-- Numeric Value Entry Graphics Element local util = require("scada-common.util") local core = require("graphics.core") local element = require("graphics.element") local KEY_CLICK = core.events.KEY_CLICK local MOUSE_CLICK = core.events.MOUSE_CLICK ---@class number_field_args ---@field default? number default value, defaults to 0 ---@field min? number minimum, enforced on unfocus ---@field max? number maximum, enforced on unfocus ---@field max_chars? integer maximum number of characters, defaults to width ---@field max_int_digits? integer maximum number of integer digits, enforced on unfocus ---@field max_frac_digits? integer maximum number of fractional digits, enforced on unfocus ---@field allow_decimal? boolean true to allow decimals ---@field allow_negative? boolean true to allow negative numbers ---@field align_right? boolean true to align right while unfocused ---@field dis_fg_bg? cpair foreground/background colors when disabled ---@field parent graphics_element ---@field id? string element id ---@field x? integer 1 if omitted ---@field y? integer auto incremented if omitted ---@field width? integer parent width if omitted ---@field fg_bg? cpair foreground/background colors ---@field hidden? boolean true to hide on initial draw -- new numeric entry field ---@param args number_field_args ---@return graphics_element element, element_id id local function number_field(args) element.assert(args.max_int_digits == nil or (util.is_int(args.max_int_digits) and args.max_int_digits > 0), "max_int_digits must be an integer greater than zero if supplied") element.assert(args.max_frac_digits == nil or (util.is_int(args.max_frac_digits) and args.max_frac_digits > 0), "max_frac_digits must be an integer greater than zero if supplied") args.height = 1 args.can_focus = true -- create new graphics element base object local e = element.new(args) local has_decimal = false args.max_chars = args.max_chars or e.frame.w -- set initial value e.value = "" .. (args.default or 0) -- make an interactive field manager local ifield = core.new_ifield(e, args.max_chars, args.fg_bg, args.dis_fg_bg, args.align_right) -- handle mouse interaction ---@param event mouse_interaction mouse event function e.handle_mouse(event) -- only handle if on an increment or decrement arrow if e.enabled and e.in_frame_bounds(event.current.x, event.current.y) then if core.events.was_clicked(event.type) then local x = event.current.x if not e.is_focused() then x = ifield.get_cursor_align_shift(x) end e.take_focus() if event.type == MOUSE_CLICK.UP then ifield.move_cursor(x) end elseif event.type == MOUSE_CLICK.DOUBLE_CLICK then ifield.select_all() end end end -- handle keyboard interaction ---@param event key_interaction key event function e.handle_key(event) if event.type == KEY_CLICK.CHAR and string.len(e.value) < args.max_chars then if tonumber(event.name) then if e.value == 0 then e.value = "" end ifield.try_insert_char(event.name) end elseif event.type == KEY_CLICK.DOWN or event.type == KEY_CLICK.HELD then if (event.key == keys.backspace or event.key == keys.delete) and (string.len(e.value) > 0) then ifield.backspace() has_decimal = string.find(e.value, "%.") ~= nil elseif (event.key == keys.period or event.key == keys.numPadDecimal) and (not has_decimal) and args.allow_decimal then has_decimal = true ifield.try_insert_char(".") elseif (event.key == keys.minus or event.key == keys.numPadSubtract) and (string.len(e.value) == 0) and args.allow_negative then ifield.set_value("-") elseif event.key == keys.left then ifield.nav_left() elseif event.key == keys.right then ifield.nav_right() elseif event.key == keys.a and event.ctrl then ifield.select_all() elseif event.key == keys.home or event.key == keys.up then ifield.nav_start() elseif event.key == keys["end"] or event.key == keys.down then ifield.nav_end() end end end -- set the value (must be a number) ---@param val number number to show function e.set_value(val) if tonumber(val) then ifield.set_value("" .. tonumber(val)) end end -- set minimum input value ---@param min integer minimum allowed value function e.set_min(min) args.min = min e.on_unfocused() end -- set maximum input value ---@param max integer maximum allowed value function e.set_max(max) args.max = max e.on_unfocused() end -- replace text with pasted text if its a number ---@param text string string pasted function e.handle_paste(text) if tonumber(text) then ifield.set_value("" .. tonumber(text)) else ifield.set_value("0") end end -- handle unfocused function e.on_unfocused() local val = tonumber(e.value) local max = tonumber(args.max) local min = tonumber(args.min) if type(val) == "number" then if args.max_int_digits or args.max_frac_digits then local str = e.value local ceil = false if string.find(str, "-") then str = string.sub(e.value, 2) end local parts = util.strtok(str, ".") if parts[1] and args.max_int_digits then if string.len(parts[1]) > args.max_int_digits then parts[1] = string.rep("9", args.max_int_digits) ceil = true end end if args.allow_decimal and args.max_frac_digits then if ceil then parts[2] = string.rep("9", args.max_frac_digits) elseif parts[2] and (string.len(parts[2]) > args.max_frac_digits) then -- add a half of the highest precision fractional value in order to round using floor local scaled = math.fmod(val, 1) * (10 ^ (args.max_frac_digits)) local value = math.floor(scaled + 0.5) local unscaled = value * (10 ^ (-args.max_frac_digits)) parts[2] = string.sub(tostring(unscaled), 3) -- remove starting "0." end end if parts[2] then parts[2] = "." .. parts[2] else parts[2] = "" end val = tonumber((parts[1] or "") .. parts[2]) end if type(args.max) == "number" and val > max then e.value = "" .. max ifield.nav_start() elseif type(args.min) == "number" and val < min then e.value = "" .. min ifield.nav_start() else e.value = "" .. val ifield.nav_end() end else e.value = "" end ifield.show() end -- handle focus (not unfocus), enable, and redraw with show() e.on_focused = ifield.show e.on_enabled = ifield.show e.on_disabled = ifield.show e.redraw = ifield.show -- initial draw e.redraw() return e.complete() end return number_field