#!/usr/bin/env python # pylddlib version # based on pyldd2obj version 0.4.8 - Copyright (c) 2019 by jonnysp import os import sys import math import struct import zipfile from xml.dom import minidom from flask import current_app PRIMITIVEPATH = '/Primitives/' GEOMETRIEPATH = PRIMITIVEPATH DECORATIONPATH = '/Decorations/' MATERIALNAMESPATH = '/MaterialNames/' LOGOONSTUDSCONNTYPE = {"0:4", "0:4:1", "0:4:2", "0:4:33", "2:4:1", "2:4:34"} class Matrix3D: def __init__(self, n11=1, n12=0, n13=0, n14=0, n21=0, n22=1, n23=0, n24=0, n31=0, n32=0, n33=1, n34=0, n41=0, n42=0, n43=0, n44=1): self.n11 = n11 self.n12 = n12 self.n13 = n13 self.n14 = n14 self.n21 = n21 self.n22 = n22 self.n23 = n23 self.n24 = n24 self.n31 = n31 self.n32 = n32 self.n33 = n33 self.n34 = n34 self.n41 = n41 self.n42 = n42 self.n43 = n43 self.n44 = n44 def __str__(self): return '[{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15}]'.format( self.n11, self.n12, self.n13, self.n14, self.n21, self.n22, self.n23, self.n24, self.n31, self.n32, self.n33, self.n34, self.n41, self.n42, self.n43, self.n44 ) def rotate(self, angle=0, axis=0): c = math.cos(angle) s = math.sin(angle) t = 1 - c tx = t * axis.x ty = t * axis.y tz = t * axis.z sx = s * axis.x sy = s * axis.y sz = s * axis.z self.n11 = c + axis.x * tx self.n12 = axis.y * tx + sz self.n13 = axis.z * tx - sy self.n14 = 0 self.n21 = axis.x * ty - sz self.n22 = c + axis.y * ty self.n23 = axis.z * ty + sx self.n24 = 0 self.n31 = axis.x * tz + sy self.n32 = axis.y * tz - sx self.n33 = c + axis.z * tz self.n34 = 0 self.n41 = 0 self.n42 = 0 self.n43 = 0 self.n44 = 1 def __mul__(self, other): return Matrix3D( self.n11 * other.n11 + self.n21 * other.n12 + self.n31 * other.n13 + self.n41 * other.n14, self.n12 * other.n11 + self.n22 * other.n12 + self.n32 * other.n13 + self.n42 * other.n14, self.n13 * other.n11 + self.n23 * other.n12 + self.n33 * other.n13 + self.n43 * other.n14, self.n14 * other.n11 + self.n24 * other.n12 + self.n34 * other.n13 + self.n44 * other.n14, self.n11 * other.n21 + self.n21 * other.n22 + self.n31 * other.n23 + self.n41 * other.n24, self.n12 * other.n21 + self.n22 * other.n22 + self.n32 * other.n23 + self.n42 * other.n24, self.n13 * other.n21 + self.n23 * other.n22 + self.n33 * other.n23 + self.n43 * other.n24, self.n14 * other.n21 + self.n24 * other.n22 + self.n34 * other.n23 + self.n44 * other.n24, self.n11 * other.n31 + self.n21 * other.n32 + self.n31 * other.n33 + self.n41 * other.n34, self.n12 * other.n31 + self.n22 * other.n32 + self.n32 * other.n33 + self.n42 * other.n34, self.n13 * other.n31 + self.n23 * other.n32 + self.n33 * other.n33 + self.n43 * other.n34, self.n14 * other.n31 + self.n24 * other.n32 + self.n34 * other.n33 + self.n44 * other.n34, self.n11 * other.n41 + self.n21 * other.n42 + self.n31 * other.n43 + self.n41 * other.n44, self.n12 * other.n41 + self.n22 * other.n42 + self.n32 * other.n43 + self.n42 * other.n44, self.n13 * other.n41 + self.n23 * other.n42 + self.n33 * other.n43 + self.n43 * other.n44, self.n14 * other.n41 + self.n24 * other.n42 + self.n34 * other.n43 + self.n44 * other.n44 ) class Point3D: def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z def __str__(self): return '[{0},{1},{2}]'.format(self.x, self.y, self.z) def string(self, prefix="v"): return '{0} {1:f} {2:f} {3:f}\n'.format(prefix, self.x, self.y, self.z) def transformW(self, matrix): x = matrix.n11 * self.x + matrix.n21 * self.y + matrix.n31 * self.z y = matrix.n12 * self.x + matrix.n22 * self.y + matrix.n32 * self.z z = matrix.n13 * self.x + matrix.n23 * self.y + matrix.n33 * self.z self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z def transform(self, matrix): x = matrix.n11 * self.x + matrix.n21 * self.y + matrix.n31 * self.z + matrix.n41 y = matrix.n12 * self.x + matrix.n22 * self.y + matrix.n32 * self.z + matrix.n42 z = matrix.n13 * self.x + matrix.n23 * self.y + matrix.n33 * self.z + matrix.n43 self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z def copy(self): return Point3D(x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z) class Point2D: def __init__(self, x=0, y=0): self.x = x self.y = y def __str__(self): return '[{0},{1}]'.format(self.x, self.y * -1) def string(self, prefix="t"): return '{0} {1:f} {2:f}\n'.format(prefix, self.x, self.y * -1) def copy(self): return Point2D(x=self.x, y=self.y) class Face: def __init__(self, a=0, b=0, c=0): self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c def string(self, prefix="f", indexOffset=0, textureoffset=0): if textureoffset == 0: return prefix + ' {0}//{0} {1}//{1} {2}//{2}\n'.format(self.a + indexOffset, self.b + indexOffset, self.c + indexOffset) else: return prefix + ' {0}/{3}/{0} {1}/{4}/{1} {2}/{5}/{2}\n'.format( self.a + indexOffset, self.b + indexOffset, self.c + indexOffset, self.a + textureoffset, self.b + textureoffset, self.c + textureoffset ) def __str__(self): return '[{0},{1},{2}]'.format(self.a, self.b, self.c) class Group: def __init__(self, node): self.partRefs = node.getAttribute('partRefs').split(',') class Bone: def __init__(self, node): self.refID = node.getAttribute('refID') (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, y, z) = map(float, node.getAttribute('transformation').split(',')) self.matrix = Matrix3D(n11=a, n12=b, n13=c, n14=0, n21=d, n22=e, n23=f, n24=0, n31=g, n32=h, n33=i, n34=0, n41=x, n42=y, n43=z, n44=1) class Part: def __init__(self, node): self.isGrouped = False self.GroupIDX = 0 self.Bones = [] self.refID = node.getAttribute('refID') self.designID = node.getAttribute('designID') self.materials = list(map(str, node.getAttribute('materials').split(','))) for i, m in enumerate(self.materials): if (m == '0'): # self.materials[i] = lastm self.materials[i] = self.materials[0] # in case of 0 choose the 'base' material if node.hasAttribute('decoration'): self.decoration = list(map(str, node.getAttribute('decoration').split(','))) for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'Bone': self.Bones.append(Bone(node=childnode)) class Brick: def __init__(self, node): self.refID = node.getAttribute('refID') self.designID = node.getAttribute('designID') self.Parts = [] for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'Part': self.Parts.append(Part(node=childnode)) class SceneCamera: def __init__(self, node): self.refID = node.getAttribute('refID') (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, y, z) = map(float, node.getAttribute('transformation').split(',')) self.matrix = Matrix3D(n11=a, n12=b, n13=c, n14=0, n21=d, n22=e, n23=f, n24=0, n31=g, n32=h, n33=i, n34=0, n41=x, n42=y, n43=z, n44=1) self.fieldOfView = float(node.getAttribute('fieldOfView')) self.distance = float(node.getAttribute('distance')) class Scene: def __init__(self, file): self.Bricks = [] self.Scenecamera = [] self.Groups = [] if file.endswith('.lxfml'): with open(file, "rb") as file: data = file.read() elif file.endswith('.lxf'): zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') data = zf.read('IMAGE100.LXFML') else: return xml = minidom.parseString(data) self.Name = xml.firstChild.getAttribute('name') for node in xml.firstChild.childNodes: if node.nodeName == 'Meta': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'BrickSet': self.Version = str(childnode.getAttribute('version')) # elif node.nodeName == 'Cameras': # for childnode in node.childNodes: # if childnode.nodeName == 'Camera': # self.Scenecamera.append(SceneCamera(node=childnode)) elif node.nodeName == 'Bricks': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'Brick': self.Bricks.append(Brick(node=childnode)) elif node.nodeName == 'GroupSystems': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'GroupSystem': for childnode in childnode.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'Group': self.Groups.append(Group(node=childnode)) for i in range(len(self.Groups)): for brick in self.Bricks: for part in brick.Parts: if part.refID in self.Groups[i].partRefs: part.isGrouped = True part.GroupIDX = i # print('Scene "'+ self.Name + '" Brickversion: ' + str(self.Version)) class GeometryReader: def __init__(self, data): self.offset = 0 self.data = data self.positions = [] self.normals = [] self.textures = [] self.faces = [] self.bonemap = {} self.texCount = 0 self.outpositions = [] self.outnormals = [] if self.readInt() == 1111961649: self.valueCount = self.readInt() self.indexCount = self.readInt() self.faceCount = int(self.indexCount / 3) options = self.readInt() for i in range(0, self.valueCount): self.positions.append(Point3D(x=self.readFloat(), y=self.readFloat(), z=self.readFloat())) for i in range(0, self.valueCount): self.normals.append(Point3D(x=self.readFloat(), y=self.readFloat(), z=self.readFloat())) if (options & 3) == 3: self.texCount = self.valueCount for i in range(0, self.valueCount): self.textures.append(Point2D(x=self.readFloat(), y=self.readFloat())) for i in range(0, self.faceCount): self.faces.append(Face(a=self.readInt(), b=self.readInt(), c=self.readInt())) if (options & 48) == 48: num = self.readInt() self.offset += (num * 4) + (self.indexCount * 4) num = self.readInt() self.offset += (3 * num * 4) + (self.indexCount * 4) bonelength = self.readInt() self.bonemap = [0] * self.valueCount if (bonelength > self.valueCount) or (bonelength > self.faceCount): datastart = self.offset self.offset += bonelength for i in range(0, self.valueCount): boneoffset = self.readInt() + 4 self.bonemap[i] = self.read_Int(datastart + boneoffset) def read_Int(self, _offset): if sys.version_info < (3, 0): return int(struct.unpack_from('i', self.data, _offset)[0]) else: return int.from_bytes(self.data[_offset:_offset + 4], byteorder='little') def readInt(self): if sys.version_info < (3, 0): ret = int(struct.unpack_from('i', self.data, self.offset)[0]) else: ret = int.from_bytes(self.data[self.offset:self.offset + 4], byteorder='little') self.offset += 4 return ret def readFloat(self): ret = float(struct.unpack_from('f', self.data, self.offset)[0]) self.offset += 4 return ret class Geometry: def __init__(self, designID, database): self.designID = designID self.Parts = {} self.maxGeoBounding = -1 self.studsFields2D = [] GeometryLocation = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(GEOMETRIEPATH, designID, '.g') GeometryCount = 0 while str(GeometryLocation) in database.filelist: self.Parts[GeometryCount] = GeometryReader(data=database.filelist[GeometryLocation].read()) GeometryCount += 1 GeometryLocation = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(GEOMETRIEPATH, designID, '.g', GeometryCount) primitive = Primitive(data=database.filelist[PRIMITIVEPATH + designID + '.xml'].read()) self.Partname = primitive.Designname self.studsFields2D = primitive.Fields2D try: geoBoundingList = [ abs(float(primitive.Bounding['minX']) - float(primitive.Bounding['maxX'])), abs(float(primitive.Bounding['minY']) - float(primitive.Bounding['maxY'])), abs(float(primitive.Bounding['minZ']) - float(primitive.Bounding['maxZ'])) ] geoBoundingList.sort() self.maxGeoBounding = geoBoundingList[-1] except KeyError: # print('\nBounding errror in part {0}: {1}\n'.format(designID, e)) pass # preflex for part in self.Parts: # transform for i, b in enumerate(primitive.Bones): # positions for j, p in enumerate(self.Parts[part].positions): if (self.Parts[part].bonemap[j] == i): self.Parts[part].positions[j].transform(b.matrix) # normals for k, n in enumerate(self.Parts[part].normals): if (self.Parts[part].bonemap[k] == i): self.Parts[part].normals[k].transformW(b.matrix) def valuecount(self): count = 0 for part in self.Parts: count += self.Parts[part].valueCount return count def facecount(self): count = 0 for part in self.Parts: count += self.Parts[part].faceCount return count def texcount(self): count = 0 for part in self.Parts: count += self.Parts[part].texCount return count class Bone2: def __init__(self, boneId=0, angle=0, ax=0, ay=0, az=0, tx=0, ty=0, tz=0): self.boneId = boneId rotationMatrix = Matrix3D() rotationMatrix.rotate( angle=(-angle * math.pi / 180.0), axis=Point3D(x=ax, y=ay, z=az) ) p = Point3D(x=tx, y=ty, z=tz) p.transformW(rotationMatrix) rotationMatrix.n41 -= p.x rotationMatrix.n42 -= p.y rotationMatrix.n43 -= p.z self.matrix = rotationMatrix class Field2D: def __init__(self, type=0, width=0, height=0, angle=0, ax=0, ay=0, az=0, tx=0, ty=0, tz=0, field2DRawData='none'): self.type = type self.field2DRawData = field2DRawData rotationMatrix = Matrix3D() rotationMatrix.rotate( angle=(-angle * math.pi / 180.0), axis=Point3D(x=ax, y=ay, z=az) ) p = Point3D(x=tx, y=ty, z=tz) p.transformW(rotationMatrix) rotationMatrix.n41 -= p.x rotationMatrix.n42 -= p.y rotationMatrix.n43 -= p.z self.matrix = rotationMatrix self.custom2DField = [] # The height and width are always double the number of studs. The contained text is a 2D array that is always height + 1 and width + 1. rows_count = height + 1 cols_count = width + 1 # creation looks reverse # create an array of "cols_count" cols, for each of the "rows_count" rows # all elements are initialized to 0 self.custom2DField = [[0 for j in range(cols_count)] for i in range(rows_count)] custom2DFieldString = field2DRawData.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') custom2DFieldArr = custom2DFieldString.strip().split(',') k = 0 for i in range(rows_count): for j in range(cols_count): self.custom2DField[i][j] = custom2DFieldArr[k] k += 1 def __str__(self): return '[type="{0}" transform="{1}" custom2DField="{2}"]'.format(self.type, self.matrix, self.custom2DField) class CollisionBox: def __init__(self, sX=0, sY=0, sZ=0, angle=0, ax=0, ay=0, az=0, tx=0, ty=0, tz=0): rotationMatrix = Matrix3D() rotationMatrix.rotate( angle=(-angle * math.pi / 180.0), axis=Point3D(x=ax, y=ay, z=az) ) p = Point3D(x=tx, y=ty, z=tz) p.transformW(rotationMatrix) rotationMatrix.n41 -= p.x rotationMatrix.n42 -= p.y rotationMatrix.n43 -= p.z self.matrix = rotationMatrix self.corner = Point3D(x=sX, y=sY, z=sZ) self.positions = [] self.positions.append(Point3D(x=0, y=0, z=0)) self.positions.append(Point3D(x=sX, y=0, z=0)) self.positions.append(Point3D(x=0, y=sY, z=0)) self.positions.append(Point3D(x=sX, y=sY, z=0)) self.positions.append(Point3D(x=0, y=0, z=sZ)) self.positions.append(Point3D(x=0, y=sY, z=sZ)) self.positions.append(Point3D(x=sX, y=0, z=sZ)) self.positions.append(Point3D(x=sX, y=sY, z=sZ)) def __str__(self): return '[0,0,0] [{0},0,0] [0,{1},0] [{0},{1},0] [0,0,{2}] [0,{1},{2}] [{0},0,{2}] [{0},{1},{2}]'.format( self.corner.x, self.corner.y, self.corner.z ) class Primitive: def __init__(self, data): self.Designname = '' self.Bones = [] self.Fields2D = [] self.CollisionBoxes = [] self.PhysicsAttributes = {} self.Bounding = {} self.GeometryBounding = {} xml = minidom.parseString(data) root = xml.documentElement for node in root.childNodes: if node.__class__.__name__.lower() == 'comment': self.comment = node[0].nodeValue if node.nodeName == 'Flex': for node in node.childNodes: if node.nodeName == 'Bone': self.Bones.append( Bone2( boneId=int(node.getAttribute('boneId')), angle=float(node.getAttribute('angle')), ax=float(node.getAttribute('ax')), ay=float(node.getAttribute('ay')), az=float(node.getAttribute('az')), tx=float(node.getAttribute('tx')), ty=float(node.getAttribute('ty')), tz=float(node.getAttribute('tz')) ) ) elif node.nodeName == 'Annotations': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'Annotation' and childnode.hasAttribute('designname'): self.Designname = childnode.getAttribute('designname') elif node.nodeName == 'Collision': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'Box': self.CollisionBoxes.append( CollisionBox( sX=float(childnode.getAttribute('sX')), sY=float(childnode.getAttribute('sY')), sZ=float(childnode.getAttribute('sZ')), angle=float(childnode.getAttribute('angle')), ax=float(childnode.getAttribute('ax')), ay=float(childnode.getAttribute('ay')), az=float(childnode.getAttribute('az')), tx=float(childnode.getAttribute('tx')), ty=float(childnode.getAttribute('ty')), tz=float(childnode.getAttribute('tz')) ) ) elif node.nodeName == 'PhysicsAttributes': self.PhysicsAttributes = { "inertiaTensor": node.getAttribute('inertiaTensor'), "centerOfMass": node.getAttribute('centerOfMass'), "mass": node.getAttribute('mass'), "frictionType": node.getAttribute('frictionType') } elif node.nodeName == 'Bounding': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'AABB': self.Bounding = { "minX": childnode.getAttribute('minX'), "minY": childnode.getAttribute('minY'), "minZ": childnode.getAttribute('minZ'), "maxX": childnode.getAttribute('maxX'), "maxY": childnode.getAttribute('maxY'), "maxZ": childnode.getAttribute('maxZ') } elif node.nodeName == 'GeometryBounding': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'AABB': self.GeometryBounding = { "minX": childnode.getAttribute('minX'), "minY": childnode.getAttribute('minY'), "minZ": childnode.getAttribute('minZ'), "maxX": childnode.getAttribute('maxX'), "maxY": childnode.getAttribute('maxY'), "maxZ": childnode.getAttribute('maxZ') } elif node.nodeName == 'Connectivity': for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeName == 'Custom2DField': self.Fields2D.append( Field2D( type=int(childnode.getAttribute('type')), width=int(childnode.getAttribute('width')), height=int(childnode.getAttribute('height')), angle=float(childnode.getAttribute('angle')), ax=float(childnode.getAttribute('ax')), ay=float(childnode.getAttribute('ay')), az=float(childnode.getAttribute('az')), tx=float(childnode.getAttribute('tx')), ty=float(childnode.getAttribute('ty')), tz=float(childnode.getAttribute('tz')), field2DRawData=str(childnode.firstChild.data) ) ) elif node.nodeName == 'Decoration': self.Decoration = { "faces": node.getAttribute('faces'), "subMaterialRedirectLookupTable": node.getAttribute('subMaterialRedirectLookupTable') } class Materials: def __init__(self, data): self.Materials = {} xml = minidom.parseString(data) for node in xml.firstChild.childNodes: if node.nodeName == 'Material': self.Materials[node.getAttribute('MatID')] = Material( node.getAttribute('MatID'), r=int(node.getAttribute('Red')), g=int(node.getAttribute('Green')), b=int(node.getAttribute('Blue')), a=int(node.getAttribute('Alpha')), mtype=str(node.getAttribute('MaterialType')) ) def getMaterialbyId(self, mid): return self.Materials[mid] class Material: def __init__(self, id, r, g, b, a, mtype): self.id = id self.name = id self.mattype = mtype self.r = float(r) self.g = float(g) self.b = float(b) self.a = float(a) def string(self): out = 'Kd {0} {1} {2}\nKa 1.600000 1.600000 1.600000\nKs 0.400000 0.400000 0.400000\nNs 3.482202\nTf 1 1 1\n'.format( self.r / 255, self.g / 255, self.b / 255 ) if self.a < 255: out += 'Ni 1.575\n' + 'd {0}'.format(0.05) + '\n' + 'Tr {0}\n'.format(0.05) return out class DBinfo: def __init__(self, data): xml = minidom.parseString(data) self.Version = xml.getElementsByTagName('Bricks')[0].attributes['version'].value # print('DB Version: ' + str(self.Version)) class DBFolderFile: def __init__(self, name, handle): self.handle = handle self.name = name def read(self): reader = open(self.handle, "rb") try: filecontent = reader.read() reader.close() return filecontent finally: reader.close() class LIFFile: def __init__(self, name, offset, size, handle): self.handle = handle self.name = name self.offset = offset self.size = size def read(self): self.handle.seek(self.offset, 0) return self.handle.read(self.size) class DBFolderReader: def __init__(self, folder): self.filelist = {} self.initok = False self.location = folder self.dbinfo = None try: os.path.isdir(self.location) except Exception: self.initok = False # print("db folder read FAIL") return else: self.parse() if self.fileexist(os.path.join(self.location, 'Materials.xml')) and self.fileexist(os.path.join(self.location, 'info.xml')): self.dbinfo = DBinfo(data=self.filelist[os.path.join(self.location, 'info.xml')].read()) # print("DB folder OK.") self.initok = True else: # print("DB folder ERROR") # print(os.path.join(self.location,'Materials.xml')) # print(self.fileexist(os.path.join(self.location,'Materials.xml'))) # print(os.path.join(self.location,'info.xml')) # print(self.fileexist(os.path.join(self.location, 'info.xml'))) # print(MATERIALNAMESPATH) pass def fileexist(self, filename): return filename in self.filelist def parse(self): for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(self.location): for name in files: entryName = os.path.join(path, name) self.filelist[entryName] = DBFolderFile(name=entryName, handle=entryName) class LIFReader: def __init__(self, file): self.packedFilesOffset = 84 self.filelist = {} self.initok = False self.location = file self.dbinfo = None try: self.filehandle = open(self.location, "rb") self.filehandle.seek(0, 0) except Exception: self.initok = False # print("Database FAIL") return else: if self.filehandle.read(4).decode() == "LIFF": self.parse(prefix='', offset=self.readInt(offset=72) + 64) if self.fileexist('/Materials.xml') and self.fileexist('/info.xml'): self.dbinfo = DBinfo(data=self.filelist['/info.xml'].read()) # print("Database OK.") self.initok = True else: # print("Database ERROR") pass else: # print("Database FAIL") self.initok = False def fileexist(self, filename): return filename in self.filelist def parse(self, prefix='', offset=0): if prefix == '': offset += 36 else: offset += 4 count = self.readInt(offset=offset) for i in range(0, count): offset += 4 entryType = self.readShort(offset=offset) offset += 6 entryName = '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, '/') self.filehandle.seek(offset + 1, 0) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): t = ord(self.filehandle.read(1)) else: t = int.from_bytes(self.filehandle.read(1), byteorder='big') while not t == 0: entryName = '{0}{1}'.format(entryName, chr(t)) self.filehandle.seek(1, 1) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): t = ord(self.filehandle.read(1)) else: t = int.from_bytes(self.filehandle.read(1), byteorder='big') offset += 2 offset += 6 self.packedFilesOffset += 20 if entryType == 1: offset = self.parse(prefix=entryName, offset=offset) elif entryType == 2: fileSize = self.readInt(offset=offset) - 20 self.filelist[entryName] = LIFFile(name=entryName, offset=self.packedFilesOffset, size=fileSize, handle=self.filehandle) offset += 24 self.packedFilesOffset += fileSize return offset def readInt(self, offset=0): self.filehandle.seek(offset, 0) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): return int(struct.unpack('>i', self.filehandle.read(4))[0]) else: return int.from_bytes(self.filehandle.read(4), byteorder='big') def readShort(self, offset=0): self.filehandle.seek(offset, 0) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): return int(struct.unpack('>h', self.filehandle.read(2))[0]) else: return int.from_bytes(self.filehandle.read(2), byteorder='big') class Converter: def LoadDBFolder(self, dbfolderlocation): self.database = DBFolderReader(folder=dbfolderlocation) if self.database.initok and self.database.fileexist(os.path.join(dbfolderlocation, 'Materials.xml')): self.allMaterials = Materials(data=self.database.filelist[os.path.join(dbfolderlocation, 'Materials.xml')].read()) def LoadDatabase(self, databaselocation): self.database = LIFReader(file=databaselocation) if self.database.initok and self.database.fileexist('/Materials.xml'): self.allMaterials = Materials(data=self.database.filelist['/Materials.xml'].read()) def LoadScene(self, filename): if self.database.initok: self.scene = Scene(file=filename) def Export(self, filename): invert = Matrix3D() # invert.n33 = -1 #uncomment to invert the Z-Axis indexOffset = 1 textOffset = 1 usedmaterials = [] geometriecache = {} out = open(filename + ".obj.tmp", "w+") out.truncate(0) out.write("mtllib " + filename + ".mtl" + '\n\n') outtext = open(filename + ".mtl.tmp", "w+") outtext.truncate(0) total = len(self.scene.Bricks) current = 0 for bri in self.scene.Bricks: current += 1 for pa in bri.Parts: if pa.designID not in geometriecache: geo = Geometry(designID=pa.designID, database=self.database) progress(current, total, "(" + geo.designID + ") " + geo.Partname, ' ') geometriecache[pa.designID] = geo else: geo = geometriecache[pa.designID] progress(current, total, "(" + geo.designID + ") " + geo.Partname, '-') out.write("o\n") for part in geo.Parts: geo.Parts[part].outpositions = [elem.copy() for elem in geo.Parts[part].positions] geo.Parts[part].outnormals = [elem.copy() for elem in geo.Parts[part].normals] for i, b in enumerate(pa.Bones): # positions for j, p in enumerate(geo.Parts[part].outpositions): if (geo.Parts[part].bonemap[j] == i): p.transform(invert * b.matrix) # normals for k, n in enumerate(geo.Parts[part].outnormals): if (geo.Parts[part].bonemap[k] == i): n.transformW(invert * b.matrix) for point in geo.Parts[part].outpositions: out.write(point.string("v")) for normal in geo.Parts[part].outnormals: out.write(normal.string("vn")) for text in geo.Parts[part].textures: out.write(text.string("vt")) decoCount = 0 out.write("g " + "(" + geo.designID + ") " + geo.Partname + '\n') last_color = 0 for part in geo.Parts: # try catch here for possible problems in materials assignment of various g, g1, g2, .. files in lxf file try: materialCurrentPart = pa.materials[part] last_color = pa.materials[part] except IndexError: materialCurrentPart = last_color lddmat = self.allMaterials.getMaterialbyId(materialCurrentPart) matname = lddmat.name deco = '0' if hasattr(pa, 'decoration') and len(geo.Parts[part].textures) > 0: # if decoCount <= len(pa.decoration): if decoCount < len(pa.decoration): deco = pa.decoration[decoCount] decoCount += 1 extfile = '' if not deco == '0': extfile = deco + '.png' matname += "_" + deco decofilename = DECORATIONPATH + deco + '.png' if not os.path.isfile(extfile) and self.database.fileexist(decofilename): with open(extfile, "wb") as f: f.write(self.database.filelist[decofilename].read()) f.close() if matname not in usedmaterials: usedmaterials.append(matname) outtext.write("newmtl " + matname + '\n') outtext.write(lddmat.string()) if not deco == '0': outtext.write("map_Kd " + deco + ".png" + '\n') out.write("usemtl " + matname + '\n') for face in geo.Parts[part].faces: if len(geo.Parts[part].textures) > 0: out.write(face.string("f", indexOffset, textOffset)) else: out.write(face.string("f", indexOffset)) indexOffset += len(geo.Parts[part].outpositions) textOffset += len(geo.Parts[part].textures) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- out.write('\n') os.rename(filename + ".obj.tmp", filename + ".obj") os.rename(filename + ".mtl.tmp", filename + ".mtl") sys.stdout.write('%s\r' % (' ')) # print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) def setDBFolderVars(dbfolderlocation, lod): global PRIMITIVEPATH global GEOMETRIEPATH global DECORATIONPATH global MATERIALNAMESPATH PRIMITIVEPATH = os.path.join(dbfolderlocation, 'Primitives', '') GEOMETRIEPATH = os.path.join(dbfolderlocation, 'brickprimitives', f'lod{lod}', '') DECORATIONPATH = os.path.join(dbfolderlocation, 'Decorations', '') MATERIALNAMESPATH = os.path.join(dbfolderlocation, 'MaterialNames', '') # print(MATERIALNAMESPATH) def progress(count, total, status='', suffix=''): bar_len = 40 filled_len = int(round(bar_len * count / float(total))) percents = round(100.0 * count / float(total), 1) bar = '#' * filled_len + '-' * (bar_len - filled_len) sys.stdout.write('Progress: [%s] %s%s %s %s\r' % (bar, percents, '%', suffix, ' ')) sys.stdout.write('Progress: [%s] %s%s %s %s\r' % (bar, percents, '%', suffix, status)) sys.stdout.flush() def main(lxf_filename, obj_filename, lod="2"): # print("- - - pylddlib - - -") # print(" _ ") # print(" [_]") # print(" /| |\\") # print(" ()'---' C") # print(" | | |") # print(" [=|=]") # print("") # print("- - - - - - - - - - - -") global GEOMETRIEPATH GEOMETRIEPATH = GEOMETRIEPATH + f"LOD{lod}/" converter = Converter() # print("Found DB folder. Will use this instead of db.lif!") setDBFolderVars(dbfolderlocation=f"{current_app.config['CLIENT_LOCATION']}res/", lod=lod) converter.LoadDBFolder(dbfolderlocation=f"{current_app.config['CLIENT_LOCATION']}res/") converter.LoadScene(filename=lxf_filename) converter.Export(filename=obj_filename) if __name__ == "__main__": main()