2023-04-16 19:05:28 +00:00
-- Multi-Pane Display Graphics Element
local element = require("graphics.element")
---@class multipane_args
---@field panes table panes to swap between
---@field parent graphics_element
---@field id? string element id
---@field x? integer 1 if omitted
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---@field y? integer auto incremented if omitted
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---@field width? integer parent width if omitted
---@field height? integer parent height if omitted
---@field gframe? graphics_frame frame instead of x/y/width/height
---@field fg_bg? cpair foreground/background colors
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---@field hidden? boolean true to hide on initial draw
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-- new multipane element
---@param args multipane_args
---@return graphics_element element, element_id id
local function multipane(args)
2023-09-30 15:46:47 +00:00
element.assert(type(args.panes) == "table", "panes is a required field")
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-- create new graphics element base object
local e = element.new(args)
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e.value = 1
-- show the selected pane
function e.redraw()
for i = 1, #args.panes do args.panes[i].hide() end
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-- select which pane is shown
---@param value integer pane to show
function e.set_value(value)
if (e.value ~= value) and (value > 0) and (value <= #args.panes) then
e.value = value
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2023-04-16 19:05:28 +00:00
2023-09-29 23:34:10 +00:00
-- initial draw
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2023-05-30 23:51:10 +00:00
return e.complete()
2023-04-16 19:05:28 +00:00
return multipane