local audio = require("scada-common.audio") local const = require("scada-common.constants") local log = require("scada-common.log") local rsio = require("scada-common.rsio") local types = require("scada-common.types") local util = require("scada-common.util") local qtypes = require("supervisor.session.rtu.qtypes") local TONE = audio.TONE local ALARM = types.ALARM local PRIO = types.ALARM_PRIORITY local ALARM_STATE = types.ALARM_STATE local CONTAINER_MODE = types.CONTAINER_MODE local PROCESS = types.PROCESS local PROCESS_NAMES = types.PROCESS_NAMES local WASTE_MODE = types.WASTE_MODE local WASTE = types.WASTE_PRODUCT local IO = rsio.IO local ALARM_LIMS = const.ALARM_LIMITS local DTV_RTU_S_DATA = qtypes.DTV_RTU_S_DATA -- 7.14 kJ per blade for 1 mB of fissile fuel
-- 2856 FE per blade per 1 mB, 285.6 FE per blade per 0.1 mB (minimum) local POWER_PER_BLADE = util.joules_to_fe_rf(7140) local FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_S = const.FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_MS / 1000 local CHARGE_Kp = 0.15 local CHARGE_Ki = 0.0 local CHARGE_Kd = 0.6 local RATE_Kp = 2.45 local RATE_Ki = 0.4825 local RATE_Kd = -1.0 local self = nil ---@type _facility_self local next_mode = 0 local charge_update = 0 local rate_update = 0 ---@class facility_update_extension local update = {} --#region PRIVATE FUNCTIONS -- check if all auto-controlled units completed ramping ---@nodiscard local function all_units_ramped() local all_ramped = true for i = 1, #self.prio_defs do local units = self.prio_defs[i] for u = 1, #units do all_ramped = all_ramped and units[u].auto_ramp_complete() end end return all_ramped end -- split a burn rate among the reactors ---@param burn_rate number burn rate assignment ---@param ramp boolean true to ramp, false to set right away ---@param abort_on_fault boolean? true to exit if one device has an effective burn rate different than its limit ---@return integer unallocated_br100, boolean? aborted local function allocate_burn_rate(burn_rate, ramp, abort_on_fault) local unallocated = math.floor(burn_rate * 100) -- go through all priority groups for i = 1, #self.prio_defs do local units = self.prio_defs[i] if #units > 0 then local split = math.floor(unallocated / #units) local splits = {} for u = 1, #units do splits[u] = split end splits[#units] = splits[#units] + (unallocated % #units) -- go through all reactor units in this group for id = 1, #units do local u = units[id] ---@type reactor_unit local ctl = u.get_control_inf() local lim_br100 = u.auto_get_effective_limit() if abort_on_fault and (lim_br100 ~= ctl.lim_br100) then -- effective limit differs from set limit, unit is degraded return unallocated, true end local last = ctl.br100 if splits[id] <= lim_br100 then ctl.br100 = splits[id] else ctl.br100 = lim_br100 if id < #units then local remaining = #units - id split = math.floor(unallocated / remaining) for x = (id + 1), #units do splits[x] = split end splits[#units] = splits[#units] + (unallocated % remaining) end end unallocated = math.max(0, unallocated - ctl.br100) if last ~= ctl.br100 then u.auto_commit_br100(ramp) end end end end return unallocated, false end -- set idle state of all assigned reactors ---@param idle boolean idle state local function set_idling(idle) for i = 1, #self.prio_defs do for _, u in pairs(self.prio_defs[i]) do u.auto_set_idle(idle) end end end --#endregion --#region PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- automatic control pre-update logic function update.pre_auto() -- unlink RTU sessions if they are closed for _, v in pairs(self.rtu_list) do util.filter_table(v, function (u) return u.is_connected() end) end -- check if test routines are allowed right now self.allow_testing = true for i = 1, #self.units do local u = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit self.allow_testing = self.allow_testing and u.is_safe_idle() end -- current state for process control charge_update = 0 rate_update = 0 -- calculate moving averages for induction matrix if self.induction[1] ~= nil then local matrix = self.induction[1] ---@type unit_session local db = matrix.get_db() ---@type imatrix_session_db local build_update = db.build.last_update rate_update = db.state.last_update charge_update = db.tanks.last_update local has_data = build_update > 0 and rate_update > 0 and charge_update > 0 if matrix.is_faulted() then -- a fault occured, cannot reliably update stats has_data = false self.im_stat_init = false self.imtx_faulted_times = { build_update, rate_update, charge_update } elseif not self.im_stat_init then -- prevent operation with partially invalid data -- all fields must have updated since the last fault has_data = self.imtx_faulted_times[1] < build_update and self.imtx_faulted_times[2] < rate_update and self.imtx_faulted_times[3] < charge_update end if has_data then local energy = util.joules_to_fe_rf(db.tanks.energy) local input = util.joules_to_fe_rf(db.state.last_input) local output = util.joules_to_fe_rf(db.state.last_output) if self.im_stat_init then self.avg_charge.record(energy, charge_update) self.avg_inflow.record(input, rate_update) self.avg_outflow.record(output, rate_update) if charge_update ~= self.imtx_last_charge_t then local delta = (energy - self.imtx_last_charge) / (charge_update - self.imtx_last_charge_t) self.imtx_last_charge = energy self.imtx_last_charge_t = charge_update -- if the capacity changed, toss out existing data if db.build.max_energy ~= self.imtx_last_capacity then self.imtx_last_capacity = db.build.max_energy self.avg_net.reset() else self.avg_net.record(delta, charge_update) end end else self.im_stat_init = true self.avg_charge.reset(energy) self.avg_inflow.reset(input) self.avg_outflow.reset(output) self.avg_net.reset() self.imtx_last_capacity = db.build.max_energy self.imtx_last_charge = energy self.imtx_last_charge_t = charge_update end else -- prevent use by control systems rate_update = 0 charge_update = 0 end else self.im_stat_init = false end self.all_sys_ok = true for i = 1, #self.units do self.all_sys_ok = self.all_sys_ok and not self.units[i].get_control_inf().degraded end end -- run auto control ---@param ExtChargeIdling boolean ExtChargeIdling config field function update.auto_control(ExtChargeIdling) local AUTO_SCRAM = self.types.AUTO_SCRAM local START_STATUS = self.types.START_STATUS local avg_charge = self.avg_charge.compute() local avg_inflow = self.avg_inflow.compute() local avg_outflow = self.avg_outflow.compute() local now = os.clock() local state_changed = self.mode ~= self.last_mode next_mode = self.mode -- once auto control is started, sort the priority sublists by limits if state_changed then self.saturated = false log.debug(util.c("FAC: state changed from ", PROCESS_NAMES[self.last_mode + 1], " to ", PROCESS_NAMES[self.mode + 1])) if (self.last_mode == PROCESS.INACTIVE) or (self.last_mode == PROCESS.GEN_RATE_FAULT_IDLE) then self.start_fail = START_STATUS.OK if (self.mode ~= PROCESS.MATRIX_FAULT_IDLE) and (self.mode ~= PROCESS.SYSTEM_ALARM_IDLE) then -- auto clear ASCRAM self.ascram = false self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.NONE end local blade_count = nil self.max_burn_combined = 0.0 for i = 1, #self.prio_defs do table.sort(self.prio_defs[i], ---@param a reactor_unit ---@param b reactor_unit function (a, b) return a.get_control_inf().lim_br100 < b.get_control_inf().lim_br100 end ) for _, u in pairs(self.prio_defs[i]) do local u_blade_count = u.get_control_inf().blade_count if blade_count == nil then blade_count = u_blade_count elseif (u_blade_count ~= blade_count) and (self.mode == PROCESS.GEN_RATE) then log.warning("FAC: cannot start GEN_RATE process with inconsistent unit blade counts") next_mode = PROCESS.INACTIVE self.start_fail = START_STATUS.BLADE_MISMATCH end if self.start_fail == START_STATUS.OK then u.auto_engage() end self.max_burn_combined = self.max_burn_combined + (u.get_control_inf().lim_br100 / 100.0) end end log.debug(util.c("FAC: computed a max combined burn rate of ", self.max_burn_combined, "mB/t")) if blade_count == nil then -- no units log.warning("FAC: cannot start process control with 0 units assigned") next_mode = PROCESS.INACTIVE self.start_fail = START_STATUS.NO_UNITS else self.charge_conversion = blade_count * POWER_PER_BLADE end elseif self.mode == PROCESS.INACTIVE then for i = 1, #self.prio_defs do -- disable reactors and disengage auto control for _, u in pairs(self.prio_defs[i]) do u.disable() u.auto_set_idle(false) u.auto_disengage() end end log.info("FAC: disengaging auto control (now inactive)") end self.initial_ramp = true self.waiting_on_ramp = false self.waiting_on_stable = false else self.initial_ramp = false end -- update unit ready state local assign_count = 0 self.units_ready = true for i = 1, #self.prio_defs do for _, u in pairs(self.prio_defs[i]) do assign_count = assign_count + 1 self.units_ready = self.units_ready and u.get_control_inf().ready end end -- perform mode-specific operations if self.mode == PROCESS.INACTIVE then if not self.units_ready then self.status_text = { "NOT READY", "assigned units not ready" } else -- clear ASCRAM once ready self.ascram = false self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.NONE if self.start_fail == START_STATUS.NO_UNITS and assign_count == 0 then self.status_text = { "START FAILED", "no units were assigned" } elseif self.start_fail == START_STATUS.BLADE_MISMATCH then self.status_text = { "START FAILED", "turbine blade count mismatch" } else self.status_text = { "IDLE", "control disengaged" } end end elseif self.mode == PROCESS.MAX_BURN then -- run units at their limits if state_changed then self.time_start = now self.saturated = true self.status_text = { "MONITORED MODE", "running reactors at limit" } log.info("FAC: MAX_BURN process mode started") end allocate_burn_rate(self.max_burn_combined, true) elseif self.mode == PROCESS.BURN_RATE then -- a total aggregate burn rate if state_changed then self.time_start = now self.status_text = { "BURN RATE MODE", "running" } log.info("FAC: BURN_RATE process mode started") end local unallocated = allocate_burn_rate(self.burn_target, true) self.saturated = self.burn_target == self.max_burn_combined or unallocated > 0 elseif self.mode == PROCESS.CHARGE then -- target a level of charge if state_changed then self.time_start = now self.last_time = now self.last_error = 0 self.accumulator = 0 -- enabling idling on all assigned units set_idling(true) self.status_text = { "CHARGE MODE", "running control loop" } log.info("FAC: CHARGE mode starting PID control") elseif self.last_update < charge_update then -- convert to kFE to make constants not microscopic local error = util.round((self.charge_setpoint - avg_charge) / 1000) / 1000 -- stop accumulator when saturated to avoid windup if not self.saturated then self.accumulator = self.accumulator + (error * (now - self.last_time)) end -- local runtime = now - self.time_start local integral = self.accumulator local derivative = (error - self.last_error) / (now - self.last_time) local P = CHARGE_Kp * error local I = CHARGE_Ki * integral local D = CHARGE_Kd * derivative local output = P + I + D -- clamp at range -> output clamped (out_c) local out_c = math.max(0, math.min(output, self.max_burn_combined)) self.saturated = output ~= out_c if not ExtChargeIdling then -- stop idling early if the output is zero, we are at or above the setpoint, and are not losing charge set_idling(not ((out_c == 0) and (error <= 0) and (avg_outflow <= 0))) end -- log.debug(util.sprintf("CHARGE[%f] { CHRG[%f] ERR[%f] INT[%f] => OUT[%f] OUT_C[%f] <= P[%f] I[%f] D[%f] }", -- runtime, avg_charge, error, integral, output, out_c, P, I, D)) allocate_burn_rate(out_c, true) self.last_time = now self.last_error = error end self.last_update = charge_update elseif self.mode == PROCESS.GEN_RATE then -- target a rate of generation if state_changed then -- estimate an initial output local output = self.gen_rate_setpoint / self.charge_conversion local unallocated = allocate_burn_rate(output, true) self.saturated = output >= self.max_burn_combined or unallocated > 0 self.waiting_on_ramp = true self.status_text = { "GENERATION MODE", "starting up" } log.info(util.c("FAC: GEN_RATE process mode initial ramp started (initial target is ", output, " mB/t)")) elseif self.waiting_on_ramp then if all_units_ramped() then self.waiting_on_ramp = false self.waiting_on_stable = true self.time_start = now self.status_text = { "GENERATION MODE", "holding ramped rate" } log.info("FAC: GEN_RATE process mode initial ramp completed, holding for stablization time") end elseif self.waiting_on_stable then if (now - self.time_start) > FLOW_STABILITY_DELAY_S then self.waiting_on_stable = false self.time_start = now self.last_time = now self.last_error = 0 self.accumulator = 0 self.status_text = { "GENERATION MODE", "running control loop" } log.info("FAC: GEN_RATE process mode initial hold completed, starting PID control") end elseif self.last_update < rate_update then -- convert to MFE (in rounded kFE) to make constants not microscopic local error = util.round((self.gen_rate_setpoint - avg_inflow) / 1000) / 1000 -- stop accumulator when saturated to avoid windup if not self.saturated then self.accumulator = self.accumulator + (error * (now - self.last_time)) end -- local runtime = now - self.time_start local integral = self.accumulator local derivative = (error - self.last_error) / (now - self.last_time) local P = RATE_Kp * error local I = RATE_Ki * integral local D = RATE_Kd * derivative -- velocity (rate) (derivative of charge level => rate) feed forward local FF = self.gen_rate_setpoint / self.charge_conversion local output = P + I + D + FF -- clamp at range -> output clamped (sp_c) local out_c = math.max(0, math.min(output, self.max_burn_combined)) self.saturated = output ~= out_c -- log.debug(util.sprintf("GEN_RATE[%f] { RATE[%f] ERR[%f] INT[%f] => OUT[%f] OUT_C[%f] <= P[%f] I[%f] D[%f] }", -- runtime, avg_inflow, error, integral, output, out_c, P, I, D)) allocate_burn_rate(out_c, false) self.last_time = now self.last_error = error end self.last_update = rate_update elseif self.mode == PROCESS.MATRIX_FAULT_IDLE then -- exceeded charge, wait until condition clears if self.ascram_reason == AUTO_SCRAM.NONE then next_mode = self.return_mode log.info("FAC: exiting matrix fault idle state due to fault resolution") elseif self.ascram_reason == AUTO_SCRAM.CRIT_ALARM then next_mode = PROCESS.SYSTEM_ALARM_IDLE log.info("FAC: exiting matrix fault idle state due to critical unit alarm") end elseif self.mode == PROCESS.SYSTEM_ALARM_IDLE then -- do nothing, wait for user to confirm (stop and reset) elseif self.mode == PROCESS.GEN_RATE_FAULT_IDLE then -- system faulted (degraded/not ready) while running generation rate mode -- mode will need to be fully restarted once everything is OK to re-ramp to feed-forward if self.units_ready then log.info("FAC: system ready after faulting out of GEN_RATE process mode, switching back...") next_mode = PROCESS.GEN_RATE end elseif self.mode ~= PROCESS.INACTIVE then log.error(util.c("FAC: unsupported process mode ", self.mode, ", switching to inactive")) next_mode = PROCESS.INACTIVE end end -- update automatic safety logic function update.auto_safety() local AUTO_SCRAM = self.types.AUTO_SCRAM local astatus = self.ascram_status if self.induction[1] ~= nil then local db = self.induction[1].get_db() ---@type imatrix_session_db -- clear matrix disconnected if astatus.matrix_dc then astatus.matrix_dc = false log.info("FAC: induction matrix reconnected, clearing ASCRAM condition") end -- check matrix fill too high local was_fill = astatus.matrix_fill astatus.matrix_fill = (db.tanks.energy_fill >= ALARM_LIMS.CHARGE_HIGH) or (astatus.matrix_fill and db.tanks.energy_fill > ALARM_LIMS.CHARGE_RE_ENABLE) if was_fill and not astatus.matrix_fill then log.info(util.c("FAC: charge state of induction matrix entered acceptable range <= ", ALARM_LIMS.CHARGE_RE_ENABLE * 100, "%")) end -- check for critical unit alarms astatus.crit_alarm = false for i = 1, #self.units do local u = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit if u.has_alarm_min_prio(PRIO.CRITICAL) then astatus.crit_alarm = true break end end -- check for facility radiation if #self.envd > 0 then local max_rad = 0 for i = 1, #self.envd do local envd = self.envd[i] ---@type unit_session local e_db = envd.get_db() ---@type envd_session_db if e_db.radiation_raw > max_rad then max_rad = e_db.radiation_raw end end astatus.radiation = max_rad >= ALARM_LIMS.FAC_HIGH_RAD else -- don't clear, if it is true then we lost it with high radiation, so just keep alarming -- operator can restart the system or hit the stop/reset button end -- system not ready, will need to restart GEN_RATE mode -- clears when we enter the fault waiting state astatus.gen_fault = self.mode == PROCESS.GEN_RATE and not self.units_ready else astatus.matrix_dc = true end if (self.mode ~= PROCESS.INACTIVE) and (self.mode ~= PROCESS.SYSTEM_ALARM_IDLE) then local scram = astatus.matrix_dc or astatus.matrix_fill or astatus.crit_alarm or astatus.gen_fault if scram and not self.ascram then -- SCRAM all units for i = 1, #self.prio_defs do for _, u in pairs(self.prio_defs[i]) do u.auto_scram() end end if astatus.crit_alarm then -- highest priority alarm next_mode = PROCESS.SYSTEM_ALARM_IDLE self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.CRIT_ALARM self.status_text = { "AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "critical unit alarm tripped" } log.info("FAC: automatic SCRAM due to critical unit alarm") log.warning("FAC: emergency exit of process control due to critical unit alarm") elseif astatus.radiation then next_mode = PROCESS.SYSTEM_ALARM_IDLE self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.RADIATION self.status_text = { "AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "facility radiation high" } log.info("FAC: automatic SCRAM due to high facility radiation") elseif astatus.matrix_dc then next_mode = PROCESS.MATRIX_FAULT_IDLE self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.MATRIX_DC self.status_text = { "AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "induction matrix disconnected" } if self.mode ~= PROCESS.MATRIX_FAULT_IDLE then self.return_mode = self.mode end log.info("FAC: automatic SCRAM due to induction matrix disconnection") elseif astatus.matrix_fill then next_mode = PROCESS.MATRIX_FAULT_IDLE self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.MATRIX_FILL self.status_text = { "AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "induction matrix fill high" } if self.mode ~= PROCESS.MATRIX_FAULT_IDLE then self.return_mode = self.mode end log.info("FAC: automatic SCRAM due to induction matrix high charge") elseif astatus.gen_fault then -- lowest priority alarm next_mode = PROCESS.GEN_RATE_FAULT_IDLE self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.GEN_FAULT self.status_text = { "GENERATION MODE IDLE", "paused: system not ready" } log.info("FAC: automatic SCRAM due to unit problem while in GEN_RATE mode, will resume once all units are ready") end end self.ascram = scram if not self.ascram then self.ascram_reason = AUTO_SCRAM.NONE -- reset PLC RPS trips if we should for i = 1, #self.units do local u = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit u.auto_cond_rps_reset() end end end end -- update last mode and set next mode function update.post_auto() self.last_mode = self.mode self.mode = next_mode end -- update alarm audio control function update.alarm_audio() local allow_test = self.allow_testing and self.test_tone_set local alarms = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false } -- reset tone states before re-evaluting for i = 1, #self.tone_states do self.tone_states[i] = false end if allow_test then alarms = self.test_alarm_states else -- check all alarms for all units for i = 1, #self.units do local u = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit for id, alarm in pairs(u.get_alarms()) do alarms[id] = alarms[id] or (alarm == ALARM_STATE.TRIPPED) end end if not self.test_tone_reset then -- clear testing alarms if we aren't using them for i = 1, #self.test_alarm_states do self.test_alarm_states[i] = false end end end -- Evaluate Alarms -- -- containment breach is worst case CRITICAL alarm, this takes priority if alarms[ALARM.ContainmentBreach] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_1800Hz_Int_4Hz] = true else -- critical damage is highest priority CRITICAL level alarm if alarms[ALARM.CriticalDamage] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_660Hz_Int_125ms] = true else -- EMERGENCY level alarms + URGENT over temp if alarms[ALARM.ReactorDamage] or alarms[ALARM.ReactorOverTemp] or alarms[ALARM.ReactorWasteLeak] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_544Hz_440Hz_Alt] = true -- URGENT level turbine trip elseif alarms[ALARM.TurbineTrip] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_745Hz_Int_1Hz] = true -- URGENT level reactor lost elseif alarms[ALARM.ReactorLost] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_340Hz_Int_2Hz] = true -- TIMELY level alarms elseif alarms[ALARM.ReactorHighTemp] or alarms[ALARM.ReactorHighWaste] or alarms[ALARM.RCSTransient] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_800Hz_Int] = true end end -- check RPS transient URGENT level alarm if alarms[ALARM.RPSTransient] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_1000Hz_Int] = true -- disable really painful audio combination self.tone_states[TONE.T_340Hz_Int_2Hz] = false end end -- radiation is a big concern, always play this CRITICAL level alarm if active if alarms[ALARM.ContainmentRadiation] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_800Hz_1000Hz_Alt] = true -- we are going to disable the RPS trip alarm audio due to conflict, and if it was enabled -- then we can re-enable the reactor lost alarm audio since it doesn't painfully combine with this one if self.tone_states[TONE.T_1000Hz_Int] and alarms[ALARM.ReactorLost] then self.tone_states[TONE.T_340Hz_Int_2Hz] = true end -- it sounds *really* bad if this is in conjunction with these other tones, so disable them self.tone_states[TONE.T_745Hz_Int_1Hz] = false self.tone_states[TONE.T_800Hz_Int] = false self.tone_states[TONE.T_1000Hz_Int] = false end -- add to tone states if testing is active if allow_test then for i = 1, #self.tone_states do self.tone_states[i] = self.tone_states[i] or self.test_tone_states[i] end self.test_tone_reset = false else if not self.test_tone_reset then -- clear testing tones if we aren't using them for i = 1, #self.test_tone_states do self.test_tone_states[i] = false end end -- flag that tones were reset self.test_tone_set = false self.test_tone_reset = true end end -- update facility redstone ---@param ack_all function acknowledge all alarms function update.redstone(ack_all) if #self.redstone > 0 then -- handle facility SCRAM if self.io_ctl.digital_read(IO.F_SCRAM) then for i = 1, #self.units do local u = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit u.cond_scram() end end -- handle facility ack if self.io_ctl.digital_read(IO.F_ACK) then ack_all() end -- update facility alarm outputs local has_prio_alarm, has_any_alarm = false, false for i = 1, #self.units do local u = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit if u.has_alarm_min_prio(PRIO.EMERGENCY) then has_prio_alarm, has_any_alarm = true, true break elseif u.has_alarm_min_prio(PRIO.TIMELY) then has_any_alarm = true end end self.io_ctl.digital_write(IO.F_ALARM, has_prio_alarm) self.io_ctl.digital_write(IO.F_ALARM_ANY, has_any_alarm) -- update induction matrix related outputs if self.induction[1] ~= nil then local db = self.induction[1].get_db() ---@type imatrix_session_db self.io_ctl.digital_write(IO.F_MATRIX_LOW, db.tanks.energy_fill < const.RS_THRESHOLDS.IMATRIX_CHARGE_LOW) self.io_ctl.digital_write(IO.F_MATRIX_HIGH, db.tanks.energy_fill > const.RS_THRESHOLDS.IMATRIX_CHARGE_HIGH) self.io_ctl.analog_write(IO.F_MATRIX_CHG, db.tanks.energy_fill, 0, 1) end end end -- update unit tasks function update.unit_mgmt() local insufficent_po_rate = false local need_emcool = false for i = 1, #self.units do local u = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit -- update auto waste processing if u.get_control_inf().waste_mode == WASTE_MODE.AUTO then if (u.get_sna_rate() * 10.0) < u.get_burn_rate() then insufficent_po_rate = true end end -- check if unit activated emergency coolant & uses facility tanks if (self.cooling_conf.fac_tank_mode > 0) and u.is_emer_cool_tripped() and (self.cooling_conf.fac_tank_defs[i] == 2) then need_emcool = true end end -- update waste product self.current_waste_product = self.waste_product if (not self.sps_low_power) and (self.waste_product == WASTE.ANTI_MATTER) and (self.induction[1] ~= nil) then local db = self.induction[1].get_db() ---@type imatrix_session_db if db.tanks.energy_fill >= 0.15 then self.disabled_sps = false elseif self.disabled_sps or ((db.tanks.last_update > 0) and (db.tanks.energy_fill < 0.1)) then self.disabled_sps = true self.current_waste_product = WASTE.POLONIUM end else self.disabled_sps = false end if self.pu_fallback and insufficent_po_rate then self.current_waste_product = WASTE.PLUTONIUM end -- make sure dynamic tanks are allowing outflow if required -- set all, rather than trying to determine which is for which (simpler & safer) -- there should be no need for any to be in fill only mode if need_emcool then for i = 1, #self.tanks do local session = self.tanks[i] ---@type unit_session local tank = session.get_db() ---@type dynamicv_session_db if tank.state.container_mode == CONTAINER_MODE.FILL then session.get_cmd_queue().push_data(DTV_RTU_S_DATA.SET_CONT_MODE, CONTAINER_MODE.BOTH) end end end end --#endregion -- link the self instance and return the update interface ---@param fac_self _facility_self return function (fac_self) self = fac_self return update end