check for table type before checking length, added power conversion/formatting helpers

This commit is contained in:
Mikayla Fischler 2022-09-22 21:31:07 -04:00
parent 50be7f9ca2
commit 4f7775ccb6
8 changed files with 43 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local config = require("coordinator.config")
local coordinator = require("coordinator.coordinator")
local renderer = require("coordinator.renderer")
local COORDINATOR_VERSION = "alpha-v0.4.14"
local COORDINATOR_VERSION = "alpha-v0.4.15"
local print = util.print
local println = util.println

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local core = require("graphics.core")
local util = require("scada-common.util")
local style = require("")
@ -22,11 +23,11 @@ local function new_view(root, x, y, ps)
local lu_col = cpair(colors.gray, colors.gray)
local status = StateIndicator{parent=turbine,x=8,y=1,states=style.turbine.states,value=1,min_width=10}
local prod_rate = DataIndicator{parent=turbine,x=5,y=3,lu_colors=lu_col,label="",unit="MFE",format="%10.2f",value=0,width=16,fg_bg=text_fg_bg}
local prod_rate = DataIndicator{parent=turbine,x=5,y=3,lu_colors=lu_col,label="",unit="FE",format="%10.2f",value=0,width=16,fg_bg=text_fg_bg}
local flow_rate = DataIndicator{parent=turbine,x=5,y=4,lu_colors=lu_col,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%10.0f",value=0,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=text_fg_bg}
ps.subscribe("computed_status", status.update)
ps.subscribe("prod_rate", prod_rate.update)
ps.subscribe("prod_rate", function (val) prod_rate.update(util.joules_to_fe(val)) end)
ps.subscribe("flow_rate", flow_rate.update)
local steam = VerticalBar{parent=turbine,x=2,y=1,fg_bg=cpair(colors.white,colors.gray),height=5,width=2}

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local config = require("reactor-plc.config")
local plc = require("reactor-plc.plc")
local threads = require("reactor-plc.threads")
local R_PLC_VERSION = "beta-v0.8.4"
local R_PLC_VERSION = "beta-v0.8.5"
local print = util.print
local println = util.println

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ local sna_rtu = require("")
local sps_rtu = require("")
local turbinev_rtu = require("")
local RTU_VERSION = "beta-v0.8.1"
local RTU_VERSION = "beta-v0.8.2"
local rtu_t = types.rtu_t

View File

@ -143,8 +143,12 @@ function comms.scada_packet()
if #self.raw >= 3 then
self.seq_num = self.raw[1]
self.protocol = self.raw[2]
self.length = #self.raw[3]
self.payload = self.raw[3]
-- element 3 must be a table
if type(self.raw[3]) == "table" then
self.length = #self.raw[3]
self.payload = self.raw[3]
self.valid = type(self.seq_num) == "number" and

View File

@ -273,34 +273,37 @@ end
-- function util.kFE(fe) return fe / 1000.0 end
-- function util.MFE(fe) return fe / 1000000.0 end
-- function util.GFE(fe) return fe / 1000000000.0 end
-- function util.TFE(fe) return fe / 1000000000000.0 end
-- convert Joules to FE
---@param J number Joules
---@return number FE Forge Energy
function util.joules_to_fe(J) return mekanismEnergyHelper.joulesToFE(J) end
-- convert FE to Joules
---@param FE number Forge Energy
---@return number J Joules
function util.fe_to_joules(FE) return mekanismEnergyHelper.feToJoules(FE) end
-- local function fractional_1s(number)
-- return number == math.round(number)
-- end
local function kFE(fe) return fe / 1000.0 end
local function MFE(fe) return fe / 1000000.0 end
local function GFE(fe) return fe / 1000000000.0 end
local function TFE(fe) return fe / 1000000000000.0 end
-- local function fractional_10ths(number)
-- number = number * 10
-- return number == math.round(number)
-- end
-- local function fractional_100ths(number)
-- number = number * 100
-- return number == math.round(number)
-- end
-- function util.power_format(fe)
-- if fe < 1000 then
-- return string.format("%.2f FE", fe)
-- elseif fe < 1000000 then
-- return string.format("%.3f kFE", kFE(fe))
-- end
-- end
-- format a power value into XXX.XX UNIT format (FE, kFE, MFE, GFE, TFE)
---@param fe number forge energy value
---@return string str formatted string
function util.power_format(fe)
if fe < 1000 then
return string.format("%.2f FE", fe)
elseif fe < 1000000 then
return string.format("%.2f kFE", kFE(fe))
elseif fe < 1000000000 then
return string.format("%.2f MFE", MFE(fe))
elseif fe < 1000000000000 then
return string.format("%.2f GFE", GFE(fe))
return string.format("%.2f TFE", TFE(fe))

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local svsessions = require("supervisor.session.svsessions")
local config = require("supervisor.config")
local supervisor = require("supervisor.supervisor")
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.5.13"
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.5.14"
local print = util.print
local println = util.println