diff --git a/coordinator/configure.lua b/coordinator/configure.lua
index 88267cc..c0d3acd 100644
--- a/coordinator/configure.lua
+++ b/coordinator/configure.lua
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ local tool_ctl = {
show_sv_cfg = nil, ---@type function
start_fail = false,
+ fail_message = "",
has_config = false,
viewing_config = false,
importing_legacy = false,
@@ -316,7 +317,8 @@ local function config_view(display)
TextBox{parent=main_page,x=2,y=2,height=2,text="Welcome to the Coordinator configurator! Please select one of the following options."}
if tool_ctl.start_fail == 2 then
- TextBox{parent=main_page,x=2,y=y_start,height=4,width=49,text="Notice: There is a problem with your monitor configuration. You may have lost a monitor or their sizes may be incorrect. Please reconfigure monitors or correct their sizes.",fg_bg=cpair(colors.red,colors.lightGray)}
+ local msg = util.c("Notice: There is a problem with your monitor configuration. ", tool_ctl.fail_message, " Please reconfigure monitors or correct their sizes.")
+ TextBox{parent=main_page,x=2,y=y_start,height=4,width=49,text=msg,fg_bg=cpair(colors.red,colors.lightGray)}
y_start = y_start + 5
elseif tool_ctl.start_fail > 0 then
TextBox{parent=main_page,x=2,y=y_start,height=4,width=49,text="Notice: This device has no valid config so the configurator has been automatically started. If you previously had a valid config, you may want to check the Change Log to see what changed.",fg_bg=cpair(colors.red,colors.lightGray)}
@@ -1218,10 +1220,13 @@ local function reset_term()
term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
--- run the coordinator configurator
----@param start_fail? integer indicate if this is being called by the coordinator startup app due to an invalid configuration
-function configurator.configure(start_fail)
+-- run the coordinator configurator
+-- start_fail of 0 is OK (not expected, default if not provided), 1 is bad config, 2 is bad monitor config
+---@param start_fail? 0|1|2 indicate if this is being called by the startup app due to an invalid configuration
+---@param message? any string message to display on a start_fail of 2
+function configurator.configure(start_fail, message)
tool_ctl.start_fail = start_fail or 0
+ tool_ctl.fail_message = util.trinary(type(message) == "string", message, "")
load_settings(settings_cfg, true)
tool_ctl.has_config = load_settings(ini_cfg)
diff --git a/coordinator/coordinator.lua b/coordinator/coordinator.lua
index 78c5f97..402827c 100644
--- a/coordinator/coordinator.lua
+++ b/coordinator/coordinator.lua
@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@ local process = require("coordinator.process")
local apisessions = require("coordinator.session.apisessions")
-local dialog = require("coordinator.ui.dialog")
-local print = util.print
-local println = util.println
@@ -26,32 +21,76 @@ local LINK_TIMEOUT = 60.0
local coordinator = {}
--- request the user to select a monitor
----@param names table available monitors
----@return boolean|string|nil
-local function ask_monitor(names)
- println("available monitors:")
- for i = 1, #names do
- print(" " .. names[i])
- end
- println("")
- println("select a monitor or type c to cancel")
+---@type crd_config
+local config = {}
- local iface = dialog.ask_options(names, "c")
+coordinator.config = config
- if iface ~= false and iface ~= nil then
- util.filter_table(names, function (x) return x ~= iface end)
+-- load the coordinator configuration
+-- status of 0 is OK, 1 is bad config, 2 is bad monitor config
+---@return 0|1|2 status, nil|monitors_struct|string monitors
+function coordinator.load_config()
+ if not settings.load("/coordinator.settings") then return 1 end
+ config.UnitCount = settings.get("UnitCount")
+ config.SpeakerVolume = settings.get("SpeakerVolume")
+ config.Time24Hour = settings.get("Time24Hour")
+ config.DisableFlowView = settings.get("DisableFlowView")
+ config.MainDisplay = settings.get("MainDisplay")
+ config.FlowDisplay = settings.get("FlowDisplay")
+ config.UnitDisplays = settings.get("UnitDisplays")
+ config.SVR_Channel = settings.get("SVR_Channel")
+ config.CRD_Channel = settings.get("CRD_Channel")
+ config.PKT_Channel = settings.get("PKT_Channel")
+ config.SVR_Timeout = settings.get("SVR_Timeout")
+ config.API_Timeout = settings.get("API_Timeout")
+ config.TrustedRange = settings.get("TrustedRange")
+ config.AuthKey = settings.get("AuthKey")
+ config.LogMode = settings.get("LogMode")
+ config.LogPath = settings.get("LogPath")
+ config.LogDebug = settings.get("LogDebug")
+ local cfv = util.new_validator()
+ cfv.assert_type_int(config.UnitCount)
+ cfv.assert_range(config.UnitCount, 1, 4)
+ cfv.assert_type_bool(config.Time24Hour)
+ cfv.assert_type_bool(config.DisableFlowView)
+ cfv.assert_type_table(config.UnitDisplays)
+ cfv.assert_type_num(config.SpeakerVolume)
+ cfv.assert_min(config.SpeakerVolume, 0.0)
+ cfv.assert_max(config.SpeakerVolume, 3.0)
+ cfv.assert_channel(config.SVR_Channel)
+ cfv.assert_channel(config.CRD_Channel)
+ cfv.assert_channel(config.PKT_Channel)
+ cfv.assert_type_num(config.SVR_Timeout)
+ cfv.assert_min(config.SVR_Timeout, 2)
+ cfv.assert_type_num(config.API_Timeout)
+ cfv.assert_min(config.API_Timeout, 2)
+ cfv.assert_type_num(config.TrustedRange)
+ cfv.assert_min(config.TrustedRange, 0)
+ cfv.assert_type_str(config.AuthKey)
+ if type(config.AuthKey) == "string" then
+ local len = string.len(config.AuthKey)
+ cfv.assert_eq(len == 0 or len >= 8, true)
- return iface
+ cfv.assert_type_int(config.LogMode)
+ cfv.assert_range(config.LogMode, 0, 1)
+ cfv.assert_type_str(config.LogPath)
+ cfv.assert_type_bool(config.LogDebug)
+ -- Monitor Setup
--- configure monitor layout
----@param num_units integer number of units expected
----@param disable_flow_view boolean disable flow view (legacy)
----@return boolean success, monitors_struct? monitors
-function coordinator.configure_monitors(num_units, disable_flow_view)
---@class monitors_struct
local monitors = {
primary = nil, ---@type table|nil
@@ -62,146 +101,70 @@ function coordinator.configure_monitors(num_units, disable_flow_view)
unit_name_map = {}
- local monitors_avail = ppm.get_monitor_list()
- local names = {}
- local available = {}
+ local mon_cfv = util.new_validator()
-- get all interface names
- for iface, _ in pairs(monitors_avail) do
- table.insert(names, iface)
- table.insert(available, iface)
- end
+ local names = {}
+ for iface, _ in pairs(ppm.get_monitor_list()) do table.insert(names, iface) end
- -- we need a certain number of monitors (1 per unit + 1 primary display + 1 flow display)
- local num_displays_needed = num_units + util.trinary(disable_flow_view, 1, 2)
- if #names < num_displays_needed then
- local message = "not enough monitors connected (need " .. num_displays_needed .. ")"
- println(message)
- log.warning(message)
- return false
- end
+ local function setup_monitors()
+ mon_cfv.assert_type_str(config.MainDisplay)
+ if not config.DisableFlowView then mon_cfv.assert_type_str(config.FlowDisplay) end
+ mon_cfv.assert_eq(#config.UnitDisplays, config.UnitCount)
- -- attempt to load settings
- if not settings.load("/coord.settings") then
- log.warning("configure_monitors(): failed to load coordinator settings file (may not exist yet)")
- else
- local _primary = settings.get("PRIMARY_DISPLAY")
- local _flow = settings.get("FLOW_DISPLAY")
- local _unitd = settings.get("UNIT_DISPLAYS")
+ if mon_cfv.valid() then
+ mon_cfv.assert(util.table_contains(names, config.MainDisplay))
- -- filter out already assigned monitors
- util.filter_table(available, function (x) return x ~= _primary end)
- util.filter_table(available, function (x) return x ~= _flow end)
- if type(_unitd) == "table" then
- util.filter_table(available, function (x) return not util.table_contains(_unitd, x) end)
- end
- end
+ if not mon_cfv.valid() then return 2, "Main monitor is not connected." end
- ---------------------
- ---------------------
+ monitors.primary = ppm.get_periph(config.MainDisplay)
+ monitors.primary_name = config.MainDisplay
- local iface_primary_display = settings.get("PRIMARY_DISPLAY") ---@type boolean|string|nil
+ local w, h = ppm.monitor_block_size(monitors.primary.getSize())
+ mon_cfv.assert(w == 8)
- if not util.table_contains(names, iface_primary_display) then
- println("primary display is not connected")
- local response = dialog.ask_y_n("would you like to change it", true)
- if response == false then return false end
- iface_primary_display = nil
- end
+ if not mon_cfv.valid() then return 2, "Main monitor width is incorrect." end
- while iface_primary_display == nil and #available > 0 do
- iface_primary_display = ask_monitor(available)
- end
+ if not config.DisableFlowView then
+ mon_cfv.assert(util.table_contains(names, config.FlowDisplay))
- if type(iface_primary_display) ~= "string" then return false end
+ if not mon_cfv.valid() then return 2, "Flow monitor is not connected." end
- settings.set("PRIMARY_DISPLAY", iface_primary_display)
- util.filter_table(available, function (x) return x ~= iface_primary_display end)
+ monitors.flow = ppm.get_periph(config.FlowDisplay)
+ monitors.flow_name = config.FlowDisplay
- monitors.primary = ppm.get_periph(iface_primary_display)
- monitors.primary_name = iface_primary_display
+ w, h = ppm.monitor_block_size(monitors.flow.getSize())
+ mon_cfv.assert(w == 8)
- --------------------------
- --------------------------
- if not disable_flow_view then
- local iface_flow_display = settings.get("FLOW_DISPLAY") ---@type boolean|string|nil
- if not util.table_contains(names, iface_flow_display) then
- println("flow monitor display is not connected")
- local response = dialog.ask_y_n("would you like to change it", true)
- if response == false then return false end
- iface_flow_display = nil
- end
- while iface_flow_display == nil and #available > 0 do
- iface_flow_display = ask_monitor(available)
- end
- if type(iface_flow_display) ~= "string" then return false end
- settings.set("FLOW_DISPLAY", iface_flow_display)
- util.filter_table(available, function (x) return x ~= iface_flow_display end)
- monitors.flow = ppm.get_periph(iface_flow_display)
- monitors.flow_name = iface_flow_display
- end
- -------------------
- -------------------
- local unit_displays = settings.get("UNIT_DISPLAYS")
- if unit_displays == nil then
- unit_displays = {}
- for i = 1, num_units do
- local display = nil
- while display == nil and #available > 0 do
- println("please select monitor for unit #" .. i)
- display = ask_monitor(available)
+ if not mon_cfv.valid() then return 2, "Flow monitor width is incorrect." end
- if display == false then return false end
+ for i = 1, config.UnitCount do
+ local display = config.UnitDisplays[i]
- unit_displays[i] = display
- end
- else
- -- make sure all displays are connected
- for i = 1, num_units do
- local display = unit_displays[i]
+ mon_cfv.assert_type_str(display)
+ mon_cfv.assert(util.table_contains(names, display))
- if not util.table_contains(names, display) then
- println("unit #" .. i .. " display is not connected")
- local response = dialog.ask_y_n("would you like to change it", true)
- if response == false then return false end
- display = nil
+ if not mon_cfv.valid() then return 2, "Unit " .. i .. " monitor is not connected." end
+ monitors.unit_displays[i] = ppm.get_periph(display)
+ monitors.unit_name_map[i] = display
+ w, h = ppm.monitor_block_size(monitors.unit_displays[i].getSize())
+ mon_cfv.assert(w == 4 and h == 4)
+ if not mon_cfv.valid() then return 2, "Unit " .. i .. " monitor size is incorrect." end
- while display == nil and #available > 0 do
- display = ask_monitor(available)
- end
- if display == false then return false end
- unit_displays[i] = display
- end
+ else return 2, "Monitor configuration invalid." end
- settings.set("UNIT_DISPLAYS", unit_displays)
- if not settings.save("/coord.settings") then
- log.warning("configure_monitors(): failed to save coordinator settings file")
- end
+ if cfv.valid() then
+ local ok, result, message = pcall(setup_monitors)
+ assert(ok, util.c("fatal error while trying to verify monitors: ", result))
+ if result == 2 then return 2, message end
+ else return 1 end
- for i = 1, #unit_displays do
- monitors.unit_displays[i] = ppm.get_periph(unit_displays[i])
- monitors.unit_name_map[i] = unit_displays[i]
- end
- return true, monitors
+ return 0, monitors
-- dmesg print wrapper
@@ -246,13 +209,8 @@ end
---@param version string coordinator version
---@param nic nic network interface device
----@param num_units integer number of configured units for number of monitors, checked against SV
----@param crd_channel integer port of configured supervisor
----@param svr_channel integer listening port for supervisor replys
----@param pkt_channel integer listening port for pocket API
----@param range integer trusted device connection range
---@param sv_watchdog watchdog
-function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pkt_channel, range, sv_watchdog)
+function coordinator.comms(version, nic, sv_watchdog)
local self = {
sv_linked = false,
sv_addr = comms.BROADCAST,
@@ -267,11 +225,11 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
est_task_done = nil
- comms.set_trusted_range(range)
+ comms.set_trusted_range(config.TrustedRange)
-- configure network channels
- nic.open(crd_channel)
+ nic.open(config.CRD_Channel)
-- link nic to apisessions
@@ -296,7 +254,7 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
pkt.make(msg_type, msg)
s_pkt.make(self.sv_addr, self.sv_seq_num, protocol, pkt.raw_sendable())
- nic.transmit(svr_channel, crd_channel, s_pkt)
+ nic.transmit(config.SVR_Channel, config.CRD_Channel, s_pkt)
self.sv_seq_num = self.sv_seq_num + 1
@@ -310,7 +268,7 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
m_pkt.make(MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH, { ack })
s_pkt.make(packet.src_addr(), packet.seq_num() + 1, PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT, m_pkt.raw_sendable())
- nic.transmit(pkt_channel, crd_channel, s_pkt)
+ nic.transmit(config.PKT_Channel, config.CRD_Channel, s_pkt)
self.last_api_est_acks[packet.src_addr()] = ack
@@ -343,7 +301,7 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
self.est_last = self.est_start
self.est_tick_waiting, self.est_task_done =
- coordinator.log_comms_connecting("attempting to connect to configured supervisor on channel " .. svr_channel)
+ coordinator.log_comms_connecting("attempting to connect to configured supervisor on channel " .. config.SVR_Channel)
@@ -356,7 +314,7 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
if abort then
coordinator.log_comms("supervisor connection attempt cancelled by user")
elseif self.sv_config_err then
- coordinator.log_comms("supervisor cooling configuration invalid, check supervisor config file")
+ coordinator.log_comms("supervisor unit count does not match coordinator unit count, check configs")
elseif not self.sv_linked then
if self.last_est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.DENY then
coordinator.log_comms("supervisor connection attempt denied")
@@ -371,7 +329,7 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
ok = false
elseif self.sv_config_err then
- coordinator.log_comms("supervisor cooling configuration invalid, check supervisor config file")
+ coordinator.log_comms("supervisor unit count does not match coordinator unit count, check configs")
ok = false
elseif (util.time_s() - self.est_last) > 1.0 then
@@ -464,9 +422,9 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
local src_addr = packet.scada_frame.src_addr()
local protocol = packet.scada_frame.protocol()
- if l_chan ~= crd_channel then
+ if l_chan ~= config.CRD_Channel then
log.debug("received packet on unconfigured channel " .. l_chan, true)
- elseif r_chan == pkt_channel then
+ elseif r_chan == config.PKT_Channel then
if not self.sv_linked then
log.debug("discarding pocket API packet before linked to supervisor")
elseif protocol == PROTOCOL.SCADA_CRDN then
@@ -526,7 +484,7 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
log.debug("illegal packet type " .. protocol .. " on pocket channel", true)
- elseif r_chan == svr_channel then
+ elseif r_chan == config.SVR_Channel then
-- check sequence number
if self.sv_r_seq_num == nil then
self.sv_r_seq_num = packet.scada_frame.seq_num()
@@ -699,22 +657,22 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pk
-- connection with supervisor established
if packet.length == 2 then
local est_ack = packet.data[1]
- local config = packet.data[2]
+ local sv_config = packet.data[2]
if est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW then
-- reset to disconnected before validating
- if type(config) == "table" and #config == 2 then
+ if type(sv_config) == "table" and #sv_config == 2 then
-- get configuration
---@class facility_conf
local conf = {
- num_units = config[1], ---@type integer
- cooling = config[2] ---@type sv_cooling_conf
+ num_units = sv_config[1], ---@type integer
+ cooling = sv_config[2] ---@type sv_cooling_conf
- if conf.num_units == num_units then
+ if conf.num_units == config.UnitCount then
-- init io controller
iocontrol.init(conf, public)
diff --git a/coordinator/renderer.lua b/coordinator/renderer.lua
index 5aadbb2..f9c793d 100644
--- a/coordinator/renderer.lua
+++ b/coordinator/renderer.lua
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
local log = require("scada-common.log")
local util = require("scada-common.util")
+local ppm = require("scada-common.ppm")
local iocontrol = require("coordinator.iocontrol")
@@ -93,39 +94,6 @@ function renderer.init_displays()
--- check main display width
----@return boolean width_okay
-function renderer.validate_main_display_width()
- local w, _ = engine.monitors.primary.getSize()
- return w == 164
--- check flow display width
----@return boolean width_okay
-function renderer.validate_flow_display_width()
- local w, _ = engine.monitors.flow.getSize()
- return w == 164
--- check display sizes
----@return boolean valid all unit display dimensions OK
-function renderer.validate_unit_display_sizes()
- local valid = true
- for id, monitor in ipairs(engine.monitors.unit_displays) do
- local w, h = monitor.getSize()
- if w ~= 79 or h ~= 52 then
- log.warning(util.c("RENDERER: unit ", id, " display resolution not 79 wide by 52 tall: ", w, ", ", h))
- valid = false
- end
- end
- return valid
-- initialize the dmesg output window
function renderer.init_dmesg()
local disp_x, disp_y = engine.monitors.primary.getSize()
diff --git a/coordinator/startup.lua b/coordinator/startup.lua
index 2f56527..4301bac 100644
--- a/coordinator/startup.lua
+++ b/coordinator/startup.lua
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ local util = require("scada-common.util")
local core = require("graphics.core")
-local config = require("coordinator.config")
+local configure = require("coordinator.configure")
local coordinator = require("coordinator.coordinator")
local iocontrol = require("coordinator.iocontrol")
local renderer = require("coordinator.renderer")
@@ -34,32 +34,34 @@ local log_comms = coordinator.log_comms
local log_crypto = coordinator.log_crypto
--- config validation
+-- get configuration
-local cfv = util.new_validator()
+-- mount connected devices (required for monitor setup)
-cfv.assert_min(config.SV_TIMEOUT, 2)
-cfv.assert_min(config.API_TIMEOUT, 2)
+local loaded, monitors = coordinator.load_config()
+if loaded ~= 0 then
+ -- try to reconfigure (user action)
+ local success, error = configure.configure(loaded, monitors)
+ if success then
+ loaded, monitors = coordinator.load_config()
+ assert(loaded == 0, util.trinary(loaded == 1, "failed to load valid configuration", "monitor configuration invalid"))
+ else
+ assert(success, "coordinator configuration error: " .. error)
+ end
-assert(cfv.valid(), "bad config file: missing/invalid fields")
+-- passed checks, good now
+---@cast monitors monitors_struct
+local config = coordinator.config
-- log init
-log.init(config.LOG_PATH, config.LOG_MODE, config.LOG_DEBUG == true)
+log.init(config.LogPath, config.LogMode, config.LogDebug)
log.info("BOOTING coordinator.startup " .. COORDINATOR_VERSION)
@@ -77,39 +79,13 @@ local function main()
-- system startup
- -- mount connected devices
- ppm.mount_all()
-- report versions/init fp PSIL
iocontrol.init_fp(COORDINATOR_VERSION, comms.version)
- -- setup monitors
- local configured, monitors = coordinator.configure_monitors(config.NUM_UNITS, config.DISABLE_FLOW_VIEW == true)
- if not configured or monitors == nil then
- println("startup> monitor setup failed")
- log.fatal("monitor configuration failed")
- return
- end
-- init renderer
- renderer.legacy_disable_flow_view(config.DISABLE_FLOW_VIEW == true)
+ renderer.legacy_disable_flow_view(config.DisableFlowView)
- if not renderer.validate_main_display_width() then
- println("startup> main display must be 8 blocks wide")
- log.fatal("main display not wide enough")
- return
- elseif (config.DISABLE_FLOW_VIEW ~= true) and not renderer.validate_flow_display_width() then
- println("startup> flow display must be 8 blocks wide")
- log.fatal("flow display not wide enough")
- return
- elseif not renderer.validate_unit_display_sizes() then
- println("startup> one or more unit display dimensions incorrect; they must be 4x4 blocks")
- log.fatal("unit display dimensions incorrect")
- return
- end
-- lets get started!
@@ -132,7 +108,7 @@ local function main()
local sounder_start = util.time_ms()
log_boot("annunciator alarm speaker connected")
- sounder.init(speaker, config.SOUNDER_VOLUME)
+ sounder.init(speaker, config.SpeakerVolume)
log_boot("tone generation took " .. (util.time_ms() - sounder_start) .. "ms")
log_sys("annunciator alarm configured")
@@ -143,8 +119,8 @@ local function main()
-- message authentication init
- if type(config.AUTH_KEY) == "string" then
- local init_time = network.init_mac(config.AUTH_KEY)
+ if type(config.AuthKey) == "string" and string.len(config.AuthKey) > 0 then
+ local init_time = network.init_mac(config.AuthKey)
log_crypto("HMAC init took " .. init_time .. "ms")
@@ -161,14 +137,13 @@ local function main()
-- create connection watchdog
- local conn_watchdog = util.new_watchdog(config.SV_TIMEOUT)
+ local conn_watchdog = util.new_watchdog(config.SVR_Timeout)
log.debug("startup> conn watchdog created")
-- create network interface then setup comms
local nic = network.nic(modem)
- local coord_comms = coordinator.comms(COORDINATOR_VERSION, nic, config.NUM_UNITS, config.CRD_CHANNEL,
- config.SVR_CHANNEL, config.PKT_CHANNEL, config.TRUSTED_RANGE, conn_watchdog)
+ local coord_comms = coordinator.comms(COORDINATOR_VERSION, nic, conn_watchdog)
log.debug("startup> comms init")
log_comms("comms initialized")
@@ -214,7 +189,7 @@ local function main()
local link_failed = false
local ui_ok = true
- local date_format = util.trinary(config.TIME_24_HOUR, "%X \x04 %A, %B %d %Y", "%r \x04 %A, %B %d %Y")
+ local date_format = util.trinary(config.Time24Hour, "%X \x04 %A, %B %d %Y", "%r \x04 %A, %B %d %Y")
-- start clock
diff --git a/coordinator/ui/dialog.lua b/coordinator/ui/dialog.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 676ae2b..0000000
--- a/coordinator/ui/dialog.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-local completion = require("cc.completion")
-local util = require("scada-common.util")
-local print = util.print
-local dialog = {}
--- ask the user yes or no
----@param question string
----@param default boolean
----@return boolean|nil
-function dialog.ask_y_n(question, default)
- print(question)
- if default == true then
- print(" (Y/n)? ")
- else
- print(" (y/N)? ")
- end
- local response = read(nil, nil)
- if response == "" then
- return default
- elseif response == "Y" or response == "y" then
- return true
- elseif response == "N" or response == "n" then
- return false
- else
- return nil
- end
--- ask the user for an input within a set of options
----@param options table
----@param cancel string
----@return boolean|string|nil
-function dialog.ask_options(options, cancel)
- print("> ")
- local response = read(nil, nil, function(text) return completion.choice(text, options) end)
- if response == cancel then return false end
- if util.table_contains(options, response) then
- return response
- else return nil end
-return dialog