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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:34 +00:00
#131 first pass of unit status text
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ local iocontrol = require("coordinator.iocontrol")
local renderer = require("coordinator.renderer")
local sounder = require("coordinator.sounder")
local COORDINATOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.7.6"
local COORDINATOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.7.7"
local print = util.print
local println = util.println
@ -107,6 +107,12 @@ local function init(parent, id)
local stat_line_1 = TextBox{parent=main,x=2,text="UNKNOWN",width=31,height=1,alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black, colors.white)}
local stat_line_2 = TextBox{parent=main,x=2,text="awaiting data",width=31,height=1,alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray, colors.white)}
r_ps.subscribe("U_StatusLine1", stat_line_1.set_value)
r_ps.subscribe("U_StatusLine2", stat_line_2.set_value)
-- annunciator --
@ -301,7 +307,7 @@ local function init(parent, id)
-- reactor controls --
local burn_control = Div{parent=main,x=2,y=22,width=19,height=3,fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray,colors.white)}
local burn_control = Div{parent=main,x=2,y=25,width=19,height=3,fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray,colors.white)}
local burn_rate = SpinboxNumeric{parent=burn_control,x=2,y=1,whole_num_precision=4,fractional_precision=1,arrow_fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray,colors.white),fg_bg=cpair(colors.black,colors.white)}
@ -313,10 +319,10 @@ local function init(parent, id)
local dis_colors = cpair(colors.white, colors.lightGray)
local start = HazardButton{parent=main,x=22,y=22,text="START",accent=colors.lightBlue,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.start,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
local ack_a = HazardButton{parent=main,x=12,y=26,text="ACK \x13",accent=colors.orange,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.ack_alarms,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
local scram = HazardButton{parent=main,x=2,y=26,text="SCRAM",accent=colors.yellow,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.scram,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
local reset = HazardButton{parent=main,x=22,y=26,text="RESET",accent=colors.red,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.reset_rps,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
local start = HazardButton{parent=main,x=22,y=25,text="START",accent=colors.lightBlue,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.start,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
local ack_a = HazardButton{parent=main,x=12,y=29,text="ACK \x13",accent=colors.orange,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.ack_alarms,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
local scram = HazardButton{parent=main,x=2,y=29,text="SCRAM",accent=colors.yellow,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.scram,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
local reset = HazardButton{parent=main,x=22,y=29,text="RESET",accent=colors.red,dis_colors=dis_colors,callback=unit.reset_rps,fg_bg=hzd_fg_bg}
unit.start_ack = start.on_response
unit.scram_ack = scram.on_response
@ -334,12 +340,6 @@ local function init(parent, id)
r_ps.subscribe("rps_tripped", start_button_en_check)
r_ps.subscribe("rps_tripped", function (active) if active then reset.enable() else reset.disable() end end)
local stat_line_1 = DataIndicator{parent=main,x=2,y=30,label="",format="%s",value="",width=29,height=1,alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray, colors.white)}
local stat_line_2 = DataIndicator{parent=main,x=2,y=31,label="",format="%s",value="",width=29,height=1,alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray, colors.white)}
r_ps.subscribe("U_StatusLine1", stat_line_1.update)
r_ps.subscribe("U_StatusLine2", stat_line_2.update)
local waste_sel = Div{parent=main,x=2,y=50,width=29,height=2,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black, colors.white)}
local waste_mode = MultiButton{parent=waste_sel,x=1,y=1,options=waste_opts,callback=unit.set_waste,min_width=6,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black, colors.white)}
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ types.rtu_t = {
env_detector = "environment_detector"
---@alias rps_status_t string
---@alias rps_status_t rps_trip_cause
types.rps_status_t = {
ok = "ok",
dmg_crit = "dmg_crit",
@ -85,12 +85,15 @@ function unit.new(for_reactor, num_boilers, num_turbines)
last_heartbeat = 0,
damage_initial = 0,
damage_start = 0,
damage_last = 0,
damage_est_last = 0,
waste_mode = WASTE_MODE.AUTO,
status_text = { "Unknown", "Awaiting Connection..." },
-- logic for alarms
had_reactor = false,
start_ms = 0,
plc_cache = {
active = false,
ok = false,
rps_trip = false,
rps_status = {}, ---@type rps_status
@ -419,6 +422,7 @@ function unit.new(for_reactor, num_boilers, num_turbines)
-- record reactor stats
self.plc_cache.active = plc_db.mek_status.status
self.plc_cache.ok = not (plc_db.rps_status.fault or plc_db.rps_status.sys_fail or plc_db.rps_status.force_dis)
self.plc_cache.rps_trip = plc_db.rps_tripped
self.plc_cache.rps_status = plc_db.rps_status
@ -427,12 +431,16 @@ function unit.new(for_reactor, num_boilers, num_turbines)
self.plc_cache.waste = plc_db.mek_status.waste_fill
-- track damage
if (self.damage_initial == 0) and (plc_db.mek_status.damage > 0) then
if plc_db.mek_status.damage > 0 then
if self.damage_start == 0 then
self.damage_start = util.time_s()
self.damage_initial = plc_db.mek_status.damage
self.damage_initial = 0
self.damage_start = 0
self.damage_initial = 0
self.damage_last = 0
self.damage_est_last = 0
-- heartbeat blink about every second
@ -662,15 +670,17 @@ function unit.new(for_reactor, num_boilers, num_turbines)
_update_alarm_state(rps_alarm, self.alarms.RPSTransient)
-- RCS Transient
local any_low = false
local any_low = annunc.CoolantLevelLow
local any_over = false
for i = 1, #annunc.WaterLevelLow do any_low = any_low or annunc.WaterLevelLow[i] end
for i = 1, #annunc.TurbineOverSpeed do any_over = any_over or annunc.TurbineOverSpeed[i] end
local rcs_trans = any_low or any_over or annunc.RCPTrip or annunc.RCSFlowLow or annunc.MaxWaterReturnFeed
-- flow is ramping up right after reactor start, annunciator indicators for these states may not indicate a real issue
if util.time_ms() - self.start_ms > FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_MS then
-- annunciator indicators for these states may not indicate a real issue when:
-- > flow is ramping up right after reactor start
-- > flow is ramping down after reactor shutdown
if (util.time_ms() - self.start_ms > FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_MS) and plc_cache.active then
rcs_trans = rcs_trans or annunc.BoilRateMismatch or annunc.CoolantFeedMismatch or annunc.SteamFeedMismatch
@ -791,24 +801,102 @@ function unit.new(for_reactor, num_boilers, num_turbines)
self.status_text = { "MELTDOWN IMMINENT", "evacuate facility immediately" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorDamage) then
-- attempt to determine when a chance of a meltdown will occur
self.status_text[1] = "Containment Taking Damage"
self.status_text[1] = "CONTAINMENT TAKING DAMAGE"
if self.plc_cache.damage >= 100 then
self.status_text[2] = "damage critical"
elseif (self.plc_cache.damage - self.damage_initial) > 0 then
if self.plc_cache.damage > self.damage_last then
self.damage_last = self.plc_cache.damage
local rate = (self.plc_cache.damage - self.damage_initial) / (util.time_s() - self.damage_start)
local remaining_s = (100 - self.plc_cache.damage) * rate
self.damage_est_last = (100 - self.plc_cache.damage) / rate
self.status_text[2] = util.c("damage critical in ", remaining_s, "s")
self.status_text[2] = util.c("damage critical in ", util.sprintf("%.1f", self.damage_est_last), "s")
self.status_text[2] = "estimating time to critical..."
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ContainmentRadiation) then
self.status_text = { "RADIATION DETECTED", "radiation levels above normal" }
-- elseif is_active(self.alarms.RPSTransient) then
-- RPS status handled when checking reactor status
elseif is_active(self.alarms.RCSTransient) then
self.status_text = { "RCS TRANSIENT", "check coolant system" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorOverTemp) then
self.status_text = { "CORE OVER TEMP", "reactor core temperature >=1200K" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorWasteLeak) then
self.status_text = { "WASTE LEAK", "radioactive waste leak detected" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorHighTemp) then
self.status_text = { "CORE TEMP HIGH", "reactor core temperature >1150K" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.ReactorHighWaste) then
self.status_text = { "WASTE LEVEL HIGH", "waste accumulating in reactor" }
elseif is_active(self.alarms.TurbineTrip) then
self.status_text = { "TURBINE TRIP", "turbine stall occured" }
-- connection dependent states
elseif self.plc_i ~= nil then
local plc_db = self.plc_i.get_db()
if plc_db.mek_status.status then
self.status_text = { "Active", "reactor nominal" }
self.status_text[1] = "ACTIVE"
if self.db.annunciator.ReactorHighDeltaT then
self.status_text[2] = "core temperature rising"
elseif self.db.annunciator.ReactorTempHigh then
self.status_text[2] = "core temp high, system nominal"
elseif self.db.annunciator.FuelInputRateLow then
self.status_text[2] = "insufficient fuel input rate"
elseif self.db.annunciator.WasteLineOcclusion then
self.status_text[2] = "insufficient waste output rate"
elseif (util.time_ms() - self.start_ms) <= FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_MS then
if num_turbines > 1 then
self.status_text[2] = "turbines spinning up"
self.status_text = { "Idle", "" }
self.status_text[2] = "turbine spinning up"
self.status_text[2] = "system nominal"
elseif plc_db.rps_tripped then
local cause = "unknown"
if plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "ok" then
-- hmm...
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "dmg_crit" then
cause = "core damage critical"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "high_temp" then
cause = "core temperature high"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "no_coolant" then
cause = "insufficient coolant"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "full_waste" then
cause = "excess waste"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "heated_coolant_backup" then
cause = "excess heated coolant"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "no_fuel" then
cause = "insufficient fuel"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "fault" then
cause = "hardware fault"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "timeout" then
cause = "connection timed out"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "manual" then
cause = "manual operator SCRAM"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "automatic" then
cause = "automated system SCRAM"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "sys_fail" then
cause = "PLC system failure"
elseif plc_db.rps_trip_cause == "force_disabled" then
cause = "reactor force disabled"
self.status_text = { "RPS SCRAM", cause }
self.status_text[1] = "IDLE"
local temp = plc_db.mek_status.temp
if temp < 350 then
self.status_text[2] = "core cold"
elseif temp < 600 then
self.status_text[2] = "core warm"
self.status_text[2] = "core hot"
self.status_text = { "Reactor Off-line", "awaiting connection..." }
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ local svsessions = require("supervisor.session.svsessions")
local config = require("supervisor.config")
local supervisor = require("supervisor.supervisor")
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.8.3"
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "beta-v0.8.4"
local print = util.print
local println = util.println
Reference in New Issue
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