2023-09-20 03:52:22 +00:00
-- Configuration GUI
local core = require ( " graphics.core " )
local log = require ( " scada-common.log " )
log.init ( " /log.txt " , log.MODE . APPEND , true )
local DisplayBox = require ( " graphics.elements.displaybox " )
local Div = require ( " graphics.elements.div " )
local MultiPane = require ( " graphics.elements.multipane " )
local Rectangle = require ( " graphics.elements.rectangle " )
local TextBox = require ( " graphics.elements.textbox " )
local RadioButton = require ( " graphics.elements.controls.radio_button " )
local PushButton = require ( " graphics.elements.controls.push_button " )
local CheckBox = require ( " graphics.elements.controls.checkbox " )
local NumberField = require ( " graphics.elements.form.number_field " )
local TextField = require ( " graphics.elements.form.text_field " )
local tcd = require ( " scada-common.tcd " )
local util = require ( " scada-common.util " )
local print = util.print
local println = util.println
local cpair = core.cpair
---@class plc_configurator
local configurator = { }
local style = { }
style.root = cpair ( colors.black , colors.lightGray )
style.header = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray )
style.label = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray )
style.colors = {
{ c = colors.red , hex = 0xdf4949 } ,
{ c = colors.orange , hex = 0xffb659 } ,
{ c = colors.yellow , hex = 0xfffc79 } ,
{ c = colors.lime , hex = 0x80ff80 } ,
{ c = colors.green , hex = 0x4aee8a } ,
{ c = colors.cyan , hex = 0x34bac8 } ,
{ c = colors.lightBlue , hex = 0x6cc0f2 } ,
{ c = colors.blue , hex = 0x0096ff } ,
{ c = colors.purple , hex = 0xb156ee } ,
{ c = colors.pink , hex = 0xf26ba2 } ,
{ c = colors.magenta , hex = 0xf9488a } ,
-- { c = colors.white, hex = 0xf0f0f0 },
{ c = colors.lightGray , hex = 0xcacaca } ,
{ c = colors.gray , hex = 0x575757 } ,
-- { c = colors.black, hex = 0x191919 },
-- { c = colors.brown, hex = 0x7f664c }
local tool_ctl = {
networked = false ,
set_networked = nil , ---@type function
next_from_plc = nil , ---@type function
back_from_log = nil ---@type function
local function _config_view ( display )
-- window header message
TextBox { parent = display , y = 1 , text = " Reactor PLC Configurator " , alignment = CENTER , height = 1 , fg_bg = style.header }
local root_pane_div = Div { parent = display , x = 1 , y = 2 }
local main_page = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local plc_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local net_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local log_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local main_pane = MultiPane { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 , panes = { main_page , plc_cfg , net_cfg , log_cfg } }
TextBox { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = 2 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Welcome to the Reactor PLC configurator! Please select one of the following options. " }
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = 5 , min_width = 18 , text = " Configure System " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray ) }
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = 7 , min_width = 20 , text = " View Configuration " , callback = function ( ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray ) }
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = 9 , min_width = 28 , text = " Import Legacy 'config.lua' " , callback = function ( ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.cyan ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray ) }
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = 17 , min_width = 6 , text = " Exit " , callback = function ( ) os.queueEvent ( " exit " ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.red ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray ) }
local nav_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white )
local nav_a_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray )
local plc_c_1 = Div { parent = plc_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local plc_c_2 = Div { parent = plc_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local plc_pane = MultiPane { parent = plc_cfg , x = 1 , y = 4 , panes = { plc_c_1 , plc_c_2 } }
TextBox { parent = plc_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " PLC Configuration " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.orange ) }
TextBox { parent = plc_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Would you like to set this PLC as networked? " }
TextBox { parent = plc_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " If you have a supervisor, select the box. You will later be prompted to select the network configuration. If you instead want to use this as a standalone safety system, don't select the box. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray ) }
CheckBox { parent = plc_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 8 , label = " Networked " , box_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.orange , colors.black ) , callback = function ( v ) tool_ctl.set_networked ( v ) end }
PushButton { parent = plc_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = plc_c_1 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = function ( ) plc_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = plc_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Please enter the reactor unit ID for this PLC. " }
TextBox { parent = plc_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 3 , text_align = CENTER , text = " If this is a networked PLC, currently only IDs 1 through 4 are acceptable. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray ) }
TextBox { parent = plc_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 6 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Unit # " }
local u_id = NumberField { parent = plc_c_2 , x = 7 , y = 6 , width = 5 , max_digits = 3 , default = 1 , min = 1 , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white ) }
PushButton { parent = plc_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) plc_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = plc_c_2 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.next_from_plc ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
local net_c_1 = Div { parent = net_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local net_c_2 = Div { parent = net_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local net_c_3 = Div { parent = net_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local net_pane = MultiPane { parent = net_cfg , x = 1 , y = 4 , panes = { net_c_1 , net_c_2 } }
TextBox { parent = net_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Network Configuration " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.lightBlue ) }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Please set the network channels below. " }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Each of the 5 uniquely named channels must be the same for each device in this SCADA network. For multiplayer servers, it is recommended to not use the default channels. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray ) }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 8 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Supervisor Channel " }
NumberField { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 9 , width = 7 , default = 16240 , min = 1 , max = 65535 , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 9 , y = 9 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " [SVR_CHANNEL] " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray ) }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 11 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " PLC Channel " }
NumberField { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 12 , width = 7 , allow_decimal = true , allow_negative = true , default = 16241 , min = 1 , max = 65535 , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 9 , y = 12 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " [PLC_CHANNEL] " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray ) }
PushButton { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = net_c_1 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = function ( ) net_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Optionally, set the facility authentication key below. Do NOT use one of your passwords. " }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 4 , height = 6 , text_align = CENTER , text = " This enables verifying that messages are authentic, so it is intended for security on multiplayer servers. All devices on the same network MUST use the same key if any device has a key. This does result in some extra compution (can slow things down). " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray ) }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 11 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Facility Auth Key " }
TextField { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 12 , width = 32 , height = 1 , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white ) }
PushButton { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) net_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = net_c_2 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 4 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
local log_c_1 = Div { parent = log_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
TextBox { parent = log_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Logging Configuration " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.pink ) }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Please configure logging below. " }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Log File Mode " }
local mode = RadioButton { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 4 , options = { " Append on Startup " , " Replace on Startup " } , callback = function ( ) end , radio_colors = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.black ) , select_color = colors.pink }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 7 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Log File Path " }
TextField { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 8 , width = 49 , height = 1 , value = " /log.txt " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white ) }
CheckBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 10 , label = " Enable Logging Debug Messages " , box_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.pink , colors.black ) , callback = function ( v ) end }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 3 , y = 11 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " This results in much larger log files. It is best to only use this when there is a problem. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray ) }
PushButton { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.back_from_log ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = log_c_1 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 5 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = nav_a_fg_bg }
-- overwrite functions now that we have the elements
function tool_ctl . set_networked ( enable )
tool_ctl.networked = enable
if enable then u_id.set_max ( 4 ) else u_id.set_max ( 999 ) end
function tool_ctl . next_from_plc ( )
if tool_ctl.networked then main_pane.set_value ( 3 ) else main_pane.set_value ( 4 ) end
function tool_ctl . back_from_log ( )
if tool_ctl.networked then main_pane.set_value ( 3 ) else main_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end
function configurator . configure ( )
-- reset terminal
term.setTextColor ( colors.white )
term.setBackgroundColor ( colors.black )
term.clear ( )
term.setCursorPos ( 1 , 1 )
-- set overridden colors
for i = 1 , # style.colors do
term.setPaletteColor ( style.colors [ i ] . c , style.colors [ i ] . hex )
-- init front panel view
local display = DisplayBox { window = term.current ( ) , fg_bg = style.root }
_config_view ( display )
while true do
local event , param1 , param2 , param3 = util.pull_event ( )
-- handle event
if event == " timer " then
-- notify timer callback dispatcher if no other timer case claimed this event
tcd.handle ( param1 )
2023-09-23 16:58:09 +00:00
elseif event == " mouse_click " or event == " mouse_up " or event == " mouse_drag " or event == " mouse_scroll " or event == " double_click " then
2023-09-20 03:52:22 +00:00
-- handle a mouse event
local m_e = core.events . new_mouse_event ( event , param1 , param2 , param3 )
if m_e then display.handle_mouse ( m_e ) end
elseif event == " char " or event == " key " or event == " key_up " then
-- handle a key event
local k_e = core.events . new_key_event ( event , param1 , param2 )
if k_e then display.handle_key ( k_e ) end
elseif event == " paste " then
-- handle a paste event
display.handle_paste ( param1 )
elseif event == " exit " then
-- check for termination request
if event == " terminate " then
println ( " terminate requested, exiting config " )
return false
return configurator