2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- Configuration GUI
local log = require ( " scada-common.log " )
local rsio = require ( " scada-common.rsio " )
local tcd = require ( " scada-common.tcd " )
local util = require ( " scada-common.util " )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
local ppm = require ( " scada-common.ppm " )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local core = require ( " graphics.core " )
local DisplayBox = require ( " graphics.elements.displaybox " )
local Div = require ( " graphics.elements.div " )
local ListBox = require ( " graphics.elements.listbox " )
local MultiPane = require ( " graphics.elements.multipane " )
local TextBox = require ( " graphics.elements.textbox " )
local CheckBox = require ( " graphics.elements.controls.checkbox " )
local PushButton = require ( " graphics.elements.controls.push_button " )
local Radio2D = require ( " graphics.elements.controls.radio_2d " )
local RadioButton = require ( " graphics.elements.controls.radio_button " )
local NumberField = require ( " graphics.elements.form.number_field " )
local TextField = require ( " graphics.elements.form.text_field " )
local println = util.println
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
local tri = util.trinary
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local cpair = core.cpair
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
local IO = rsio.IO
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local LEFT = core.ALIGN . LEFT
local CENTER = core.ALIGN . CENTER
local RIGHT = core.ALIGN . RIGHT
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
-- rsio port descriptions
local PORT_DESC = {
" Facility SCRAM " ,
" Facility Acknowledge " ,
" Reactor SCRAM " ,
" Reactor RPS Reset " ,
" Reactor Enable " ,
" Unit Acknowledge " ,
" Facility Alarm (high prio) " ,
" Facility Alarm (any) " ,
" Waste Plutonium Valve " ,
" Waste Polonium Valve " ,
" Waste Po Pellets Valve " ,
" Waste Antimatter Valve " ,
" Reactor Active " ,
" Reactor in Auto Control " ,
" RPS Tripped " ,
" RPS Auto SCRAM " ,
" RPS High Damage " ,
" RPS High Temperature " ,
" RPS Low Coolant " ,
" RPS Excess Heated Coolant " ,
" RPS Excess Waste " ,
" RPS Insufficient Fuel " ,
" RPS PLC Fault " ,
" RPS Supervisor Timeout " ,
" Unit Alarm " ,
" Unit Emergency Cool. Valve "
-- designation (0 = facility, 1 = unit)
local PORT_DSGN = { [ - 1 ] = 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 }
assert ( # PORT_DESC == rsio.NUM_PORTS )
assert ( # PORT_DSGN == rsio.NUM_PORTS )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- changes to the config data/format to let the user know
local changes = { }
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
---@class rtu_rs_definition
---@field unit integer|nil
---@field port IO_PORT
---@field side side
---@field color color|nil
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
---@class rtu_peri_definition
---@field unit integer|nil
---@field index integer|nil
---@field name string
local RTU_DEV_TYPES = { " boilerValve " , " turbineValve " , " dynamicValve " , " inductionPort " , " spsPort " , " solarNeutronActivator " , " environmentDetector " }
local NEEDS_UNIT = { " boilerValve " , " turbineValve " , " dynamicValve " , " solarNeutronActivator " , " environmentDetector " }
local NEEDS_IDX = { " boilerValve " , " turbineValve " , " dynamicValve " }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
---@class rtu_configurator
local configurator = { }
local style = { }
style.root = cpair ( colors.black , colors.lightGray )
style.header = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray )
style.colors = {
{ c = colors.red , hex = 0xdf4949 } ,
{ c = colors.orange , hex = 0xffb659 } ,
{ c = colors.yellow , hex = 0xfffc79 } ,
{ c = colors.lime , hex = 0x80ff80 } ,
{ c = colors.green , hex = 0x4aee8a } ,
{ c = colors.cyan , hex = 0x34bac8 } ,
{ c = colors.lightBlue , hex = 0x6cc0f2 } ,
{ c = colors.blue , hex = 0x0096ff } ,
{ c = colors.purple , hex = 0xb156ee } ,
{ c = colors.pink , hex = 0xf26ba2 } ,
{ c = colors.magenta , hex = 0xf9488a } ,
{ c = colors.lightGray , hex = 0xcacaca } ,
{ c = colors.gray , hex = 0x575757 }
local bw_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white )
local g_lg_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.lightGray )
local nav_fg_bg = bw_fg_bg
local btn_act_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray )
local tool_ctl = {
ask_config = false ,
has_config = false ,
viewing_config = false ,
importing_legacy = false ,
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
peri_cfg_editing = false , ---@type string|false
peri_cfg_manual = false ,
rs_cfg_editing = false , ---@type integer|false
view_gw_cfg = nil , ---@type graphics_element
dev_cfg = nil , ---@type graphics_element
rs_cfg = nil , ---@type graphics_element
settings_apply = nil , ---@type graphics_element
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
settings_confirm = nil , ---@type graphics_element
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
go_home = nil , ---@type function
gen_summary = nil , ---@type function
show_current_cfg = nil , ---@type function
load_legacy = nil , ---@type function
p_assign = nil , ---@type function
update_peri_list = nil , ---@type function
gen_peri_summary = nil , ---@type function
gen_rs_summary = nil , ---@type function
show_auth_key = nil , ---@type function
show_key_btn = nil , ---@type graphics_element
auth_key_textbox = nil , ---@type graphics_element
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
auth_key_value = " " ,
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
ppm_devs = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_name_msg = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_prompt = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_idx = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_unit = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_assign_btn = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_assign_end = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_desc = nil , ---@type graphics_element
p_desc_ext = nil , ---@type graphics_element
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
p_err = nil , ---@type graphics_element
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
rs_cfg_selection = nil , ---@type graphics_element
rs_cfg_unit_l = nil , ---@type graphics_element
rs_cfg_unit = nil , ---@type graphics_element
rs_cfg_color = nil , ---@type graphics_element
rs_cfg_shortcut = nil ---@type graphics_element
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
---@class rtu_config
local tmp_cfg = {
SpeakerVolume = 1.0 ,
Peripherals = { } ,
Redstone = { } ,
SVR_Channel = nil ,
RTU_Channel = nil ,
ConnTimeout = nil ,
TrustedRange = nil ,
AuthKey = nil ,
LogMode = 0 ,
LogPath = " " ,
LogDebug = false
---@class rtu_config
local ini_cfg = { }
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
---@class rtu_config
local settings_cfg = { }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local fields = {
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
{ " SpeakerVolume " , " Speaker Volume " , 1.0 } ,
{ " SVR_Channel " , " SVR Channel " , 16240 } ,
{ " RTU_Channel " , " RTU Channel " , 16242 } ,
{ " ConnTimeout " , " Connection Timeout " , 5 } ,
{ " TrustedRange " , " Trusted Range " , 0 } ,
{ " AuthKey " , " Facility Auth Key " , " " } ,
{ " LogMode " , " Log Mode " , log.MODE . APPEND } ,
{ " LogPath " , " Log Path " , " /log.txt " } ,
{ " LogDebug " , " Log Debug Messages " , false }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local side_options = { " Top " , " Bottom " , " Left " , " Right " , " Front " , " Back " }
local side_options_map = { " top " , " bottom " , " left " , " right " , " front " , " back " }
local color_options = { " Red " , " Orange " , " Yellow " , " Lime " , " Green " , " Cyan " , " Light Blue " , " Blue " , " Purple " , " Magenta " , " Pink " , " White " , " Light Gray " , " Gray " , " Black " , " Brown " }
local color_options_map = { colors.red , colors.orange , colors.yellow , colors.lime , colors.green , colors.cyan , colors.lightBlue , colors.blue , colors.purple , colors.magenta , colors.pink , colors.white , colors.lightGray , colors.gray , colors.black , colors.brown }
-- convert text representation to index
---@param side string
local function side_to_idx ( side )
for k , v in ipairs ( side_options_map ) do
if v == side then return k end
-- convert color to index
---@param color color
local function color_to_idx ( color )
for k , v in ipairs ( color_options_map ) do
if v == color then return k end
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
-- deep copy peripherals defs
local function deep_copy_peri ( data )
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
local array = { }
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
for _ , d in ipairs ( data ) do table.insert ( array , { unit = d.unit , index = d.index , name = d.name } ) end
return array
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
-- deep copy redstone defs
local function deep_copy_rs ( data )
local array = { }
for _ , d in ipairs ( data ) do table.insert ( array , { unit = d.unit , port = d.port , side = d.side , color = d.color } ) end
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
return array
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- load data from the settings file
---@param target rtu_config
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
---@param raw boolean? true to not use default values
local function load_settings ( target , raw )
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
for k , _ in pairs ( tmp_cfg ) do settings.unset ( k ) end
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
local loaded = settings.load ( " /rtu.settings " )
for _ , v in pairs ( fields ) do target [ v [ 1 ] ] = settings.get ( v [ 1 ] , tri ( raw , nil , v [ 3 ] ) ) end
target.Peripherals = settings.get ( " Peripherals " , tri ( raw , nil , { } ) )
target.Redstone = settings.get ( " Redstone " , tri ( raw , nil , { } ) )
return loaded
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- create the config view
---@param display graphics_element
local function config_view ( display )
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
local function exit ( ) os.queueEvent ( " terminate " ) end
TextBox { parent = display , y = 1 , text = " RTU Gateway Configurator " , alignment = CENTER , height = 1 , fg_bg = style.header }
local root_pane_div = Div { parent = display , x = 1 , y = 2 }
local main_page = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local spkr_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local net_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local log_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local summary = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local changelog = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local peri_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local rs_cfg = Div { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 }
local main_pane = MultiPane { parent = root_pane_div , x = 1 , y = 1 , panes = { main_page , spkr_cfg , net_cfg , log_cfg , summary , changelog , peri_cfg , rs_cfg } }
--#region MAIN PAGE
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
local y_start = 2
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
if tool_ctl.ask_config then
TextBox { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = y_start , height = 4 , width = 49 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Notice: This device has no valid config so the configurator has been automatically started. If you previously had a valid config, you may want to check the Change Log to see what changed. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) }
y_start = y_start + 5
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
TextBox { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = 2 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Welcome to the RTU gateway configurator! Please select one of the following options. " }
y_start = y_start + 3
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local function view_config ( )
tool_ctl.viewing_config = true
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
tool_ctl.gen_summary ( settings_cfg )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
tool_ctl.settings_apply . hide ( true )
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
tool_ctl.settings_confirm . hide ( true )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
main_pane.set_value ( 5 )
if fs.exists ( " /rtu/config.lua " ) then
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = y_start , min_width = 28 , text = " Import Legacy 'config.lua' " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.load_legacy ( ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.cyan ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
y_start = y_start + 2
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
local function show_peri_conns ( )
tool_ctl.gen_peri_summary ( ini_cfg )
main_pane.set_value ( 7 )
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
local function show_rs_conns ( )
tool_ctl.gen_rs_summary ( ini_cfg )
main_pane.set_value ( 8 )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = y_start , min_width = 19 , text = " Configure Gateway " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
tool_ctl.view_gw_cfg = PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = y_start + 2 , min_width = 28 , text = " View Gateway Configuration " , callback = view_config , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg , dis_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
tool_ctl.dev_cfg = PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = y_start + 4 , min_width = 24 , text = " Peripheral Connections " , callback = show_peri_conns , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.yellow ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg , dis_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
tool_ctl.rs_cfg = PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = y_start + 6 , min_width = 22 , text = " Redstone Connections " , callback = show_rs_conns , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.yellow ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg , dis_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
if not tool_ctl.has_config then
tool_ctl.view_gw_cfg . disable ( )
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
tool_ctl.dev_cfg . disable ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg . disable ( )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 2 , y = 17 , min_width = 6 , text = " Exit " , callback = exit , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.red ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = main_page , x = 39 , y = 17 , min_width = 12 , text = " Change Log " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 6 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
local spkr_c = Div { parent = spkr_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
TextBox { parent = spkr_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Speaker Configuration " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.cyan ) }
TextBox { parent = spkr_c , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Speakers can be connected to this RTU gateway without RTU unit configuration entries. " }
TextBox { parent = spkr_c , x = 1 , y = 4 , height = 3 , text_align = CENTER , text = " You can change the speaker audio volume from the default. The range is 0.0 to 3.0, where 1.0 is standard volume. " }
local s_vol = NumberField { parent = spkr_c , x = 1 , y = 8 , width = 9 , max_digits = 7 , allow_decimal = true , default = ini_cfg.SpeakerVolume , min = 0 , max = 3 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = spkr_c , x = 1 , y = 10 , height = 3 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Note: alarm sine waves are at half scale so that multiple will be required to reach full scale. " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
local s_vol_err = TextBox { parent = spkr_c , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " Please set a volume. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
local function submit_vol ( )
local vol = tonumber ( s_vol.get_value ( ) )
if vol ~= nil then
s_vol_err.hide ( true )
tmp_cfg.SpeakerVolume = vol
main_pane.set_value ( 3 )
else s_vol_err.show ( ) end
PushButton { parent = spkr_c , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = spkr_c , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = submit_vol , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
--#region NET CONFIG
local net_c_1 = Div { parent = net_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local net_c_2 = Div { parent = net_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local net_c_3 = Div { parent = net_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local net_pane = MultiPane { parent = net_cfg , x = 1 , y = 4 , panes = { net_c_1 , net_c_2 , net_c_3 } }
TextBox { parent = net_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Network Configuration " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.lightBlue ) }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Please set the network channels below. " }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Each of the 5 uniquely named channels, including the 2 below, must be the same for each device in this SCADA network. For multiplayer servers, it is recommended to not use the default channels. " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 8 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Supervisor Channel " }
local svr_chan = NumberField { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 9 , width = 7 , default = ini_cfg.SVR_Channel , min = 1 , max = 65535 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 9 , y = 9 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " [SVR_CHANNEL] " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 11 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " RTU Channel " }
local rtu_chan = NumberField { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 12 , width = 7 , default = ini_cfg.RTU_Channel , min = 1 , max = 65535 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 9 , y = 12 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " [RTU_CHANNEL] " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
local chan_err = TextBox { parent = net_c_1 , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
local function submit_channels ( )
local svr_c = tonumber ( svr_chan.get_value ( ) )
local rtu_c = tonumber ( rtu_chan.get_value ( ) )
if svr_c ~= nil and rtu_c ~= nil then
tmp_cfg.SVR_Channel = svr_c
tmp_cfg.RTU_Channel = rtu_c
net_pane.set_value ( 2 )
chan_err.hide ( true )
elseif svr_c == nil then
chan_err.set_value ( " Please set the supervisor channel. " )
chan_err.show ( )
chan_err.set_value ( " Please set the RTU channel. " )
chan_err.show ( )
PushButton { parent = net_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = net_c_1 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = submit_channels , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Connection Timeout " }
local timeout = NumberField { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 2 , width = 7 , default = ini_cfg.ConnTimeout , min = 2 , max = 25 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 9 , y = 2 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " seconds (default 5) " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " You generally do not want or need to modify this. On slow servers, you can increase this to make the system wait longer before assuming a disconnection. " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 8 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Trusted Range " }
local range = NumberField { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 9 , width = 10 , default = ini_cfg.TrustedRange , min = 0 , max_digits = 20 , allow_decimal = true , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 10 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Setting this to a value larger than 0 prevents connections with devices that many meters (blocks) away in any direction. " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
local p2_err = TextBox { parent = net_c_2 , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
local function submit_ct_tr ( )
local timeout_val = tonumber ( timeout.get_value ( ) )
local range_val = tonumber ( range.get_value ( ) )
if timeout_val ~= nil and range_val ~= nil then
tmp_cfg.ConnTimeout = timeout_val
tmp_cfg.TrustedRange = range_val
net_pane.set_value ( 3 )
p2_err.hide ( true )
elseif timeout_val == nil then
p2_err.set_value ( " Please set the connection timeout. " )
p2_err.show ( )
p2_err.set_value ( " Please set the trusted range. " )
p2_err.show ( )
PushButton { parent = net_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) net_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = net_c_2 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = submit_ct_tr , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Optionally, set the facility authentication key below. Do NOT use one of your passwords. " }
TextBox { parent = net_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 4 , height = 6 , text_align = CENTER , text = " This enables verifying that messages are authentic, so it is intended for security on multiplayer servers. All devices on the same network MUST use the same key if any device has a key. This does result in some extra compution (can slow things down). " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = net_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 11 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Facility Auth Key " }
local key , _ , censor = TextField { parent = net_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 12 , max_len = 64 , value = ini_cfg.AuthKey , width = 32 , height = 1 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
local function censor_key ( enable ) censor ( util.trinary ( enable , " * " , nil ) ) end
local hide_key = CheckBox { parent = net_c_3 , x = 34 , y = 12 , label = " Hide " , box_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightBlue , colors.black ) , callback = censor_key }
hide_key.set_value ( true )
censor_key ( true )
local key_err = TextBox { parent = net_c_3 , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " Key must be at least 8 characters. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
local function submit_auth ( )
local v = key.get_value ( )
if string.len ( v ) == 0 or string.len ( v ) >= 8 then
tmp_cfg.AuthKey = key.get_value ( )
main_pane.set_value ( 4 )
key_err.hide ( true )
else key_err.show ( ) end
PushButton { parent = net_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) net_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = net_c_3 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = submit_auth , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
--#region LOG CONFIG
local log_c_1 = Div { parent = log_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
TextBox { parent = log_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Logging Configuration " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.pink ) }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Please configure logging below. " }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Log File Mode " }
local mode = RadioButton { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 4 , default = ini_cfg.LogMode + 1 , options = { " Append on Startup " , " Replace on Startup " } , callback = function ( ) end , radio_colors = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.black ) , select_color = colors.pink }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 7 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Log File Path " }
local path = TextField { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 8 , width = 49 , height = 1 , value = ini_cfg.LogPath , max_len = 128 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
local en_dbg = CheckBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 10 , default = ini_cfg.LogDebug , label = " Enable Logging Debug Messages " , box_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.pink , colors.black ) }
TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 3 , y = 11 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " This results in much larger log files. It is best to only use this when there is a problem. " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
local path_err = TextBox { parent = log_c_1 , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " Please provide a log file path. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
local function submit_log ( )
if path.get_value ( ) ~= " " then
path_err.hide ( true )
tmp_cfg.LogMode = mode.get_value ( ) - 1
tmp_cfg.LogPath = path.get_value ( )
tmp_cfg.LogDebug = en_dbg.get_value ( )
tool_ctl.gen_summary ( tmp_cfg )
tool_ctl.viewing_config = false
tool_ctl.importing_legacy = false
tool_ctl.settings_apply . show ( )
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
tool_ctl.settings_confirm . hide ( true )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
main_pane.set_value ( 5 )
else path_err.show ( ) end
PushButton { parent = log_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 3 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = log_c_1 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = submit_log , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
local sum_c_1 = Div { parent = summary , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local sum_c_2 = Div { parent = summary , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local sum_c_3 = Div { parent = summary , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local sum_c_4 = Div { parent = summary , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
local sum_c_5 = Div { parent = summary , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local sum_c_6 = Div { parent = summary , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
local sum_pane = MultiPane { parent = summary , x = 1 , y = 4 , panes = { sum_c_1 , sum_c_2 , sum_c_3 , sum_c_4 , sum_c_5 , sum_c_6 } }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
TextBox { parent = summary , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Summary " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) }
local setting_list = ListBox { parent = sum_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 12 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 100 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
local function back_from_settings ( )
if tool_ctl.viewing_config or tool_ctl.importing_legacy then
main_pane.set_value ( 1 )
tool_ctl.viewing_config = false
tool_ctl.importing_legacy = false
main_pane.set_value ( 4 )
---@param element graphics_element
---@param data any
local function try_set ( element , data )
if data ~= nil then element.set_value ( data ) end
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
---@param exclude_conns boolean? true to exclude saving peripheral/redstone connections
local function save_and_continue ( exclude_conns )
for k , v in pairs ( tmp_cfg ) do
if not ( exclude_conns and ( k == " Peripherals " or k == " Redstone " ) ) then settings.set ( k , v ) end
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
if settings.save ( " rtu.settings " ) then
load_settings ( ini_cfg )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
load_settings ( settings_cfg , true )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
try_set ( s_vol , ini_cfg.SpeakerVolume )
try_set ( svr_chan , ini_cfg.SVR_Channel )
try_set ( rtu_chan , ini_cfg.RTU_Channel )
try_set ( timeout , ini_cfg.ConnTimeout )
try_set ( range , ini_cfg.TrustedRange )
try_set ( key , ini_cfg.AuthKey )
try_set ( mode , ini_cfg.LogMode )
try_set ( path , ini_cfg.LogPath )
try_set ( en_dbg , ini_cfg.LogDebug )
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
if not exclude_conns then
tmp_cfg.Peripherals = deep_copy_peri ( ini_cfg.Peripherals )
tmp_cfg.Redstone = deep_copy_rs ( ini_cfg.Redstone )
tool_ctl.update_peri_list ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
tool_ctl.dev_cfg . enable ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg . enable ( )
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.view_gw_cfg . enable ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
if tool_ctl.importing_legacy then
tool_ctl.importing_legacy = false
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
sum_pane.set_value ( 5 )
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
else sum_pane.set_value ( 4 ) end
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
else sum_pane.set_value ( 6 ) end
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
PushButton { parent = sum_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = back_from_settings , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
tool_ctl.show_key_btn = PushButton { parent = sum_c_1 , x = 8 , y = 14 , min_width = 17 , text = " Unhide Auth Key " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.show_auth_key ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg , dis_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.settings_apply = PushButton { parent = sum_c_1 , x = 43 , y = 14 , min_width = 7 , text = " Apply " , callback = function ( ) save_and_continue ( true ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
tool_ctl.settings_confirm = PushButton { parent = sum_c_1 , x = 41 , y = 14 , min_width = 9 , text = " Confirm " , callback = function ( ) sum_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
tool_ctl.settings_confirm . hide ( )
TextBox { parent = sum_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " The following peripherals will be imported: " }
local peri_import_list = ListBox { parent = sum_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 10 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 1000 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
PushButton { parent = sum_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) sum_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = sum_c_2 , x = 41 , y = 14 , min_width = 9 , text = " Confirm " , callback = function ( ) sum_pane.set_value ( 3 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
TextBox { parent = sum_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " The following redstone entries will be imported: " }
local rs_import_list = ListBox { parent = sum_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 10 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 1000 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
PushButton { parent = sum_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) sum_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = sum_c_3 , x = 43 , y = 14 , min_width = 7 , text = " Apply " , callback = save_and_continue , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = sum_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Settings saved! " }
PushButton { parent = sum_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Home " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.go_home ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = sum_c_4 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Exit " , callback = exit , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.red ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray ) }
TextBox { parent = sum_c_5 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " The old config.lua file will now be deleted, then the configurator will exit. " }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local function delete_legacy ( )
fs.delete ( " /rtu/config.lua " )
exit ( )
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
PushButton { parent = sum_c_5 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 8 , text = " Cancel " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.go_home ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = sum_c_5 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " OK " , callback = delete_legacy , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray ) }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
TextBox { parent = sum_c_6 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 5 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Failed to save the settings file. \n \n There may not be enough space for the modification or server file permissions may be denying writes. " }
PushButton { parent = sum_c_6 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Home " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.go_home ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = sum_c_6 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Exit " , callback = exit , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.red ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.gray ) }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local cl = Div { parent = changelog , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
TextBox { parent = changelog , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Config Change Log " , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
local c_log = ListBox { parent = cl , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 12 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 100 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
for _ , change in ipairs ( changes ) do
TextBox { parent = c_log , text = change [ 1 ] , height = 1 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
for _ , v in ipairs ( change [ 2 ] ) do
local e = Div { parent = c_log , height =# util.strwrap ( v , 46 ) }
TextBox { parent = e , y = 1 , x = 1 , text = " - " , height = 1 , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = e , y = 1 , x = 3 , text = v , height = e.get_height ( ) , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
PushButton { parent = cl , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
--#region DEVICES
local peri_c_1 = Div { parent = peri_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local peri_c_2 = Div { parent = peri_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local peri_c_3 = Div { parent = peri_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local peri_c_4 = Div { parent = peri_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local peri_c_5 = Div { parent = peri_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local peri_c_6 = Div { parent = peri_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local peri_c_7 = Div { parent = peri_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local peri_pane = MultiPane { parent = peri_cfg , x = 1 , y = 4 , panes = { peri_c_1 , peri_c_2 , peri_c_3 , peri_c_4 , peri_c_5 , peri_c_6 , peri_c_7 } }
TextBox { parent = peri_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Peripheral Connections " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.purple ) }
local peri_list = ListBox { parent = peri_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 12 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 1000 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
local function peri_revert ( )
tmp_cfg.Peripherals = deep_copy_peri ( ini_cfg.Peripherals )
tool_ctl.gen_peri_summary ( tmp_cfg )
local function peri_apply ( )
settings.set ( " Peripherals " , tmp_cfg.Peripherals )
if settings.save ( " rtu.settings " ) then
load_settings ( ini_cfg )
load_settings ( settings_cfg , true )
peri_pane.set_value ( 5 )
peri_pane.set_value ( 6 )
PushButton { parent = peri_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_1 , x = 8 , y = 14 , min_width = 16 , text = " Revert Changes " , callback = peri_revert , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.yellow ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_1 , x = 35 , y = 14 , min_width = 7 , text = " Add + " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_1 , x = 43 , y = 14 , min_width = 7 , text = " Apply " , callback = peri_apply , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = peri_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = " Select one of the below devices to use. " }
tool_ctl.ppm_devs = ListBox { parent = peri_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 10 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 1000 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
PushButton { parent = peri_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
PushButton { parent = peri_c_2 , x = 8 , y = 14 , min_width = 10 , text = " Manual + " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 3 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.orange ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_2 , x = 26 , y = 14 , min_width = 24 , text = " I don't see my device! " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 7 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.yellow ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
TextBox { parent = peri_c_7 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 10 , text = " Make sure your device is either touching the RTU, or connected via wired modems. There should be a wired modem on a side of the RTU then one on the device, connected by a cable. The modem on the device needs to be right clicked to connect it (which will turn its border red), at which point the peripheral name will be shown in the chat. " }
TextBox { parent = peri_c_7 , x = 1 , y = 9 , height = 4 , text = " If it still does not show, it may not be compatible. Currently only Boilers, Turbines, Dynamic Tanks, SNAs, SPSs, Induction Matricies, and Environment Detectors are supported. " }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_7 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
local new_peri_attrs = { " " , " " }
local function new_peri ( name , type )
new_peri_attrs = { name , type }
tool_ctl.peri_cfg_editing = false
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_err . hide ( true )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_name_msg . set_value ( " Configuring peripheral on ' " .. name .. " ': " )
tool_ctl.p_desc_ext . set_value ( " " )
if type == " boilerValve " then
tool_ctl.p_prompt . set_value ( " This is the # boiler for reactor unit # . " )
tool_ctl.p_idx . show ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . redraw ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . set_max ( 2 )
tool_ctl.p_unit . reposition ( 44 , 4 )
tool_ctl.p_unit . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_desc . reposition ( 1 , 7 )
tool_ctl.p_desc . set_value ( " Each unit can have at most 2 boilers. Boiler #1 shows up first on the main display, followed by boiler #2 below it. These numberings are independent of which RTU they are connected to. For example, one RTU can have boiler #1 and another can have #2, but both cannot have #1. " )
elseif type == " turbineValve " then
tool_ctl.p_prompt . set_value ( " This is the # turbine for reactor unit # . " )
tool_ctl.p_idx . show ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . redraw ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . set_max ( 3 )
tool_ctl.p_unit . reposition ( 45 , 4 )
tool_ctl.p_unit . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_desc . reposition ( 1 , 7 )
tool_ctl.p_desc . set_value ( " Each unit can have at most 3 turbines. Turbine #1 shows up first on the main display, followed by #2 then #3 below it. These numberings are independent of which RTU they are connected to. For example, one RTU can have turbine #1 and another can have #2, but both cannot have #1. " )
elseif type == " solarNeutronActivator " then
tool_ctl.p_idx . hide ( )
tool_ctl.p_prompt . set_value ( " This SNA is for reactor unit # . " )
tool_ctl.p_unit . reposition ( 31 , 4 )
tool_ctl.p_unit . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_desc_ext . set_value ( " Before adding lots of SNAs: multiply the \" PEAK \" rate on the flow monitor (after connecting at least 1 SNA) by 10 to get the mB/t of waste that they can process. Enough SNAs to provide 2x to 3x of your max burn rate should be a good margin to catch up after night or cloudy weather. Too many devices (such as SNAs) on one RTU can cause lag. " )
elseif type == " dynamicValve " then
tool_ctl.p_prompt . set_value ( " This is the # dynamic tank for... " )
tool_ctl.p_idx . show ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . redraw ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . set_max ( 4 )
tool_ctl.p_unit . reposition ( 18 , 6 )
if tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . get_value ( ) == 1 then
tool_ctl.p_idx . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_unit . disable ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . set_value ( 1 )
tool_ctl.p_idx . disable ( )
tool_ctl.p_unit . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . show ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . redraw ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . show ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . redraw ( )
tool_ctl.p_desc . reposition ( 1 , 8 )
tool_ctl.p_desc . set_value ( " Each reactor unit can have at most 1 tank and the facility can have at most 4. Each facility tank must have a unique # 1 through 4, regardless of where it is connected. Only a total of 4 tanks can be displayed on the flow monitor. " )
elseif type == " environmentDetector " then
tool_ctl.p_idx . hide ( )
tool_ctl.p_prompt . set_value ( " This will be an environment detector for... " )
tool_ctl.p_unit . reposition ( 18 , 6 )
if tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . get_value ( ) == 1 then tool_ctl.p_unit . disable ( ) else tool_ctl.p_unit . enable ( ) end
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . show ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . redraw ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . show ( )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . redraw ( )
tool_ctl.p_desc . reposition ( 1 , 8 )
tool_ctl.p_desc . set_value ( " You can connect more than one environment detector for a particular unit or the facility, in which case the maximum radiation reading from those assigned to that particular unit or the facility will be used. " )
elseif type == " inductionPort " or type == " spsPort " then
local dev = util.trinary ( type == " inductionPort " , " induction matrix " , " SPS " )
tool_ctl.p_idx . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_unit . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_prompt . set_value ( " This will be the " .. dev .. " for the facility. " )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_assign_end . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.p_desc . reposition ( 1 , 7 )
tool_ctl.p_desc . set_value ( " There can only be one of these devices per SCADA network, so it will be assigned as the sole " .. dev .. " for the facility. There must only be one of these across all the RTUs you have. " )
assert ( false , " invalid peripheral type after type validation " )
peri_pane.set_value ( 4 )
-- update peripherals list
function tool_ctl . update_peri_list ( )
local alternate = true
local mounts = ppm.list_mounts ( )
-- filter out in-use peripherals
for _ , v in ipairs ( tmp_cfg.Peripherals ) do mounts [ v.name ] = nil end
tool_ctl.ppm_devs . remove_all ( )
for name , entry in pairs ( mounts ) do
if util.table_contains ( RTU_DEV_TYPES , entry.type ) then
local bkg = util.trinary ( alternate , colors.white , colors.lightGray )
---@cast entry ppm_entry
local line = Div { parent = tool_ctl.ppm_devs , height = 2 , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , bkg ) }
PushButton { parent = line , x = 1 , y = 1 , min_width = 9 , alignment = LEFT , height = 1 , text = " > SELECT " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.peri_cfg_manual = false ; new_peri ( name , entry.type ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.purple ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.black ) }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 11 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = name , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , bkg ) }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 11 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text = entry.type , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , bkg ) }
alternate = not alternate
tool_ctl.update_peri_list ( )
TextBox { parent = peri_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " This feature is intended for advanced users. If you are clicking this just because your device is not shown, follow the connection instructions in 'I don't see my device!'. " }
TextBox { parent = peri_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 6 , height = 4 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Peripheral Name " }
local p_name = TextField { parent = peri_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 7 , width = 49 , height = 1 , max_len = 128 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
local p_type = Radio2D { parent = peri_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 9 , rows = 4 , columns = 2 , default = 1 , options = RTU_DEV_TYPES , radio_colors = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.black ) , select_color = colors.purple }
local man_p_err = TextBox { parent = peri_c_3 , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " Please enter a peripheral name. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
man_p_err.hide ( true )
local function submit_manual_peri ( )
local name = p_name.get_value ( )
if string.len ( name ) > 0 then
tool_ctl.entering_manual = true
man_p_err.hide ( true )
new_peri ( name , RTU_DEV_TYPES [ p_type.get_value ( ) ] )
else man_p_err.show ( ) end
PushButton { parent = peri_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_3 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Next \x1a " , callback = submit_manual_peri , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
tool_ctl.p_name_msg = TextBox { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " " }
tool_ctl.p_prompt = TextBox { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 4 , height = 2 , text_align = CENTER , text = " " }
tool_ctl.p_idx = NumberField { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 14 , y = 4 , width = 4 , max_digits = 2 , min = 1 , max = 2 , default = 1 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , dis_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn = RadioButton { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 5 , default = 1 , options = { " the facility. " , " a unit. (unit # " } , callback = function ( v ) tool_ctl.p_assign ( v ) end , radio_colors = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.black ) , select_color = colors.purple }
tool_ctl.p_assign_end = TextBox { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 22 , y = 6 , height = 6 , width = 1 , text_align = LEFT , text = " ) " }
tool_ctl.p_unit = NumberField { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 44 , y = 4 , width = 4 , max_digits = 2 , min = 1 , max = 4 , default = 1 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , dis_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
tool_ctl.p_unit . disable ( )
function tool_ctl . p_assign ( opt )
if opt == 1 then
tool_ctl.p_unit . disable ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_unit . enable ( )
tool_ctl.p_idx . set_value ( 1 )
tool_ctl.p_idx . disable ( )
tool_ctl.p_desc = TextBox { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 7 , height = 6 , text_align = LEFT , text = " " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
tool_ctl.p_desc_ext = TextBox { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 6 , height = 7 , text_align = LEFT , text = " " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_err = TextBox { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
tool_ctl.p_err . hide ( true )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
local function back_from_peri_opts ( )
if tool_ctl.peri_cfg_editing ~= false then
peri_pane.set_value ( 1 )
elseif tool_ctl.entering_manual then
peri_pane.set_value ( 3 )
peri_pane.set_value ( 2 )
tool_ctl.entering_manual = false
local function save_peri_entry ( )
local peri_name = new_peri_attrs [ 1 ]
local peri_type = new_peri_attrs [ 2 ]
local unit , index = nil , nil
local for_facility = tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . get_value ( ) == 1
local u = tonumber ( tool_ctl.p_unit . get_value ( ) )
local idx = tonumber ( tool_ctl.p_idx . get_value ( ) )
if util.table_contains ( NEEDS_UNIT , peri_type ) then
if ( peri_type == " dynamicValve " or peri_type == " environmentDetector " ) and for_facility then
-- skip
elseif not ( util.is_int ( u ) and u > 0 and u < 5 ) then
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_err . set_value ( " Unit ID must be within 1 through 4. " )
tool_ctl.p_err . show ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
else unit = u end
if peri_type == " boilerValve " then
if not ( idx == 1 or idx == 2 ) then
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_err . set_value ( " Index must be 1 or 2. " )
tool_ctl.p_err . show ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
else index = idx end
elseif peri_type == " turbineValve " then
if not ( idx == 1 or idx == 2 or idx == 3 ) then
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_err . set_value ( " Index must be 1, 2, or 3. " )
tool_ctl.p_err . show ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
else index = idx end
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
elseif peri_type == " dynamicValve " and for_facility then
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
if not ( util.is_int ( idx ) and idx > 0 and idx < 5 ) then
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_err . set_value ( " Index must be within 1 through 4. " )
tool_ctl.p_err . show ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
else index = idx end
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
tool_ctl.p_err . hide ( true )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
---@type rtu_peri_definition
local def = { name = peri_name , unit = unit , index = index }
if tool_ctl.peri_cfg_editing == false then
table.insert ( tmp_cfg.Peripherals , def )
def.name = tmp_cfg.Peripherals [ tool_ctl.peri_cfg_editing ] . name
tmp_cfg.Peripherals [ tool_ctl.peri_cfg_editing ] = def
peri_pane.set_value ( 1 )
tool_ctl.gen_peri_summary ( tmp_cfg )
tool_ctl.p_idx . set_value ( 1 )
PushButton { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = back_from_peri_opts , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_4 , x = 41 , y = 14 , min_width = 9 , text = " Confirm " , callback = save_peri_entry , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = peri_c_5 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Settings saved! " }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_5 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_5 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Home " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.go_home ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = peri_c_6 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 5 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Failed to save the settings file. \n \n There may not be enough space for the modification or server file permissions may be denying writes. " }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_6 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) peri_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = peri_c_6 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Home " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.go_home ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
--#region REDSTONE
local rs_c_1 = Div { parent = rs_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local rs_c_2 = Div { parent = rs_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local rs_c_3 = Div { parent = rs_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local rs_c_4 = Div { parent = rs_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local rs_c_5 = Div { parent = rs_cfg , x = 2 , y = 4 , width = 49 }
local rs_pane = MultiPane { parent = rs_cfg , x = 1 , y = 4 , panes = { rs_c_1 , rs_c_2 , rs_c_3 , rs_c_4 , rs_c_5 } }
TextBox { parent = rs_cfg , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Redstone Connections " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.red ) }
TextBox { parent = rs_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = " port side/color unit/facility " , fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
local rs_list = ListBox { parent = rs_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 11 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 200 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
local function rs_revert ( )
tmp_cfg.Redstone = deep_copy_rs ( ini_cfg.Redstone )
tool_ctl.gen_rs_summary ( tmp_cfg )
local function rs_apply ( )
settings.set ( " Redstone " , tmp_cfg.Redstone )
if settings.save ( " rtu.settings " ) then
load_settings ( ini_cfg )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
load_settings ( settings_cfg , true )
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
rs_pane.set_value ( 4 )
rs_pane.set_value ( 5 )
PushButton { parent = rs_c_1 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) main_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_1 , x = 8 , y = 14 , min_width = 16 , text = " Revert Changes " , callback = rs_revert , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.yellow ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_1 , x = 35 , y = 14 , min_width = 7 , text = " New + " , callback = function ( ) rs_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_1 , x = 43 , y = 14 , min_width = 7 , text = " Apply " , callback = rs_apply , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = rs_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = " Select one of the below ports to use. " }
local rs_ports = ListBox { parent = rs_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 10 , width = 51 , scroll_height = 200 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg , nav_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg , nav_active = cpair ( colors.black , colors.gray ) }
local new_rs_port = IO.F_SCRAM
local function new_rs ( port )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_editing = false
local text
if port == - 1 then
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_shortcut . show ( )
text = " You selected the ALL_WASTE shortcut. "
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_shortcut . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . show ( )
text = " You selected " .. rsio.to_string ( port ) .. " (for "
if PORT_DSGN [ port ] == 1 then
text = text .. " a unit). "
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit_l . show ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit . show ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit_l . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit . hide ( true )
text = text .. " the facility). "
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_selection . set_value ( text )
new_rs_port = port
rs_pane.set_value ( 3 )
-- add entries to redstone option list
local all_w_macro = Div { parent = rs_ports , height = 1 }
PushButton { parent = all_w_macro , x = 1 , y = 1 , min_width = 14 , alignment = LEFT , height = 1 , text = " >ALL_WASTE " , callback = function ( ) new_rs ( - 1 ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.green ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.black ) }
TextBox { parent = all_w_macro , x = 16 , y = 1 , width = 5 , height = 1 , text = " [n/a] " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = all_w_macro , x = 22 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = " Create all 4 waste entries " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
for i = 1 , rsio.NUM_PORTS do
local name = rsio.to_string ( i )
local io_dir = util.trinary ( rsio.get_io_mode ( i ) == rsio.IO_DIR . IN , " [in] " , " [out] " )
local btn_color = util.trinary ( rsio.get_io_mode ( i ) == rsio.IO_DIR . IN , colors.yellow , colors.lightBlue )
local entry = Div { parent = rs_ports , height = 1 }
PushButton { parent = entry , x = 1 , y = 1 , min_width = 14 , alignment = LEFT , height = 1 , text = " > " .. name , callback = function ( ) new_rs ( i ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , btn_color ) , active_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.white , colors.black ) }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 16 , y = 1 , width = 5 , height = 1 , text = io_dir , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 22 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = PORT_DESC [ i ] , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_2 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) rs_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_selection = TextBox { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " " }
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit_l = TextBox { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 27 , y = 3 , width = 7 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Unit ID " }
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit = NumberField { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 27 , y = 4 , width = 10 , max_digits = 2 , min = 1 , max = 4 , fg_bg = bw_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 3 , width = 11 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Output Side " }
local side = Radio2D { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 4 , rows = 2 , columns = 3 , default = 1 , options = side_options , radio_colors = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.black ) , select_color = colors.red }
local function set_bundled ( bundled )
if bundled then tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . enable ( ) else tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . disable ( ) end
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_shortcut = TextBox { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 9 , height = 4 , text = " This shortcut will add entries for each of the 4 waste outputs. If you select bundled, 4 colors will be assigned to the selected side. Otherwise, 4 default sides will be used. " }
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_shortcut . hide ( true )
local bundled = CheckBox { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 7 , label = " Is Bundled? " , default = false , box_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.black ) , callback = set_bundled }
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color = Radio2D { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 9 , rows = 4 , columns = 4 , default = 1 , options = color_options , radio_colors = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.black ) , color_map = color_options_map , disable_color = colors.gray , disable_fg_bg = g_lg_fg_bg }
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . disable ( )
local rs_err = TextBox { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 8 , y = 14 , height = 1 , width = 35 , text_align = LEFT , text = " Unit ID must be within 1 through 4. " , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.red , colors.lightGray ) , hidden = true }
rs_err.hide ( true )
local function back_from_rs_opts ( )
rs_err.hide ( true )
if tool_ctl.rs_cfg_editing ~= false then rs_pane.set_value ( 1 ) else rs_pane.set_value ( 2 ) end
local function save_rs_entry ( )
local u = tonumber ( tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit . get_value ( ) )
if PORT_DSGN [ new_rs_port ] == 0 or ( util.is_int ( u ) and u > 0 and u < 5 ) then
rs_err.hide ( true )
if new_rs_port >= 0 then
---@type rtu_rs_definition
local def = {
unit = util.trinary ( PORT_DSGN [ new_rs_port ] == 1 , u , nil ) ,
port = new_rs_port ,
side = side_options_map [ side.get_value ( ) ] ,
color = util.trinary ( bundled.get_value ( ) , color_options_map [ tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . get_value ( ) ] , nil )
if tool_ctl.rs_cfg_editing == false then
table.insert ( tmp_cfg.Redstone , def )
def.port = tmp_cfg.Redstone [ tool_ctl.rs_cfg_editing ] . port
tmp_cfg.Redstone [ tool_ctl.rs_cfg_editing ] = def
elseif new_rs_port == - 1 then
local default_sides = { " left " , " back " , " right " , " front " }
local default_colors = { colors.red , colors.orange , colors.yellow , colors.lime }
for i = 0 , 3 do
table.insert ( tmp_cfg.Redstone , {
unit = util.trinary ( PORT_DSGN [ IO.WASTE_PU + i ] == 1 , u , nil ) ,
port = IO.WASTE_PU + i ,
side = util.trinary ( bundled.get_value ( ) , side_options_map [ side.get_value ( ) ] , default_sides [ i + 1 ] ) ,
color = util.trinary ( bundled.get_value ( ) , default_colors [ i + 1 ] , nil )
} )
rs_pane.set_value ( 1 )
tool_ctl.gen_rs_summary ( tmp_cfg )
side.set_value ( 1 )
bundled.set_value ( false )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . set_value ( 1 )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . disable ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
else rs_err.show ( ) end
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
PushButton { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = back_from_rs_opts , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
PushButton { parent = rs_c_3 , x = 41 , y = 14 , min_width = 9 , text = " Confirm " , callback = save_rs_entry , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
TextBox { parent = rs_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Settings saved! " }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_4 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) rs_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_4 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Home " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.go_home ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
TextBox { parent = rs_c_5 , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 5 , text_align = CENTER , text = " Failed to save the settings file. \n \n There may not be enough space for the modification or server file permissions may be denying writes. " }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_5 , x = 1 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " \x1b Back " , callback = function ( ) rs_pane.set_value ( 1 ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
PushButton { parent = rs_c_5 , x = 44 , y = 14 , min_width = 6 , text = " Home " , callback = function ( ) tool_ctl.go_home ( ) end , fg_bg = nav_fg_bg , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- set tool functions now that we have the elements
-- load a legacy config file
function tool_ctl . load_legacy ( )
local config = require ( " rtu.config " )
tmp_cfg.SpeakerVolume = config.SOUNDER_VOLUME
tmp_cfg.SVR_Channel = config.SVR_CHANNEL
tmp_cfg.RTU_Channel = config.RTU_CHANNEL
tmp_cfg.ConnTimeout = config.COMMS_TIMEOUT
tmp_cfg.TrustedRange = config.TRUSTED_RANGE
tmp_cfg.AuthKey = config.AUTH_KEY or " "
tmp_cfg.LogMode = config.LOG_MODE
tmp_cfg.LogPath = config.LOG_PATH
tmp_cfg.LogDebug = config.LOG_DEBUG or false
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
peri_import_list.remove_all ( )
for _ , entry in ipairs ( config.RTU_DEVICES ) do
if entry.for_reactor == 0 then entry.for_reactor = nil end
local def = { name = entry.name , unit = entry.for_reactor , index = entry.index }
table.insert ( tmp_cfg.Peripherals , def )
local desc = " \x1a "
if type ( def.index ) == " number " then
desc = desc .. " # " .. def.index .. " "
if type ( def.unit ) == " number " then
desc = desc .. " for unit " .. def.unit
desc = desc .. " for the facility "
local line = Div { parent = peri_import_list , height = 2 }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = " @ " .. def.name , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text = desc , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
rs_import_list.remove_all ( )
for _ , entry in ipairs ( config.RTU_REDSTONE ) do
if entry.for_reactor == 0 then entry.for_reactor = nil end
for _ , io_entry in ipairs ( entry.io ) do
local def = { unit = entry.for_reactor , port = io_entry.port , side = io_entry.side , color = io_entry.bundled_color }
table.insert ( tmp_cfg.Redstone , def )
local name = rsio.to_string ( def.port )
local io_dir = util.trinary ( rsio.get_io_mode ( def.port ) == rsio.IO_DIR . IN , " \x1a " , " \x1b " )
local conn = def.side
local unit = " facility "
if def.unit then unit = " unit " .. def.unit end
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
if def.color ~= nil then conn = def.side .. " / " .. rsio.color_name ( def.color ) end
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
local line = Div { parent = rs_import_list , height = 1 }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 1 , y = 1 , width = 1 , height = 1 , text = io_dir , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 2 , y = 1 , width = 14 , height = 1 , text = name }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 18 , y = 1 , width = string.len ( conn ) , height = 1 , text = conn , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = line , x = 40 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = unit , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
tool_ctl.gen_summary ( tmp_cfg )
sum_pane.set_value ( 1 )
main_pane.set_value ( 5 )
2023-11-04 19:06:29 +00:00
tool_ctl.settings_apply . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.settings_confirm . show ( )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
tool_ctl.importing_legacy = true
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
-- go back to the home page
function tool_ctl . go_home ( )
main_pane.set_value ( 1 )
net_pane.set_value ( 1 )
sum_pane.set_value ( 1 )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
peri_pane.set_value ( 1 )
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
rs_pane.set_value ( 1 )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- expose the auth key on the summary page
function tool_ctl . show_auth_key ( )
tool_ctl.show_key_btn . disable ( )
tool_ctl.auth_key_textbox . set_value ( tool_ctl.auth_key_value )
-- generate the summary list
---@param cfg rtu_config
function tool_ctl . gen_summary ( cfg )
setting_list.remove_all ( )
local alternate = false
local inner_width = setting_list.get_width ( ) - 1
tool_ctl.show_key_btn . enable ( )
tool_ctl.auth_key_value = cfg.AuthKey or " " -- to show auth key
for i = 1 , # fields do
local f = fields [ i ]
local height = 1
local label_w = string.len ( f [ 2 ] )
local val_max_w = ( inner_width - label_w ) + 1
local raw = cfg [ f [ 1 ] ]
local val = util.strval ( raw )
if f [ 1 ] == " AuthKey " then val = string.rep ( " * " , string.len ( val ) ) end
if f [ 1 ] == " LogMode " then val = util.trinary ( raw == log.MODE . APPEND , " append " , " replace " ) end
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
if val == " nil " then val = " <not set> " end
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
local c = util.trinary ( alternate , g_lg_fg_bg , cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) )
alternate = not alternate
if string.len ( val ) > val_max_w then
local lines = util.strwrap ( val , inner_width )
height = # lines + 1
local line = Div { parent = setting_list , height = height , fg_bg = c }
TextBox { parent = line , text = f [ 2 ] , width = string.len ( f [ 2 ] ) , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , line.get_fg_bg ( ) . bkg ) }
local textbox
if height > 1 then
textbox = TextBox { parent = line , x = 1 , y = 2 , text = val , height = height - 1 , alignment = LEFT }
textbox = TextBox { parent = line , x = label_w + 1 , y = 1 , text = val , alignment = RIGHT }
if f [ 1 ] == " AuthKey " then tool_ctl.auth_key_textbox = textbox end
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
---@param def rtu_peri_definition
---@param idx integer
---@param type string
local function edit_peri_entry ( idx , def , type )
-- set inputs BEFORE calling new_peri()
if def.index ~= nil then tool_ctl.p_idx . set_value ( def.index ) end
if def.unit == nil then
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . set_value ( 1 )
tool_ctl.p_unit . set_value ( def.unit )
tool_ctl.p_assign_btn . set_value ( 2 )
new_peri ( def.name , type )
-- set editing mode AFTER new_peri()
tool_ctl.peri_cfg_editing = idx
local function delete_peri_entry ( idx )
table.remove ( tmp_cfg.Peripherals , idx )
tool_ctl.gen_peri_summary ( tmp_cfg )
-- generate the peripherals summary list
---@param cfg rtu_config
function tool_ctl . gen_peri_summary ( cfg )
peri_list.remove_all ( )
for i = 1 , # cfg.Peripherals do
local def = cfg.Peripherals [ i ] ---@type rtu_peri_definition
local t = ppm.get_type ( def.name )
local t_str = " <disconnected> (connect to edit) "
local disconnected = t == nil
if not disconnected then t_str = " [ " .. t .. " ] " end
local desc = " \x1a "
if type ( def.index ) == " number " then
desc = desc .. " # " .. def.index .. " "
if type ( def.unit ) == " number " then
desc = desc .. " for unit " .. def.unit
desc = desc .. " for the facility "
local entry = Div { parent = peri_list , height = 3 }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 1 , y = 1 , height = 1 , text = " @ " .. def.name , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 1 , y = 2 , height = 1 , text = " \x1a " .. t_str , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 1 , y = 3 , height = 1 , text = desc , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
local edit_btn = PushButton { parent = entry , x = 41 , y = 2 , min_width = 8 , height = 1 , text = " EDIT " , callback = function ( ) edit_peri_entry ( i , def , t or " " ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg , dis_fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
PushButton { parent = entry , x = 41 , y = 3 , min_width = 8 , height = 1 , text = " DELETE " , callback = function ( ) delete_peri_entry ( i ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.red ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
if disconnected then edit_btn.disable ( ) end
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
local function edit_rs_entry ( idx )
local def = tmp_cfg.Redstone [ idx ] ---@type rtu_rs_definition
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_editing = idx
local text = " Editing " .. rsio.to_string ( def.port ) .. " (for "
if PORT_DSGN [ def.port ] == 1 then
text = text .. " a unit). "
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit_l . show ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit . show ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit . set_value ( def.unit or 1 )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit_l . hide ( true )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_unit . hide ( true )
text = text .. " the facility). "
local value = 1
if def.color ~= nil then
value = color_to_idx ( def.color )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . enable ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . disable ( )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_selection . set_value ( text )
side.set_value ( side_to_idx ( def.side ) )
bundled.set_value ( def.color ~= nil )
tool_ctl.rs_cfg_color . set_value ( value )
rs_pane.set_value ( 3 )
local function delete_rs_entry ( idx )
table.remove ( tmp_cfg.Redstone , idx )
tool_ctl.gen_rs_summary ( tmp_cfg )
-- generate the redstone summary list
---@param cfg rtu_config
function tool_ctl . gen_rs_summary ( cfg )
rs_list.remove_all ( )
for i = 1 , # cfg.Redstone do
local def = cfg.Redstone [ i ] ---@type rtu_rs_definition
local name = rsio.to_string ( def.port )
local io_dir = util.trinary ( rsio.get_io_mode ( def.port ) == rsio.IO_DIR . IN , " \x1a " , " \x1b " )
local conn = def.side
local unit = util.strval ( def.unit or " F " )
2023-11-06 14:25:44 +00:00
if def.color ~= nil then conn = def.side .. " / " .. rsio.color_name ( def.color ) end
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
local entry = Div { parent = rs_list , height = 1 }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 1 , y = 1 , width = 1 , height = 1 , text = io_dir , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.lightGray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 2 , y = 1 , width = 14 , height = 1 , text = name }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 16 , y = 1 , width = string.len ( conn ) , height = 1 , text = conn , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
TextBox { parent = entry , x = 33 , y = 1 , width = 1 , height = 1 , text = unit , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.gray , colors.white ) }
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
PushButton { parent = entry , x = 35 , y = 1 , min_width = 6 , height = 1 , text = " EDIT " , callback = function ( ) edit_rs_entry ( i ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.blue ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
PushButton { parent = entry , x = 41 , y = 1 , min_width = 8 , height = 1 , text = " DELETE " , callback = function ( ) delete_rs_entry ( i ) end , fg_bg = cpair ( colors.black , colors.red ) , active_fg_bg = btn_act_fg_bg }
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- reset terminal screen
local function reset_term ( )
term.setTextColor ( colors.white )
term.setBackgroundColor ( colors.black )
term.clear ( )
term.setCursorPos ( 1 , 1 )
-- run the RTU gateway configurator
---@param ask_config? boolean indicate if this is being called by the RTU startup app due to an invalid configuration
function configurator . configure ( ask_config )
tool_ctl.ask_config = ask_config == true
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
tool_ctl.has_config = load_settings ( ini_cfg )
load_settings ( settings_cfg , true )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
tmp_cfg.Peripherals = deep_copy_peri ( ini_cfg.Peripherals )
2023-10-20 03:35:18 +00:00
tmp_cfg.Redstone = deep_copy_rs ( ini_cfg.Redstone )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
reset_term ( )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
ppm.mount_all ( )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
-- set overridden colors
for i = 1 , # style.colors do
term.setPaletteColor ( style.colors [ i ] . c , style.colors [ i ] . hex )
local status , error = pcall ( function ( )
local display = DisplayBox { window = term.current ( ) , fg_bg = style.root }
config_view ( display )
while true do
local event , param1 , param2 , param3 = util.pull_event ( )
-- handle event
if event == " timer " then
-- notify timer callback dispatcher
tcd.handle ( param1 )
elseif event == " mouse_click " or event == " mouse_up " or event == " mouse_drag " or event == " mouse_scroll " or event == " double_click " then
-- handle a mouse event
local m_e = core.events . new_mouse_event ( event , param1 , param2 , param3 )
if m_e then display.handle_mouse ( m_e ) end
elseif event == " char " or event == " key " or event == " key_up " then
-- handle a key event
local k_e = core.events . new_key_event ( event , param1 , param2 )
if k_e then display.handle_key ( k_e ) end
elseif event == " paste " then
-- handle a paste event
display.handle_paste ( param1 )
2023-11-04 17:29:38 +00:00
elseif event == " peripheral_detach " then
ppm.handle_unmount ( param1 )
tool_ctl.update_peri_list ( )
elseif event == " peripheral " then
ppm.mount ( param1 )
tool_ctl.update_peri_list ( )
2023-10-15 17:26:49 +00:00
if event == " terminate " then return end
end )
-- restore colors
for i = 1 , # style.colors do
local r , g , b = term.nativePaletteColor ( style.colors [ i ] . c )
term.setPaletteColor ( style.colors [ i ] . c , r , g , b )
reset_term ( )
if not status then
println ( " configurator error: " .. error )
return status , error
return configurator