#308 summary display of supervisor config

This commit is contained in:
Mikayla Fischler 2023-12-29 00:19:17 -05:00
parent 26fe130609
commit cd71c6a9c1

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ local tmp_cfg = {
UnitCount = 1,
CoolingConfig = {},
FacilityTankMode = 0,
FacilityTankDefs = nil,
FacilityTankDefs = {},
SVR_Channel = nil,
PLC_Channel = nil,
RTU_Channel = nil,
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ local function config_view(display)
local function submit_mode()
tmp_cfg.FacilityTankMode = tank_mode.get_value()
PushButton{parent=svr_c_5,x=1,y=14,text="\x1b Back",callback=function()svr_pane.set_value(4)end,fg_bg=nav_fg_bg,active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg}
@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ local function config_view(display)
-- generate the summary list
---@param cfg plc_config
---@param cfg svr_config
function tool_ctl.gen_summary(cfg)
@ -907,9 +907,39 @@ local function config_view(display)
local raw = cfg[f[1]]
local val = util.strval(raw)
if f[1] == "AuthKey" then val = string.rep("*", string.len(val)) end
if f[1] == "LogMode" then val = util.trinary(raw == log.MODE.APPEND, "append", "replace") end
if f[1] == "EmerCoolColor" and raw ~= nil then val = rsio.color_name(raw) end
if f[1] == "AuthKey" then val = string.rep("*", string.len(val))
elseif f[1] == "LogMode" then val = util.trinary(raw == log.MODE.APPEND, "append", "replace")
elseif f[1] == "CoolingConfig" and cfg.CoolingConfig then
val = ""
for idx = 1, #cfg.CoolingConfig do
local ccfg = cfg.CoolingConfig[idx]
local b_plural = util.trinary(ccfg.BoilerCount == 1, "", "s")
local t_plural = util.trinary(ccfg.TurbineCount == 1, "", "s")
local tank = util.trinary(ccfg.TankConnection, "has tank conn", "no tank conn")
val = val .. util.trinary(idx == 1, "", "\n") ..
util.sprintf(" \x07 unit %d - %d boiler%s, %d turbine%s, %s", idx, ccfg.BoilerCount, b_plural, ccfg.TurbineCount, t_plural, tank)
if val == "" then val = "no facility tanks" end
elseif f[1] == "FacilityTankMode" and raw == 0 then val = "0 (n/a unit mode)"
elseif f[1] == "FacilityTankDefs" and cfg.FacilityTankDefs then
val = ""
for idx = 1, #cfg.FacilityTankDefs do
local t_mode = "not connected to a tank"
if cfg.FacilityTankDefs[idx] == 1 then
t_mode = "connected to its unit tank"
elseif cfg.FacilityTankDefs[idx] == 2 then
t_mode = "connected to a facility tank"
val = val .. util.trinary(idx == 1, "", "\n") .. util.sprintf(" \x07 unit %d - %s", idx, t_mode)
if val == "" then val = "no facility tanks" end
if val == "nil" then val = "<not set>" end
local c = util.trinary(alternate, g_lg_fg_bg, cpair(colors.gray,colors.white))