-- #REQUIRES rtu.lua -- #REQUIRES rsio.lua -- note: this RTU makes extensive use of the programming concept of closures local digital_read = rsio.digital_read local digital_is_active = rsio.digital_is_active function redstone_rtu() local self = { rtu = rtu_init() } local rtu_interface = function () return self.rtu end local link_di = function (channel, side, color) local f_read = nil if color then f_read = function () return digital_read(rs.testBundledInput(side, color)) end else f_read = function () return digital_read(rs.getInput(side)) end end self.rtu.connect_di(f_read) end local link_do = function (channel, side, color) local f_read = nil local f_write = nil if color then f_read = function () return digital_read(colors.test(rs.getBundledOutput(side), color)) end f_write = function (level) local output = rs.getBundledOutput(side) local active = digital_is_active(channel, level) if active then colors.combine(output, color) else colors.subtract(output, color) end rs.setBundledOutput(side, output) end else f_read = function () return digital_read(rs.getOutput(side)) end f_write = function (level) rs.setOutput(side, digital_is_active(channel, level)) end end self.rtu.connect_coil(f_read, f_write) end local link_ai = function (channel, side) self.rtu.connect_input_reg( function () return rs.getAnalogInput(side) end ) end local link_ao = function (channel, side) self.rtu.connect_holding_reg( function () return rs.getAnalogOutput(side) end, function (value) rs.setAnalogOutput(side, value) end ) end return { rtu_interface = rtu_interface, link_di = link_di, link_do = link_do, link_ai = link_ai, link_ao = link_ao } end