# Settings common to all environments (development|staging|production) # Application settings APP_NAME = "Nexus Dashboard" APP_SYSTEM_ERROR_SUBJECT_LINE = APP_NAME + " system error" APP_SECRET_KEY = "" APP_DATABASE_URI = "mysql+pymysql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>" CLIENT_LOCATION = 'app/luclient/' CD_SQLITE_LOCATION = 'app/luclient/res/' CACHE_LOCATION = 'app/cache/' CONFIG_LINK = False CONFIG_LINK_TITLE = "" CONFIG_LINK_HREF = "" CONFIG_LINK_TEXT = "" # Flask settings CSRF_ENABLED = True # Flask-SQLAlchemy settings SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = False WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT = 86400 # Flask-User settings USER_APP_NAME = APP_NAME USER_ENABLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD = True # Allow users to change their password USER_ENABLE_CHANGE_USERNAME = False # Allow users to change their username USER_ENABLE_REGISTER = False # Allow new users to register # Should alwyas be set to true USER_REQUIRE_RETYPE_PASSWORD = True # Prompt for `retype password` USER_ENABLE_USERNAME = True # Register and Login with username # Email Related Settings USER_ENABLE_EMAIL = False # Register with Email WILL - DISABLE OTHER THINGS TOO USER_ENABLE_CONFIRM_EMAIL = True # Force users to confirm their email USER_ENABLE_INVITE_USER = False # Allow users to be invited USER_REQUIRE_INVITATION = False # Only invited users may - WILL DISABLE REGISTRATION USER_ENABLE_FORGOT_PASSWORD = True # Allow users to reset their passwords MAIL_SERVER = 'smtp.gmail.com' MAIL_PORT = 587 MAIL_USE_SSL = False MAIL_USE_TLS = True MAIL_USERNAME = None MAIL_PASSWORD = None USER_EMAIL_SENDER_NAME = None USER_EMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL = None # Require Play Key REQUIRE_PLAY_KEY = True # Password hashing settings DO NOT CHANGE USER_PASSLIB_CRYPTCONTEXT_SCHEMES = ['bcrypt'] # bcrypt for password hashing # Flask-User routing settings USER_AFTER_LOGIN_ENDPOINT = "main.index" USER_AFTER_LOGOUT_ENDPOINT = "main.index" # Option will be removed once this feature is full implemeted ENABLE_CHAR_XML_UPLOAD = False # Recaptcha settings # See: https://flask-wtf.readthedocs.io/en/1.2.x/form/#recaptcha RECAPTCHA_ENABLE = False RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '' RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '' # Optional # RECAPTCHA_API_SERVER = '' # RECAPTCHA_PARAMETERS = '' RECAPTCHA_DATA_ATTRS = {'theme': 'white', 'size': 'invisible'}