local comms = require("scada-common.comms") local log = require("scada-common.log") local mqueue = require("scada-common.mqueue") local util = require("scada-common.util") local databus = require("supervisor.databus") local svqtypes = require("supervisor.session.svqtypes") local coordinator = {} local PROTOCOL = comms.PROTOCOL local MGMT_TYPE = comms.MGMT_TYPE local CRDN_TYPE = comms.CRDN_TYPE local UNIT_COMMAND = comms.UNIT_COMMAND local FAC_COMMAND = comms.FAC_COMMAND local SV_Q_DATA = svqtypes.SV_Q_DATA -- retry time constants in ms -- local INITIAL_WAIT = 1500 local RETRY_PERIOD = 1000 local PARTIAL_RETRY_PERIOD = 2000 local CRD_S_CMDS = { } local CRD_S_DATA = { CMD_ACK = 1, RESEND_PLC_BUILD = 2, RESEND_RTU_BUILD = 3 } coordinator.CRD_S_CMDS = CRD_S_CMDS coordinator.CRD_S_DATA = CRD_S_DATA local PERIODICS = { KEEP_ALIVE = 2000, STATUS = 500 } -- coordinator supervisor session ---@nodiscard ---@param id integer session ID ---@param s_addr integer device source address ---@param i_seq_num integer initial sequence number ---@param in_queue mqueue in message queue ---@param out_queue mqueue out message queue ---@param timeout number communications timeout ---@param facility facility facility data table ---@param fp_ok boolean if the front panel UI is running function coordinator.new_session(id, s_addr, i_seq_num, in_queue, out_queue, timeout, facility, fp_ok) -- print a log message to the terminal as long as the UI isn't running local function println(message) if not fp_ok then util.println_ts(message) end end local log_tag = "crdn_session(" .. id .. "): " local self = { units = facility.get_units(), -- connection properties seq_num = i_seq_num + 2, -- next after the establish approval was sent r_seq_num = i_seq_num + 1, connected = true, conn_watchdog = util.new_watchdog(timeout), establish_time = util.time_s(), last_rtt = 0, -- periodic messages periodics = { last_update = 0, keep_alive = 0, status_packet = 0 }, -- when to next retry one of these messages retry_times = { builds_packet = 0, f_builds_packet = 0, u_builds_packet = 0 }, -- message acknowledgements acks = { builds = false, fac_builds = false, unit_builds = false } } -- mark this coordinator session as closed, stop watchdog local function _close() self.conn_watchdog.cancel() self.connected = false databus.tx_crd_disconnected() end -- send a CRDN packet ---@param msg_type CRDN_TYPE ---@param msg table local function _send(msg_type, msg) local s_pkt = comms.scada_packet() local c_pkt = comms.crdn_packet() c_pkt.make(msg_type, msg) s_pkt.make(s_addr, self.seq_num, PROTOCOL.SCADA_CRDN, c_pkt.raw_sendable()) out_queue.push_packet(s_pkt) self.seq_num = self.seq_num + 1 end -- send a SCADA management packet ---@param msg_type MGMT_TYPE ---@param msg table local function _send_mgmt(msg_type, msg) local s_pkt = comms.scada_packet() local m_pkt = comms.mgmt_packet() m_pkt.make(msg_type, msg) s_pkt.make(s_addr, self.seq_num, PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT, m_pkt.raw_sendable()) out_queue.push_packet(s_pkt) self.seq_num = self.seq_num + 1 end -- send both facility and unit builds local function _send_all_builds() local unit_builds = {} for i = 1, #self.units do local unit = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit unit_builds[unit.get_id()] = unit.get_build() end _send(CRDN_TYPE.INITIAL_BUILDS, { facility.get_build(), unit_builds }) end -- send facility builds local function _send_fac_builds() _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_BUILDS, { facility.get_build() }) end -- send unit builds local function _send_unit_builds() local builds = {} for i = 1, #self.units do local unit = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit builds[unit.get_id()] = unit.get_build() end _send(CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_BUILDS, { builds }) end -- send facility status local function _send_fac_status() local status = { facility.get_control_status(), facility.get_rtu_statuses(), facility.get_alarm_tones() } _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_STATUS, status) end -- send unit statuses local function _send_unit_statuses() local status = {} for i = 1, #self.units do local unit = self.units[i] ---@type reactor_unit status[unit.get_id()] = { unit.get_reactor_status(), unit.get_rtu_statuses(), unit.get_annunciator(), unit.get_alarms(), unit.get_state(), unit.get_valves() } end _send(CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_STATUSES, status) end -- handle a packet ---@param pkt mgmt_frame|crdn_frame local function _handle_packet(pkt) -- check sequence number if self.r_seq_num ~= pkt.scada_frame.seq_num() then log.warning(log_tag .. "sequence out-of-order: next = " .. self.r_seq_num .. ", new = " .. pkt.scada_frame.seq_num()) return else self.r_seq_num = pkt.scada_frame.seq_num() + 1 end -- feed watchdog self.conn_watchdog.feed() -- process packet if pkt.scada_frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT then ---@cast pkt mgmt_frame if pkt.type == MGMT_TYPE.KEEP_ALIVE then -- keep alive reply if pkt.length == 2 then local srv_start = pkt.data[1] -- local coord_send = pkt.data[2] local srv_now = util.time() self.last_rtt = srv_now - srv_start if self.last_rtt > 750 then log.warning(log_tag .. "COORD KEEP_ALIVE round trip time > 750ms (" .. self.last_rtt .. "ms)") end -- log.debug(log_header .. "COORD RTT = " .. self.last_rtt .. "ms") -- log.debug(log_header .. "COORD TT = " .. (srv_now - coord_send) .. "ms") databus.tx_crd_rtt(self.last_rtt) else log.debug(log_tag .. "SCADA keep alive packet length mismatch") end elseif pkt.type == MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE then -- close the session _close() elseif pkt.type == MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH then -- something is wrong, kill the session _close() log.warning(log_tag .. "terminated session due to an unexpected ESTABLISH packet") else log.debug(log_tag .. "handler received unsupported SCADA_MGMT packet type " .. pkt.type) end elseif pkt.scada_frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_CRDN then ---@cast pkt crdn_frame if pkt.type == CRDN_TYPE.INITIAL_BUILDS then -- acknowledgement to coordinator receiving builds self.acks.builds = true elseif pkt.type == CRDN_TYPE.FAC_BUILDS then -- acknowledgement to coordinator receiving builds self.acks.fac_builds = true elseif pkt.type == CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD then if pkt.length >= 1 then local cmd = pkt.data[1] if cmd == FAC_COMMAND.SCRAM_ALL then facility.scram_all() _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD, { cmd, true }) elseif cmd == FAC_COMMAND.STOP then facility.auto_stop() _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD, { cmd, true }) elseif cmd == FAC_COMMAND.START then if pkt.length == 6 then ---@type coord_auto_config local config = { mode = pkt.data[2], burn_target = pkt.data[3], charge_target = pkt.data[4], gen_target = pkt.data[5], limits = pkt.data[6] } _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD, { cmd, table.unpack(facility.auto_start(config)) }) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN auto start (with configuration) packet length mismatch") end elseif cmd == FAC_COMMAND.ACK_ALL_ALARMS then facility.ack_all() _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD, { cmd, true }) elseif cmd == FAC_COMMAND.SET_WASTE_MODE then if pkt.length == 2 then _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD, { cmd, facility.set_waste_product(pkt.data[2]) }) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN set waste mode packet length mismatch") end elseif cmd == FAC_COMMAND.SET_PU_FB then if pkt.length == 2 then _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD, { cmd, facility.set_pu_fallback(pkt.data[2]) }) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN set pu fallback packet length mismatch") end elseif cmd == FAC_COMMAND.SET_SPS_LP then if pkt.length == 2 then _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD, { cmd, facility.set_sps_low_power(pkt.data[2]) }) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN set sps low power packet length mismatch") end else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN facility command unknown") end else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN facility command packet length mismatch") end elseif pkt.type == CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_BUILDS then -- acknowledgement to coordinator receiving builds self.acks.unit_builds = true elseif pkt.type == CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_CMD then if pkt.length >= 2 then -- get command and unit id local cmd = pkt.data[1] local uid = pkt.data[2] -- pkt.data[3] will be nil except for some commands local data = { uid, pkt.data[3] } -- continue if valid unit id if util.is_int(uid) and uid > 0 and uid <= #self.units then local unit = self.units[uid] ---@type reactor_unit if cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.START then out_queue.push_data(SV_Q_DATA.START, data) elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.SCRAM then out_queue.push_data(SV_Q_DATA.SCRAM, data) elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.RESET_RPS then out_queue.push_data(SV_Q_DATA.RESET_RPS, data) elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.SET_BURN then if pkt.length == 3 then out_queue.push_data(SV_Q_DATA.SET_BURN, data) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command burn rate missing option") end elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.SET_WASTE then if (pkt.length == 3) and (type(pkt.data[3]) == "number") and (pkt.data[3] > 0) and (pkt.data[3] <= 4) then unit.set_waste_mode(pkt.data[3]) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command set waste missing/invalid option") end elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.ACK_ALL_ALARMS then unit.ack_all() _send(CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_CMD, { cmd, uid, true }) elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.ACK_ALARM then if pkt.length == 3 then unit.ack_alarm(pkt.data[3]) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command ack alarm missing alarm id") end elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.RESET_ALARM then if pkt.length == 3 then unit.reset_alarm(pkt.data[3]) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command reset alarm missing alarm id") end elseif cmd == UNIT_COMMAND.SET_GROUP then if (pkt.length == 3) and (type(pkt.data[3]) == "number") and (pkt.data[3] >= 0) and (pkt.data[3] <= 4) then facility.set_group(unit.get_id(), pkt.data[3]) _send(CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_CMD, { cmd, uid, pkt.data[3] }) else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command set group missing group id") end else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command unknown") end else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command invalid") end else log.debug(log_tag .. "CRDN unit command packet length mismatch") end else log.debug(log_tag .. "handler received unexpected SCADA_CRDN packet type " .. pkt.type) end end end ---@class crd_session local public = {} -- get the session ID ---@nodiscard function public.get_id() return id end -- check if a timer matches this session's watchdog ---@nodiscard function public.check_wd(timer) return self.conn_watchdog.is_timer(timer) and self.connected end -- close the connection function public.close() _close() _send_mgmt(MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE, {}) println("connection to coordinator " .. id .. " closed by server") log.info(log_tag .. "session closed by server") end -- iterate the session ---@nodiscard ---@return boolean connected function public.iterate() if self.connected then ------------------ -- handle queue -- ------------------ local handle_start = util.time() while in_queue.ready() and self.connected do -- get a new message to process local message = in_queue.pop() if message ~= nil then if message.qtype == mqueue.TYPE.PACKET then -- handle a packet _handle_packet(message.message) elseif message.qtype == mqueue.TYPE.COMMAND then -- handle instruction elseif message.qtype == mqueue.TYPE.DATA then -- instruction with body local cmd = message.message ---@type queue_data if cmd.key == CRD_S_DATA.CMD_ACK then local ack = cmd.val ---@type coord_ack _send(CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_CMD, { ack.cmd, ack.unit, ack.ack }) elseif cmd.key == CRD_S_DATA.RESEND_PLC_BUILD then -- re-send PLC build -- retry logic will be kept as-is, so as long as no retry is needed, this will be a small update self.retry_times.builds_packet = util.time() + PARTIAL_RETRY_PERIOD self.acks.unit_builds = false local unit_id = cmd.val local builds = {} local unit = self.units[unit_id] ---@type reactor_unit builds[unit_id] = unit.get_build(-1) _send(CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_BUILDS, { builds }) elseif cmd.key == CRD_S_DATA.RESEND_RTU_BUILD then local unit_id = cmd.val.unit if unit_id > 0 then -- re-send unit RTU builds -- retry logic will be kept as-is, so as long as no retry is needed, this will be a small update self.retry_times.u_builds_packet = util.time() + PARTIAL_RETRY_PERIOD self.acks.unit_builds = false local builds = {} local unit = self.units[unit_id] ---@type reactor_unit builds[unit_id] = unit.get_build(cmd.val.type) _send(CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_BUILDS, { builds }) else -- re-send facility RTU builds -- retry logic will be kept as-is, so as long as no retry is needed, this will be a small update self.retry_times.f_builds_packet = util.time() + PARTIAL_RETRY_PERIOD self.acks.fac_builds = false _send(CRDN_TYPE.FAC_BUILDS, { facility.get_build(cmd.val.type) }) end else log.error(log_tag .. "unsupported data command received in in_queue (this is a bug)", true) end end end -- max 100ms spent processing queue if util.time() - handle_start > 100 then log.warning(log_tag .. "exceeded 100ms queue process limit") break end end -- exit if connection was closed if not self.connected then println("connection to coordinator closed by remote host") log.info(log_tag .. "session closed by remote host") return self.connected end ---------------------- -- update periodics -- ---------------------- local elapsed = util.time() - self.periodics.last_update local periodics = self.periodics -- keep alive periodics.keep_alive = periodics.keep_alive + elapsed if periodics.keep_alive >= PERIODICS.KEEP_ALIVE then _send_mgmt(MGMT_TYPE.KEEP_ALIVE, { util.time() }) periodics.keep_alive = 0 end -- statuses to coordinator periodics.status_packet = periodics.status_packet + elapsed if periodics.status_packet >= PERIODICS.STATUS then _send_fac_status() _send_unit_statuses() periodics.status_packet = 0 end self.periodics.last_update = util.time() --------------------- -- attempt retries -- --------------------- local rtimes = self.retry_times -- builds packet retries if not self.acks.builds then if rtimes.builds_packet - util.time() <= 0 then _send_all_builds() rtimes.builds_packet = util.time() + RETRY_PERIOD end end if not self.acks.fac_builds then if rtimes.f_builds_packet - util.time() <= 0 then _send_fac_builds() rtimes.f_builds_packet = util.time() + RETRY_PERIOD end end if not self.acks.unit_builds then if rtimes.u_builds_packet - util.time() <= 0 then _send_unit_builds() rtimes.u_builds_packet = util.time() + RETRY_PERIOD end end end return self.connected end return public end return coordinator