from flask import ( render_template, Blueprint, redirect, url_for, request, abort, make_response, flash, current_app ) from flask_user import login_required, current_user from datatables import ColumnDT, DataTables import time from app.models import Property, db, UGC, CharacterInfo, PropertyContent, Account, Mail from app.schemas import PropertySchema from app import gm_level, log_audit from app.luclient import query_cdclient from app.forms import RejectPropertyForm import zlib import app.pylddlib as ldd import pathlib property_blueprint = Blueprint('properties', __name__) property_schema = PropertySchema() @property_blueprint.route('/', methods=['GET']) @login_required @gm_level(3) def index(): return render_template('properties/index.html.j2') @property_blueprint.route('/approve/<id>', methods=['GET']) @login_required @gm_level(3) def approve(id): property_data = Property.query.filter( == id).first() property_data.mod_approved = not property_data.mod_approved # If we approved it, clear the rejection reason if property_data.mod_approved: property_data.rejection_reason = "" if property_data.mod_approved: message = f"""Approved Property { if else query_cdclient( 'select DisplayDescription from ZoneTable where zoneID = ?', [property_data.zone_id], one=True )[0]} from {CharacterInfo.query.filter(}""" log_audit(message) flash( message, "success" ) else: message = f"""Unapproved Property { if else query_cdclient( 'select DisplayDescription from ZoneTable where zoneID = ?', [property_data.zone_id], one=True )[0]} from {CharacterInfo.query.filter(}""" log_audit(message) flash( message, "warning" ) go_to = "" if request.referrer: if "view_models" in request.referrer: go_to = url_for('properties.view', id=id) else: go_to = request.referrer else: go_to = url_for('main.index') return redirect(go_to) @property_blueprint.route('/reject/<id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required @gm_level(3) def reject(id): property_data = Property.query.filter( == id).first() form = RejectPropertyForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): char_name = CharacterInfo.query.filter( == property_data.owner_id).first().name zone_name = query_cdclient( 'select DisplayDescription from ZoneTable where zoneID = ?', [property_data.zone_id], one=True )[0] property_data.mod_approved = False property_data.rejection_reason = message = f"""Rejected Property { if else zone_name} from {char_name} with reason \"{}\"""" log_audit(message) flash( message, "danger" ) # send rejection reason to their mailbox # cause the game doesn't present it otherwise mail_message = f"""Rejected Property {} on {zone_name} with reason \"{}\"""" Mail( sender_id=0, sender_name=f"[GM] {current_user.username}", receiver_id=property_data.owner_id, receiver_name=char_name, time_sent=time.time(), subject="Property Rejected", body=mail_message, attachment_id=0, attachment_lot=0, attachment_count=0 ).save() go_to = "" if request.referrer: if "view_models" in request.referrer: go_to = url_for('properties.view', id=id) else: go_to = url_for('properties.index') else: go_to = url_for('main.index') return redirect(go_to) = property_data.rejection_reason return render_template('properties/reject.html.j2', property_data=property_data, form=form) @property_blueprint.route('/view/<id>', methods=['GET']) @login_required def view(id): property_data = Property.query.filter( == id).first() if current_user.gm_level < 3: if property_data.owner_id and property_data.owner.account_id != abort(403) return if property_data == {}: abort(404) return return render_template('properties/view.html.j2', property_data=property_data) @property_blueprint.route('/get/<status>', methods=['GET']) @login_required @gm_level(3) def get(status="all"): columns = [ ColumnDT(, # 0 ColumnDT(, # 1 ColumnDT(Property.template_id), # 2 ColumnDT(Property.clone_id), # 3 ColumnDT(, # 4 ColumnDT(Property.description), # 5 ColumnDT(Property.privacy_option), # 6 ColumnDT(Property.mod_approved), # 7 ColumnDT(Property.last_updated), # 8 ColumnDT(Property.time_claimed), # 9 ColumnDT(Property.rejection_reason), # 10 ColumnDT(Property.reputation), # 11 ColumnDT(Property.performance_cost), # 12 ColumnDT(Property.zone_id), # 13 ColumnDT(Account.username) # 14 ] query = None if status == "approved": query = db.session.query().select_from(Property).join( CharacterInfo, == Property.owner_id ).join(Account).filter(Property.mod_approved == True).filter(Property.privacy_option == 2) # noqa elif status == "unapproved": query = db.session.query().select_from(Property).join( CharacterInfo, == Property.owner_id ).join(Account).filter(Property.mod_approved == False).filter(Property.privacy_option == 2).filter(Property.rejection_reason == "") # noqa else: query = db.session.query().select_from(Property).join(CharacterInfo, == Property.owner_id).join(Account) params = request.args.to_dict() rowTable = DataTables(params, query, columns) data = rowTable.output_result() print(data) for property_data in data["data"]: id = property_data["0"] property_data["0"] = f""" <a role="button" class="btn btn-primary btn btn-block" href='{url_for('properties.view', id=id)}'> View </a> """ if not property_data["7"]: property_data["0"] += f""" <a role="button" class="btn btn-success btn btn-block" href='{url_for('properties.approve', id=id)}'> Approve </a> """ else: property_data["0"] += f""" <a role="button" class="btn btn-danger btn btn-block" href='{url_for('properties.approve', id=id)}'> Unapprove </a> """ if not property_data["10"]: property_data["0"] += f""" <a role="button" class="btn btn-danger btn btn-block" href='{url_for('properties.reject', id=id)}'> Reject </a> """ property_data["1"] = f""" <a role="button" class="btn btn-primary btn btn-block" href='{url_for('characters.view', id=CharacterInfo.query.filter(['1']).first().id)}'> {property_data["1"]} </a> """ if property_data["4"] == "": property_data["4"] = query_cdclient( 'select DisplayDescription from ZoneTable where zoneID = ?', [property_data["13"]], one=True ) if property_data["6"] == 0: property_data["6"] = "Private" elif property_data["6"] == 1: property_data["6"] = "Best Friends" else: property_data["6"] = "Public" property_data["8"] = time.ctime(property_data["8"]) property_data["9"] = time.ctime(property_data["9"]) if not property_data["7"]: property_data["7"] = '''<h2 class="far fa-times-circle text-danger"></h2>''' else: property_data["7"] = '''<h2 class="far fa-check-square text-success"></h2>''' property_data["13"] = query_cdclient( 'select DisplayDescription from ZoneTable where zoneID = ?', [property_data["13"]], one=True ) return data @property_blueprint.route('/view_model/<id>/<lod>', methods=['GET']) @login_required def view_model(id, lod): property_content_data = PropertyContent.query.filter( == id).all() # TODO: Restrict somehow formatted_data = [ { "obj": url_for('properties.get_model', id=property_content_data[0].id, file_format='obj', lod=lod), "mtl": url_for('properties.get_model', id=property_content_data[0].id, file_format='mtl', lod=lod), "lot": property_content_data[0].lot, "id": property_content_data[0].id, "pos": [{ "x": property_content_data[0].x, "y": property_content_data[0].y, "z": property_content_data[0].z, "rx": property_content_data[0].rx, "ry": property_content_data[0].ry, "rz": property_content_data[0].rz, "rw": property_content_data[0].rw }] } ] return render_template( 'ldd/ldd.html.j2', content=formatted_data, lod=lod ) property_center = { 1150: "(-17, 432, -60)", 1151: "(0, 455, -110)", 1250: "(-16, 432,-60)", 1251: "(0, 455, 100)", 1350: "(-10, 432, -57)", 1450: "(-10, 432, -77)" } @property_blueprint.route('/view_models/<id>/<lod>', methods=['GET']) @login_required def view_models(id, lod): property_content_data = PropertyContent.query.filter( PropertyContent.property_id == id ).order_by(PropertyContent.lot).all() consolidated_list = [] for item in range(len(property_content_data)): if any((d["lot"] != 14 and d["lot"] == property_content_data[item].lot) for d in consolidated_list): # exiting lot, add rotations lot_index = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(consolidated_list) if d["lot"] == property_content_data[item].lot), None) consolidated_list[lot_index]["pos"].append( { "x": property_content_data[item].x, "y": property_content_data[item].y, "z": property_content_data[item].z, "rx": property_content_data[item].rx, "ry": property_content_data[item].ry, "rz": property_content_data[item].rz, "rw": property_content_data[item].rw } ) else: # add new lot consolidated_list.append( { "obj": url_for('properties.get_model', id=property_content_data[item].id, file_format='obj', lod=lod), "mtl": url_for('properties.get_model', id=property_content_data[item].id, file_format='mtl', lod=lod), "lot": property_content_data[item].lot, "id": property_content_data[item].id, "pos": [{ "x": property_content_data[item].x, "y": property_content_data[item].y, "z": property_content_data[item].z, "rx": property_content_data[item].rx, "ry": property_content_data[item].ry, "rz": property_content_data[item].rz, "rw": property_content_data[item].rw }] } ) property_data = Property.query.filter( == id).first() return render_template( 'ldd/ldd.html.j2', property_data=property_data, content=consolidated_list, center=property_center[property_data.zone_id], lod=lod ) @property_blueprint.route('/get_model/<id>/<file_format>/<lod>', methods=['GET']) @login_required def get_model(id, file_format, lod): content = PropertyContent.query.filter( == id).first() if not(0 <= int(lod) <= 2): abort(404) if content.lot == 14: # ugc model response = ugc(content)[0] else: # prebuilt model response = prebuilt(content, file_format, lod)[0] response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml') return response @property_blueprint.route('/download_model/<id>', methods=['GET']) @login_required def download_model(id): content = PropertyContent.query.filter( == id).first() if content.lot == 14: # ugc model response, filename = ugc(content) else: # prebuilt model response, filename = prebuilt(content, "lxfml") response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'attachment/xml') response.headers.set( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename ) return response def ugc(content): ugc_data = UGC.query.filter( == content.ugc_id).first() uncompressed_lxfml = decompress(ugc_data.lxfml) response = make_response(uncompressed_lxfml) return response, ugc_data.filename def decompress(data): assert data[:5] == b"sd0\x01\xff" pos = 5 out = b"" while pos < len(data): length = int.from_bytes(data[pos:pos+4], "little") pos += 4 out += zlib.decompress(data[pos:pos+length]) pos += length return out def prebuilt(content, file_format, lod): # translate LOT to component id # we need to get a type of 2 because reasons render_component_id = query_cdclient( 'select component_id from ComponentsRegistry where component_type = 2 and id = ?', [content.lot], one=True )[0] # find the asset from rendercomponent given the component id filename = query_cdclient( 'select render_asset from RenderComponent where id = ?', [render_component_id], one=True ) if filename: filename = filename[0].split("\\\\")[-1].lower().split(".")[0] if "/" in filename: filename = filename.split("/")[-1].lower() else: return f"No filename for LOT {content.lot}" lxfml = pathlib.Path(f'app/luclient/res/BrickModels/{filename.split(".")[0]}.lxfml') if file_format == "lxfml": with open(lxfml, 'r') as file: lxfml_data = response = make_response(lxfml_data) elif file_format in ["obj", "mtl"]: cache = pathlib.Path(f'app/cache/BrickModels/{filename}.lod{lod}.{file_format}') if not cache.is_file(): cache.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: ldd.main(str(lxfml.as_posix()), str(cache.with_suffix("").as_posix()), lod) # convert to OBJ except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(f"ERROR on {cache}:\n {e}") with open(str(cache.as_posix()), 'r') as file: cache_data = response = make_response(cache_data) else: raise(Exception("INVALID FILE FORMAT")) return response, f"{filename}.{file_format}"