* ownerEntity = GetOwner();
if (ownerEntity == nullptr) return;
void PropertyManagementComponent::UpdateModelPosition(const LWOOBJID id, const NiPoint3 position, NiQuaternion rotation) {
LOG("Placing model <%f, %f, %f>", position.x, position.y, position.z);
auto* entity = GetOwner();
if (entity == nullptr) {
auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
auto* item = inventoryComponent->FindItemById(id);
if (item == nullptr) {
LOG("Failed to find item with id %d", id);
NiQuaternion originalRotation = rotation;
const auto modelLOT = item->GetLot();
if (rotation != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) {
rotation = { rotation.w, rotation.z, rotation.y, rotation.x };
if (item->GetLot() == 6662) {
LWOOBJID spawnerID = item->GetSubKey();
EntityInfo info;
info.lot = 14;
info.pos = {};
info.rot = {};
info.spawner = nullptr;
info.spawnerID = spawnerID;
info.spawnerNodeID = 0;
for (auto* setting : item->GetConfig()) {
Entity* newEntity = Game::entityManager->CreateEntity(info);
if (newEntity != nullptr) {
// Make sure the propMgmt doesn't delete our model after the server dies
// Trying to do this after the entity is constructed. Shouldn't really change anything but
// There was an issue with builds not appearing since it was placed above ConstructEntity.
PropertyManagementComponent::Instance()->AddModel(newEntity->GetObjectID(), spawnerID);
item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);
item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);
auto* node = new SpawnerNode();
node->position = position;
node->rotation = rotation;
ObjectIDManager::RequestPersistentID([this, node, modelLOT, entity, position, rotation, originalRotation](uint32_t persistentId) {
SpawnerInfo info{};
info.templateID = modelLOT;
info.nodes = { node };
info.templateScale = 1.0f;
info.activeOnLoad = true;
info.amountMaintained = 1;
info.respawnTime = 10;
info.emulated = true;
info.emulator = Game::entityManager->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID();
info.spawnerID = persistentId;
GeneralUtils::SetBit(info.spawnerID, eObjectBits::CLIENT);
const auto spawnerId = Game::zoneManager->MakeSpawner(info);
auto* spawner = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawner(spawnerId);
auto ldfModelBehavior = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"modelBehaviors", 0);
auto userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", info.spawnerID);
auto modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"modelType", 2);
auto propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"propertyObjectID", true);
auto componentWhitelist = new LDFData<int>(u"componentWhitelist", 1);
auto* model = spawner->Spawn();
models.insert_or_assign(model->GetObjectID(), spawnerId);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), position, m_Parent->GetObjectID(), 14, originalRotation);
GameMessages::SendUGCEquipPreCreateBasedOnEditMode(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), 0, spawnerId);
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
// Progress place model missions
auto missionComponent = entity->GetComponent<MissionComponent>();
if (missionComponent != nullptr) missionComponent->Progress(eMissionTaskType::PLACE_MODEL, 0);
void PropertyManagementComponent::DeleteModel(const LWOOBJID id, const int deleteReason) {
LOG("Delete model: (%llu) (%i)", id, deleteReason);
auto* entity = GetOwner();
if (entity == nullptr) {
auto* inventoryComponent = entity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
auto* model = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(id);
if (model == nullptr) {
LOG("Failed to find model entity");
if (model->GetLOT() == 14 && deleteReason == 0) {
LOG("User is trying to pick up a BBB model, but this is not implemented, so we return to prevent the user from losing the model");
GameMessages::SendUGCEquipPostDeleteBasedOnEditMode(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 0);
// Need this to pop the user out of their current state
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), entity->GetPosition(), m_Parent->GetObjectID(), 14, entity->GetRotation());
const auto index = models.find(id);
if (index == models.end()) {
LOG("Failed to find model");
const auto spawnerId = index->second;
auto* spawner = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawner(spawnerId);
if (spawner == nullptr) {
LOG("Failed to find spawner");
LOG("Deleting model LOT %i", model->GetLOT());
if (model->GetLOT() == 14) {
//add it to the inv
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> settings;
//fill our settings with BBB gurbage
LDFBaseData* ldfBlueprintID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"blueprintid", model->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"blueprintid"));
LDFBaseData* userModelDesc = new LDFData<std::u16string>(u"userModelDesc", u"A cool model you made!");
LDFBaseData* userModelHasBhvr = new LDFData<bool>(u"userModelHasBhvr", false);
LDFBaseData* userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", model->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID"));
LDFBaseData* userModelMod = new LDFData<bool>(u"userModelMod", false);
LDFBaseData* userModelName = new LDFData<std::u16string>(u"userModelName", u"My Cool Model");
LDFBaseData* propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"userModelOpt", true);
LDFBaseData* modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"userModelPhysicsType", 2);
inventoryComponent->AddItem(6662, 1, eLootSourceType::DELETION, eInventoryType::MODELS_IN_BBB, settings, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, false, false, spawnerId);
auto* item = inventoryComponent->FindItemBySubKey(spawnerId);
if (item == nullptr) {
if (deleteReason == 0) {
if (deleteReason == 0 || deleteReason == 2) {
GameMessages::SendUGCEquipPostDeleteBasedOnEditMode(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), item->GetId(), item->GetCount());
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (spawner != nullptr) {
} else {
model->Smash(LWOOBJID_EMPTY, eKillType::SILENT);
item->SetCount(0, true, false, false);
inventoryComponent->AddItem(model->GetLOT(), 1, eLootSourceType::DELETION, INVALID, {}, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, false);
auto* item = inventoryComponent->FindItemByLot(model->GetLOT());
if (item == nullptr) {
switch (deleteReason) {
case 0: // Pickup
GameMessages::SendUGCEquipPostDeleteBasedOnEditMode(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), item->GetId(), item->GetCount());
case 1: // Return to inv
case 2: // Break apart
item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);
LOG("DLU currently does not support breaking apart brick by brick models.");
LOG("Invalid delete reason");
GameMessages::SendGetModelsOnProperty(entity->GetObjectID(), GetModels(), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendPlaceModelResponse(entity->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress(), NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 16, NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (spawner != nullptr) {
} else {
model->Smash(LWOOBJID_EMPTY, eKillType::SILENT);
void PropertyManagementComponent::UpdateApprovedStatus(const bool value) {
if (owner == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) return;
IProperty::Info info;
info.id = propertyId;
info.modApproved = value;
info.privacyOption = static_cast<uint32_t>(privacyOption);
info.rejectionReason = "";
void PropertyManagementComponent::Load() {
if (propertyId == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
auto propertyModels = Database::Get()->GetPropertyModels(propertyId);
for (const auto& databaseModel : propertyModels) {
auto* node = new SpawnerNode();
node->position = databaseModel.position;
node->rotation = databaseModel.rotation;
SpawnerInfo info{};
info.templateID = databaseModel.lot;
info.nodes = { node };
info.templateScale = 1.0f;
info.activeOnLoad = true;
info.amountMaintained = 1;
info.respawnTime = 10;
//info.emulated = true;
//info.emulator = Game::entityManager->GetZoneControlEntity()->GetObjectID();
info.spawnerID = databaseModel.id;
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> settings;
//BBB property models need to have extra stuff set for them:
if (databaseModel.lot == 14) {
LWOOBJID blueprintID = databaseModel.ugcId;
GeneralUtils::SetBit(blueprintID, eObjectBits::CHARACTER);
GeneralUtils::SetBit(blueprintID, eObjectBits::PERSISTENT);
LDFBaseData* ldfBlueprintID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"blueprintid", blueprintID);
LDFBaseData* componentWhitelist = new LDFData<int>(u"componentWhitelist", 1);
LDFBaseData* modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"modelType", 2);
LDFBaseData* propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"propertyObjectID", true);
LDFBaseData* userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", databaseModel.id);
} else {
auto modelType = new LDFData<int>(u"modelType", 2);
auto userModelID = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"userModelID", databaseModel.id);
auto ldfModelBehavior = new LDFData<LWOOBJID>(u"modelBehaviors", 0);
auto propertyObjectID = new LDFData<bool>(u"propertyObjectID", true);
auto componentWhitelist = new LDFData<int>(u"componentWhitelist", 1);
node->config = settings;
const auto spawnerId = Game::zoneManager->MakeSpawner(info);
auto* spawner = Game::zoneManager->GetSpawner(spawnerId);
auto* model = spawner->Spawn();
models.insert_or_assign(model->GetObjectID(), spawnerId);
void PropertyManagementComponent::Save() {
if (propertyId == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
auto present = Database::Get()->GetPropertyModels(propertyId);
std::vector<LWOOBJID> modelIds;
for (const auto& pair : models) {
const auto id = pair.second;
auto* entity = Game::entityManager->GetEntity(pair.first);
if (entity == nullptr) {
const auto position = entity->GetPosition();
const auto rotation = entity->GetRotation();
if (std::find(present.begin(), present.end(), id) == present.end()) {
IPropertyContents::Model model;
model.id = id;
model.lot = entity->GetLOT();
model.position = position;
model.rotation = rotation;
model.ugcId = 0;
Database::Get()->InsertNewPropertyModel(propertyId, model, "Objects_" + std::to_string(model.lot) + "_name");
} else {
Database::Get()->UpdateModelPositionRotation(id, position, rotation);
for (auto model : present) {
if (std::find(modelIds.begin(), modelIds.end(), model.id) != modelIds.end()) {
void PropertyManagementComponent::AddModel(LWOOBJID modelId, LWOOBJID spawnerId) {
models[modelId] = spawnerId;
PropertyManagementComponent* PropertyManagementComponent::Instance() {
return instance;
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnQueryPropertyData(Entity* originator, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, LWOOBJID author) {
if (author == LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
author = m_Parent->GetObjectID();
const auto& worldId = Game::zoneManager->GetZone()->GetZoneID();
const auto zoneId = worldId.GetMapID();
const auto cloneId = worldId.GetCloneID();
LOG("Getting property info for %d", zoneId);
GameMessages::PropertyDataMessage message = GameMessages::PropertyDataMessage(zoneId);
const auto isClaimed = GetOwnerId() != LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
LWOOBJID ownerId = GetOwnerId();
std::string ownerName;
auto charInfo = Database::Get()->GetCharacterInfo(ownerId);
if (charInfo) ownerName = charInfo->name;
std::string name = "";
std::string description = "";
uint64_t claimed = 0;
char privacy = 0;
if (isClaimed) {
name = propertyName;
description = propertyDescription;
claimed = claimedTime;
privacy = static_cast<char>(this->privacyOption);
if (moderatorRequested) {
auto moderationInfo = Database::Get()->GetPropertyInfo(zoneId, cloneId);
if (moderationInfo->rejectionReason != "") {
moderatorRequested = false;
rejectionReason = moderationInfo->rejectionReason;
} else if (moderationInfo->rejectionReason == "" && moderationInfo->modApproved == 1) {
moderatorRequested = false;
rejectionReason = "";
} else {
moderatorRequested = true;
rejectionReason = "";
message.moderatorRequested = moderatorRequested;
message.reputation = reputation;
message.LastUpdatedTime = LastUpdatedTime;
message.OwnerId = ownerId;
message.OwnerName = ownerName;
message.Name = name;
message.Description = description;
message.ClaimedTime = claimed;
message.PrivacyOption = privacy;
message.cloneId = clone_Id;
message.rejectionReason = rejectionReason;
message.Paths = GetPaths();
SendDownloadPropertyData(author, message, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
// send rejection here?
void PropertyManagementComponent::OnUse(Entity* originator) {
OnQueryPropertyData(originator, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
GameMessages::SendOpenPropertyManagment(m_Parent->GetObjectID(), originator->GetSystemAddress());
void PropertyManagementComponent::SetOwnerId(const LWOOBJID value) {
owner = value;
const std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOOBJID>& PropertyManagementComponent::GetModels() const {
return models;