mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:34 +00:00
#232 completed display of flow/dynamic tank/sps, dynamically sized
This commit is contained in:
@ -243,12 +243,13 @@ end
---@param version string coordinator version
---@param nic nic network interface device
---@param num_units integer number of configured units for number of monitors, checked against SV
---@param crd_channel integer port of configured supervisor
---@param svr_channel integer listening port for supervisor replys
---@param pkt_channel integer listening port for pocket API
---@param range integer trusted device connection range
---@param sv_watchdog watchdog
function coordinator.comms(version, nic, crd_channel, svr_channel, pkt_channel, range, sv_watchdog)
function coordinator.comms(version, nic, num_units, crd_channel, svr_channel, pkt_channel, range, sv_watchdog)
local self = {
sv_linked = false,
sv_addr = comms.BROADCAST,
@ -707,21 +708,16 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, crd_channel, svr_channel, pkt_channel,
-- reset to disconnected before validating
if type(config) == "table" and #config > 1 then
if type(config) == "table" and #config == 2 then
-- get configuration
---@class facility_conf
local conf = {
num_units = config[1], ---@type integer
defs = {} -- boilers and turbines
cooling = config[2] ---@type sv_cooling_conf
if (#config - 1) == (conf.num_units * 2) then
-- record sequence of pairs of [#boilers, #turbines] per unit
for i = 2, #config do
table.insert(conf.defs, config[i])
if conf.num_units == num_units then
-- init io controller
iocontrol.init(conf, public)
@ -733,7 +729,7 @@ function coordinator.comms(version, nic, crd_channel, svr_channel, pkt_channel,
self.sv_config_err = true
log.warning("invalid supervisor configuration definitions received, establish failed")
log.warning("supervisor config's number of units don't match coordinator's config, establish failed")
log.debug("invalid supervisor configuration table received, establish failed")
@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ local function __generic_ack(success) end
---@param comms_v string comms version
function iocontrol.init_fp(firmware_v, comms_v)
---@class ioctl_front_panel
io.fp = {
ps = psil.create()
io.fp = { ps = psil.create() }
io.fp.ps.publish("version", firmware_v)
io.fp.ps.publish("comms_version", comms_v)
@ -52,7 +50,9 @@ end
function iocontrol.init(conf, comms)
---@class ioctl_facility
io.facility = {
num_units = conf.num_units, ---@type integer
num_units = conf.num_units,
tank_mode = conf.cooling.fac_tank_mode,
tank_defs = conf.cooling.fac_tank_list,
all_sys_ok = false,
rtu_count = 0,
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ function iocontrol.init(conf, comms)
num_boilers = 0,
num_turbines = 0,
num_snas = 0,
has_tank = conf.cooling.r_cool[i].TANK,
control_state = false,
burn_rate_cmd = 0.0,
@ -191,14 +192,14 @@ function iocontrol.init(conf, comms)
-- create boiler tables
for _ = 1, conf.defs[(i * 2) - 1] do
for _ = 1, conf.cooling.r_cool[i].BOILERS do
local data = {} ---@type boilerv_session_db
table.insert(entry.boiler_ps_tbl, psil.create())
table.insert(entry.boiler_data_tbl, data)
-- create turbine tables
for _ = 1, conf.defs[i * 2] do
for _ = 1, conf.cooling.r_cool[i].TURBINES do
local data = {} ---@type turbinev_session_db
table.insert(entry.turbine_ps_tbl, psil.create())
table.insert(entry.turbine_data_tbl, data)
@ -210,6 +211,18 @@ function iocontrol.init(conf, comms)
table.insert(io.units, entry)
-- on facility tank mode 0, setup tank list to match unit TANK option
if io.facility.tank_mode == 0 then
for i = 1, #io.units do
io.facility.tank_defs[i] = util.trinary(conf.cooling.r_cool[i].TANK, 1, 0)
-- on other facility modes, overwrite unit TANK option with facility tank list
for i = 1, #io.units do
io.units[i].has_tank = conf.cooling.fac_tank_list[i] > 0
-- pass IO control here since it can't be require'd due to a require loop
process.init(io, comms)
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ local function main()
-- create network interface then setup comms
local nic = network.nic(modem)
local coord_comms = coordinator.comms(COORDINATOR_VERSION, nic, config.CRD_CHANNEL, config.SVR_CHANNEL,
config.PKT_CHANNEL, config.TRUSTED_RANGE, conn_watchdog)
local coord_comms = coordinator.comms(COORDINATOR_VERSION, nic, config.NUM_UNITS, config.CRD_CHANNEL,
config.SVR_CHANNEL, config.PKT_CHANNEL, config.TRUSTED_RANGE, conn_watchdog)
log.debug("startup> comms init")
log_comms("comms initialized")
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ local ind_wht = style.ind_wht
---@param parent graphics_element parent
---@param x integer top left x
---@param y integer top left y
---@param wide boolean whether to render wide version
---@param unit ioctl_unit unit database entry
local function make(parent, x, y, unit)
local function make(parent, x, y, wide, unit)
local height = 16
local v_start = 1 + ((unit.unit_id - 1) * 4)
@ -56,8 +57,10 @@ local function make(parent, x, y, unit)
assert(parent.get_height() >= (y + height), "flow display not of sufficient vertical resolution (add an additional row of monitors) " .. y .. "," .. parent.get_height())
local function _wide(a, b) return util.trinary(wide, a, b) end
-- bounding box div
local root = Div{parent=parent,x=x,y=y,width=114,height=height}
local root = Div{parent=parent,x=x,y=y,width=_wide(136, 114),height=height}
local lg_gray = cpair(colors.lightGray, colors.gray)
local wh_gray = cpair(colors.white, colors.gray)
@ -70,46 +73,62 @@ local function make(parent, x, y, unit)
TextBox{parent=reactor,y=1,text="FISSION REACTOR",alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,height=1}
TextBox{parent=reactor,y=3,text="UNIT #"..unit.unit_id,alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,height=1}
TextBox{parent=root,x=19,y=2,text="\x1b \x80 \x1a",width=1,height=3,fg_bg=lg_gray}
local rc_pipes = {}
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(0, 1, 19, 1, colors.lightBlue, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(0, 3, 19, 3, colors.orange, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(39, 1, 58, 1, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(39, 3, 58, 3, colors.white, true))
local emc_x = 42 -- emergency coolant connection x point
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(78, 0, 83, 0, colors.white, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(78, 2, 83, 2, colors.white, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(78, 4, 83, 4, colors.white, true))
if unit.num_boilers > 0 then
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(0, 1, _wide(28, 19), 1, colors.lightBlue, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(0, 3, _wide(28, 19), 3, colors.orange, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(_wide(46 ,39), 1, _wide(72,58), 1, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(_wide(46,39), 3, _wide(72,58), 3, colors.white, true))
emc_x = 3
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(0, 1, _wide(72,58), 1, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(0, 3, _wide(72,58), 3, colors.white, true))
if unit.has_tank then
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(emc_x, 1, emc_x, 0, colors.blue, true, true))
local prv_yo = math.max(3 - unit.num_turbines, 0)
for i = 1, unit.num_turbines do
local py = 2 * (i - 1) + prv_yo
table.insert(rc_pipes, pipe(_wide(92, 78), py, _wide(104, 83), py, colors.white, true))
local hc_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=22,y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local cc_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=22,y=5,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
if unit.num_boilers > 0 then
local hc_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=_wide(25,22),y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local cc_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=_wide(25,22),y=5,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local boiler = Rectangle{parent=root,x=40,y=1,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=19,height=5,fg_bg=wh_gray}
TextBox{parent=root,x=40,y=2,text="\x1b \x80 \x1a",width=1,height=3,fg_bg=lg_gray}
TextBox{parent=root,x=58,y=2,text="\x1b \x80 \x1a",width=1,height=3,fg_bg=lg_gray}
local boiler = Rectangle{parent=root,x=_wide(47,40),y=1,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=19,height=5,fg_bg=wh_gray}
TextBox{parent=root,x=_wide(47,40),y=2,text="\x1b \x80 \x1a",width=1,height=3,fg_bg=lg_gray}
TextBox{parent=root,x=_wide(65,58),y=2,text="\x1b \x80 \x1a",width=1,height=3,fg_bg=lg_gray}
local wt_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=61,y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local st_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=61,y=5,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local turbine = Rectangle{parent=root,x=79,y=1,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=19,height=5,fg_bg=wh_gray}
TextBox{parent=turbine,y=1,text="STEAM TURBINE",alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,height=1}
TextBox{parent=root,x=79,y=2,text="\x1a \x80 \x1b",width=1,height=3,fg_bg=lg_gray}
local function _relief(rx, ry, name)
local conn = TriIndicatorLight{parent=root,x=rx+4,y=ry,label=name,c1=colors.gray,c2=colors.yellow,c3=colors.red}
local wt_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=_wide(71,61),y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local st_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=_wide(71,61),y=5,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local wt_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=28,y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local st_rate = DataIndicator{parent=root,x=28,y=5,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%11.0f",value=287000000,commas=true,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
_relief(103, 1, v_names[5])
_relief(103, 3, v_names[6])
_relief(103, 5, v_names[7])
local turbine = Rectangle{parent=root,x=_wide(93,79),y=1,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=19,height=5,fg_bg=wh_gray}
TextBox{parent=turbine,y=1,text="STEAM TURBINE",alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,height=1}
TextBox{parent=root,x=_wide(93,79),y=2,text="\x1a \x80 \x1b",width=1,height=3,fg_bg=lg_gray}
for i = 1, unit.num_turbines do
local ry = 1 + (2 * (i - 1)) + prv_yo
local state = TriIndicatorLight{parent=root,x=_wide(129,107),y=ry,label=v_names[i+4],c1=colors.gray,c2=colors.yellow,c3=colors.red}
@ -118,21 +137,24 @@ local function make(parent, x, y, unit)
local waste = Div{parent=root,x=3,y=6}
local waste_pipes = {
pipe(0, 0, 16, 1, colors.brown, true),
pipe(12, 1, 16, 5, colors.brown, true),
pipe(18, 1, 44, 1, colors.brown, true),
pipe(18, 5, 23, 5, colors.brown, true),
pipe(52, 1, 80, 1, colors.green, true),
pipe(42, 4, 60, 4, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(56, 4, 60, 8, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(62, 4, 80, 4, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(62, 8, 110, 8, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(93, 1, 94, 3, colors.black, true, true),
pipe(93, 4, 109, 6, colors.black, true, true),
pipe(109, 6, 107, 6, colors.black, true, true)
pipe(0, 0, _wide(19, 16), 1, colors.brown, true),
pipe(_wide(14, 13), 1, _wide(19, 17), 5, colors.brown, true),
pipe(_wide(22, 19), 1, _wide(49, 45), 1, colors.brown, true),
pipe(_wide(22, 19), 5, _wide(28, 24), 5, colors.brown, true),
pipe(_wide(64, 53), 1, _wide(95, 81), 1, colors.green, true),
pipe(_wide(48, 43), 4, _wide(71, 61), 4, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(_wide(66, 57), 4, _wide(71, 61), 8, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(_wide(74, 63), 4, _wide(95, 81), 4, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(_wide(74, 63), 8, _wide(133, 111), 8, colors.cyan, true),
pipe(_wide(108, 94), 1, _wide(132, 110), 6, colors.black, true, true),
pipe(_wide(108, 94), 4, _wide(111, 95), 1, colors.black, true, true),
pipe(_wide(132, 110), 6, _wide(130, 108), 6, colors.black, true, true)
local function _valve(vx, vy, n)
@ -142,29 +164,29 @@ local function make(parent, x, y, unit)
local function _machine(mx, my, name)
local l = string.len(name) + 2
local waste_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=1,y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.2f",value=1234.56,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local pu_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=70,y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local po_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=45,y=6,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local popl_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=70,y=6,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local poam_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=70,y=10,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local spent_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=99,y=4,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local pu_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=_wide(82,70),y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local po_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=_wide(52,45),y=6,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local popl_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=_wide(82,70),y=6,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local poam_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=_wide(82,70),y=10,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local spent_rate = DataIndicator{parent=waste,x=_wide(117,99),y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="",unit="mB/t",format="%7.3f",value=123.456,width=12,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
_valve(18, 2, 1)
_valve(18, 6, 2)
_valve(62, 5, 3)
_valve(62, 9, 4)
_valve(_wide(21, 18), 2, 1)
_valve(_wide(21, 18), 6, 2)
_valve(_wide(73, 62), 5, 3)
_valve(_wide(73, 62), 9, 4)
_machine(45, 1, "CENTRIFUGE \x1a");
_machine(83, 1, "PRC [Pu] \x1a");
_machine(83, 4, "PRC [Po] \x1a");
_machine(94, 6, "SPENT WASTE \x1b")
_machine(_wide(51, 45), 1, "CENTRIFUGE \x1a");
_machine(_wide(97, 83), 1, "PRC [Pu] \x1a");
_machine(_wide(97, 83), 4, "PRC [Po] \x1a");
_machine(_wide(116, 94), 6, "SPENT WASTE \x1b")
TextBox{parent=waste,x=25,y=3,text="SNAs [Po]",alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,width=19,height=1,fg_bg=wh_gray}
local sna_po = Rectangle{parent=waste,x=25,y=4,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=19,height=7,thin=true,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
TextBox{parent=waste,x=_wide(30,25),y=3,text="SNAs [Po]",alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,width=19,height=1,fg_bg=wh_gray}
local sna_po = Rectangle{parent=waste,x=_wide(30,25),y=4,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=19,height=7,thin=true,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
local sna_act = IndicatorLight{parent=sna_po,label="ACTIVE",colors=ind_grn}
local sna_cnt = DataIndicator{parent=sna_po,x=12,y=1,lu_colors=lu_c,label="CNT",unit="",format="%2d",value=99,width=7}
local sna_pk = DataIndicator{parent=sna_po,y=3,lu_colors=lu_c,label="PEAK",unit="mB/t",format="%7.2f",value=1000,width=17}
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ local function init(main)
local facility = iocontrol.get_db().facility
local units = iocontrol.get_db().units
local tank_defs = facility.tank_defs
local tank_draw = { table.unpack(tank_defs) }
-- window header message
local header = TextBox{parent=main,y=1,text="Facility Coolant and Waste Flow Monitor",alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,height=1,fg_bg=style.header}
-- max length example: "01:23:45 AM - Wednesday, September 28 2022"
@ -46,52 +49,266 @@ local function init(main)
datetime.register(facility.ps, "date_time", datetime.set_value)
local po_pipes = {}
local water_pipes = {}
local fac_tanks = true
-- get the y offset for this unit index
local function y_ofs(idx) return ((idx - 1) * 20) end
for i = 1, 4 do
local y = ((i - 1) * 20)
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(2, y, 2, y + 5, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(2, y, 82, y, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(82, y, 82, y + 2, colors.blue, true))
if fac_tanks and i > 1 then table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(21, y - 19, 21, y, colors.blue, true)) end
local function calc_fdef(start_idx, end_idx)
local first, last = 4, 0
for i = start_idx, end_idx do
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then
last = i
if i < first then first = i end
return first, last
if facility.tank_mode == 0 or facility.tank_mode == 8 then
-- (0) tanks belong to reactor units OR (8) 4 total facility tanks (A B C D)
for i = 1, facility.num_units do
if units[i].has_tank then
local y = y_ofs(i)
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(2, y, 2, y + 5, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(2, y, 21, y, colors.blue, true))
local u = units[i] ---@type ioctl_unit
local x = util.trinary(u.num_boilers == 0, 45, 84)
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(21, y, x, y + 2, colors.blue, true, true))
-- setup connections for units with emergency coolant, always the same
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
if tank_defs[i] > 0 then
local y = y_ofs(i)
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(1, y, 21, y, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(2, y, 2, y + 5, colors.blue, true))
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(2, y, 21, y, colors.blue, true))
local u = units[i] ---@type ioctl_unit
local x = util.trinary(u.num_boilers == 0, 45, 84)
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(21, y, x, y + 2, colors.blue, true, true))
if facility.tank_mode == 1 then
-- (1) 1 total facility tank (A A A A)
local first_fdef, last_fdef = calc_fdef(1, #tank_defs)
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
local y = y_ofs(i)
if i == first_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i > first_fdef then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then tank_draw[i] = 0 end
if i == last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y, colors.blue, true))
elseif i < last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif facility.tank_mode == 2 then
-- (2) 2 total facility tanks (A A A B)
local first_fdef, last_fdef = calc_fdef(1, math.min(3, #tank_defs))
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
local y = y_ofs(i)
if i == 4 then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i == first_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i > first_fdef then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then tank_draw[i] = 0 end
if i == last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y, colors.blue, true))
elseif i < last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif facility.tank_mode == 3 then
-- (3) 2 total facility tanks (A A B B)
for _, a in pairs({ 1, 3 }) do
local b = a + 1
if tank_defs[a] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y_ofs(a), 1, y_ofs(a) + 6, colors.blue, true))
if tank_defs[b] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y_ofs(b) - 13, 1, y_ofs(b), colors.blue, true))
tank_draw[b] = 0
elseif tank_defs[b] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y_ofs(b), 1, y_ofs(b) + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif facility.tank_mode == 4 then
-- (4) 2 total facility tanks (A B B B)
local first_fdef, last_fdef = calc_fdef(2, #tank_defs)
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
local y = y_ofs(i)
if i == 1 then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i == first_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i > first_fdef then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then tank_draw[i] = 0 end
if i == last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y, colors.blue, true))
elseif i < last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif facility.tank_mode == 5 then
-- (5) 3 total facility tanks (A A B C)
local first_fdef, last_fdef = calc_fdef(1, math.min(2, #tank_defs))
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
local y = y_ofs(i)
if i == 3 or i == 4 then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i == first_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i > first_fdef then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then tank_draw[i] = 0 end
if i == last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y, colors.blue, true))
elseif i < last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif facility.tank_mode == 6 then
-- (6) 3 total facility tanks (A B B C)
local first_fdef, last_fdef = calc_fdef(2, math.min(3, #tank_defs))
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
local y = y_ofs(i)
if i == 1 or i == 4 then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i == first_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i > first_fdef then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then tank_draw[i] = 0 end
if i == last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y, colors.blue, true))
elseif i < last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif facility.tank_mode == 7 then
-- (7) 3 total facility tanks (A B C C)
local first_fdef, last_fdef = calc_fdef(3, #tank_defs)
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
local y = y_ofs(i)
if i == 1 or i == 2 then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i == first_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y, 1, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
elseif i > first_fdef then
if tank_defs[i] == 2 then tank_draw[i] = 0 end
if i == last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y, colors.blue, true))
elseif i < last_fdef then
table.insert(water_pipes, pipe(0, y - 13, 0, y + 6, colors.blue, true))
local flow_x = 3
if #water_pipes > 0 then
flow_x = 25
for i = 1, facility.num_units do
local y_offset = ((i - 1) * 20)
unit_flow(main, 25, 5 + y_offset, units[i])
local y_offset = y_ofs(i)
unit_flow(main, flow_x, 5 + y_offset, #water_pipes == 0, units[i])
table.insert(po_pipes, pipe(0, 3 + y_offset, 8, 0, colors.cyan, true, true))
local vx, vy = 11, 3 + y_offset
local conn = IndicatorLight{parent=main,x=vx-3,y=vy+1,label=util.sprintf("PV%02d", i + 13),colors=cpair(colors.green,colors.gray)}
local state = IndicatorLight{parent=main,x=vx-3,y=vy+2,label="STATE",colors=cpair(colors.white,colors.white)}
local tank = Div{parent=main,x=2,y=8+y_offset,width=20,height=12}
TextBox{parent=tank,text=" ",height=1,x=1,y=1,fg_bg=cpair(colors.lightGray,colors.gray)}
TextBox{parent=tank,text="DYNAMIC TANK "..i,alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,height=1,fg_bg=cpair(colors.white,colors.gray)}
local tank_box = Rectangle{parent=tank,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=20,height=10}
local status = StateIndicator{parent=tank_box,x=3,y=1,states=style.dtank.states,value=1,min_width=14}
local tank_pcnt = DataIndicator{parent=tank_box,x=10,y=3,label="",format="%5.2f",value=100,unit="%",lu_colors=lu_col,width=8,fg_bg=text_col}
local tank_amnt = DataIndicator{parent=tank_box,x=2,label="",format="%13d",value=0,unit="mB",lu_colors=lu_col,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
TextBox{parent=tank_box,x=2,y=6,text="Water Level",height=1,width=11,fg_bg=style.label}
local ccool = HorizontalBar{parent=tank_box,x=2,y=7,bar_fg_bg=cpair(colors.blue,colors.gray),height=1,width=16}
local next_f_id = 1
for i = 1, #tank_defs do
if tank_defs[i] > 0 then
local vy = 3 + y_ofs(i)
local conn = IndicatorLight{parent=main,x=9,y=vy+1,label=util.sprintf("PV%02d-EMC", i + 13),colors=cpair(colors.green,colors.gray)}
local state = IndicatorLight{parent=main,x=9,y=vy+2,label="STATE",colors=cpair(colors.white,colors.white)}
for i = 1, #tank_draw do
if tank_draw[i] > 0 then
local id = "U-" .. i
if tank_draw[i] == 2 then
id = "F-" .. next_f_id
next_f_id = next_f_id + 1
local y_offset = y_ofs(i)
local tank = Div{parent=main,x=3,y=8+y_offset,width=20,height=12}
TextBox{parent=tank,text=" ",height=1,x=1,y=1,fg_bg=cpair(colors.lightGray,colors.gray)}
TextBox{parent=tank,text="DYNAMIC TANK "..id,alignment=TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER,height=1,fg_bg=cpair(colors.white,colors.gray)}
local tank_box = Rectangle{parent=tank,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=20,height=10}
local status = StateIndicator{parent=tank_box,x=3,y=1,states=style.dtank.states,value=1,min_width=14}
local tank_pcnt = DataIndicator{parent=tank_box,x=10,y=3,label="",format="%5.2f",value=100,unit="%",lu_colors=lu_col,width=8,fg_bg=text_col}
local tank_amnt = DataIndicator{parent=tank_box,x=2,label="",format="%13d",value=0,unit="mB",lu_colors=lu_col,width=16,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
TextBox{parent=tank_box,x=2,y=6,text="Water Level",height=1,width=11,fg_bg=style.label}
local ccool = HorizontalBar{parent=tank_box,x=2,y=7,bar_fg_bg=cpair(colors.blue,colors.gray),height=1,width=16}
-- SPS --
local sps = Div{parent=main,x=140,y=3,height=12}
TextBox{parent=sps,text=" ",width=24,height=1,x=1,y=1,fg_bg=cpair(colors.lightGray,colors.gray)}
local sps_box = Rectangle{parent=sps,border=border(1, colors.gray, true),width=24,height=10}
local status = StateIndicator{parent=sps_box,x=5,y=1,states=style.sps.states,value=1,min_width=14}
TextBox{parent=sps_box,x=2,y=3,text="Input Rate",height=1,width=10,fg_bg=style.label}
local sps_in = DataIndicator{parent=sps_box,x=2,label="",format="%15.2f",value=0,unit="mB/t",lu_colors=lu_col,width=20,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
TextBox{parent=sps_box,x=2,y=6,text="Production Rate",height=1,width=15,fg_bg=style.label}
local sps_rate = DataIndicator{parent=sps_box,x=2,label="",format="%15.2f",value=0,unit="\xb5B/t",lu_colors=lu_col,width=20,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg}
@ -10,27 +10,39 @@ config.RTU_CHANNEL = 16242
config.CRD_CHANNEL = 16243
-- pocket comms channel
config.PKT_CHANNEL = 16244
-- max trusted modem message distance (0 to disable check)
-- max trusted modem message distance
-- (0 to disable check)
config.TRUSTED_RANGE = 0
-- time in seconds (>= 2) before assuming a remote device is no longer active
-- time in seconds (>= 2) before assuming a remote
-- device is no longer active
config.PLC_TIMEOUT = 5
config.RTU_TIMEOUT = 5
config.CRD_TIMEOUT = 5
config.PKT_TIMEOUT = 5
-- facility authentication key (do NOT use one of your passwords)
-- facility authentication key
-- (do NOT use one of your passwords)
-- this enables verifying that messages are authentic
-- all devices on the same network must use the same key
-- all devices on this network must use this key
-- config.AUTH_KEY = "SCADAfacility123"
-- expected number of reactors
config.NUM_REACTORS = 4
-- expected number of boilers/turbines for each reactor
-- expected number of devices for each unit
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1 }, -- reactor unit 1
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1 }, -- reactor unit 2
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1 }, -- reactor unit 3
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1 } -- reactor unit 4
-- reactor unit 1
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1, TANK = false },
-- reactor unit 2
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1, TANK = false },
-- reactor unit 3
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1, TANK = false },
-- reactor unit 4
{ BOILERS = 1, TURBINES = 1, TANK = false }
-- advanced facility dynamic tank configuration
-- (see wiki for details)
-- by default, dynamic tanks are for each unit
config.FAC_TANK_MODE = 0
config.FAC_TANK_LIST = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-- log path
config.LOG_PATH = "/log.txt"
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ local facility = {}
-- create a new facility management object
---@param num_reactors integer number of reactor units
---@param cooling_conf table cooling configurations of reactor units
---@param cooling_conf sv_cooling_conf cooling configurations of reactor units
function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
local self = {
units = {},
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function facility.new(num_reactors, cooling_conf)
-- create units
for i = 1, num_reactors do
table.insert(self.units, unit.new(i, cooling_conf[i].BOILERS, cooling_conf[i].TURBINES))
table.insert(self.units, unit.new(i, cooling_conf.r_cool[i].BOILERS, cooling_conf.r_cool[i].TURBINES))
table.insert(self.group_map, 0)
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ end
---@param nic nic network interface device
---@param fp_ok boolean front panel active
---@param num_reactors integer number of reactors
---@param cooling_conf table cooling configuration definition
---@param cooling_conf sv_cooling_conf cooling configuration definition
function svsessions.init(nic, fp_ok, num_reactors, cooling_conf)
self.nic = nic
self.fp_ok = fp_ok
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ local supervisor = require("supervisor.supervisor")
local svsessions = require("supervisor.session.svsessions")
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "v0.20.5"
local SUPERVISOR_VERSION = "v1.0.0"
local println = util.println
local println_ts = util.println_ts
@ -48,11 +48,16 @@ cfv.assert_type_num(config.PKT_TIMEOUT)
cfv.assert_min(config.PKT_TIMEOUT, 2)
assert(cfv.valid(), "bad config file: missing/invalid fields")
assert((config.FAC_TANK_MODE ~= 0) and (config.NUM_REACTORS == #config.FAC_TANK_LIST),
"bad config file: FAC_TANK_LIST length not equal to NUM_REACTORS")
cfv.assert_eq(#config.REACTOR_COOLING, config.NUM_REACTORS)
assert(cfv.valid(), "config: number of cooling configs different than number of units")
@ -61,6 +66,7 @@ for i = 1, config.NUM_REACTORS do
assert(cfv.valid(), "config: missing cooling entry for reactor " .. i)
assert(cfv.valid(), "config: missing boilers/turbines for reactor " .. i)
cfv.assert_min(config.REACTOR_COOLING[i].BOILERS, 0)
cfv.assert_min(config.REACTOR_COOLING[i].TURBINES, 1)
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ function supervisor.comms(_version, nic, fp_ok)
-- configuration data
local num_reactors = config.NUM_REACTORS
local cooling_conf = config.REACTOR_COOLING
---@class sv_cooling_conf
local cooling_conf = { r_cool = config.REACTOR_COOLING, fac_tank_mode = config.FAC_TANK_MODE, fac_tank_list = config.FAC_TANK_LIST }
local self = {
last_est_acks = {}
@ -295,16 +296,10 @@ function supervisor.comms(_version, nic, fp_ok)
local s_id = svsessions.establish_crd_session(src_addr, firmware_v)
if s_id ~= false then
local cfg = { num_reactors }
for i = 1, #cooling_conf do
table.insert(cfg, cooling_conf[i].BOILERS)
table.insert(cfg, cooling_conf[i].TURBINES)
println(util.c("CRD (", firmware_v, ") [@", src_addr, "] \xbb connected"))
log.info(util.c("CRD_ESTABLISH: coordinator (", firmware_v, ") [@", src_addr, "] connected with session ID ", s_id))
_send_establish(packet.scada_frame, ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW, cfg)
_send_establish(packet.scada_frame, ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW, { num_reactors, cooling_conf })
if last_ack ~= ESTABLISH_ACK.COLLISION then
log.info("CRD_ESTABLISH: denied new coordinator [@" .. src_addr .. "] due to already being connected to another coordinator")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user