local comms = require("scada-common.comms") local types = require("scada-common.types") local modbus = {} local MODBUS_FCODE = types.MODBUS_FCODE local MODBUS_EXCODE = types.MODBUS_EXCODE -- new modbus comms handler object ---@nodiscard ---@param rtu_dev rtu_device|rtu_rs_device RTU device ---@param use_parallel_read boolean whether or not to use parallel calls when reading function modbus.new(rtu_dev, use_parallel_read) local insert = table.insert -- read a span of coils (digital outputs)<br> -- returns a table of readings or a MODBUS_EXCODE error code ---@nodiscard ---@param c_addr_start integer ---@param count integer ---@return boolean ok, table|MODBUS_EXCODE readings local function _1_read_coils(c_addr_start, count) local tasks = {} local readings = {} ---@type table|MODBUS_EXCODE local access_fault = false local _, coils, _, _ = rtu_dev.io_count() local return_ok = ((c_addr_start + count) <= (coils + 1)) and (count > 0) if return_ok then for i = 1, count do local addr = c_addr_start + i - 1 if use_parallel_read then insert(tasks, function () local reading, fault = rtu_dev.read_coil(addr) if fault then access_fault = true else readings[i] = reading end end) else readings[i], access_fault = rtu_dev.read_coil(addr) if access_fault then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL break end end end -- run parallel tasks if configured if use_parallel_read then parallel.waitForAll(table.unpack(tasks)) end if access_fault or #readings ~= count then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL end else readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, readings end -- read a span of discrete inputs (digital inputs)<br> -- returns a table of readings or a MODBUS_EXCODE error code ---@nodiscard ---@param di_addr_start integer ---@param count integer ---@return boolean ok, table|MODBUS_EXCODE readings local function _2_read_discrete_inputs(di_addr_start, count) local tasks = {} local readings = {} ---@type table|MODBUS_EXCODE local access_fault = false local discrete_inputs, _, _, _ = rtu_dev.io_count() local return_ok = ((di_addr_start + count) <= (discrete_inputs + 1)) and (count > 0) if return_ok then for i = 1, count do local addr = di_addr_start + i - 1 if use_parallel_read then insert(tasks, function () local reading, fault = rtu_dev.read_di(addr) if fault then access_fault = true else readings[i] = reading end end) else readings[i], access_fault = rtu_dev.read_di(addr) if access_fault then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL break end end end -- run parallel tasks if configured if use_parallel_read then parallel.waitForAll(table.unpack(tasks)) end if access_fault or #readings ~= count then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL end else readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, readings end -- read a span of holding registers (analog outputs)<br> -- returns a table of readings or a MODBUS_EXCODE error code ---@nodiscard ---@param hr_addr_start integer ---@param count integer ---@return boolean ok, table|MODBUS_EXCODE readings local function _3_read_multiple_holding_registers(hr_addr_start, count) local tasks = {} local readings = {} ---@type table|MODBUS_EXCODE local access_fault = false local _, _, _, hold_regs = rtu_dev.io_count() local return_ok = ((hr_addr_start + count) <= (hold_regs + 1)) and (count > 0) if return_ok then for i = 1, count do local addr = hr_addr_start + i - 1 if use_parallel_read then insert(tasks, function () local reading, fault = rtu_dev.read_holding_reg(addr) if fault then access_fault = true else readings[i] = reading end end) else readings[i], access_fault = rtu_dev.read_holding_reg(addr) if access_fault then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL break end end end -- run parallel tasks if configured if use_parallel_read then parallel.waitForAll(table.unpack(tasks)) end if access_fault or #readings ~= count then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL end else readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, readings end -- read a span of input registers (analog inputs)<br> -- returns a table of readings or a MODBUS_EXCODE error code ---@nodiscard ---@param ir_addr_start integer ---@param count integer ---@return boolean ok, table|MODBUS_EXCODE readings local function _4_read_input_registers(ir_addr_start, count) local tasks = {} local readings = {} ---@type table|MODBUS_EXCODE local access_fault = false local _, _, input_regs, _ = rtu_dev.io_count() local return_ok = ((ir_addr_start + count) <= (input_regs + 1)) and (count > 0) if return_ok then for i = 1, count do local addr = ir_addr_start + i - 1 if use_parallel_read then insert(tasks, function () local reading, fault = rtu_dev.read_input_reg(addr) if fault then access_fault = true else readings[i] = reading end end) else readings[i], access_fault = rtu_dev.read_input_reg(addr) if access_fault then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL break end end end -- run parallel tasks if configured if use_parallel_read then parallel.waitForAll(table.unpack(tasks)) end if access_fault or #readings ~= count then return_ok = false readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL end else readings = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, readings end -- write a single coil (digital output) ---@nodiscard ---@param c_addr integer ---@param value any ---@return boolean ok, MODBUS_EXCODE local function _5_write_single_coil(c_addr, value) local response = MODBUS_EXCODE.OK local _, coils, _, _ = rtu_dev.io_count() local return_ok = c_addr <= coils if return_ok then local access_fault = rtu_dev.write_coil(c_addr, value) if access_fault then return_ok = false response = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL end else response = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, response end -- write a single holding register (analog output) ---@nodiscard ---@param hr_addr integer ---@param value any ---@return boolean ok, MODBUS_EXCODE local function _6_write_single_holding_register(hr_addr, value) local response = MODBUS_EXCODE.OK local _, _, _, hold_regs = rtu_dev.io_count() local return_ok = hr_addr <= hold_regs if return_ok then local access_fault = rtu_dev.write_holding_reg(hr_addr, value) if access_fault then return_ok = false response = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL end else response = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, response end -- write multiple coils (digital outputs) ---@nodiscard ---@param c_addr_start integer ---@param values any ---@return boolean ok, MODBUS_EXCODE local function _15_write_multiple_coils(c_addr_start, values) local response = MODBUS_EXCODE.OK local _, coils, _, _ = rtu_dev.io_count() local count = #values local return_ok = ((c_addr_start + count) <= (coils + 1)) and (count > 0) if return_ok then for i = 1, count do local addr = c_addr_start + i - 1 local access_fault = rtu_dev.write_coil(addr, values[i]) if access_fault then return_ok = false response = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL break end end else response = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, response end -- write multiple holding registers (analog outputs) ---@nodiscard ---@param hr_addr_start integer ---@param values any ---@return boolean ok, MODBUS_EXCODE local function _16_write_multiple_holding_registers(hr_addr_start, values) local response = MODBUS_EXCODE.OK local _, _, _, hold_regs = rtu_dev.io_count() local count = #values local return_ok = ((hr_addr_start + count) <= (hold_regs + 1)) and (count > 0) if return_ok then for i = 1, count do local addr = hr_addr_start + i - 1 local access_fault = rtu_dev.write_holding_reg(addr, values[i]) if access_fault then return_ok = false response = MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL break end end else response = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR end return return_ok, response end ---@class modbus local public = {} -- validate a request without actually executing it ---@nodiscard ---@param packet modbus_frame ---@return boolean return_code, modbus_packet reply function public.check_request(packet) local return_code = true local response = { MODBUS_EXCODE.ACKNOWLEDGE } if packet.length == 2 then -- handle by function code if packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_COILS then elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS then elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_MUL_HOLD_REGS then elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_INPUT_REGS then elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL then elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_SINGLE_HOLD_REG then elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_MUL_COILS then elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_MUL_HOLD_REGS then else -- unknown function return_code = false response = { MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_FUNCTION } end else -- invalid length return_code = false response = { MODBUS_EXCODE.NEG_ACKNOWLEDGE } end -- default is to echo back<br> -- but here we echo back with error flag, on success the "error" will be acknowledgement local func_code = bit.bor(packet.func_code, MODBUS_FCODE.ERROR_FLAG) -- create reply local reply = comms.modbus_packet() reply.make(packet.txn_id, packet.unit_id, func_code, response) return return_code, reply end -- handle a MODBUS TCP packet and generate a reply ---@nodiscard ---@param packet modbus_frame ---@return boolean return_code, modbus_packet reply function public.handle_packet(packet) local return_code ---@type boolean local response ---@type table|MODBUS_EXCODE if packet.length >= 2 then -- handle by function code if packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_COILS then return_code, response = _1_read_coils(packet.data[1], packet.data[2]) elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS then return_code, response = _2_read_discrete_inputs(packet.data[1], packet.data[2]) elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_MUL_HOLD_REGS then return_code, response = _3_read_multiple_holding_registers(packet.data[1], packet.data[2]) elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.READ_INPUT_REGS then return_code, response = _4_read_input_registers(packet.data[1], packet.data[2]) elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL then return_code, response = _5_write_single_coil(packet.data[1], packet.data[2]) elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_SINGLE_HOLD_REG then return_code, response = _6_write_single_holding_register(packet.data[1], packet.data[2]) elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_MUL_COILS then return_code, response = _15_write_multiple_coils(packet.data[1], { table.unpack(packet.data, 2, packet.length) }) elseif packet.func_code == MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_MUL_HOLD_REGS then return_code, response = _16_write_multiple_holding_registers(packet.data[1], { table.unpack(packet.data, 2, packet.length) }) else -- unknown function return_code = false response = MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_FUNCTION end else -- invalid length return_code = false response = MODBUS_EXCODE.NEG_ACKNOWLEDGE end -- default is to echo back local func_code = packet.func_code if not return_code then -- echo back with error flag func_code = bit.bor(packet.func_code, MODBUS_FCODE.ERROR_FLAG) end if type(response) == "table" then elseif response == MODBUS_EXCODE.OK then response = {} else response = { response } end -- create reply local reply = comms.modbus_packet() reply.make(packet.txn_id, packet.unit_id, func_code, response) return return_code, reply end return public end -- return a SERVER_DEVICE_BUSY error reply ---@nodiscard ---@param packet modbus_frame MODBUS packet frame ---@return modbus_packet reply function modbus.reply__srv_device_busy(packet) -- reply back with error flag and exception code local reply = comms.modbus_packet() local fcode = bit.bor(packet.func_code, MODBUS_FCODE.ERROR_FLAG) local data = { MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_BUSY } reply.make(packet.txn_id, packet.unit_id, fcode, data) return reply end -- return a NEG_ACKNOWLEDGE error reply ---@nodiscard ---@param packet modbus_frame MODBUS packet frame ---@return modbus_packet reply function modbus.reply__neg_ack(packet) -- reply back with error flag and exception code local reply = comms.modbus_packet() local fcode = bit.bor(packet.func_code, MODBUS_FCODE.ERROR_FLAG) local data = { MODBUS_EXCODE.NEG_ACKNOWLEDGE } reply.make(packet.txn_id, packet.unit_id, fcode, data) return reply end -- return a GATEWAY_PATH_UNAVAILABLE error reply ---@nodiscard ---@param packet modbus_frame MODBUS packet frame ---@return modbus_packet reply function modbus.reply__gw_unavailable(packet) -- reply back with error flag and exception code local reply = comms.modbus_packet() local fcode = bit.bor(packet.func_code, MODBUS_FCODE.ERROR_FLAG) local data = { MODBUS_EXCODE.GATEWAY_PATH_UNAVAILABLE } reply.make(packet.txn_id, packet.unit_id, fcode, data) return reply end return modbus