local aes128 = require("lockbox.cipher.aes128") local ctr_mode = require("lockbox.cipher.mode.ctr"); local sha1 = require("lockbox.digest.sha1"); local sha2_224 = require("lockbox.digest.sha2_224"); local sha2_256 = require("lockbox.digest.sha2_256"); local pbkdf2 = require("lockbox.kdf.pbkdf2") local hmac = require("lockbox.mac.hmac") local zero_pad = require("lockbox.padding.zero"); local stream = require("lockbox.util.stream") local array = require("lockbox.util.array") local log = require("scada-common.log") local util = require("scada-common.util") local crypto = {} local c_eng = { key = nil, cipher = nil, decipher = nil, hmac = nil } ---@alias hex string -- initialize cryptographic system function crypto.init(password, server_port) local key_deriv = pbkdf2() -- setup PBKDF2 -- the primary goal is to just turn our password into a 16 byte key key_deriv.setPassword(password) key_deriv.setSalt("salty_salt_at_" .. server_port) key_deriv.setIterations(32) key_deriv.setBlockLen(8) key_deriv.setDKeyLen(16) local start = util.time() key_deriv.setPRF(hmac().setBlockSize(64).setDigest(sha2_256)) key_deriv.finish() log.dmesg("pbkdf2: key derivation took " .. (util.time() - start) .. "ms", "CRYPTO", colors.yellow) c_eng.key = array.fromHex(key_deriv.asHex()) -- initialize cipher c_eng.cipher = ctr_mode.Cipher() c_eng.cipher.setKey(c_eng.key) c_eng.cipher.setBlockCipher(aes128) c_eng.cipher.setPadding(zero_pad); -- initialize decipher c_eng.decipher = ctr_mode.Decipher() c_eng.decipher.setKey(c_eng.key) c_eng.decipher.setBlockCipher(aes128) c_eng.decipher.setPadding(zero_pad); -- initialize HMAC c_eng.hmac = hmac() c_eng.hmac.setBlockSize(64) c_eng.hmac.setDigest(sha1) c_eng.hmac.setKey(c_eng.key) log.dmesg("init: completed in " .. (util.time() - start) .. "ms", "CRYPTO", colors.yellow) end -- encrypt plaintext ---@param plaintext string ---@return string initial_value, string ciphertext function crypto.encrypt(plaintext) local start = util.time() -- initial value local iv = { math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) } log.debug("crypto.random: iv random took " .. (util.time() - start) .. "ms") start = util.time() c_eng.cipher.init() c_eng.cipher.update(stream.fromArray(iv)) c_eng.cipher.update(stream.fromString(plaintext)) c_eng.cipher.finish() local ciphertext = c_eng.cipher.asHex() ---@type hex log.debug("crypto.encrypt: aes128-ctr-mode took " .. (util.time() - start) .. "ms") log.debug("ciphertext: " .. ciphertext) return iv, ciphertext end -- decrypt ciphertext ---@param iv string CTR initial value ---@param ciphertext string ciphertext hex ---@return string plaintext function crypto.decrypt(iv, ciphertext) local start = util.time() c_eng.decipher.init() c_eng.decipher.update(stream.fromArray(iv)) c_eng.decipher.update(stream.fromHex(ciphertext)) c_eng.decipher.finish() local plaintext_hex = c_eng.decipher.asHex() ---@type hex local plaintext = stream.toString(stream.fromHex(plaintext_hex)) log.debug("crypto.decrypt: aes128-ctr-mode took " .. (util.time() - start) .. "ms") log.debug("plaintext: " .. plaintext) return plaintext end -- generate HMAC of message ---@param message_hex string initial value concatenated with ciphertext function crypto.hmac(message_hex) local start = util.time() c_eng.hmac.init() c_eng.hmac.update(stream.fromHex(message_hex)) c_eng.hmac.finish() local hash = c_eng.hmac.asHex() ---@type hex log.debug("crypto.hmac: hmac-sha1 took " .. (util.time() - start) .. "ms") log.debug("hmac: " .. hash) return hash end -- wrap a modem as a secure modem to send encrypted traffic ---@param modem table modem to wrap function crypto.secure_modem(modem) local self = { modem = modem } ---@class secure_modem ---@field open function ---@field isOpen function ---@field close function ---@field closeAll function ---@field isWireless function ---@field getNamesRemote function ---@field isPresentRemote function ---@field getTypeRemote function ---@field hasTypeRemote function ---@field getMethodsRemote function ---@field callRemote function ---@field getNameLocal function local public = {} -- wrap a modem ---@param modem table ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local function public.wrap(modem) self.modem = modem for key, func in pairs(self.modem) do public[key] = func end end -- wrap modem functions, then we replace transmit public.wrap(self.modem) -- send a packet with encryption ---@param channel integer ---@param reply_channel integer ---@param payload table packet raw_sendable function public.transmit(channel, reply_channel, payload) local plaintext = textutils.serialize(payload, { allow_repetitions = true, compact = true }) local iv, ciphertext = crypto.encrypt(plaintext) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local local hmac = crypto.hmac(iv .. ciphertext) self.modem.transmit(channel, reply_channel, { hmac, iv, ciphertext }) end -- parse in a modem message as a network packet ---@param side string ---@param sender integer ---@param reply_to integer ---@param message any encrypted packet sent with secure_modem.transmit ---@param distance integer ---@return string side, integer sender, integer reply_to, any plaintext_message, integer distance function public.receive(side, sender, reply_to, message, distance) local body = "" if type(message) == "table" then if #message == 3 then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local local hmac = message[1] local iv = message[2] local ciphertext = message[3] local computed_hmac = crypto.hmac(iv .. ciphertext) if hmac == computed_hmac then -- message intact local plaintext = crypto.decrypt(iv, ciphertext) body = textutils.deserialize(plaintext) if body == nil then -- failed decryption log.debug("crypto.secure_modem: decryption failed") body = "" end else -- something went wrong log.debug("crypto.secure_modem: hmac mismatch violation") end end end return side, sender, reply_to, body, distance end return public end return crypto