
575 lines
22 KiB

import configparser
import math
import os
import sqlite3
import tkinter.filedialog as filedialog
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zipfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from tkinter import BooleanVar, END, Menu
import viewer
import structparser
from pyraknet.bitstream import BitStream, c_bit, c_float, c_int, c_int64, c_ubyte, c_uint, c_uint64, c_ushort
with open("packetdefinitions/replica/creation_header.structs", encoding="utf-8") as file:
creation_header_parser = structparser.StructParser(file.read())
with open("packetdefinitions/replica/serialization_header.structs", encoding="utf-8") as file:
serialization_header_parser = structparser.StructParser(file.read())
component_name = OrderedDict()
component_name[108] = "Component 108"
component_name[61] = "ModuleAssembly"
component_name[1] = "ControllablePhysics"
component_name[3] = "SimplePhysics"
component_name[20] = "RigidBodyPhantomPhysics"
component_name[30] = "VehiclePhysics 30"
component_name[40] = "PhantomPhysics"
component_name[7] = "Destructible"
component_name[49] = "Switch"
component_name[26] = "Pet"
component_name[4] = "Character"
component_name[17] = "Inventory"
component_name[5] = "Script"
component_name[9] = "Skill"
component_name[60] = "BaseCombatAI"
component_name[16] = "Vendor"
component_name[6] = "Bouncer"
component_name[39] = "ScriptedActivity"
component_name[71] = "RacingControl"
component_name[2] = "Render"
component_name[107] = "Component 107"
component_name[12] = None
component_name[31] = None
component_name[35] = None
component_name[36] = None
component_name[45] = None
component_name[55] = None
component_name[56] = None
component_name[64] = None
component_name[65] = None
component_name[68] = None
component_name[73] = None
component_name[113] = None
component_name[114] = None
comp_ids = list(component_name.keys())
comp_parser = {}
for key, value in component_name.items():
if value is not None:
with open("packetdefinitions/replica/components/"+value+".structs") as file:
comp_parser[key] = structparser.StructParser(file.read())
norm_parser = {}
for rootdir, _, files in os.walk("packetdefinitions"):
for filename in files:
with open(rootdir+"/"+filename) as file:
norm_parser[filename[:filename.rindex(".")]] = structparser.StructParser(file.read())
class ParserOutput:
def __init__(self):
self.text = ""
self.tags = []
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
if exc_type is not None:
if exc_type == AssertionError:
elif exc_type == IndexError:
exc_name = "READ ERROR"
exc_name = "ERROR"
import traceback
self.text = exc_name+" "+str(exc_value)+"\n"+self.text
return True
def append(self, structs):
for level, description, value, unexpected in structs:
if unexpected:
self.text += "UNEXPECTED: "
self.text += "\t"*level+description+": "+str(value)+"\n"
class CaptureObject:
def __init__(self, network_id=None, object_id=None, lot=None):
self.network_id = network_id
self.object_id = object_id
self.lot = lot
self.entry = None
class CaptureViewer(viewer.Viewer):
def __init__(self):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
self.db = sqlite3.connect(config["paths"]["db_path"])
self.enable_game_messages = "gamemessages_path" in config["paths"]
if self.enable_game_messages:
gamemsg_xml = ET.parse(config["paths"]["gamemessages_path"])
self.gamemsgs = gamemsg_xml.findall("message")
self.gamemsg_global_enums = {}
for enum in gamemsg_xml.findall("enum"):
self.gamemsg_global_enums[enum.get("name")] = tuple(value.get("name") for value in enum.findall("value"))
self.objects = []
self.lot_data = {}
self.parse_creations = BooleanVar(value=config["parse"].get("creations", True))
self.parse_serializations = BooleanVar(value=config["parse"].get("serializations", True))
if self.enable_game_messages:
self.parse_game_messages = BooleanVar(value=config["parse"].get("game_messages", True))
self.parse_game_messages = BooleanVar(value=False)
self.parse_normal_packets = BooleanVar(value=config["parse"].get("normal_packets", True))
def create_widgets(self):
menubar = Menu()
menubar.add_command(label="Open", command=self.askopenfiles)
parse_menu = Menu(menubar)
parse_menu.add_checkbutton(label="Parse Creations", variable=self.parse_creations)
parse_menu.add_checkbutton(label="Parse Serializations", variable=self.parse_serializations)
if self.enable_game_messages:
parse_menu.add_checkbutton(label="Parse Game Messages", variable=self.parse_game_messages)
parse_menu.add_checkbutton(label="Parse Normal Packets", variable=self.parse_normal_packets)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Parse", menu=parse_menu)
columns = "id",
for col in columns:
self.tree.heading(col, text=col, command=(lambda col: lambda: self.sort_column(col, False))(col))
self.tree.tag_configure("unexpected", foreground="medium blue")
self.tree.tag_configure("assertfail", foreground="orange")
self.tree.tag_configure("readerror", background="medium purple")
self.tree.tag_configure("error", foreground="red")
def askopenfiles(self):
paths = filedialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes=[("Zip", "*.zip")])
if paths:
def load_captures(self, captures):
self.objects = []
print("Loading captures, this might take a while")
for capture in captures:
print("Loading", capture)
with zipfile.ZipFile(capture) as capture:
files = [i for i in capture.namelist() if "of" not in i]
if self.parse_creations.get():
print("Parsing creations")
creations = [i for i in files if "[24]" in i]
for packet_name in creations:
packet = BitStream(capture.read(packet_name))
self.parse_creation(packet_name, packet)
if self.parse_serializations.get():
print("Parsing serializations")
serializations = [i for i in files if "[27]" in i]
for packet_name in serializations:
packet = BitStream(capture.read(packet_name)[1:])
self.parse_serialization_packet(packet_name, packet)
if self.parse_game_messages.get():
print("Parsing game messages")
game_messages = [i for i in files if "[53-05-00-0c]" in i or "[53-04-00-05]" in i]
for packet_name in game_messages:
packet = BitStream(capture.read(packet_name)[8:])
self.parse_game_message(packet_name, packet)
if self.parse_normal_packets.get():
print("Parsing normal packets")
packets = [i for i in files if "[24]" not in i and "[27]" not in i and "[53-05-00-0c]" not in i and "[53-04-00-05]" not in i]
for packet_name in packets:
packet = BitStream(capture.read(packet_name))
self.parse_normal_packet(packet_name, packet)
def parse_creation(self, packet_name, packet):
has_network_id = packet.read(c_bit)
assert has_network_id
network_id = packet.read(c_ushort)
object_id = packet.read(c_int64)
for obj in self.objects:
if obj.object_id == object_id: # We've already parsed this object (can happen due to ghosting)
lot = packet.read(c_int)
if lot not in self.lot_data:
lot_name = self.db.execute("select name from Objects where id == "+str(lot)).fetchone()[0]
except TypeError:
print("Name for lot", lot, "not found")
lot_name = str(lot)
component_types = [i[0] for i in self.db.execute("select component_type from ComponentsRegistry where id == "+str(lot)).fetchall()]
parsers = []
for comp_type in component_types:
if component_name[comp_type] is not None:
parsers.append((component_name[comp_type], comp_parser[comp_type]))
except ValueError as e:
error = "ERROR: Unknown component "+str(e.args[0].split()[0])+" "+str(component_types)
error = None
self.lot_data[lot] = lot_name, parsers, error
lot_name, parsers, error = self.lot_data[lot]
id_ = packet.read(str, length_type=c_ubyte) + " " + lot_name
packet._read_offset = 0
parser_output = ParserOutput()
with parser_output:
if error is not None:
parser_output.text = error+"\n"+parser_output.text
self.parse_serialization(packet, parser_output, parsers, is_creation=True)
obj = CaptureObject(network_id=network_id, object_id=object_id, lot=lot)
obj.entry = self.tree.insert("", END, text=packet_name, values=(id_, parser_output.text), tags=parser_output.tags)
def parse_serialization(packet, parser_output, parsers, is_creation=False):
for name, parser in parsers:
parser_output.text += "\n"+name+"\n\n"
parser_output.append(parser.parse(packet, {"creation":is_creation}))
if not packet.all_read():
raise IndexError("Not completely read, %i bytes unread" % (len(packet) - math.ceil(packet._read_offset / 8)))
def parse_serialization_packet(self, packet_name, packet):
network_id = packet.read(c_ushort)
obj = None
for j in self.objects:
if j.network_id == network_id:
obj = j
if obj is None:
obj = CaptureObject(network_id=network_id)
obj.entry = self.tree.insert("", END, text="Unknown", values=("network_id="+str(network_id), ""))
if obj.lot is None:
parsers = []
error = "Unknown object"
_, parsers, error = self.lot_data[obj.lot]
parser_output = ParserOutput()
with parser_output:
self.parse_serialization(packet, parser_output, parsers)
if error is not None:
error = ""
self.tree.insert(obj.entry, END, text=packet_name, values=(error, parser_output.text), tags=parser_output.tags)
def parse_game_message(self, packet_name, packet):
object_id = packet.read(c_int64)
for i in self.objects:
if i.object_id == object_id:
entry = i.entry
obj = CaptureObject(object_id=object_id)
obj.entry = entry = self.tree.insert("", END, text="Unknown", values=("object_id="+str(object_id), ""))
msg_id = packet.read(c_ushort)
if msg_id <= 0x80:
msg_id -= 1
elif msg_id <= 0xf9:
msg_id -= 2
elif msg_id <= 0x1c0:
msg_id += 1
elif msg_id <= 0x1fd:
msg_id -= 1
elif msg_id <= 0x208:
msg_id -= 5
elif msg_id <= 0x223:
msg_id -= 6
elif msg_id <= 0x240:
msg_id -= 8
elif msg_id <= 0x2a3:
msg_id -= 10
elif msg_id <= 0x2b5:
msg_id -= 12
elif msg_id <= 0x2d5:
msg_id -= 7
elif msg_id <= 0x30d:
msg_id -= 10
elif msg_id <= 0x353:
msg_id -= 9
elif msg_id <= 0x37b:
msg_id -= 10
elif msg_id <= 0x3bd:
msg_id -= 9
elif msg_id <= 0x3d4:
msg_id -= 30
elif msg_id <= 0x3ec:
msg_id -= 32
elif msg_id <= 0x433:
msg_id -= 33
elif msg_id <= 0x4cf:
msg_id -= 34
elif msg_id <= 0x51d:
msg_id -= 31
elif msg_id <= 0x58b:
msg_id -= 30
elif msg_id <= 0x5e7:
msg_id -= 29
elif msg_id <= 0x637:
msg_id -= 28
elif msg_id <= 0x670:
msg_id -= 27
elif msg_id <= 0x6e7:
msg_id -= 26
message = self.gamemsgs[msg_id]
msg_name = message.get("name")
network = message.get("network")
attr_values = OrderedDict()
if network is None or ((("[53-05-00-0c]" in packet_name and "client" not in network) or ("[53-04-00-05]" in packet_name and "server" not in network)) and network != "duplicated"):
raise ValueError
attrs = message.findall("attr")
if msg_name == "Teleport":
attrs = [attr for attr in attrs if attr.get("name") != "NoGravTeleport"]
attrs.sort(key=lambda x: x.get("name"))
if message.find("freeze") is not None or message.find("thaw") is not None:
# Custom serializations
if msg_name == "NotifyMissionTask":
attr_values["missionID"] = packet.read(c_int)
attr_values["taskMask"] = packet.read(c_int)
updates = []
for _ in range(packet.read(c_ubyte)):
attr_values["updates"] = updates
elif msg_name == "VendorStatusUpdate":
attr_values["bUpdateOnly"] = packet.read(c_bit)
inv = {}
for _ in range(packet.read(c_uint)):
inv[packet.read(c_int)] = packet.read(c_int)
attr_values["inventoryList"] = inv
elif msg_name == "RequestLinkedMission":
attr_values["playerID"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["missionID"] = packet.read(c_int)
attr_values["bMissionOffered"] = packet.read(c_bit)
elif msg_name == "FetchModelMetadataResponse":
attr_values["ugID"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["objectID"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["requestorID"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["context"] = packet.read(c_int)
attr_values["bHasUGData"] = packet.read(c_bit)
attr_values["bHasBPData"] = packet.read(c_bit)
if attr_values["bHasUGData"]:
attr_values["UGM_unknown1"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["UGM_unknown2"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["UGM_unknown_str_1"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["UGM_unknown_str_2"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["UGM_unknown3"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["UGM_unknown4"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["UGM_unknown_str_3"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
unknown_list = []
for _ in range(packet.read(c_ubyte)):
attr_values["UGM_unknown_list"] = unknown_list
if attr_values["bHasBPData"]:
attr_values["BPM_unknown1"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["BPM_some_timestamp"] = packet.read(c_uint64)
attr_values["BPM_unknown2"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["BPM_unknown3"] = packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float)
attr_values["BPM_unknown4"] = packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float)
attr_values["BPM_unknown_bool_1"] = packet.read(c_bit)
attr_values["BPM_unknown_bool_2"] = packet.read(c_bit)
attr_values["BPM_unknown_str_1"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["BPM_unknown_bool_3"] = packet.read(c_bit)
attr_values["BPM_unknown5"] = packet.read(c_uint)
elif msg_name == "NotifyPetTamingPuzzleSelected":
bricks = []
for _ in range(packet.read(c_uint)):
bricks.append((packet.read(c_uint), packet.read(c_uint)))
attr_values["randBrickIDList"] = bricks
elif msg_name == "DownloadPropertyData":
attr_values["object_id"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["component_id"] = packet.read(c_int)
attr_values["mapID"] = packet.read(c_ushort)
attr_values["vendorMapID"] = packet.read(c_ushort)
attr_values["unknown1"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["property_name"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["property_description"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["owner_name"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["owner_object_id"] = packet.read(c_int64)
attr_values["type"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["sizecode"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["minimumPrice"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["rentDuration"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["timestamp1"] = packet.read(c_uint64)
attr_values["unknown2"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["unknown3"] = packet.read(c_uint64)
attr_values["spawnName"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["unknown_str_1"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["unknown_str_2"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["durationType"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["unknown4"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["unknown5"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["unknown6"] = packet.read(c_ubyte)
attr_values["unknown7"] = packet.read(c_uint64)
attr_values["unknown8"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["unknown_str_3"] = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
attr_values["unknown9"] = packet.read(c_uint64)
attr_values["unknown10"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["unknown11"] = packet.read(c_uint)
attr_values["zoneX"] = packet.read(c_float)
attr_values["zoneY"] = packet.read(c_float)
attr_values["zoneZ"] = packet.read(c_float)
attr_values["maxBuildHeight"] = packet.read(c_float)
attr_values["timestamp2"] = packet.read(c_uint64)
attr_values["unknown12"] = packet.read(c_ubyte)
path = []
for _ in range(packet.read(c_uint)):
path.append((packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float)))
attr_values["path"] = path
elif msg_name == "ModularBuildFinish":
lots = []
for _ in range(packet.read(c_ubyte)):
attr_values["moduleTemplateIDs"] = lots
elif msg_name == "PetTamingTryBuild":
selections = []
for _ in range(packet.read(c_uint)):
selections.append((packet.read(c_uint), packet.read(c_uint)))
attr_values["currentSelections"] = selections
attr_values["clientFailed"] = packet.read(c_bit)
raise NotImplementedError("Custom serialization")
values = "\n".join(["%s = %s" % (a, b) for a, b in attr_values.items()])
tags = []
local_enums = {}
for enum in message.findall("enum"):
local_enums[enum.get("name")] = tuple(value.get("name") for value in enum.findall("value"))
for attr in attrs:
if attr.get("returnValue") is not None:
if attr.get("returnValue") == "false":
raise NotImplementedError(attr.get("name"), "returnValue")
type_ = attr.get("type")
default = attr.get("default")
if type_ == "bool": # bools don't have default-flags
attr_values[attr.get("name")] = packet.read(c_bit)
if default is not None:
is_not_default = packet.read(c_bit)
if not is_not_default:
attr_values[attr.get("name")] = default
if type_ == "unsigned char":
value = packet.read(c_ubyte)
elif type_ == "LWOMAPID":
value = packet.read(c_ushort)
elif type_ in ("int", "LOT"):
value = packet.read(c_int)
elif type_ in ("unsigned int", "LWOCLONEID", "TSkillID"):
value = packet.read(c_uint)
elif type_ == "__int64":
value = packet.read(c_int64)
elif type_ == "LWOOBJID":
value = packet.read(c_int64)
if value == object_id:
value = str(value)+" <self>"
for obj in self.objects:
if value == obj.object_id:
value = str(value)+" <"+self.tree.item(obj.entry, "values")[0]+">"
elif type_ == "float":
value = packet.read(c_float)
elif type_ == "BinaryBuffer":
length = packet.read(c_uint)
value = packet.read(bytes, length=length)
elif type_ == "std::string":
length = packet.read(c_uint)
if length > 255: # in case this isn't the right message after all and we read a way too high value
raise ValueError
value = packet.read(str, char_size=1, allocated_length=length)
elif type_ == "std::wstring":
length = packet.read(c_uint)
if length > 255: # in case this isn't the right message after all and we read a way too high value
raise ValueError
value = packet.read(str, char_size=2, allocated_length=length*2)
elif type_ == "NiPoint3":
value = packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float)
elif type_ == "NiQuaternion":
value = packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float), packet.read(c_float)
elif type_ == "LwoNameValue":
value = packet.read(str, length_type=c_uint)
if value:
assert packet.read(c_ushort) == 0 # for some reason has a null terminator
elif type_ in local_enums:
value = packet.read(c_uint)
value = local_enums[type_][value]+" ("+str(value)+")"
elif type_ in self.gamemsg_global_enums:
value = packet.read(c_uint)
value = self.gamemsg_global_enums[type_][value]+" ("+str(value)+")"
raise NotImplementedError(type_)
attr_values[attr.get("name")] = value
if not packet.all_read():
raise ValueError
except NotImplementedError as e:
values = (msg_name, str(e)+"\nlen: "+str(len(packet)-10)+"\n"+"\n".join(["%s = %s" % (a, b) for a, b in attr_values.items()]))
tags = ["error"]
except Exception as e:
print(packet_name, msg_name)
import traceback
values = ("likely not "+msg_name, "Error while parsing, likely not this message!\n"+str(e)+"\nlen: "+str(len(packet)-10)+"\n"+"\n".join(["%s = %s" % (a, b) for a, b in attr_values.items()]))
tags = ["error"]
values = (msg_name, "\n".join(["%s = %s" % (a, b) for a, b in attr_values.items()]))
tags = []
self.tree.insert(entry, END, text=packet_name, values=values, tags=tags)
def parse_normal_packet(self, packet_name, packet):
id_ = packet_name[packet_name.index("[")+1:packet_name.index("]")]
if id_ not in norm_parser:
self.tree.insert("", END, text=packet_name, values=(id_, "Add the struct definition file packetdefinitions/"+id_+".structs to enable parsing of this packet."), tags=["error"])
if id_.startswith("53"):
parser_output = ParserOutput()
with parser_output:
self.tree.insert("", END, text=packet_name, values=(id_, parser_output.text), tags=parser_output.tags)
def on_item_select(self, _):
item = self.tree.selection()[0]
self.item_inspector.delete(1.0, END)
self.item_inspector.insert(END, self.tree.item(item, "values")[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = CaptureViewer()