mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:43:58 +00:00
* feat: showall, findplayer, get/openhttpmoninfo http monitor info is planned to be used later, just putting in info that i've since reverse engineered and don't want lost Additionally add debug world packet for duture dev use Tested all new commands and variation of command arguments * fix missing newline at eofs * address most feedback * Compormise and use struct with (de)serialize * remove httpmoninfo commands
326 lines
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326 lines
10 KiB
#include "GMGreaterThanZeroCommands.h"
// Classes
#include "Character.h"
#include "ChatPackets.h"
#include "dServer.h"
#include "PlayerManager.h"
#include "User.h"
// Database
#include "Database.h"
// Components
#include "DestroyableComponent.h"
#include "PropertyManagementComponent.h"
// Enums
#include "eChatMessageType.h"
#include "eServerDisconnectIdentifiers.h"
#include "eObjectBits.h"
namespace GMGreaterThanZeroCommands {
void Kick(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
if (splitArgs.size() == 1) {
auto* player = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(splitArgs[0]);
std::u16string username = GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(splitArgs[0]);
if (player == nullptr) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Count not find player of name: " + username);
Game::server->Disconnect(player->GetSystemAddress(), eServerDisconnectIdentifiers::KICK);
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Kicked: " + username);
} else {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /kick <username>");
void Ban(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
if (splitArgs.size() == 1) {
auto* player = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(splitArgs[0]);
uint32_t accountId = 0;
if (player == nullptr) {
auto characterInfo = Database::Get()->GetCharacterInfo(splitArgs[0]);
if (characterInfo) {
accountId = characterInfo->accountId;
if (accountId == 0) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Count not find player of name: " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(splitArgs[0]));
} else {
auto* character = player->GetCharacter();
auto* user = character != nullptr ? character->GetParentUser() : nullptr;
if (user) accountId = user->GetAccountID();
if (accountId != 0) Database::Get()->UpdateAccountBan(accountId, true);
if (player != nullptr) {
Game::server->Disconnect(player->GetSystemAddress(), eServerDisconnectIdentifiers::FREE_TRIAL_EXPIRED);
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Banned: " + GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(splitArgs[0]));
} else {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /ban <username>");
void MailItem(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
if (splitArgs.size() < 2) return;
const auto& playerName = splitArgs[0];
auto playerInfo = Database::Get()->GetCharacterInfo(playerName);
uint32_t receiverID = 0;
if (!playerInfo) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Failed to find that player");
receiverID = playerInfo->id;
const auto lot = GeneralUtils::TryParse<LOT>(splitArgs.at(1));
if (!lot) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid item lot.");
IMail::MailInfo mailInsert;
mailInsert.senderId = entity->GetObjectID();
mailInsert.senderUsername = "Darkflame Universe";
mailInsert.receiverId = receiverID;
mailInsert.recipient = playerName;
mailInsert.subject = "Lost item";
mailInsert.body = "This is a replacement item for one you lost.";
mailInsert.itemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
mailInsert.itemLOT = lot.value();
mailInsert.itemSubkey = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
mailInsert.itemCount = 1;
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Mail sent");
void ApproveProperty(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
if (PropertyManagementComponent::Instance() != nullptr) {
void Mute(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
if (splitArgs.size() >= 1) {
auto* player = PlayerManager::GetPlayer(splitArgs[0]);
uint32_t accountId = 0;
LWOOBJID characterId = 0;
if (player == nullptr) {
auto characterInfo = Database::Get()->GetCharacterInfo(splitArgs[0]);
if (characterInfo) {
accountId = characterInfo->accountId;
characterId = characterInfo->id;
GeneralUtils::SetBit(characterId, eObjectBits::CHARACTER);
GeneralUtils::SetBit(characterId, eObjectBits::PERSISTENT);
if (accountId == 0) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Count not find player of name: " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(splitArgs[0]));
} else {
auto* character = player->GetCharacter();
auto* user = character != nullptr ? character->GetParentUser() : nullptr;
if (user) accountId = user->GetAccountID();
characterId = player->GetObjectID();
time_t expire = 1; // Default to indefinate mute
if (splitArgs.size() >= 2) {
const auto days = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(splitArgs[1]);
if (!days) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid days.");
std::optional<uint32_t> hours;
if (splitArgs.size() >= 3) {
hours = GeneralUtils::TryParse<uint32_t>(splitArgs[2]);
if (!hours) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid hours.");
expire = time(NULL);
expire += 24 * 60 * 60 * days.value();
expire += 60 * 60 * hours.value_or(0);
if (accountId != 0) Database::Get()->UpdateAccountUnmuteTime(accountId, expire);
char buffer[32] = "brought up for review.\0";
if (expire != 1) {
std::tm* ptm = std::localtime(&expire);
// Format: Mo, 15.06.2009 20:20:00
std::strftime(buffer, 32, "%a, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", ptm);
const auto timeStr = GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(std::string(buffer));
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Muted: " + GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(splitArgs[0]) + u" until " + timeStr);
//Notify chat about it
BitStreamUtils::WriteHeader(bitStream, eConnectionType::CHAT, eChatMessageType::GM_MUTE);
Game::chatServer->Send(&bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, Game::chatSysAddr, false);
} else {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Correct usage: /mute <username> <days (optional)> <hours (optional)>");
void Fly(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
auto* character = entity->GetCharacter();
if (character) {
bool isFlying = character->GetIsFlying();
if (isFlying) {
GameMessages::SendSetJetPackMode(entity, false);
} else {
float speedScale = 1.0f;
if (splitArgs.size() >= 1) {
const auto tempScaleStore = GeneralUtils::TryParse<float>(splitArgs.at(0));
if (tempScaleStore) {
speedScale = tempScaleStore.value();
} else {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Failed to parse speed scale argument.");
float airSpeed = 20 * speedScale;
float maxAirSpeed = 30 * speedScale;
float verticalVelocity = 1.5 * speedScale;
GameMessages::SendSetJetPackMode(entity, true, true, false, 167, airSpeed, maxAirSpeed, verticalVelocity);
void AttackImmune(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
if (splitArgs.empty()) return;
auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>();
const auto state = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(splitArgs[0]);
if (!state) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid state.");
if (destroyableComponent) destroyableComponent->SetIsImmune(state.value());
void GmImmune(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
if (splitArgs.empty()) return;
auto* destroyableComponent = entity->GetComponent<DestroyableComponent>();
const auto state = GeneralUtils::TryParse<int32_t>(splitArgs[0]);
if (!state) {
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Invalid state.");
if (destroyableComponent) destroyableComponent->SetIsGMImmune(state.value());
void GmInvis(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
GameMessages::SendToggleGMInvis(entity->GetObjectID(), true, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void SetName(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
GameMessages::SendSetName(entity->GetObjectID(), GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(args), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void Title(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
std::string name = entity->GetCharacter()->GetName() + " - " + args;
GameMessages::SendSetName(entity->GetObjectID(), GeneralUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(name), UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void ShowAll(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
bool displayZoneData = true;
bool displayIndividualPlayers = true;
const auto splitArgs = GeneralUtils::SplitString(args, ' ');
if (!splitArgs.empty() && !splitArgs.at(0).empty()) displayZoneData = splitArgs.at(0) == "1";
if (splitArgs.size() > 1) displayIndividualPlayers = splitArgs.at(1) == "1";
ShowAllRequest request {
.requestor = entity->GetObjectID(),
.displayZoneData = displayZoneData,
.displayIndividualPlayers = displayIndividualPlayers
Game::chatServer->Send(&bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, Game::chatSysAddr, false);
void FindPlayer(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string args) {
if (args.empty()) {
GameMessages::SendSlashCommandFeedbackText(entity, u"No player Given");
FindPlayerRequest request {
.requestor = entity->GetObjectID(),
.playerName = LUWString(args)
Game::chatServer->Send(&bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, Game::chatSysAddr, false);