local log = require("scada-common.log") -- -- Protected Peripheral Manager -- local ppm = {} local ACCESS_FAULT = nil ppm.ACCESS_FAULT = ACCESS_FAULT ---------------------------- -- PRIVATE DATA/FUNCTIONS -- ---------------------------- local _ppm_sys = { mounts = {}, auto_cf = false, faulted = false, terminate = false, mute = false } -- wrap peripheral calls with lua protected call -- we don't want a disconnect to crash a program -- also provides peripheral-specific fault checks (auto-clear fault defaults to true) local peri_init = function (iface) local self = { faulted = false, auto_cf = true, type = peripheral.getType(iface), device = peripheral.wrap(iface) } -- initialization process (re-map) for key, func in pairs(self.device) do self.device[key] = function (...) local status, result = pcall(func, ...) if status then -- auto fault clear if self.auto_cf then self.faulted = false end if _ppm_sys.auto_cf then _ppm_sys.faulted = false end return result else -- function failed self.faulted = true _ppm_sys.faulted = true if not _ppm_sys.mute then log.error("PPM: protected " .. key .. "() -> " .. result) end if result == "Terminated" then _ppm_sys.terminate = true end return ACCESS_FAULT end end end -- fault management functions local clear_fault = function () self.faulted = false end local is_faulted = function () return self.faulted end local is_ok = function () return not self.faulted end local enable_afc = function () self.auto_cf = true end local disable_afc = function () self.auto_cf = false end -- append to device functions self.device.__p_clear_fault = clear_fault self.device.__p_is_faulted = is_faulted self.device.__p_is_ok = is_ok self.device.__p_enable_afc = enable_afc self.device.__p_disable_afc = disable_afc return { type = self.type, dev = self.device } end ---------------------- -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- ---------------------- -- REPORTING -- -- silence error prints ppm.disable_reporting = function () _ppm_sys.mute = true end -- allow error prints ppm.enable_reporting = function () _ppm_sys.mute = false end -- FAULT MEMORY -- -- enable automatically clearing fault flag ppm.enable_afc = function () _ppm_sys.auto_cf = true end -- disable automatically clearing fault flag ppm.disable_afc = function () _ppm_sys.auto_cf = false end -- check fault flag ppm.is_faulted = function () return _ppm_sys.faulted end -- clear fault flag ppm.clear_fault = function () _ppm_sys.faulted = false end -- TERMINATION -- -- if a caught error was a termination request ppm.should_terminate = function () return _ppm_sys.terminate end -- MOUNTING -- -- mount all available peripherals (clears mounts first) ppm.mount_all = function () local ifaces = peripheral.getNames() _ppm_sys.mounts = {} for i = 1, #ifaces do _ppm_sys.mounts[ifaces[i]] = peri_init(ifaces[i]) log.info("PPM: found a " .. _ppm_sys.mounts[ifaces[i]].type .. " (" .. ifaces[i] .. ")") end if #ifaces == 0 then log.warning("PPM: mount_all() -> no devices found") end end -- mount a particular device ppm.mount = function (iface) local ifaces = peripheral.getNames() local pm_dev = nil local pm_type = nil for i = 1, #ifaces do if iface == ifaces[i] then log.info("PPM: mount(" .. iface .. ") -> found a " .. peripheral.getType(iface)) _ppm_sys.mounts[iface] = peri_init(iface) pm_type = _ppm_sys.mounts[iface].type pm_dev = _ppm_sys.mounts[iface].dev break end end return pm_type, pm_dev end -- handle peripheral_detach event ppm.handle_unmount = function (iface) -- what got disconnected? local lost_dev = _ppm_sys.mounts[iface] if lost_dev then local type = lost_dev.type log.warning("PPM: lost device " .. type .. " mounted to " .. iface) else log.error("PPM: lost device unknown to the PPM mounted to " .. iface) end return lost_dev end -- GENERAL ACCESSORS -- -- list all available peripherals ppm.list_avail = function () return peripheral.getNames() end -- list mounted peripherals ppm.list_mounts = function () return _ppm_sys.mounts end -- get a mounted peripheral by side/interface ppm.get_periph = function (iface) if _ppm_sys.mounts[iface] then return _ppm_sys.mounts[iface].dev else return nil end end -- get a mounted peripheral type by side/interface ppm.get_type = function (iface) if _ppm_sys.mounts[iface] then return _ppm_sys.mounts[iface].type else return nil end end -- get all mounted peripherals by type ppm.get_all_devices = function (name) local devices = {} for side, data in pairs(_ppm_sys.mounts) do if data.type == name then table.insert(devices, data.dev) end end return devices end -- get a mounted peripheral by type (if multiple, returns the first) ppm.get_device = function (name) local device = nil for side, data in pairs(_ppm_sys.mounts) do if data.type == name then device = data.dev break end end return device end -- SPECIFIC DEVICE ACCESSORS -- -- get the fission reactor (if multiple, returns the first) ppm.get_fission_reactor = function () return ppm.get_device("fissionReactor") end -- get the wireless modem (if multiple, returns the first) ppm.get_wireless_modem = function () local w_modem = nil for side, device in pairs(_ppm_sys.mounts) do if device.type == "modem" and device.dev.isWireless() then w_modem = device.dev break end end return w_modem end -- list all connected monitors ppm.list_monitors = function () return ppm.get_all_devices("monitor") end return ppm